mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 15:49:53 +01:00
new stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ option(OPT_BUILD_SPYSERVER_SOURCE "Build SpyServer Source Module (no dependencie
option(OPT_BUILD_SOAPY_SOURCE "Build SoapySDR Source Module (Depedencies: soapysdr)" ON)
option(OPT_BUILD_AIRSPYHF_SOURCE "Build Airspy HF+ Source Module (Depedencies: libairspyhf)" ON)
option(OPT_BUILD_AIRSPY_SOURCE "Build Airspy Source Module (Depedencies: libairspy)" ON)
option(OPT_BUILD_BLADERF_SOURCE "Build BladeRF Source Module (Depedencies: libbladeRF)" OFF)
option(OPT_BUILD_SDRPLAY_SOURCE "Build SDRplay Source Module (Depedencies: libsdrplay)" OFF)
option(OPT_BUILD_PLUTOSDR_SOURCE "Build PlutoSDR Source Module (Depedencies: libiio, libad9361)" ON)
option(OPT_BUILD_HACKRF_SOURCE "Build HackRF Source Module (Depedencies: libhackrf)" OFF)
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ add_subdirectory("core")
# Source modules
@ -42,6 +44,10 @@ if (OPT_BUILD_AIRSPY_SOURCE)
@ -95,7 +101,7 @@ if (${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} MATCHES "Darwin")
add_custom_target(do_always ALL cp \"$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:sdrpp_core>/libsdrpp_core.dylib\" \"$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:sdrpp>\")
endif ()
# cmake .. "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:/Users/Alex/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
# cd
# Install directives
install(TARGETS sdrpp DESTINATION bin)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
if (MSVC)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-O2 /std:c++17 /EHsc")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-O3 -std=c++17 -fpermissive")
endif (MSVC)
file(GLOB SRC "src/*.cpp")
add_library(bladerf_source SHARED ${SRC})
target_link_libraries(bladerf_source PRIVATE sdrpp_core)
set_target_properties(bladerf_source PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
if (MSVC)
# Lib path
target_link_directories(sdrpp_core PUBLIC "C:/Program Files/PothosSDR/bin/")
target_link_libraries(bladerf_source PUBLIC bladeRF)
else (MSVC)
# Not in pkg-config
target_link_libraries(bladerf_source PUBLIC libbladeRF)
endif (MSVC)
# Install directives
install(TARGETS bladerf_source DESTINATION lib/sdrpp/plugins)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
#include <imgui.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <module.h>
#include <gui/gui.h>
#include <signal_path/signal_path.h>
#include <core.h>
#include <gui/style.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <options.h>
#include <gui/widgets/stepped_slider.h>
#include <libbladeRF.h>
#include <dsp/processing.h>
#define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str())
#define NUM_BUFFERS 128
#define NUM_TRANSFERS 32
/* Name: */ "bladerf_source",
/* Description: */ "BladeRF source module for SDR++",
/* Author: */ "Ryzerth",
/* Version: */ 0, 1, 0,
/* Max instances */ 1
const uint64_t sampleRates[] = {
const char* sampleRatesTxt =
ConfigManager config;
class BladeRFSourceModule : public ModuleManager::Instance {
BladeRFSourceModule(std::string name) {
this->name = name;
sampleRate = 768000.0;
handler.ctx = this;
handler.selectHandler = menuSelected;
handler.deselectHandler = menuDeselected;
handler.menuHandler = menuHandler;
handler.startHandler = start;
handler.stopHandler = stop;
handler.tuneHandler = tune;
handler.stream = &stream;
// Select device here
sigpath::sourceManager.registerSource("BladeRF", &handler);
~BladeRFSourceModule() {
void enable() {
enabled = true;
void disable() {
enabled = false;
bool isEnabled() {
return enabled;
void refresh() {
devListTxt = "";
if (devInfoList != NULL) {
devCount = bladerf_get_device_list(&devInfoList);
if (devCount < 0) {
spdlog::error("Could not list devices");
for (int i = 0; i < devCount; i++) {
devListTxt += devInfoList[i].serial;
devListTxt += '\0';
void selectFirst() {
if (devCount > 0) { selectByInfo(&devInfoList[0]); }
void selectByInfo(bladerf_devinfo* info) {
int ret = bladerf_open_with_devinfo(&openDev, info);
if (ret != 0) {
spdlog::error("Could not open device {0}", info->serial);
channelCount = bladerf_get_channel_count(openDev, BLADERF_RX);
// TODO: Gen sample rate list automatically by detecting which version is selected
std::string getBandwdithScaled(double bw) {
char buf[1024];
if (bw >= 1000000.0) {
sprintf(buf, "%.1lfMHz", bw / 1000000.0);
else if (bw >= 1000.0) {
sprintf(buf, "%.1lfKHz", bw / 1000.0);
else {
sprintf(buf, "%.1lfHz", bw);
return std::string(buf);
static void menuSelected(void* ctx) {
BladeRFSourceModule* _this = (BladeRFSourceModule*)ctx;
spdlog::info("BladeRFSourceModule '{0}': Menu Select!", _this->name);
static void menuDeselected(void* ctx) {
BladeRFSourceModule* _this = (BladeRFSourceModule*)ctx;
spdlog::info("BladeRFSourceModule '{0}': Menu Deselect!", _this->name);
static void start(void* ctx) {
BladeRFSourceModule* _this = (BladeRFSourceModule*)ctx;
if (_this->running) {
if (_this->devCount == 0) { return; }
// Open device
bladerf_devinfo info = _this->devInfoList[_this->devId];
int ret = bladerf_open_with_devinfo(&_this->openDev, &info);
if (ret != 0) {
spdlog::error("Could not open device {0}", info.serial);
bladerf_sample_rate wantedSr = _this->sampleRate;
bladerf_sample_rate actualSr;
bladerf_set_sample_rate(_this->openDev, BLADERF_CHANNEL_RX(0), wantedSr, &actualSr);
bladerf_set_frequency(_this->openDev, BLADERF_CHANNEL_RX(0), _this->freq);
if (actualSr != wantedSr) {
spdlog::warn("Sample rate rejected: {0} vs {1}", actualSr, wantedSr);
// Start stream
ret = bladerf_init_stream(&_this->rxStream, _this->openDev, callback, &_this->streamBuffers, NUM_BUFFERS, BLADERF_FORMAT_SC16_Q11, 8192, NUM_TRANSFERS, _this);
if (ret != 0) {
spdlog::error("Could not start stream {0}", ret);
bladerf_enable_module(_this->openDev, BLADERF_CHANNEL_RX(0), true);
_this->running = true;
_this->workerThread = std::thread(&BladeRFSourceModule::worker, _this);
spdlog::info("BladeRFSourceModule '{0}': Start!", _this->name);
static void stop(void* ctx) {
BladeRFSourceModule* _this = (BladeRFSourceModule*)ctx;
if (!_this->running) {
_this->running = false;
bladerf_enable_module(_this->openDev, BLADERF_CHANNEL_RX(0), false);
if (_this->workerThread.joinable()) {
spdlog::info("BladeRFSourceModule '{0}': Stop!", _this->name);
static void tune(double freq, void* ctx) {
BladeRFSourceModule* _this = (BladeRFSourceModule*)ctx;
_this->freq = freq;
if (_this->running) {
bladerf_set_frequency(_this->openDev, BLADERF_CHANNEL_RX(0), _this->freq);
spdlog::info("BladeRFSourceModule '{0}': Tune: {1}!", _this->name, freq);
static void menuHandler(void* ctx) {
BladeRFSourceModule* _this = (BladeRFSourceModule*)ctx;
float menuWidth = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvailWidth();
if (_this->running) { style::beginDisabled(); }
if (ImGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_airspyhf_dev_sel_", _this->name), &_this->devId, _this->devListTxt.c_str())) {
// Select device
// Save config
if (ImGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_airspyhf_sr_sel_", _this->name), &_this->srId, sampleRatesTxt)) {
_this->sampleRate = sampleRates[_this->srId];
// Save config
float refreshBtnWdith = menuWidth - ImGui::GetCursorPosX();
if (ImGui::Button(CONCAT("Refresh##_airspyhf_refr_", _this->name), ImVec2(refreshBtnWdith, 0))) {
std::string devSerial = config.conf["device"];
// Reselect device
if (_this->running) { style::endDisabled(); }
// General config BS
void worker() {
bladerf_stream(rxStream, BLADERF_RX_X1);
static void* callback(struct bladerf *dev, struct bladerf_stream *stream, struct bladerf_metadata *meta, void *samples, size_t num_samples, void *user_data) {
