mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 04:20:07 +01:00
lots of work on the RFNM source
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <librfnm/librfnm.h>
#include <core.h>
#include <utils/optionlist.h>
#include <atomic>
/* Name: */ "rfnm_source",
@ -90,6 +91,126 @@ private:
// Open the device
librfnm* dev = new librfnm(librfnm_transport::LIBRFNM_TRANSPORT_USB, serial);
// Define samplerates
samplerates.define(61440000, "61.44 MHz", 2);
samplerates.define(122880000, "122.88 MHz", 1);
// Define daughterboards
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
// If not present, skip
if (!dev->s->hwinfo.daughterboard[i].board_id) { continue; }
// Format the daughterboard name
std::string name = (i ? "[SEC] " : "[PRI] ") + std::string(dev->s->hwinfo.daughterboard[i].user_readable_name);
// Add the daughterboard to the list
daughterboards.define(name, name, i);
// Load options (TODO)
srId = samplerates.keyId(61440000);
dgbId = 0;
// Select the daughterboard
selectDaughterboard(dev, 0);
// Update samplerate
sampleRate = samplerates.key(srId);
// Close device
delete dev;
// Save serial number
selectedSerial = serial;
struct PathConfig {
rfnm_rf_path path;
int chId;
uint16_t appliesCh;
bool operator==(const PathConfig& b) const {
return b.path == path;
void selectDaughterboard(librfnm* dev, int id) {
// If no daugherboard is populated, give up
if (!dev->s->hwinfo.daughterboard[0].board_id && !dev->s->hwinfo.daughterboard[1].board_id) {
flog::error("The selected device has no daughterboards");
// If the ID is not populated, select the other one
if (id >= 2 || !dev->s->hwinfo.daughterboard[id].board_id) {
selectDaughterboard(dev, 1 - id);
// Compute the channel offset
int offset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < id; i++) {
offset += dev->s->hwinfo.daughterboard[i].rx_ch_cnt;
// Define antenna paths by going through all channels
int count = dev->s->hwinfo.daughterboard[id].rx_ch_cnt;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Go through each possible path
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
// If it's the null path, stop searching
rfnm_rf_path path = dev->s->rx.ch[offset + i].path_possible[j];
if (path == RFNM_PATH_NULL) { continue; }
// Get the path
PathConfig pc = { path, offset + i, (1 << (offset + i + 8))};
// If it's not in the list, add it
if (!paths.valueExists(pc)) {
std::string name = librfnm::rf_path_to_string(pc.path);
std::string capName = name;
if (std::islower(capName[0])) { capName[0] = std::toupper(capName[0]); }
paths.define(name, capName, pc);
// Get the preferred path
PathConfig preferred_pc = { dev->s->rx.ch[offset + i].path_preferred, 0, 0 };
// Make sure the path is accessible or give up
if (!paths.valueExists(preferred_pc)) { continue; }
// Set this channel as the channel of its prefered path (cursed af but lazy)
const PathConfig& pc = paths.value(paths.valueId(preferred_pc));
((PathConfig*)&pc)->chId = offset + i;
// Load configuration (TODO)
selectedPath = paths.key(0);
// Select antenna path
selectPath(dev, id, selectedPath);
// Save selected daughterboard
dgbId = id;
void selectPath(librfnm* dev, int dgbId, const std::string& path) {
// If the path doesn't exist, select the first path
if (!paths.keyExists(path)) {
selectPath(dev, dgbId, paths.key(0));
// Save selected path
selectedPath = path;
pathId = paths.keyId(path);
currentPath = paths.value(pathId);
// Define bandwidths
bandwidths.define(-1, "Auto", -1);
@ -100,24 +221,8 @@ private:
// Get gain range
gainMin = -30;//dev->librfnm_s->rx.ch[0].gain_range.min;
gainMax = 60;//dev->librfnm_s->rx.ch[0].gain_range.max;
// Define samplerates
samplerates.define(61440000, "61.44 MHz", 2);
samplerates.define(122880000, "122.88 MHz", 1);
// TODO: Load options
srId = samplerates.keyId(61440000);
bwId = bandwidths.nameId("Auto");
gain = 0;
// Update samplerate
sampleRate = samplerates.key(srId);
// Save serial number
selectedSerial = serial;
gainMin = dev->s->rx.ch[currentPath.chId].gain_range.min;
gainMax = dev->s->rx.ch[currentPath.chId].gain_range.max;
static void menuSelected(void* ctx) {
@ -139,14 +244,14 @@ private:
_this->openDev = new librfnm(librfnm_transport::LIBRFNM_TRANSPORT_USB, _this->selectedSerial);
// Configure the device
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].enable = RFNM_CH_ON;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].samp_freq_div_n = _this->samplerates[_this->srId];
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].freq = _this->freq;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].gain = _this->gain;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].rfic_lpf_bw = 100;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].fm_notch = _this->fmNotch ? rfnm_fm_notch::RFNM_FM_NOTCH_ON : rfnm_fm_notch::RFNM_FM_NOTCH_OFF;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].path = _this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].path_preferred;
rfnm_api_failcode fail = _this->openDev->set(LIBRFNM_APPLY_CH0_RX);
