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synced 2025-03-09 22:40:25 +01:00
ℹ️ This commit updates the sizes of all icons to match the new standard, ensuring consistency throughout the project. The new sizes were determined after careful consideration and testing to improve the overall user experience. All icons have also gotten a SVG counterpart if possible.
8 lines
1.6 KiB
8 lines
1.6 KiB
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="64pt" height="64pt" viewBox="0 0 64 64" version="1.1">
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(5.490196%,14.117647%,21.568627%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 57.128906 32.417969 C 57.128906 18.789062 46.078125 7.742188 32.449219 7.742188 C 18.820312 7.742188 7.769531 18.789062 7.769531 32.417969 C 7.769531 46.046875 18.820312 57.097656 32.449219 57.097656 C 46.078125 57.097656 57.128906 46.046875 57.128906 32.417969 Z M 57.128906 32.417969 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,81.568627%,48.235294%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 49.144531 18.300781 L 46.347656 25.375 L 37.519531 25.375 L 36.707031 29.6875 L 45.273438 29.6875 L 42.476562 36.726562 L 35.5 36.746094 L 33.183594 48.117188 L 19.414062 47.1875 L 33.523438 46.257812 L 18.011719 45.328125 L 33.863281 44.390625 L 11.933594 43.449219 L 34.238281 42.523438 L 16.152344 41.582031 L 34.585938 40.65625 L 13.210938 39.726562 L 34.957031 38.785156 L 16.054688 37.859375 L 35.292969 36.929688 L 9.378906 35.988281 L 35.644531 35.0625 L 16.191406 34.132812 L 36.011719 33.203125 L 20.496094 32.273438 L 36.351562 31.34375 L 12.832031 30.414062 L 36.6875 29.699219 L 22.625 28.558594 L 37.054688 27.628906 L 11.691406 26.699219 L 37.394531 25.355469 L 20.59375 24.773438 L 37.761719 23.84375 L 16.054688 22.917969 L 38.101562 21.988281 L 19.035156 21.058594 L 38.46875 20.128906 L 22.964844 19.191406 L 33.523438 18.589844 C 38.292969 18.320312 47.566406 18.222656 49.144531 18.300781 Z M 49.144531 18.300781 "/>