// TODO: Convert with volk
BladeRFSourceModule* _this = (BladeRFSourceModule*)user_data;
int16_t* samples16 = (int16_t*)samples;
_this->currentBuffer = ((_this->currentBuffer + 1) % NUM_BUFFERS);
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) {
_this->stream.writeBuf[i].i = (float)samples16[(2 * i)] / 32768.0f;
_this->stream.writeBuf[i].q = (float)samples16[(2 * i) + 1] / 32768.0f;
if (!_this->stream.swap(num_samples)) { return _this->streamBuffers[_this->currentBuffer];; }
return _this->streamBuffers[_this->currentBuffer];
std::string name;
bladerf* openDev;
bool enabled = true;
dsp::stream<dsp::complex_t> stream;
//dsp::Packer<dsp::complex_t> packer(&steam, 2048);
double sampleRate;
SourceManager::SourceHandler handler;
bool running = false;
double freq;
int devId = 0;
int srId = 0;
int channelCount = 0;
int currentBuffer = 0;
void** streamBuffers;
struct bladerf_stream* rxStream;
std::thread workerThread;
int devCount = 0;
bladerf_devinfo* devInfoList = NULL;
std::string devListTxt;
MOD_EXPORT void _INIT_() {
json def = json({});
def["devices"] = json({});
def["device"] = "";
config.setPath(options::opts.root + "/bladerf_config.json");
MOD_EXPORT ModuleManager::Instance* _CREATE_INSTANCE_(std::string name) {
return new BladeRFSourceModule(name);
MOD_EXPORT void _DELETE_INSTANCE_(ModuleManager::Instance* instance) {
delete (BladeRFSourceModule*)instance;
MOD_EXPORT void _END_() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
#pragma once
#include <dsp/block.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#define DSP_SIGN(n) ((n) >= 0)
#define DSP_STEP(n) (((n) > 0.0f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f)
namespace dsp {
class Deframer : public generic_block<Deframer> {
Deframer() {}
Deframer(stream<uint8_t>* in, int frameLen, uint8_t* syncWord, int syncLen) { init(in, frameLen, syncWord, syncLen); }
~Deframer() {
void init(stream<uint8_t>* in, int frameLen, uint8_t* syncWord, int syncLen) {
_in = in;
_frameLen = frameLen;
_syncword = new uint8_t[syncLen];
_syncLen = syncLen;
memcpy(_syncword, syncWord, syncLen);
buffer = new uint8_t[STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE + syncLen];
memset(buffer, 0, syncLen);
bufferStart = buffer + syncLen;
int run() {
count = _in->read();
if (count < 0) { return -1; }
// Copy data into work buffer
memcpy(bufferStart, _in->readBuf, count - 1);
// Iterate through all symbols
for (int i = 0; i < count;) {
// If already in the process of reading bits
if (bitsRead >= 0) {
if ((bitsRead % 8) == 0) { out.writeBuf[bitsRead / 8] = 0; }
out.writeBuf[bitsRead / 8] |= (buffer[i] << (7 - (bitsRead % 8)));
if (bitsRead >= _frameLen) {
if (!out.swap((bitsRead / 8) + ((bitsRead % 8) > 0))) { return -1; }
bitsRead = -1;
nextBitIsStartOfFrame = true;
// Else, check for a header
else if (memcmp(buffer + i, _syncword, _syncLen) == 0) {
bitsRead = 0;
badFrameCount = 0;
else if (nextBitIsStartOfFrame) {
nextBitIsStartOfFrame = false;
// try to save
if (badFrameCount < 5) {
bitsRead = 0;
else { i++; }
nextBitIsStartOfFrame = false;
// Keep last _syncLen4 symbols
memcpy(buffer, &_in->readBuf[count - _syncLen], _syncLen);
//printf("Block processed\n");
return count;
stream<uint8_t> out;
uint8_t* buffer;
uint8_t* bufferStart;
uint8_t* _syncword;
int count;
int _frameLen;
int _syncLen;
int bitsRead = -1;
int badFrameCount = 5;
bool nextBitIsStartOfFrame = false;
int callcount = 0;
stream<uint8_t>* _in;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include <volk/volk.h>
#include <dsp/filter.h>
#include <dsp/processing.h>
#include <dsp/routing.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#define FAST_ATAN2_COEF1 FL_M_PI / 4.0f
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
#pragma once
const int INTERP_TAP_COUNT = 8;
const int INTERP_STEPS = 128;
{ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 1.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00 },
{ -1.98993e-04, 1.24642e-03, -5.41054e-03, 9.98534e-01, 7.89295e-03, -2.76968e-03, 8.53777e-04, -1.54700e-04 },
{ -3.96391e-04, 2.47942e-03, -1.07209e-02, 9.96891e-01, 1.58840e-02, -5.55134e-03, 1.70888e-03, -3.09412e-04 },
{ -5.92100e-04, 3.69852e-03, -1.59305e-02, 9.95074e-01, 2.39714e-02, -8.34364e-03, 2.56486e-03, -4.64053e-04 },
{ -7.86031e-04, 4.90322e-03, -2.10389e-02, 9.93082e-01, 3.21531e-02, -1.11453e-02, 3.42130e-03, -6.18544e-04 },
{ -9.78093e-04, 6.09305e-03, -2.60456e-02, 9.90917e-01, 4.04274e-02, -1.39548e-02, 4.27773e-03, -7.72802e-04 },
{ -1.16820e-03, 7.26755e-03, -3.09503e-02, 9.88580e-01, 4.87921e-02, -1.67710e-02, 5.13372e-03, -9.26747e-04 },
{ -1.35627e-03, 8.42626e-03, -3.57525e-02, 9.86071e-01, 5.72454e-02, -1.95925e-02, 5.98883e-03, -1.08030e-03 },
{ -1.54221e-03, 9.56876e-03, -4.04519e-02, 9.83392e-01, 6.57852e-02, -2.24178e-02, 6.84261e-03, -1.23337e-03 },
{ -1.72594e-03, 1.06946e-02, -4.50483e-02, 9.80543e-01, 7.44095e-02, -2.52457e-02, 7.69462e-03, -1.38589e-03 },
{ -1.90738e-03, 1.18034e-02, -4.95412e-02, 9.77526e-01, 8.31162e-02, -2.80746e-02, 8.54441e-03, -1.53777e-03 },
{ -2.08645e-03, 1.28947e-02, -5.39305e-02, 9.74342e-01, 9.19033e-02, -3.09033e-02, 9.39154e-03, -1.68894e-03 },
{ -2.26307e-03, 1.39681e-02, -5.82159e-02, 9.70992e-01, 1.00769e-01, -3.37303e-02, 1.02356e-02, -1.83931e-03 },
{ -2.43718e-03, 1.50233e-02, -6.23972e-02, 9.67477e-01, 1.09710e-01, -3.65541e-02, 1.10760e-02, -1.98880e-03 },
{ -2.60868e-03, 1.60599e-02, -6.64743e-02, 9.63798e-01, 1.18725e-01, -3.93735e-02, 1.19125e-02, -2.13733e-03 },
{ -2.77751e-03, 1.70776e-02, -7.04471e-02, 9.59958e-01, 1.27812e-01, -4.21869e-02, 1.27445e-02, -2.28483e-03 },
{ -2.94361e-03, 1.80759e-02, -7.43154e-02, 9.55956e-01, 1.36968e-01, -4.49929e-02, 1.35716e-02, -2.43121e-03 },
{ -3.10689e-03, 1.90545e-02, -7.80792e-02, 9.51795e-01, 1.46192e-01, -4.77900e-02, 1.43934e-02, -2.57640e-03 },
{ -3.26730e-03, 2.00132e-02, -8.17385e-02, 9.47477e-01, 1.55480e-01, -5.05770e-02, 1.52095e-02, -2.72032e-03 },
{ -3.42477e-03, 2.09516e-02, -8.52933e-02, 9.43001e-01, 1.64831e-01, -5.33522e-02, 1.60193e-02, -2.86289e-03 },
{ -3.57923e-03, 2.18695e-02, -8.87435e-02, 9.38371e-01, 1.74242e-01, -5.61142e-02, 1.68225e-02, -3.00403e-03 },
{ -3.73062e-03, 2.27664e-02, -9.20893e-02, 9.33586e-01, 1.83711e-01, -5.88617e-02, 1.76185e-02, -3.14367e-03 },
{ -3.87888e-03, 2.36423e-02, -9.53307e-02, 9.28650e-01, 1.93236e-01, -6.15931e-02, 1.84071e-02, -3.28174e-03 },
{ -4.02397e-03, 2.44967e-02, -9.84679e-02, 9.23564e-01, 2.02814e-01, -6.43069e-02, 1.91877e-02, -3.41815e-03 },
{ -4.16581e-03, 2.53295e-02, -1.01501e-01, 9.18329e-01, 2.12443e-01, -6.70018e-02, 1.99599e-02, -3.55283e-03 },
{ -4.30435e-03, 2.61404e-02, -1.04430e-01, 9.12947e-01, 2.22120e-01, -6.96762e-02, 2.07233e-02, -3.68570e-03 },
{ -4.43955e-03, 2.69293e-02, -1.07256e-01, 9.07420e-01, 2.31843e-01, -7.23286e-02, 2.14774e-02, -3.81671e-03 },
{ -4.57135e-03, 2.76957e-02, -1.09978e-01, 9.01749e-01, 2.41609e-01, -7.49577e-02, 2.22218e-02, -3.94576e-03 },
{ -4.69970e-03, 2.84397e-02, -1.12597e-01, 8.95936e-01, 2.51417e-01, -7.75620e-02, 2.29562e-02, -4.07279e-03 },
{ -4.82456e-03, 2.91609e-02, -1.15113e-01, 8.89984e-01, 2.61263e-01, -8.01399e-02, 2.36801e-02, -4.19774e-03 },
{ -4.94589e-03, 2.98593e-02, -1.17526e-01, 8.83893e-01, 2.71144e-01, -8.26900e-02, 2.43930e-02, -4.32052e-03 },
{ -5.06363e-03, 3.05345e-02, -1.19837e-01, 8.77666e-01, 2.81060e-01, -8.52109e-02, 2.50946e-02, -4.44107e-03 },
{ -5.17776e-03, 3.11866e-02, -1.22047e-01, 8.71305e-01, 2.91006e-01, -8.77011e-02, 2.57844e-02, -4.55932e-03 },
{ -5.28823e-03, 3.18153e-02, -1.24154e-01, 8.64812e-01, 3.00980e-01, -9.01591e-02, 2.64621e-02, -4.67520e-03 },
{ -5.39500e-03, 3.24205e-02, -1.26161e-01, 8.58189e-01, 3.10980e-01, -9.25834e-02, 2.71272e-02, -4.78866e-03 },
