Jguer e800984e8f Release ready
Signed-off-by: Jguer <me@jguer.space>
2018-02-27 01:51:51 +00:00

183 lines
5.8 KiB

# yay
Yet another Yogurt - An AUR Helper written in Go
#### Packages
[![yay](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/yay.svg?label=yay)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yay/) [![yay-bin](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/yay-bin.svg?label=yay-bin)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yay-bin/) [![yay-git](https://img.shields.io/aur/version/yay-git.svg?label=yay-git)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yay-git/) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-AGPL-blue.svg)](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jguer/yay/master/LICENSE)
There's a point in everyone's life when you feel the need to write an AUR helper because there are only about 20 of them.
So say hi to 20+1.
Yay was created with a few objectives in mind and based on the design of [yaourt](https://github.com/archlinuxfr/yaourt) and [apacman](https://github.com/oshazard/apacman):
* Have almost no dependencies.
* Provide an interface for pacman.
* Have yaourt like search.
* Minimize user input
* Know when git packages are due for an upgrade.
## Features
* AUR Tab completion
* Download PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR
* Ask all questions first and then start building
* Search narrowing (`yay linux header` will first search linux and then narrow on header)
* No sourcing of PKGBUILD is done
* The binary has no dependencies that pacman doesn't already have.
* Sources build dependencies
* Removes make dependencies at the end of build process
#### Example of Custom Operations
* `yay <Search Term>` presents package selection menu
* `yay -Ps` prints system statistics
* `yay -Pu` prints update list
* `yay -Yc` cleans unneeded dependencies
* `yay -Yg` `yay -g` downloads PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR
* `yay -Y --gendb` generates development package DB used for devel updates.
<img src="http://jguer.github.io/yay/yayupgrade.png" width="450">
<img src="http://jguer.github.io/yay/yay2.png" width="450">
<img src="http://jguer.github.io/yay/yay3.png" width="450">
### Changelog
#### 3.373
* Version bump to V3 to reflect all of the changes to syntax
* `yay -Pd` prints default config
* `yay -Pg` prints current config
* Fixes #174
* Fixes #176
* Fixes -G being unable to download split packages
* Fixes #171
* Fixes -Si failing when given a non existing package on https://github.com/Jguer/yay/pull/155
* Fixes other small bugs on 2.350 without adding new features
#### 2.350
* Adds sudo loop (off by default, enable only by editing config file) #147
* Adds replace package support #154 #134
* Minor display improvements #150 for example
* Fixes GenDB
* Fixes Double options passing to pacman
* Noconfirm works more as expected
* Minor fixes and refactoring
* Yay filters out the repository name if it's included.
* Fixes #122
#### 2.298
* Adds #115
#### 2.296
* New argument parsing @Morganamilo (check manpage or --help for new
* yay -Qstats changed to yay -Ps or yay -P --stats
* yay -Cd changed to yay -Yc or yay -Y --clean
* yay -Pu (--upgrades) prints update list
* yay -Pn (--numberupgrades) prints number of updates
* yay -G also possible through -Yg or -Y --getpkgbuild (yay -G will be
discontinued once it's possible to add options to the getpkgbuild operation)
* yay now counts from 1 instead of 0 @Morganamilo
* Support for ranges when selecting packages @samosaara
* Pacaur style ask all questions first and download first @Morganamilo
* Updated vendor dependencies (Fixes pacman.conf parsing errors and PKGBUILD
parsing errors)
* Updated completions
#### 2.219
* Updated manpage
* Updated --help
* Fixed AUR update fails with large number of packages #59
* Check if package is already in upgrade list and skip it. #60
* Add -V and -h for flag parsing @AnthonyLam
* Prevent file corruption by truncating the files @maximbaz
* Print VCS error details @maximbaz
* Using '-' doesn't raise an error @PietroCarrara
* use Command.Dir in aur.PkgInstall; Fixes #32 #47 @afg984
* Suffix YayConf.BuildDir with uid to avoid permission issues @afg984 (Not included in last changelog)
#### 2.200
* Development github package support readded
#### 2.196
* XDG_CACHE_HOME support
#### 2.165
* Upgrade list now allows skipping upgrade install
#### 2.159
* Qstats now warns about packages not available in AUR
#### 2.152
* Fetching backend changed to Mikkel Oscar's [Aur](https://github.com/mikkeloscar/aur)
* Added support for development packages from github.
* Pacman backend rewritten and simplified
* Added config framework.
#### 1.115
* Added AUR completions (updates on first completion every 48h)
#### 1.101
* Search speed and quality improved [#3](https://github.com/Jguer/yay/issues/3)
#### 1.100
* Added manpage
* Improved search [#3](https://github.com/Jguer/yay/issues/3)
* Added -G to get pkgbuild from the AUR or ABS. [#6](https://github.com/Jguer/yay/issues/6)
* Fixed [#8](https://github.com/Jguer/yay/issues/8)
* Completed and decluttered zsh completions
* If `$EDITOR` or `$VISUAL` is not set yay will prompt you for an editor [#7](https://github.com/Jguer/yay/issues/7)
#### 1.91
* `--downtop` has been replaced with `--bottomup` (as is logical)
* `yay -Ssq` and `yay -Sqs` now displays AUR packages with less information
* Repository search now uses the same criteria as pacman
#### 1.85
* yay now does -Si for AUR packages
* Fixed package install bugs
#### 1.83
* Added new dependency resolver for future features
* Sort package statistics
#### 1.80
* yay now warns when installing orphan packages
* Added orphan status to number menu
* Qstats now checks if system has orphan packages installed
#### 1.78
* Added foreign package statistics to Qstats
* Group installing is now possible
* Better handling of package dependency installing
#### 1.76
* Fixed critical bug that prevented AUR dependencies from being installed.
#### 1.70
* Stable for everyday use
* Bottom up package display
* Number menu like yaourt/apacman
* System package statistics