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synced 2025-03-20 03:20:34 +01:00
Remove beta webtoon viewer split page
This had a bunch of issues around split pages not showing up properly so things end up appearing to be missing while reading. It'd be more worthwhile redoing the reader viewers than trying to get this to work properly. It'd be better to just enable the split pages on download instead. Closes #8433
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.OrientationType
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.ReaderPreferences
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.ReadingModeType
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.isReleaseBuildType
import tachiyomi.presentation.core.util.collectAsState
import uy.kohesive.injekt.Injekt
import uy.kohesive.injekt.api.get
@ -305,12 +304,6 @@ object SettingsReaderScreen : SearchableSettings {
subtitle = stringResource(R.string.pref_dual_page_invert_summary),
enabled = dualPageSplit,
pref = readerPreferences.longStripSplitWebtoon(),
title = stringResource(R.string.pref_long_strip_split),
subtitle = stringResource(R.string.split_tall_images_summary),
enabled = !isReleaseBuildType, // TODO: Show in release build when the feature is stable
pref = readerPreferences.webtoonDoubleTapZoomEnabled(),
title = stringResource(R.string.pref_double_tap_zoom),
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.ReaderPreferences
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.ReaderSettingsScreenModel
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.ReadingModeType
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.viewer.webtoon.WebtoonViewer
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.isReleaseBuildType
import tachiyomi.presentation.core.components.CheckboxItem
import tachiyomi.presentation.core.components.HeadingItem
import tachiyomi.presentation.core.components.SettingsChipRow
@ -185,13 +184,6 @@ private fun ColumnScope.WebtoonViewerSettings(screenModel: ReaderSettingsScreenM
if (!isReleaseBuildType) {
label = stringResource(R.string.pref_long_strip_split),
pref = screenModel.preferences.longStripSplitWebtoon(),
label = stringResource(R.string.pref_double_tap_zoom),
pref = screenModel.preferences.webtoonDoubleTapZoomEnabled(),
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.network.PREF_DOH_CLOUDFLARE
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.OrientationType
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.ReaderPreferences
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.DeviceUtil
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.isReleaseBuildType
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.toast
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.workManager
import tachiyomi.core.preference.Preference
@ -363,13 +362,6 @@ object Migrations {
if (oldVersion < 100) {
if (oldVersion < 102) {
// This was accidentally visible from the reader settings sheet, but should always
// be disabled in release builds.
if (isReleaseBuildType) {
if (oldVersion < 105) {
val pref = libraryPreferences.autoUpdateDeviceRestrictions()
if (pref.isSet() && "battery_not_low" in pref.get()) {
@ -58,5 +58,8 @@ class BackupFileValidator(
return Results(missingSources, missingTrackers)
data class Results(val missingSources: List<String>, val missingTrackers: List<String>)
data class Results(
val missingSources: List<String>,
val missingTrackers: List<String>,
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class BackupRestoreJob(private val context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParamet
override suspend fun doWork(): Result {
val uri = inputData.getString(LOCATION_URI_KEY)?.toUri()
?: return Result.failure()
val sync = inputData.getBoolean(SYNC, false)
val sync = inputData.getBoolean(SYNC_KEY, false)
try {
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class BackupRestoreJob(private val context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParamet
fun start(context: Context, uri: Uri, sync: Boolean = false) {
val inputData = workDataOf(
LOCATION_URI_KEY to uri.toString(),
SYNC to sync,
SYNC_KEY to sync,
val request = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder<BackupRestoreJob>()
@ -85,5 +85,4 @@ class BackupRestoreJob(private val context: Context, workerParams: WorkerParamet
private const val TAG = "BackupRestore"
private const val LOCATION_URI_KEY = "location_uri" // String
private const val SYNC = "sync" // Boolean
private const val SYNC_KEY = "sync" // Boolean
@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.loader.DownloadPageLoader
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.InsertPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ReaderChapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ReaderPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.StencilPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ViewerChapters
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.OrientationType
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.ReaderPreferences
@ -405,8 +404,8 @@ class ReaderViewModel @JvmOverloads constructor(
* [page]'s chapter is different from the currently active.