{ -5.49804e-03, 3.30021e-02, -1.28068e-01, 8.51437e-01, 3.21004e-01, -9.49727e-02, 2.77794e-02, -4.89961e-03 },
{ -5.59731e-03, 3.35600e-02, -1.29874e-01, 8.44559e-01, 3.31048e-01, -9.73254e-02, 2.84182e-02, -5.00800e-03 },
{ -5.69280e-03, 3.40940e-02, -1.31581e-01, 8.37557e-01, 3.41109e-01, -9.96402e-02, 2.90433e-02, -5.11376e-03 },
{ -5.78446e-03, 3.46042e-02, -1.33189e-01, 8.30432e-01, 3.51186e-01, -1.01915e-01, 2.96543e-02, -5.21683e-03 },
{ -5.87227e-03, 3.50903e-02, -1.34699e-01, 8.23188e-01, 3.61276e-01, -1.04150e-01, 3.02507e-02, -5.31716e-03 },
{ -5.95620e-03, 3.55525e-02, -1.36111e-01, 8.15826e-01, 3.71376e-01, -1.06342e-01, 3.08323e-02, -5.41467e-03 },
{ -6.03624e-03, 3.59905e-02, -1.37426e-01, 8.08348e-01, 3.81484e-01, -1.08490e-01, 3.13987e-02, -5.50931e-03 },
{ -6.11236e-03, 3.64044e-02, -1.38644e-01, 8.00757e-01, 3.91596e-01, -1.10593e-01, 3.19495e-02, -5.60103e-03 },
{ -6.18454e-03, 3.67941e-02, -1.39767e-01, 7.93055e-01, 4.01710e-01, -1.12650e-01, 3.24843e-02, -5.68976e-03 },
{ -6.25277e-03, 3.71596e-02, -1.40794e-01, 7.85244e-01, 4.11823e-01, -1.14659e-01, 3.30027e-02, -5.77544e-03 },
{ -6.31703e-03, 3.75010e-02, -1.41727e-01, 7.77327e-01, 4.21934e-01, -1.16618e-01, 3.35046e-02, -5.85804e-03 },
{ -6.37730e-03, 3.78182e-02, -1.42566e-01, 7.69305e-01, 4.32038e-01, -1.18526e-01, 3.39894e-02, -5.93749e-03 },
{ -6.43358e-03, 3.81111e-02, -1.43313e-01, 7.61181e-01, 4.42134e-01, -1.20382e-01, 3.44568e-02, -6.01374e-03 },
{ -6.48585e-03, 3.83800e-02, -1.43968e-01, 7.52958e-01, 4.52218e-01, -1.22185e-01, 3.49066e-02, -6.08674e-03 },
{ -6.53412e-03, 3.86247e-02, -1.44531e-01, 7.44637e-01, 4.62289e-01, -1.23933e-01, 3.53384e-02, -6.15644e-03 },
{ -6.57836e-03, 3.88454e-02, -1.45004e-01, 7.36222e-01, 4.72342e-01, -1.25624e-01, 3.57519e-02, -6.22280e-03 },
{ -6.61859e-03, 3.90420e-02, -1.45387e-01, 7.27714e-01, 4.82377e-01, -1.27258e-01, 3.61468e-02, -6.28577e-03 },
{ -6.65479e-03, 3.92147e-02, -1.45682e-01, 7.19116e-01, 4.92389e-01, -1.28832e-01, 3.65227e-02, -6.34530e-03 },
{ -6.68698e-03, 3.93636e-02, -1.45889e-01, 7.10431e-01, 5.02377e-01, -1.30347e-01, 3.68795e-02, -6.40135e-03 },
{ -6.71514e-03, 3.94886e-02, -1.46009e-01, 7.01661e-01, 5.12337e-01, -1.31800e-01, 3.72167e-02, -6.45388e-03 },
{ -6.73929e-03, 3.95900e-02, -1.46043e-01, 6.92808e-01, 5.22267e-01, -1.33190e-01, 3.75341e-02, -6.50285e-03 },
{ -6.75943e-03, 3.96678e-02, -1.45993e-01, 6.83875e-01, 5.32164e-01, -1.34515e-01, 3.78315e-02, -6.54823e-03 },
{ -6.77557e-03, 3.97222e-02, -1.45859e-01, 6.74865e-01, 5.42025e-01, -1.35775e-01, 3.81085e-02, -6.58996e-03 },
{ -6.78771e-03, 3.97532e-02, -1.45641e-01, 6.65779e-01, 5.51849e-01, -1.36969e-01, 3.83650e-02, -6.62802e-03 },
{ -6.79588e-03, 3.97610e-02, -1.45343e-01, 6.56621e-01, 5.61631e-01, -1.38094e-01, 3.86006e-02, -6.66238e-03 },
{ -6.80007e-03, 3.97458e-02, -1.44963e-01, 6.47394e-01, 5.71370e-01, -1.39150e-01, 3.88151e-02, -6.69300e-03 },
{ -6.80032e-03, 3.97077e-02, -1.44503e-01, 6.38099e-01, 5.81063e-01, -1.40136e-01, 3.90083e-02, -6.71985e-03 },
{ -6.79662e-03, 3.96469e-02, -1.43965e-01, 6.28739e-01, 5.90706e-01, -1.41050e-01, 3.91800e-02, -6.74291e-03 },
{ -6.78902e-03, 3.95635e-02, -1.43350e-01, 6.19318e-01, 6.00298e-01, -1.41891e-01, 3.93299e-02, -6.76214e-03 },
{ -6.77751e-03, 3.94578e-02, -1.42658e-01, 6.09836e-01, 6.09836e-01, -1.42658e-01, 3.94578e-02, -6.77751e-03 },
{ -6.76214e-03, 3.93299e-02, -1.41891e-01, 6.00298e-01, 6.19318e-01, -1.43350e-01, 3.95635e-02, -6.78902e-03 },
{ -6.74291e-03, 3.91800e-02, -1.41050e-01, 5.90706e-01, 6.28739e-01, -1.43965e-01, 3.96469e-02, -6.79662e-03 },
{ -6.71985e-03, 3.90083e-02, -1.40136e-01, 5.81063e-01, 6.38099e-01, -1.44503e-01, 3.97077e-02, -6.80032e-03 },
{ -6.69300e-03, 3.88151e-02, -1.39150e-01, 5.71370e-01, 6.47394e-01, -1.44963e-01, 3.97458e-02, -6.80007e-03 },
{ -6.66238e-03, 3.86006e-02, -1.38094e-01, 5.61631e-01, 6.56621e-01, -1.45343e-01, 3.97610e-02, -6.79588e-03 },
{ -6.62802e-03, 3.83650e-02, -1.36969e-01, 5.51849e-01, 6.65779e-01, -1.45641e-01, 3.97532e-02, -6.78771e-03 },
{ -6.58996e-03, 3.81085e-02, -1.35775e-01, 5.42025e-01, 6.74865e-01, -1.45859e-01, 3.97222e-02, -6.77557e-03 },
{ -6.54823e-03, 3.78315e-02, -1.34515e-01, 5.32164e-01, 6.83875e-01, -1.45993e-01, 3.96678e-02, -6.75943e-03 },
{ -6.50285e-03, 3.75341e-02, -1.33190e-01, 5.22267e-01, 6.92808e-01, -1.46043e-01, 3.95900e-02, -6.73929e-03 },
{ -6.45388e-03, 3.72167e-02, -1.31800e-01, 5.12337e-01, 7.01661e-01, -1.46009e-01, 3.94886e-02, -6.71514e-03 },
{ -6.40135e-03, 3.68795e-02, -1.30347e-01, 5.02377e-01, 7.10431e-01, -1.45889e-01, 3.93636e-02, -6.68698e-03 },
{ -6.34530e-03, 3.65227e-02, -1.28832e-01, 4.92389e-01, 7.19116e-01, -1.45682e-01, 3.92147e-02, -6.65479e-03 },
{ -6.28577e-03, 3.61468e-02, -1.27258e-01, 4.82377e-01, 7.27714e-01, -1.45387e-01, 3.90420e-02, -6.61859e-03 },
{ -6.22280e-03, 3.57519e-02, -1.25624e-01, 4.72342e-01, 7.36222e-01, -1.45004e-01, 3.88454e-02, -6.57836e-03 },
{ -6.15644e-03, 3.53384e-02, -1.23933e-01, 4.62289e-01, 7.44637e-01, -1.44531e-01, 3.86247e-02, -6.53412e-03 },
{ -6.08674e-03, 3.49066e-02, -1.22185e-01, 4.52218e-01, 7.52958e-01, -1.43968e-01, 3.83800e-02, -6.48585e-03 },
{ -6.01374e-03, 3.44568e-02, -1.20382e-01, 4.42134e-01, 7.61181e-01, -1.43313e-01, 3.81111e-02, -6.43358e-03 },
{ -5.93749e-03, 3.39894e-02, -1.18526e-01, 4.32038e-01, 7.69305e-01, -1.42566e-01, 3.78182e-02, -6.37730e-03 },
{ -5.85804e-03, 3.35046e-02, -1.16618e-01, 4.21934e-01, 7.77327e-01, -1.41727e-01, 3.75010e-02, -6.31703e-03 },
{ -5.77544e-03, 3.30027e-02, -1.14659e-01, 4.11823e-01, 7.85244e-01, -1.40794e-01, 3.71596e-02, -6.25277e-03 },
{ -5.68976e-03, 3.24843e-02, -1.12650e-01, 4.01710e-01, 7.93055e-01, -1.39767e-01, 3.67941e-02, -6.18454e-03 },
{ -5.60103e-03, 3.19495e-02, -1.10593e-01, 3.91596e-01, 8.00757e-01, -1.38644e-01, 3.64044e-02, -6.11236e-03 },
{ -5.50931e-03, 3.13987e-02, -1.08490e-01, 3.81484e-01, 8.08348e-01, -1.37426e-01, 3.59905e-02, -6.03624e-03 },
{ -5.41467e-03, 3.08323e-02, -1.06342e-01, 3.71376e-01, 8.15826e-01, -1.36111e-01, 3.55525e-02, -5.95620e-03 },
{ -5.31716e-03, 3.02507e-02, -1.04150e-01, 3.61276e-01, 8.23188e-01, -1.34699e-01, 3.50903e-02, -5.87227e-03 },
{ -5.21683e-03, 2.96543e-02, -1.01915e-01, 3.51186e-01, 8.30432e-01, -1.33189e-01, 3.46042e-02, -5.78446e-03 },
{ -5.11376e-03, 2.90433e-02, -9.96402e-02, 3.41109e-01, 8.37557e-01, -1.31581e-01, 3.40940e-02, -5.69280e-03 },
{ -5.00800e-03, 2.84182e-02, -9.73254e-02, 3.31048e-01, 8.44559e-01, -1.29874e-01, 3.35600e-02, -5.59731e-03 },
{ -4.89961e-03, 2.77794e-02, -9.49727e-02, 3.21004e-01, 8.51437e-01, -1.28068e-01, 3.30021e-02, -5.49804e-03 },
{ -4.78866e-03, 2.71272e-02, -9.25834e-02, 3.10980e-01, 8.58189e-01, -1.26161e-01, 3.24205e-02, -5.39500e-03 },
{ -4.67520e-03, 2.64621e-02, -9.01591e-02, 3.00980e-01, 8.64812e-01, -1.24154e-01, 3.18153e-02, -5.28823e-03 },
{ -4.55932e-03, 2.57844e-02, -8.77011e-02, 2.91006e-01, 8.71305e-01, -1.22047e-01, 3.11866e-02, -5.17776e-03 },
{ -4.44107e-03, 2.50946e-02, -8.52109e-02, 2.81060e-01, 8.77666e-01, -1.19837e-01, 3.05345e-02, -5.06363e-03 },
{ -4.32052e-03, 2.43930e-02, -8.26900e-02, 2.71144e-01, 8.83893e-01, -1.17526e-01, 2.98593e-02, -4.94589e-03 },
{ -4.19774e-03, 2.36801e-02, -8.01399e-02, 2.61263e-01, 8.89984e-01, -1.15113e-01, 2.91609e-02, -4.82456e-03 },
{ -4.07279e-03, 2.29562e-02, -7.75620e-02, 2.51417e-01, 8.95936e-01, -1.12597e-01, 2.84397e-02, -4.69970e-03 },
{ -3.94576e-03, 2.22218e-02, -7.49577e-02, 2.41609e-01, 9.01749e-01, -1.09978e-01, 2.76957e-02, -4.57135e-03 },
{ -3.81671e-03, 2.14774e-02, -7.23286e-02, 2.31843e-01, 9.07420e-01, -1.07256e-01, 2.69293e-02, -4.43955e-03 },