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].enable = RFNM_CH_ON;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].samp_freq_div_n = _this->samplerates[_this->srId];
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].freq = _this->freq;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].gain = _this->gain;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].rfic_lpf_bw = 100;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].fm_notch = _this->fmNotch ? rfnm_fm_notch::RFNM_FM_NOTCH_ON : rfnm_fm_notch::RFNM_FM_NOTCH_OFF;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].path = _this->currentPath.path;
rfnm_api_failcode fail = _this->openDev->set(_this->currentPath.appliesCh);
if (fail != rfnm_api_failcode::RFNM_API_OK) {
flog::error("Failed to configure device: {}", (int)fail);
@ -166,6 +271,7 @@ private:
// Start worker
_this->run = true;
_this->workerThread = std::thread(&RFNMSourceModule::worker, _this);
_this->running = true;
@ -178,13 +284,17 @@ private:
_this->running = false;
// Stop worker
_this->run = false;
if (_this->workerThread.joinable()) { _this->workerThread.join(); }
// Disable channel
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].enable = RFNM_CH_ON;
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].enable = RFNM_CH_OFF;
// Stop the RX streaming
// Close device
delete _this->openDev;
@ -200,8 +310,8 @@ private:
static void tune(double freq, void* ctx) {
RFNMSourceModule* _this = (RFNMSourceModule*)ctx;
if (_this->running) {
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].freq = freq;
rfnm_api_failcode fail = _this->openDev->set(LIBRFNM_APPLY_CH0_RX);
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].freq = freq;
rfnm_api_failcode fail = _this->openDev->set(_this->currentPath.appliesCh);
if (fail != rfnm_api_failcode::RFNM_API_OK) {
flog::error("Failed to tune: {}", (int)fail);
@ -238,11 +348,48 @@ private:
if (_this->daughterboards.size() > 1) {
if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_rfnm_dgb_sel_", _this->name), &_this->dgbId, _this->daughterboards.txt)) {
// Open the device
librfnm* dev = new librfnm(librfnm_transport::LIBRFNM_TRANSPORT_USB, _this->selectedSerial);
// Select the daughterboard
_this->selectDaughterboard(dev, _this->dgbId);
// Close device
delete dev;
// TODO: Save
if (_this->paths.size() > 1) {
SmGui::LeftLabel("Antenna Path");
if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_rfnm_path_sel_", _this->name), &_this->pathId, _this->paths.txt)) {
// Open the device
librfnm* dev = new librfnm(librfnm_transport::LIBRFNM_TRANSPORT_USB, _this->selectedSerial);
// Select the atennna path
_this->selectPath(dev, _this->dgbId, _this->paths.key(_this->pathId));
// Close device
delete dev;
// TODO: Save
if (_this->running) { SmGui::EndDisabled(); }
if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_rfnm_bw_sel_", _this->name), &_this->bwId, _this->bandwidths.txt)) {
if (_this->running) {
// TODO: Set
// TODO: Save
@ -250,16 +397,16 @@ private:
if (SmGui::SliderInt(CONCAT("##_rfnm_gain_", _this->name), &_this->gain, _this->gainMin, _this->gainMax)) {
if (_this->running) {
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].gain = _this->gain;
rfnm_api_failcode fail = _this->openDev->set(LIBRFNM_APPLY_CH0_RX);
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].gain = _this->gain;
rfnm_api_failcode fail = _this->openDev->set(_this->currentPath.appliesCh);
// TODO: Save
if (SmGui::Checkbox(CONCAT("FM Notch##_rfnm_", _this->name), &_this->fmNotch)) {
if (_this->running) {
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[0].fm_notch = _this->fmNotch ? rfnm_fm_notch::RFNM_FM_NOTCH_ON : rfnm_fm_notch::RFNM_FM_NOTCH_OFF;
rfnm_api_failcode fail = _this->openDev->set(LIBRFNM_APPLY_CH0_RX);
_this->openDev->s->rx.ch[_this->currentPath.chId].fm_notch = _this->fmNotch ? rfnm_fm_notch::RFNM_FM_NOTCH_ON : rfnm_fm_notch::RFNM_FM_NOTCH_OFF;
rfnm_api_failcode fail = _this->openDev->set(_this->currentPath.appliesCh);
// TODO: Save
@ -268,12 +415,13 @@ private:
void worker() {
librfnm_rx_buf* lrxbuf;
int sampCount = bufferSize/4;
uint8_t ch = (1 << currentPath.chId);
// TODO: Define number of buffers per swap to maintain 200 fps
while (true) {
while (run) {
// Receive a buffer
auto fail = openDev->rx_dqbuf(&lrxbuf, LIBRFNM_CH0, 1000);
auto fail = openDev->rx_dqbuf(&lrxbuf, ch, 1000);
if (fail == rfnm_api_failcode::RFNM_API_DQBUF_NO_DATA) {
flog::error("Dequeue buffer didn't have any data");
@ -302,12 +450,15 @@ private:
double freq;
OptionList<std::string, std::string> devices;
OptionList<std::string, int> daughterboards;
OptionList<std::string, PathConfig> paths;
OptionList<int, int> bandwidths;
OptionList<int, int> samplerates;
int gainMin = 0;
int gainMax = 0;
int devId = 0;
int dgbId = 0;
int pathId = 0;
int srId = 0;
int bwId = 0;
int gain = 0;
@ -315,8 +466,11 @@ private:
std::string selectedSerial;
librfnm* openDev;
int bufferSize = -1;
std::string selectedPath;
PathConfig currentPath;
librfnm_rx_buf rxBuf[LIBRFNM_MIN_RX_BUFCNT];
std::atomic<bool> run = false;
std::thread workerThread;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user