fun onPageSelected(page: ReaderPage) {
// InsertPage and StencilPage doesn't change page progress
if (page is InsertPage || page is StencilPage) {
// InsertPage doesn't change page progress
if (page is InsertPage) {
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model
import java.io.InputStream
class StencilPage(
parent: ReaderPage,
stencilStream: () -> InputStream,
) : ReaderPage(parent.index, parent.url, parent.imageUrl) {
override var chapter: ReaderChapter = parent.chapter
init {
status = State.READY
stream = stencilStream
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting
import androidx.annotation.StringRes
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.R
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.isReleaseBuildType
import tachiyomi.core.preference.PreferenceStore
import tachiyomi.core.preference.getEnum
@ -33,9 +32,6 @@ class ReaderPreferences(
fun defaultOrientationType() = preferenceStore.getInt("pref_default_orientation_type_key", OrientationType.FREE.flagValue)
// TODO: Enable in release build when the feature is stable
fun longStripSplitWebtoon() = preferenceStore.getBoolean("pref_long_strip_split_webtoon", !isReleaseBuildType)
fun webtoonDoubleTapZoomEnabled() = preferenceStore.getBoolean("pref_enable_double_tap_zoom_webtoon", true)
fun imageScaleType() = preferenceStore.getInt("pref_image_scale_type_key", 1)
@ -7,12 +7,10 @@ import androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ChapterTransition
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ReaderChapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ReaderPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.StencilPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ViewerChapters
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.viewer.ReaderPageImageView
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.viewer.calculateChapterGap
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.createReaderThemeContext
import tachiyomi.core.util.system.logcat
* RecyclerView Adapter used by this [viewer] to where [ViewerChapters] updates are posted.
@ -27,27 +25,6 @@ class WebtoonAdapter(val viewer: WebtoonViewer) : RecyclerView.Adapter<RecyclerV
var currentChapter: ReaderChapter? = null
fun onLongStripSplit(currentStrip: Any?, newStrips: List<StencilPage>) {
if (newStrips.isEmpty()) return
if (currentStrip is StencilPage) return
val placeAtIndex = items.indexOf(currentStrip) + 1
// Stop constantly adding split images
if (items.getOrNull(placeAtIndex) is StencilPage) return
val updatedItems = items.toMutableList()
updatedItems.addAll(placeAtIndex, newStrips)
logcat { "New adapter item count is $itemCount" }
fun cleanupSplitStrips() {
if (items.any { it is StencilPage }) {
val updatedItems = items.filterNot { it is StencilPage }
* Context that has been wrapped to use the correct theme values based on the
* current app theme and reader background color
@ -32,11 +32,6 @@ class WebtoonConfig(
var sidePadding = 0
private set
var longStripSplit = false
private set
var longStripSplitChangedListener: ((Boolean) -> Unit)? = null
var doubleTapZoom = true
private set
@ -67,15 +62,6 @@ class WebtoonConfig(
.register({ dualPageInvert = it }, { imagePropertyChangedListener?.invoke() })
{ longStripSplit = it },
{ doubleTapZoom = it },
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import com.davemorrissey.labs.subscaleview.SubsamplingScaleImageView
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.databinding.ReaderErrorBinding
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.Page
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ReaderPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.StencilPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.viewer.ReaderPageImageView
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.viewer.ReaderProgressIndicator
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.webview.WebViewActivity
@ -24,12 +23,10 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collectLatest
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.supervisorScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.suspendCancellableCoroutine
import logcat.LogPriority
import tachiyomi.core.util.lang.launchIO
import tachiyomi.core.util.lang.withIOContext
import tachiyomi.core.util.lang.withUIContext
import tachiyomi.core.util.system.ImageUtil
import tachiyomi.core.util.system.logcat
import java.io.BufferedInputStream
import java.io.InputStream
@ -221,40 +218,9 @@ class WebtoonPageHolder(
if (viewer.config.longStripSplit) {
if (page is StencilPage) {
return imageStream
val isStripSplitNeeded = ImageUtil.isStripSplitNeeded(imageStream)
if (isStripSplitNeeded) {
return onStripSplit(imageStream)
return imageStream
private fun onStripSplit(imageStream: BufferedInputStream): InputStream {
try {
// If we have reached this point [page] and its stream shouldn't be null
val page = page!!
val stream = page.stream!!
val splitData = ImageUtil.getSplitDataForStream(imageStream).toMutableList()
val currentSplitData = splitData.removeFirst()
val newPages = splitData.map {
StencilPage(page) { ImageUtil.splitStrip(it, stream) }
return ImageUtil.splitStrip(currentSplitData) { imageStream }
.also {
// Running [onLongStripSplit] first results in issues with splitting
viewer.onLongStripSplit(page, newPages)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logcat(LogPriority.ERROR, e) { "Failed to split image" }
return imageStream
* Called when the page has an error.