{ -3.68570e-03, 2.07233e-02, -6.96762e-02, 2.22120e-01, 9.12947e-01, -1.04430e-01, 2.61404e-02, -4.30435e-03 },
{ -3.55283e-03, 1.99599e-02, -6.70018e-02, 2.12443e-01, 9.18329e-01, -1.01501e-01, 2.53295e-02, -4.16581e-03 },
{ -3.41815e-03, 1.91877e-02, -6.43069e-02, 2.02814e-01, 9.23564e-01, -9.84679e-02, 2.44967e-02, -4.02397e-03 },
{ -3.28174e-03, 1.84071e-02, -6.15931e-02, 1.93236e-01, 9.28650e-01, -9.53307e-02, 2.36423e-02, -3.87888e-03 },
{ -3.14367e-03, 1.76185e-02, -5.88617e-02, 1.83711e-01, 9.33586e-01, -9.20893e-02, 2.27664e-02, -3.73062e-03 },
{ -3.00403e-03, 1.68225e-02, -5.61142e-02, 1.74242e-01, 9.38371e-01, -8.87435e-02, 2.18695e-02, -3.57923e-03 },
{ -2.86289e-03, 1.60193e-02, -5.33522e-02, 1.64831e-01, 9.43001e-01, -8.52933e-02, 2.09516e-02, -3.42477e-03 },
{ -2.72032e-03, 1.52095e-02, -5.05770e-02, 1.55480e-01, 9.47477e-01, -8.17385e-02, 2.00132e-02, -3.26730e-03 },
{ -2.57640e-03, 1.43934e-02, -4.77900e-02, 1.46192e-01, 9.51795e-01, -7.80792e-02, 1.90545e-02, -3.10689e-03 },
{ -2.43121e-03, 1.35716e-02, -4.49929e-02, 1.36968e-01, 9.55956e-01, -7.43154e-02, 1.80759e-02, -2.94361e-03 },
{ -2.28483e-03, 1.27445e-02, -4.21869e-02, 1.27812e-01, 9.59958e-01, -7.04471e-02, 1.70776e-02, -2.77751e-03 },
{ -2.13733e-03, 1.19125e-02, -3.93735e-02, 1.18725e-01, 9.63798e-01, -6.64743e-02, 1.60599e-02, -2.60868e-03 },
{ -1.98880e-03, 1.10760e-02, -3.65541e-02, 1.09710e-01, 9.67477e-01, -6.23972e-02, 1.50233e-02, -2.43718e-03 },
{ -1.83931e-03, 1.02356e-02, -3.37303e-02, 1.00769e-01, 9.70992e-01, -5.82159e-02, 1.39681e-02, -2.26307e-03 },
{ -1.68894e-03, 9.39154e-03, -3.09033e-02, 9.19033e-02, 9.74342e-01, -5.39305e-02, 1.28947e-02, -2.08645e-03 },
{ -1.53777e-03, 8.54441e-03, -2.80746e-02, 8.31162e-02, 9.77526e-01, -4.95412e-02, 1.18034e-02, -1.90738e-03 },
{ -1.38589e-03, 7.69462e-03, -2.52457e-02, 7.44095e-02, 9.80543e-01, -4.50483e-02, 1.06946e-02, -1.72594e-03 },
{ -1.23337e-03, 6.84261e-03, -2.24178e-02, 6.57852e-02, 9.83392e-01, -4.04519e-02, 9.56876e-03, -1.54221e-03 },
{ -1.08030e-03, 5.98883e-03, -1.95925e-02, 5.72454e-02, 9.86071e-01, -3.57525e-02, 8.42626e-03, -1.35627e-03 },
{ -9.26747e-04, 5.13372e-03, -1.67710e-02, 4.87921e-02, 9.88580e-01, -3.09503e-02, 7.26755e-03, -1.16820e-03 },
{ -7.72802e-04, 4.27773e-03, -1.39548e-02, 4.04274e-02, 9.90917e-01, -2.60456e-02, 6.09305e-03, -9.78093e-04 },
{ -6.18544e-04, 3.42130e-03, -1.11453e-02, 3.21531e-02, 9.93082e-01, -2.10389e-02, 4.90322e-03, -7.86031e-04 },
{ -4.64053e-04, 2.56486e-03, -8.34364e-03, 2.39714e-02, 9.95074e-01, -1.59305e-02, 3.69852e-03, -5.92100e-04 },
{ -3.09412e-04, 1.70888e-03, -5.55134e-03, 1.58840e-02, 9.96891e-01, -1.07209e-02, 2.47942e-03, -3.96391e-04 },
{ -1.54700e-04, 8.53777e-04, -2.76968e-03, 7.89295e-03, 9.98534e-01, -5.41054e-03, 1.24642e-03, -1.98993e-04 },
{ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 1.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00 },
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
#pragma once
#include <dsp/block.h>
#include <dsp/interpolation_taps.h>
#define DSP_SIGN(n) ((n) >= 0)
#define DSP_STEP(n) (((n) > 0.0f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f)
namespace dsp {
class SqSymbolRecovery : public generic_block<SqSymbolRecovery> {
SqSymbolRecovery() {}
SqSymbolRecovery(stream<float>* in, int omega) { init(in, omega); }
~SqSymbolRecovery() {
void init(stream<float>* in, int omega) {
_in = in;
samplesPerSymbol = omega;
int run() {
count = _in->read();
if (count < 0) { return -1; }
int outCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (DSP_SIGN(lastVal) != DSP_SIGN(_in->readBuf[i])) {
counter = samplesPerSymbol / 2;
lastVal = _in->readBuf[i];
if (counter >= samplesPerSymbol) {
counter = 0;
out.writeBuf[outCount] = _in->readBuf[i];
else {
lastVal = _in->readBuf[i];
if (!out.swap(outCount)) { return -1; }
return count;
stream<float> out;
int count;
int samplesPerSymbol = 1;
int counter = 0;
float lastVal = 0;
stream<float>* _in;
class MMClockRecovery : public generic_block<MMClockRecovery> {
MMClockRecovery() {}
MMClockRecovery(stream<float>* in, float omega, float gainOmega, float muGain, float omegaRelLimit) {
init(in, omega, gainOmega, muGain, omegaRelLimit);
~MMClockRecovery() {
void init(stream<float>* in, float omega, float gainOmega, float muGain, float omegaRelLimit) {
_in = in;
_omega = omega;
_muGain = muGain;
_gainOmega = gainOmega;
_omegaRelLimit = omegaRelLimit;
omegaMin = _omega - (_omega * _omegaRelLimit);
omegaMax = _omega + (_omega * _omegaRelLimit);
_dynOmega = _omega;
int run() {
count = _in->read();
if (count < 0) { return -1; }
int outCount = 0;
float outVal;
float phaseError;
float roundedStep;
int maxOut = 2.0f * _omega * (float)count;
// Copy the first 7 values to the delay buffer for fast computing
memcpy(&delay[7], _in->readBuf, 7);
int i = nextOffset;
for (; i < count && outCount < maxOut;) {
// Calculate output value
// If we still need to use the old values, calculate using delay buf
// Otherwise, use normal buffer
if (i < 7) {
volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f(&outVal, &delay[i], INTERP_TAPS[(int)roundf(_mu * 128.0f)], 8);
else {
volk_32f_x2_dot_prod_32f(&outVal, &_in->readBuf[i - 7], INTERP_TAPS[(int)roundf(_mu * 128.0f)], 8);
out.writeBuf[outCount] = outVal;
// Cursed phase detect approximation (don't ask me how this approximation works)
phaseError = (DSP_STEP(lastOutput)*outVal) - (lastOutput*DSP_STEP(outVal));
lastOutput = outVal;
// Adjust the symbol rate using the phase error approximation and clamp
// TODO: Branchless clamp
_dynOmega = _dynOmega + (_gainOmega * phaseError);
if (_dynOmega > omegaMax) { _dynOmega = omegaMax; }
else if (_dynOmega < omegaMin) { _dynOmega = omegaMin; }
// Adjust the symbol phase according to the phase error approximation
// It will now contain the phase delta needed to jump to the next symbol
// Rounded step will contain the rounded number of symbols
_mu = _mu + _dynOmega + (_muGain * phaseError);
roundedStep = floor(_mu);
// Step to where the next symbol should be
i += (int)roundedStep;
// Now that we've stepped to the next symbol, keep only the offset inside the symbol
_mu -= roundedStep;
nextOffset = i - count;
// Save the last 7 values for the next round
memcpy(delay, &_in->readBuf[count - 7], 7);
if (!out.swap(outCount)) { return -1; }
return count;
stream<float> out;
int count;
// Delay buffer
float delay[15];
int nextOffset = 0;
// Configuration
float _omega = 1.0f;
float _muGain = 1.0f;
float _gainOmega = 0.001f;
float _omegaRelLimit = 0.005;
// Precalculated values
float omegaMin = _omega + (_omega * _omegaRelLimit);
float omegaMax = _omega + (_omega * _omegaRelLimit);
// Runtime adjusted
float _dynOmega = _omega;
float _mu = 0.5f;
float lastOutput = 0.0f;
stream<float>* _in;
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
#include <volk/volk.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
namespace dsp {
template <class T>
@ -151,6 +152,54 @@ namespace dsp {
class FeedForwardAGC : public generic_block<FeedForwardAGC> {
FeedForwardAGC() {}
FeedForwardAGC(stream<float>* in) { init(in); }
~FeedForwardAGC() { generic_block<FeedForwardAGC>::stop(); }
void init(stream<float>* in) {
_in = in;
void setInput(stream<float>* in) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(generic_block<FeedForwardAGC>::ctrlMtx);
_in = in;
int run() {
count = _in->read();
if (count < 0) { return -1; }
float level = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (fabs(_in->readBuf[i]) > level) { level = fabs(_in->readBuf[i]); }
volk_32f_s32f_multiply_32f(out.writeBuf, _in->readBuf, 1.0f / level, count);
if (!out.swap(count)) { return -1; }
return count;
stream<float> out;
int count;
stream<float>* _in;
template <class T>
class Volume : public generic_block<Volume<T>> {
@ -365,4 +414,63 @@ namespace dsp {
stream<T>* _in;
class Threshold : public generic_block<Threshold> {
Threshold() {}
Threshold(stream<float>* in) { init(in); }
~Threshold() {
delete[] normBuffer;
void init(stream<float>* in) {
_in = in;
normBuffer = new float[STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE];
void setInput(stream<float>* in) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(generic_block<Threshold>::ctrlMtx);
_in = in;
void setLevel(float level) {
_level = level;
float getLevel() {
return _level;
int run() {
count = _in->read();
if (count < 0) { return -1; }
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
out.writeBuf[i] = (_in->readBuf[i] > 0.0f);
if (!out.swap(count)) { return -1; }
return count;
stream<uint8_t> out;
int count;
float* normBuffer;
float _level = -50.0f;
stream<float>* _in;
@ -151,27 +151,29 @@ namespace dsp {
void bufferWorker() {
complex_t* buf = new complex_t[_keep];
T* buf = new T[_keep];
bool delay = _skip < 0;
int readCount = std::min<int>(_keep + _skip, _keep);
int skip = std::max<int>(_skip, 0);
int delaySize = (-_skip) * sizeof(complex_t);
int delaySize = (-_skip) * sizeof(T);
int delayCount = (-_skip);
complex_t* start = &buf[std::max<int>(-_skip, 0)];
complex_t* delayStart = &buf[_keep + _skip];
T* start = &buf[std::max<int>(-_skip, 0)];
T* delayStart = &buf[_keep + _skip];
while (true) {
if (delay) {
memmove(buf, delayStart, delaySize);
for (int i = 0; i < delayCount; i++) {
buf[i].i /= 10.0f;
buf[i].q /= 10.0f;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, complex_t> || std::is_same_v<T, stereo_t>) {
for (int i = 0; i < delayCount; i++) {
buf[i].i /= 10.0f;
buf[i].q /= 10.0f;
if (ringBuf.readAndSkip(start, readCount, skip) < 0) { break; };
memcpy(out.writeBuf, buf, _keep * sizeof(complex_t));
memcpy(out.writeBuf, buf, _keep * sizeof(T));
if (!out.swap(_keep)) { break; }
delete[] buf;
@ -71,4 +71,43 @@ namespace dsp {
lv_32fc_t* zeroPhase;
template <class T>
class HandlerSource : public generic_block<HandlerSource<T>> {
HandlerSource() {}
HandlerSource(int (*handler)(T* data, void* ctx), void* ctx) { init(handler, ctx); }
~HandlerSource() { generic_block<HandlerSource<T>>::stop(); }
void init(int (*handler)(T* data, void* ctx), void* ctx) {
_handler = handler;
_ctx = ctx;
void setHandler(int (*handler)(T* data, void* ctx), void* ctx) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(generic_block<HandlerSource<T>>::ctrlMtx);
_handler = handler;
_ctx = ctx;
int run() {
int count = _handler(out.writeBuf, _ctx);
if (count < 0) { return -1; }
return count;
stream<T> out;
int count;
int (*_handler)(T* data, void* ctx);
void* _ctx;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#pragma once
#include <gui/widgets/symbol_diagram.h>
namespace ImGui {
SymbolDiagram::SymbolDiagram() {
memset(buffer, 0, 1024 * sizeof(float));
void SymbolDiagram::draw(const ImVec2& size_arg) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(bufferMtx);
ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
ImGuiStyle& style = GetStyle();
float pad = style.FramePadding.y;
ImVec2 min = window->DC.CursorPos;
ImVec2 size = CalcItemSize(size_arg, CalcItemWidth(), 100);
ImRect bb(min, ImVec2(min.x+size.x, min.y+size.y));
float lineHeight = size.y;
ItemSize(size, style.FramePadding.y);
if (!ItemAdd(bb, 0)) {
window->DrawList->AddRectFilled(min, ImVec2(min.x+size.x, min.y+size.y), IM_COL32(0,0,0,255));
ImU32 col = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_CheckMark, 0.7f);
float increment = size.x / 1024.0f;
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
if (buffer[i] > 1.0f || buffer[i] < -1.0f) { continue; }
window->DrawList->AddCircleFilled(ImVec2(((float)i * increment) + min.x, ((buffer[i] + 1) * (size.y*0.5f)) + min.y), 2, col);
float* SymbolDiagram::aquireBuffer() {
return buffer;
void SymbolDiagram::releaseBuffer() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#pragma once
#include <imgui.h>
#include <imgui_internal.h>
#include <dsp/stream.h>
#include <mutex>
namespace ImGui {
class SymbolDiagram {
void draw(const ImVec2& size_arg = ImVec2(0, 0));
float* aquireBuffer();
void releaseBuffer();
std::mutex bufferMtx;
float buffer[1024];
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#pragma once
#define VERSION_STR "0.2.5_beta"
#define VERSION_STR "0.3.0_beta"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13)
if (MSVC)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-O2 /std:c++17 /EHsc")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-O3 -std=c++17 -fpermissive")
endif (MSVC)
file(GLOB_RECURSE SRC "src/*.cpp" "src/*.c")
add_library(falcon9_decoder SHARED ${SRC})
target_link_libraries(falcon9_decoder PRIVATE sdrpp_core)
set_target_properties(falcon9_decoder PROPERTIES PREFIX "")
# Install directives
install(TARGETS falcon9_decoder DESTINATION lib/sdrpp/plugins)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
#pragma once
#include <dsp/block.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
// WTF???
extern "C"
#include <correct.h>
const uint8_t toDB[] = {
0x00, 0x7b, 0xaf, 0xd4, 0x99, 0xe2, 0x36, 0x4d, 0xfa, 0x81, 0x55, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x18, 0xcc, 0xb7, 0x86, 0xfd, 0x29, 0x52, 0x1f,
0x64, 0xb0, 0xcb, 0x7c, 0x07, 0xd3, 0xa8, 0xe5, 0x9e, 0x4a, 0x31, 0xec, 0x97, 0x43, 0x38, 0x75, 0x0e, 0xda, 0xa1, 0x16, 0x6d, 0xb9, 0xc2, 0x8f, 0xf4,
0x20, 0x5b, 0x6a, 0x11, 0xc5, 0xbe, 0xf3, 0x88, 0x5c, 0x27, 0x90, 0xeb, 0x3f, 0x44, 0x09, 0x72, 0xa6, 0xdd, 0xef, 0x94, 0x40, 0x3b, 0x76, 0x0d, 0xd9,
0xa2, 0x15, 0x6e, 0xba, 0xc1, 0x8c, 0xf7, 0x23, 0x58, 0x69, 0x12, 0xc6, 0xbd, 0xf0, 0x8b, 0x5f, 0x24, 0x93, 0xe8, 0x3c, 0x47, 0x0a, 0x71, 0xa5, 0xde,
0x03, 0x78, 0xac, 0xd7, 0x9a, 0xe1, 0x35, 0x4e, 0xf9, 0x82, 0x56, 0x2d, 0x60, 0x1b, 0xcf, 0xb4, 0x85, 0xfe, 0x2a, 0x51, 0x1c, 0x67, 0xb3, 0xc8, 0x7f,
0x04, 0xd0, 0xab, 0xe6, 0x9d, 0x49, 0x32, 0x8d, 0xf6, 0x22, 0x59, 0x14, 0x6f, 0xbb, 0xc0, 0x77, 0x0c, 0xd8, 0xa3, 0xee, 0x95, 0x41, 0x3a, 0x0b, 0x70,
0xa4, 0xdf, 0x92, 0xe9, 0x3d, 0x46, 0xf1, 0x8a, 0x5e, 0x25, 0x68, 0x13, 0xc7, 0xbc, 0x61, 0x1a, 0xce, 0xb5, 0xf8, 0x83, 0x57, 0x2c, 0x9b, 0xe0, 0x34,
0x4f, 0x02, 0x79, 0xad, 0xd6, 0xe7, 0x9c, 0x48, 0x33, 0x7e, 0x05, 0xd1, 0xaa, 0x1d, 0x66, 0xb2, 0xc9, 0x84, 0xff, 0x2b, 0x50, 0x62, 0x19, 0xcd, 0xb6,
0xfb, 0x80, 0x54, 0x2f, 0x98, 0xe3, 0x37, 0x4c, 0x01, 0x7a, 0xae, 0xd5, 0xe4, 0x9f, 0x4b, 0x30, 0x7d, 0x06, 0xd2, 0xa9, 0x1e, 0x65, 0xb1, 0xca, 0x87,
0xfc, 0x28, 0x53, 0x8e, 0xf5, 0x21, 0x5a, 0x17, 0x6c, 0xb8, 0xc3, 0x74, 0x0f, 0xdb, 0xa0, 0xed, 0x96, 0x42, 0x39, 0x08, 0x73, 0xa7, 0xdc, 0x91, 0xea,
0x3e, 0x45, 0xf2, 0x89, 0x5d, 0x26, 0x6b, 0x10, 0xc4, 0xbf
const uint8_t fromDB[] = {
0x00, 0xcc, 0xac, 0x60, 0x79, 0xb5, 0xd5, 0x19, 0xf0, 0x3c, 0x5c, 0x90, 0x89, 0x45, 0x25, 0xe9, 0xfd, 0x31, 0x51, 0x9d,
0x84, 0x48, 0x28, 0xe4, 0x0d, 0xc1, 0xa1, 0x6d, 0x74, 0xb8, 0xd8, 0x14, 0x2e, 0xe2, 0x82, 0x4e, 0x57, 0x9b, 0xfb, 0x37, 0xde, 0x12, 0x72, 0xbe, 0xa7,
0x6b, 0x0b, 0xc7, 0xd3, 0x1f, 0x7f, 0xb3, 0xaa, 0x66, 0x06, 0xca, 0x23, 0xef, 0x8f, 0x43, 0x5a, 0x96, 0xf6, 0x3a, 0x42, 0x8e, 0xee, 0x22, 0x3b, 0xf7,
0x97, 0x5b, 0xb2, 0x7e, 0x1e, 0xd2, 0xcb, 0x07, 0x67, 0xab, 0xbf, 0x73, 0x13, 0xdf, 0xc6, 0x0a, 0x6a, 0xa6, 0x4f, 0x83, 0xe3, 0x2f, 0x36, 0xfa, 0x9a,
0x56, 0x6c, 0xa0, 0xc0, 0x0c, 0x15, 0xd9, 0xb9, 0x75, 0x9c, 0x50, 0x30, 0xfc, 0xe5, 0x29, 0x49, 0x85, 0x91, 0x5d, 0x3d, 0xf1, 0xe8, 0x24, 0x44, 0x88,
0x61, 0xad, 0xcd, 0x01, 0x18, 0xd4, 0xb4, 0x78, 0xc5, 0x09, 0x69, 0xa5, 0xbc, 0x70, 0x10, 0xdc, 0x35, 0xf9, 0x99, 0x55, 0x4c, 0x80, 0xe0, 0x2c, 0x38,
0xf4, 0x94, 0x58, 0x41, 0x8d, 0xed, 0x21, 0xc8, 0x04, 0x64, 0xa8, 0xb1, 0x7d, 0x1d, 0xd1, 0xeb, 0x27, 0x47, 0x8b, 0x92, 0x5e, 0x3e, 0xf2, 0x1b, 0xd7,