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.data.download.DownloadManager
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.ReaderActivity
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ChapterTransition
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ReaderPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.StencilPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.model.ViewerChapters
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.ReaderPreferences
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.viewer.Viewer
@ -151,12 +150,6 @@ class WebtoonViewer(val activity: ReaderActivity, val isContinuous: Boolean = tr
activity.binding.navigationOverlay.setNavigation(config.navigator, showOnStart)
config.longStripSplitChangedListener = { enabled ->
if (!enabled) {
frame.layoutParams = ViewGroup.LayoutParams(MATCH_PARENT, MATCH_PARENT)
@ -205,11 +198,6 @@ class WebtoonViewer(val activity: ReaderActivity, val isContinuous: Boolean = tr
logcat { "onPageSelected: ${page.number}/${pages.size}" }
// Skip preload on StencilPage
if (page is StencilPage) {
// Preload next chapter once we're within the last 5 pages of the current chapter
val inPreloadRange = pages.size - page.number < 5
if (inPreloadRange && allowPreload && page.chapter == adapter.currentChapter) {
@ -359,15 +347,4 @@ class WebtoonViewer(val activity: ReaderActivity, val isContinuous: Boolean = tr
min(position + 3, adapter.itemCount - 1),
fun onLongStripSplit(currentStrip: Any?, newStrips: List<StencilPage>) {
activity.runOnUiThread {
// Need to insert on UI thread else images will go blank
adapter.onLongStripSplit(currentStrip, newStrips)
private fun cleanupSplitStrips() {
@ -273,48 +273,6 @@ object ImageUtil {
private fun splitImageName(filenamePrefix: String, index: Int) = "${filenamePrefix}__${"%03d".format(index + 1)}.jpg"
* Check whether the image is a long Strip that needs splitting
* @return true if the image is not animated and it's height is greater than image width and screen height
fun isStripSplitNeeded(imageStream: BufferedInputStream): Boolean {
if (isAnimatedAndSupported(imageStream)) return false
val options = extractImageOptions(imageStream)
val imageHeightIsBiggerThanWidth = options.outHeight > options.outWidth
val imageHeightBiggerThanScreenHeight = options.outHeight > optimalImageHeight
return imageHeightIsBiggerThanWidth && imageHeightBiggerThanScreenHeight
* Split the imageStream according to the provided splitData
fun splitStrip(splitData: SplitData, streamFn: () -> InputStream): InputStream {
val bitmapRegionDecoder = getBitmapRegionDecoder(streamFn())
?: throw Exception("Failed to create new instance of BitmapRegionDecoder")
logcat {
"WebtoonSplit #${splitData.index} with topOffset=${splitData.topOffset} " +
"splitHeight=${splitData.splitHeight} bottomOffset=${splitData.bottomOffset}"
try {
val region = Rect(0, splitData.topOffset, splitData.splitWidth, splitData.bottomOffset)
val splitBitmap = bitmapRegionDecoder.decodeRegion(region, null)
val outputStream = ByteArrayOutputStream()
splitBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, outputStream)
return ByteArrayInputStream(outputStream.toByteArray())
} catch (e: Throwable) {
throw e
} finally {
fun getSplitDataForStream(imageStream: InputStream): List<SplitData> {
return extractImageOptions(imageStream).splitData
private val BitmapFactory.Options.splitData
get(): List<SplitData> {
val imageHeight = outHeight
@ -329,7 +329,6 @@
<string name="pref_dual_page_invert_summary">If the placement of the split wide pages don\'t match reading direction</string>
<string name="pref_page_rotate">Rotate wide pages to fit</string>
<string name="pref_page_rotate_invert">Flip orientation of rotated wide pages</string>
<string name="pref_long_strip_split">Split tall images (BETA)</string>
<string name="pref_double_tap_zoom">Double tap to zoom</string>
<string name="pref_cutout_short">Show content in cutout area</string>
<string name="pref_page_transitions">Animate page transitions</string>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user