0xb7, 0x7b, 0x62, 0xae, 0xce, 0x02, 0x16, 0xda, 0xba, 0x76, 0x6f, 0xa3, 0xc3, 0x0f, 0xe6, 0x2a, 0x4a, 0x86, 0x9f, 0x53, 0x33, 0xff, 0x87, 0x4b, 0x2b,
0xe7, 0xfe, 0x32, 0x52, 0x9e, 0x77, 0xbb, 0xdb, 0x17, 0x0e, 0xc2, 0xa2, 0x6e, 0x7a, 0xb6, 0xd6, 0x1a, 0x03, 0xcf, 0xaf, 0x63, 0x8a, 0x46, 0x26, 0xea,
0xf3, 0x3f, 0x5f, 0x93, 0xa9, 0x65, 0x05, 0xc9, 0xd0, 0x1c, 0x7c, 0xb0, 0x59, 0x95, 0xf5, 0x39, 0x20, 0xec, 0x8c, 0x40, 0x54, 0x98, 0xf8, 0x34, 0x2d,
0xe1, 0x81, 0x4d, 0xa4, 0x68, 0x08, 0xc4, 0xdd, 0x11, 0x71, 0xbd
const uint8_t randVals[] = {
0xFF, 0x48, 0x0E, 0xC0, 0x9A, 0x0D, 0x70, 0xBC, 0x8E, 0x2C, 0x93, 0xAD, 0xA7, 0xB7, 0x46, 0xCE,
0x5A, 0x97, 0x7D, 0xCC, 0x32, 0xA2, 0xBF, 0x3E, 0x0A, 0x10, 0xF1, 0x88, 0x94, 0xCD, 0xEA, 0xB1,
0xFE, 0x90, 0x1D, 0x81, 0x34, 0x1A, 0xE1, 0x79, 0x1C, 0x59, 0x27, 0x5B, 0x4F, 0x6E, 0x8D, 0x9C,
0xB5, 0x2E, 0xFB, 0x98, 0x65, 0x45, 0x7E, 0x7C, 0x14, 0x21, 0xE3, 0x11, 0x29, 0x9B, 0xD5, 0x63,
0xFD, 0x20, 0x3B, 0x02, 0x68, 0x35, 0xC2, 0xF2, 0x38, 0xB2, 0x4E, 0xB6, 0x9E, 0xDD, 0x1B, 0x39,
0x6A, 0x5D, 0xF7, 0x30, 0xCA, 0x8A, 0xFC, 0xF8, 0x28, 0x43, 0xC6, 0x22, 0x53, 0x37, 0xAA, 0xC7,
0xFA, 0x40, 0x76, 0x04, 0xD0, 0x6B, 0x85, 0xE4, 0x71, 0x64, 0x9D, 0x6D, 0x3D, 0xBA, 0x36, 0x72,
0xD4, 0xBB, 0xEE, 0x61, 0x95, 0x15, 0xF9, 0xF0, 0x50, 0x87, 0x8C, 0x44, 0xA6, 0x6F, 0x55, 0x8F,
0xF4, 0x80, 0xEC, 0x09, 0xA0, 0xD7, 0x0B, 0xC8, 0xE2, 0xC9, 0x3A, 0xDA, 0x7B, 0x74, 0x6C, 0xE5,
0xA9, 0x77, 0xDC, 0xC3, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0xF3, 0xE0, 0xA1, 0x0F, 0x18, 0x89, 0x4C, 0xDE, 0xAB, 0x1F,
0xE9, 0x01, 0xD8, 0x13, 0x41, 0xAE, 0x17, 0x91, 0xC5, 0x92, 0x75, 0xB4, 0xF6, 0xE8, 0xD9, 0xCB,
0x52, 0xEF, 0xB9, 0x86, 0x54, 0x57, 0xE7, 0xC1, 0x42, 0x1E, 0x31, 0x12, 0x99, 0xBD, 0x56, 0x3F,
0xD2, 0x03, 0xB0, 0x26, 0x83, 0x5C, 0x2F, 0x23, 0x8B, 0x24, 0xEB, 0x69, 0xED, 0xD1, 0xB3, 0x96,
0xA5, 0xDF, 0x73, 0x0C, 0xA8, 0xAF, 0xCF, 0x82, 0x84, 0x3C, 0x62, 0x25, 0x33, 0x7A, 0xAC, 0x7F,
0xA4, 0x07, 0x60, 0x4D, 0x06, 0xB8, 0x5E, 0x47, 0x16, 0x49, 0xD6, 0xD3, 0xDB, 0xA3, 0x67, 0x2D,
0x4B, 0xBE, 0xE6, 0x19, 0x51, 0x5F, 0x9F, 0x05, 0x08, 0x78, 0xC4, 0x4A, 0x66, 0xF5, 0x58
namespace dsp {
class FalconRS : public generic_block<FalconRS> {
FalconRS() {}
FalconRS(stream<uint8_t>* in) { init(in); }
~FalconRS() {
void init(stream<uint8_t>* in) {
_in = in;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { memset(buffers[i], 0, 255); }
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { memset(outBuffers[i], 0, 255); }
rs = correct_reed_solomon_create(correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_ccsds, 120, 11, 16);
if (rs == NULL) { printf("Error creating the reed solomon decoder\n"); }
int run() {
count = _in->read();
if (count < 0) { return -1; }
uint8_t* data = _in->readBuf + 4;
// Deinterleave
for (int i = 0; i < 255*5; i++) {
buffers[i%5][i/5] = fromDB[data[i]];
// Reed the solomon :weary:
int result = 0;
result = correct_reed_solomon_decode(rs, buffers[0], 255, outBuffers[0]);
if (result == -1) { _in->flush(); return count; }
result = correct_reed_solomon_decode(rs, buffers[1], 255, outBuffers[1]);
if (result == -1) { _in->flush(); return count; }
result = correct_reed_solomon_decode(rs, buffers[2], 255, outBuffers[2]);
if (result == -1) { _in->flush(); return count; }
result = correct_reed_solomon_decode(rs, buffers[3], 255, outBuffers[3]);
if (result == -1) { _in->flush(); return count; }
result = correct_reed_solomon_decode(rs, buffers[4], 255, outBuffers[4]);
if (result == -1) { _in->flush(); return count; }
// Reinterleave
for (int i = 0; i < 255*5; i++) {
out.writeBuf[i] = toDB[outBuffers[i%5][i/5]] ^ randVals[i % 255];
return count;
stream<uint8_t> out;
int count;
uint8_t buffers[5][255];
uint8_t outBuffers[5][255];
correct_reed_solomon* rs;
stream<uint8_t>* _in;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
#pragma once
#include <dsp/block.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
namespace dsp {
struct FalconFrameHeader {
uint32_t counter;
uint16_t packet;
class FalconPacketSync : public generic_block<FalconPacketSync> {
FalconPacketSync() {}
FalconPacketSync(stream<uint8_t>* in) { init(in); }
~FalconPacketSync() {
void init(stream<uint8_t>* in) {
_in = in;
int run() {
count = _in->read();
if (count < 0) { return -1; }
// Parse frame header
FalconFrameHeader header;
header.packet = (_in->readBuf[3] | ((_in->readBuf[2] & 0b111) << 8));
header.counter = ((_in->readBuf[2] >> 3) | (_in->readBuf[1] << 5) | ((_in->readBuf[0] & 0b111111) << 13));
// Pointer to the data aera of the frame
uint8_t* data = _in->readBuf + 4;
int dataLen = 1191;
// If a frame was missed, cancel reading the current packet
if (lastCounter + 1 != header.counter) {
packetRead = -1;
lastCounter = header.counter;
// If frame is just a continuation of a single packet, save it
// If we're not currently reading a packet
if (header.packet == 2047 && packetRead >= 0) {
memcpy(packet + packetRead, data, dataLen);
packetRead += dataLen;
printf("Wow, all data\n");
return count;
else if (header.packet == 2047) {
printf("Wow, all data\n");
return count;
// Finish reading the last package and send it
if (packetRead >= 0) {
memcpy(packet + packetRead, data, header.packet);
memcpy(out.writeBuf, packet, packetRead + header.packet);
out.swap(packetRead + header.packet);
packetRead = -1;
// Iterate through every packet of the frame
for (int i = header.packet; i < dataLen;) {
// First, check if we can read the header. If not, save and wait for next frame
if (dataLen - i < 4) {
packetRead = dataLen - i;
memcpy(packet, &data[i], packetRead);
// Extract packet length
uint16_t length = (((data[i] & 0b1111) << 8) | data[i + 1]) + 2;
// Check if it's not an invalid zero length packet
if (length <= 2) {
packetRead = -1;
uint64_t pktId = ((uint64_t)data[i + 2] << 56) | ((uint64_t)data[i + 3] << 48) | ((uint64_t)data[i + 4] << 40) | ((uint64_t)data[i + 5] << 32)
| ((uint64_t)data[i + 6] << 24) | ((uint64_t)data[i + 7] << 16) | ((uint64_t)data[i + 8] << 8) | data[i + 9];
// If the packet doesn't fit the frame, save and go to next frame
if (dataLen - i < length) {
packetRead = dataLen - i;
memcpy(packet, &data[i], packetRead);
// Here, the package fits fully, read it and jump to the next
memcpy(out.writeBuf, &data[i], length);
i += length;
return count;
stream<uint8_t> out;
int count;
uint32_t lastCounter = 0;
int packetRead = -1;
uint8_t packet[0x4008];
stream<uint8_t>* _in;
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
set(SRCFILES bit.c metric.c history_buffer.c error_buffer.c lookup.c convolutional.c encode.c decode.c)
add_library(correct-convolutional OBJECT ${SRCFILES})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/bit.h"
bit_writer_t *bit_writer_create(uint8_t *bytes, size_t len) {
bit_writer_t *w = calloc(1, sizeof(bit_writer_t));
if (bytes) {
bit_writer_reconfigure(w, bytes, len);
return w;
void bit_writer_reconfigure(bit_writer_t *w, uint8_t *bytes, size_t len) {
w->bytes = bytes;
w->len = len;
w->current_byte = 0;
w->current_byte_len = 0;
w->byte_index = 0;
void bit_writer_destroy(bit_writer_t *w) {
void bit_writer_write(bit_writer_t *w, uint8_t val, unsigned int n) {
for (size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) {
bit_writer_write_1(w, val);
val >>= 1;
void bit_writer_write_1(bit_writer_t *w, uint8_t val) {
w->current_byte |= val & 1;
if (w->current_byte_len == 8) {
// 8 bits in a byte -- move to the next byte
w->bytes[w->byte_index] = w->current_byte;
w->current_byte_len = 0;
w->current_byte = 0;
} else {
w->current_byte <<= 1;
void bit_writer_write_bitlist(bit_writer_t *w, uint8_t *l, size_t len) {
// first close the current byte
// we might have been given too few elements to do that. be careful.
size_t close_len = 8 - w->current_byte_len;
close_len = (close_len < len) ? close_len : len;
uint16_t b = w->current_byte;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < close_len; i++) {
b |= l[i];
b <<= 1;
l += close_len;
len -= close_len;
uint8_t *bytes = w->bytes;
size_t byte_index = w->byte_index;
if (w->current_byte_len + close_len == 8) {
b >>= 1;
bytes[byte_index] = b;
} else {
w->current_byte = b;
w->current_byte_len += close_len;
size_t full_bytes = len/8;
for (size_t i = 0; i < full_bytes; i++) {
bytes[byte_index] = l[0] << 7 | l[1] << 6 | l[2] << 5 |
l[3] << 4 | l[4] << 3 | l[5] << 2 |
l[6] << 1 | l[7];
byte_index += 1;
l += 8;
len -= 8*full_bytes;
b = 0;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
b |= l[i];
b <<= 1;
w->current_byte = b;
w->byte_index = byte_index;
w->current_byte_len = len;
void bit_writer_write_bitlist_reversed(bit_writer_t *w, uint8_t *l, size_t len) {
l = l + len - 1;
uint8_t *bytes = w->bytes;
size_t byte_index = w->byte_index;
uint16_t b;
if (w->current_byte_len != 0) {
size_t close_len = 8 - w->current_byte_len;
close_len = (close_len < len) ? close_len : len;
b = w->current_byte;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < close_len; i++) {
b |= *l;
b <<= 1;
len -= close_len;
if (w->current_byte_len + close_len == 8) {
b >>= 1;
bytes[byte_index] = b;
} else {
w->current_byte = b;
w->current_byte_len += close_len;
size_t full_bytes = len/8;
for (size_t i = 0; i < full_bytes; i++) {
bytes[byte_index] = l[0] << 7 | l[-1] << 6 | l[-2] << 5 |
l[-3] << 4 | l[-4] << 3 | l[-5] << 2 |
l[-6] << 1 | l[-7];
byte_index += 1;
l -= 8;
len -= 8*full_bytes;
b = 0;
for (ptrdiff_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
b |= *l;
b <<= 1;
w->current_byte = (uint8_t)b;
w->byte_index = byte_index;
w->current_byte_len = len;
void bit_writer_flush_byte(bit_writer_t *w) {
if (w->current_byte_len != 0) {
w->current_byte <<= (8 - w->current_byte_len);
w->bytes[w->byte_index] = w->current_byte;
w->current_byte_len = 0;
size_t bit_writer_length(bit_writer_t *w) {
return w->byte_index;
uint8_t reverse_byte(uint8_t b) {
return (b & 0x80) >> 7 | (b & 0x40) >> 5 | (b & 0x20) >> 3 |
(b & 0x10) >> 1 | (b & 0x08) << 1 | (b & 0x04) << 3 |
(b & 0x02) << 5 | (b & 0x01) << 7;
static uint8_t reverse_table[256];
void create_reverse_table() {
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
reverse_table[i] = reverse_byte(i);
bit_reader_t *bit_reader_create(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len) {
bit_reader_t *r = calloc(1, sizeof(bit_reader_t));
static bool reverse_table_created = false;
if (!reverse_table_created) {
reverse_table_created = true;
if (bytes) {
bit_reader_reconfigure(r, bytes, len);
return r;
void bit_reader_reconfigure(bit_reader_t *r, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len) {
r->bytes = bytes;
r->len = len;
r->current_byte_len = 8;
r->current_byte = bytes[0];
r->byte_index = 0;
void bit_reader_destroy(bit_reader_t *r) {
uint8_t bit_reader_read(bit_reader_t *r, unsigned int n) {
unsigned int read = 0;
unsigned int n_copy = n;
if (r->current_byte_len < n) {
read = r->current_byte & ((1 << r->current_byte_len) - 1);
r->current_byte = r->bytes[r->byte_index];
n -= r->current_byte_len;
r->current_byte_len = 8;
read <<= n;
uint8_t copy_mask = (1 << n) - 1;
copy_mask <<= (r->current_byte_len - n);
read |= (r->current_byte & copy_mask) >> (r->current_byte_len - n);
r->current_byte_len -= n;
return reverse_table[read] >> (8 - n_copy);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/convolutional.h"
// https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3_lVSrPB6w
correct_convolutional *_correct_convolutional_init(correct_convolutional *conv,
size_t rate, size_t order,
const polynomial_t *poly) {
if (order > 8 * sizeof(shift_register_t)) {
// XXX turn this into an error code
// printf("order must be smaller than 8 * sizeof(shift_register_t)\n");
return NULL;
if (rate < 2) {
// XXX turn this into an error code
// printf("rate must be 2 or greater\n");
return NULL;
conv->order = order;
conv->rate = rate;
conv->numstates = 1 << order;
unsigned int *table = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * (1 << order));
fill_table(conv->rate, conv->order, poly, table);
*(unsigned int **)&conv->table = table;
conv->bit_writer = bit_writer_create(NULL, 0);
conv->bit_reader = bit_reader_create(NULL, 0);
conv->has_init_decode = false;
return conv;
correct_convolutional *correct_convolutional_create(size_t rate, size_t order,
const polynomial_t *poly) {
correct_convolutional *conv = malloc(sizeof(correct_convolutional));
correct_convolutional *init_conv = _correct_convolutional_init(conv, rate, order, poly);
if (!init_conv) {
return init_conv;
void _correct_convolutional_teardown(correct_convolutional *conv) {
free(*(unsigned int **)&conv->table);
if (conv->has_init_decode) {
void correct_convolutional_destroy(correct_convolutional *conv) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/convolutional.h"
void conv_decode_print_iter(correct_convolutional *conv, unsigned int iter,
unsigned int winner_index) {
if (iter < 2220) {
printf("iteration: %d\n", iter);
distance_t *errors = conv->errors->write_errors;
for (shift_register_t i = 0; i < conv->numstates / 2; i++) {
printf("%2d: %d\n", i, errors[i]);
for (shift_register_t i = 0; i < conv->numstates / 2; i++) {
printf("%2d: ", i);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= winner_index; j++) {
printf("%d", conv->history_buffer->history[j][i] ? 1 : 0);
void convolutional_decode_warmup(correct_convolutional *conv, unsigned int sets,
const uint8_t *soft) {
// first phase: load shiftregister up from 0 (order goes from 1 to conv->order)
// we are building up error metrics for the first order bits
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < conv->order - 1 && i < sets; i++) {
// peel off rate bits from encoded to recover the same `out` as in the encoding process
// the difference being that this `out` will have the channel noise/errors applied
unsigned int out;
if (!soft) {
out = bit_reader_read(conv->bit_reader, conv->rate);
const distance_t *read_errors = conv->errors->read_errors;
distance_t *write_errors = conv->errors->write_errors;
// walk all of the state we have so far
for (size_t j = 0; j < (1 << (i + 1)); j += 1) {
unsigned int last = j >> 1;
distance_t dist;
if (soft) {
if (conv->soft_measurement == CORRECT_SOFT_LINEAR) {
dist = metric_soft_distance_linear(conv->table[j], soft + i * conv->rate,
} else {
dist = metric_soft_distance_quadratic(conv->table[j], soft + i * conv->rate,
} else {
dist = metric_distance(conv->table[j], out);
write_errors[j] = dist + read_errors[last];
void convolutional_decode_inner(correct_convolutional *conv, unsigned int sets,
const uint8_t *soft) {
shift_register_t highbit = 1 << (conv->order - 1);
for (unsigned int i = conv->order - 1; i < (sets - conv->order + 1); i++) {
distance_t *distances = conv->distances;
// lasterrors are the aggregate bit errors for the states of shiftregister for the previous
// time slice
if (soft) {
if (conv->soft_measurement == CORRECT_SOFT_LINEAR) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 1 << (conv->rate); j++) {
distances[j] =
metric_soft_distance_linear(j, soft + i * conv->rate, conv->rate);
} else {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 1 << (conv->rate); j++) {
distances[j] =
metric_soft_distance_quadratic(j, soft + i * conv->rate, conv->rate);
} else {
unsigned int out = bit_reader_read(conv->bit_reader, conv->rate);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1 << (conv->rate); i++) {
distances[i] = metric_distance(i, out);
pair_lookup_t pair_lookup = conv->pair_lookup;
pair_lookup_fill_distance(pair_lookup, distances);
// a mask to get the high order bit from the shift register
unsigned int num_iter = highbit << 1;
const distance_t *read_errors = conv->errors->read_errors;
// aggregate bit errors for this time slice
distance_t *write_errors = conv->errors->write_errors;
uint8_t *history = history_buffer_get_slice(conv->history_buffer);
// walk through all states, ignoring oldest bit
// we will track a best register state (path) and the number of bit errors at that path at
// this time slice
// this loop considers two paths per iteration (high order bit set, clear)
// so, it only runs numstates/2 iterations
// we'll update the history for every state and find the path with the least aggregated bit
// errors
// now run the main loop
// we calculate 2 sets of 2 register states here (4 states per iter)
// this creates 2 sets which share a predecessor, and 2 sets which share a successor
// the first set definition is the two states that are the same except for the least order
// bit
// these two share a predecessor because their high n - 1 bits are the same (differ only by
// newest bit)
// the second set definition is the two states that are the same except for the high order
// bit
// these two share a successor because the oldest high order bit will be shifted out, and
// the other bits will be present in the successor
shift_register_t highbase = highbit >> 1;
for (shift_register_t low = 0, high = highbit, base = 0; high < num_iter;
low += 8, high += 8, base += 4) {
// shifted-right ancestors
// low and low_plus_one share low_past_error
// note that they are the same when shifted right by 1
// same goes for high and high_plus_one
for (shift_register_t offset = 0, base_offset = 0; base_offset < 4;
offset += 2, base_offset += 1) {
distance_pair_key_t low_key = pair_lookup.keys[base + base_offset];
distance_pair_key_t high_key = pair_lookup.keys[highbase + base + base_offset];
distance_pair_t low_concat_dist = pair_lookup.distances[low_key];
distance_pair_t high_concat_dist = pair_lookup.distances[high_key];
distance_t low_past_error = read_errors[base + base_offset];
distance_t high_past_error = read_errors[highbase + base + base_offset];
distance_t low_error = (low_concat_dist & 0xffff) + low_past_error;
distance_t high_error = (high_concat_dist & 0xffff) + high_past_error;
shift_register_t successor = low + offset;
distance_t error;
uint8_t history_mask;
if (low_error <= high_error) {
error = low_error;
history_mask = 0;
} else {
error = high_error;
history_mask = 1;
write_errors[successor] = error;
history[successor] = history_mask;
shift_register_t low_plus_one = low + offset + 1;
distance_t low_plus_one_error = (low_concat_dist >> 16) + low_past_error;
distance_t high_plus_one_error = (high_concat_dist >> 16) + high_past_error;
shift_register_t plus_one_successor = low_plus_one;
distance_t plus_one_error;
uint8_t plus_one_history_mask;
if (low_plus_one_error <= high_plus_one_error) {
plus_one_error = low_plus_one_error;
plus_one_history_mask = 0;
} else {
plus_one_error = high_plus_one_error;
plus_one_history_mask = 1;
write_errors[plus_one_successor] = plus_one_error;
history[plus_one_successor] = plus_one_history_mask;
history_buffer_process(conv->history_buffer, write_errors, conv->bit_writer);
void convolutional_decode_tail(correct_convolutional *conv, unsigned int sets,
const uint8_t *soft) {
// flush state registers
// now we only shift in 0s, skipping 1-successors
shift_register_t highbit = 1 << (conv->order - 1);
for (unsigned int i = sets - conv->order + 1; i < sets; i++) {
// lasterrors are the aggregate bit errors for the states of shiftregister for the previous
// time slice
const distance_t *read_errors = conv->errors->read_errors;
// aggregate bit errors for this time slice
distance_t *write_errors = conv->errors->write_errors;
uint8_t *history = history_buffer_get_slice(conv->history_buffer);
// calculate the distance from all output states to our sliced bits
distance_t *distances = conv->distances;
if (soft) {
if (conv->soft_measurement == CORRECT_SOFT_LINEAR) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 1 << (conv->rate); j++) {
distances[j] =
metric_soft_distance_linear(j, soft + i * conv->rate, conv->rate);
} else {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 1 << (conv->rate); j++) {
distances[j] =
metric_soft_distance_quadratic(j, soft + i * conv->rate, conv->rate);
} else {
unsigned int out = bit_reader_read(conv->bit_reader, conv->rate);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1 << (conv->rate); i++) {
distances[i] = metric_distance(i, out);
const unsigned int *table = conv->table;
// a mask to get the high order bit from the shift register
unsigned int num_iter = highbit << 1;
unsigned int skip = 1 << (conv->order - (sets - i));
unsigned int base_skip = skip >> 1;
shift_register_t highbase = highbit >> 1;
for (shift_register_t low = 0, high = highbit, base = 0; high < num_iter;
low += skip, high += skip, base += base_skip) {
unsigned int low_output = table[low];
unsigned int high_output = table[high];
distance_t low_dist = distances[low_output];
distance_t high_dist = distances[high_output];
distance_t low_past_error = read_errors[base];
distance_t high_past_error = read_errors[highbase + base];
distance_t low_error = low_dist + low_past_error;
distance_t high_error = high_dist + high_past_error;
shift_register_t successor = low;
distance_t error;
uint8_t history_mask;
if (low_error < high_error) {
error = low_error;
history_mask = 0;
} else {
error = high_error;
history_mask = 1;
write_errors[successor] = error;
history[successor] = history_mask;
history_buffer_process_skip(conv->history_buffer, write_errors, conv->bit_writer, skip);
void _convolutional_decode_init(correct_convolutional *conv, unsigned int min_traceback,
unsigned int traceback_length, unsigned int renormalize_interval) {
conv->has_init_decode = true;
conv->distances = calloc(1 << (conv->rate), sizeof(distance_t));
conv->pair_lookup = pair_lookup_create(conv->rate, conv->order, conv->table);
conv->soft_measurement = CORRECT_SOFT_LINEAR;
// we limit history to go back as far as 5 * the order of our polynomial
conv->history_buffer = history_buffer_create(min_traceback, traceback_length, renormalize_interval,
conv->numstates / 2, 1 << (conv->order - 1));
conv->errors = error_buffer_create(conv->numstates);
static ssize_t _convolutional_decode(correct_convolutional *conv, size_t num_encoded_bits,
size_t num_encoded_bytes, uint8_t *msg,
const soft_t *soft_encoded) {
if (!conv->has_init_decode) {
uint64_t max_error_per_input = conv->rate * soft_max;
unsigned int renormalize_interval = distance_max / max_error_per_input;
_convolutional_decode_init(conv, 5 * conv->order, 15 * conv->order, renormalize_interval);
size_t sets = num_encoded_bits / conv->rate;
// XXX fix this vvvvvv
size_t decoded_len_bytes = num_encoded_bytes;
bit_writer_reconfigure(conv->bit_writer, msg, decoded_len_bytes);
// no outputs are generated during warmup
convolutional_decode_warmup(conv, sets, soft_encoded);
convolutional_decode_inner(conv, sets, soft_encoded);
convolutional_decode_tail(conv, sets, soft_encoded);
history_buffer_flush(conv->history_buffer, conv->bit_writer);
return bit_writer_length(conv->bit_writer);
// perform viterbi decoding
// hard decoder
ssize_t correct_convolutional_decode(correct_convolutional *conv, const uint8_t *encoded,
size_t num_encoded_bits, uint8_t *msg) {
if (num_encoded_bits % conv->rate) {
// XXX turn this into an error code
// printf("encoded length of message must be a multiple of rate\n");
return -1;
size_t num_encoded_bytes =
(num_encoded_bits % 8) ? (num_encoded_bits / 8 + 1) : (num_encoded_bits / 8);
bit_reader_reconfigure(conv->bit_reader, encoded, num_encoded_bytes);
return _convolutional_decode(conv, num_encoded_bits, num_encoded_bytes, msg, NULL);
ssize_t correct_convolutional_decode_soft(correct_convolutional *conv, const soft_t *encoded,
size_t num_encoded_bits, uint8_t *msg) {
if (num_encoded_bits % conv->rate) {
// XXX turn this into an error code
// printf("encoded length of message must be a multiple of rate\n");
return -1;
size_t num_encoded_bytes =
(num_encoded_bits % 8) ? (num_encoded_bits / 8 + 1) : (num_encoded_bits / 8);
return _convolutional_decode(conv, num_encoded_bits, num_encoded_bytes, msg, encoded);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/convolutional.h"
size_t correct_convolutional_encode_len(correct_convolutional *conv, size_t msg_len) {
size_t msgbits = 8 * msg_len;
size_t encodedbits = conv->rate * (msgbits + conv->order + 1);
return encodedbits;
// shift in most significant bit every time, one byte at a time
// shift register takes most recent bit on right, shifts left
// poly is written in same order, just & mask message w/ poly
// assume that encoded length is long enough?
size_t correct_convolutional_encode(correct_convolutional *conv,
const uint8_t *msg,
size_t msg_len,
uint8_t *encoded) {
// convolutional code convolves filter coefficients, given by
// the polynomial, with some history from our message.
// the history is stored as single subsequent bits in shiftregister
shift_register_t shiftregister = 0;
// shiftmask is the shiftregister bit mask that removes bits
// that extend beyond order
// e.g. if order is 7, then remove the 8th bit and beyond
unsigned int shiftmask = (1 << conv->order) - 1;
size_t encoded_len_bits = correct_convolutional_encode_len(conv, msg_len);
size_t encoded_len = (encoded_len_bits % 8) ? (encoded_len_bits / 8 + 1) : (encoded_len_bits / 8);
bit_writer_reconfigure(conv->bit_writer, encoded, encoded_len);
bit_reader_reconfigure(conv->bit_reader, msg, msg_len);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 8 * msg_len; i++) {
// shiftregister has oldest bits on left, newest on right
shiftregister <<= 1;
shiftregister |= bit_reader_read(conv->bit_reader, 1);
shiftregister &= shiftmask;
// shift most significant bit from byte and move down one bit at a time
// we do direct lookup of our convolutional output here
// all of the bits from this convolution are stored in this row
unsigned int out = conv->table[shiftregister];
bit_writer_write(conv->bit_writer, out, conv->rate);
// now flush the shiftregister
// this is simply running the loop as above but without any new inputs
// or rather, the new input string is all 0s
for (size_t i = 0; i < conv->order + 1; i++) {
shiftregister <<= 1;
shiftregister &= shiftmask;
unsigned int out = conv->table[shiftregister];
bit_writer_write(conv->bit_writer, out, conv->rate);
// 0-fill any remaining bits on our final byte
return encoded_len_bits;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/error_buffer.h"
error_buffer_t *error_buffer_create(unsigned int num_states) {
error_buffer_t *buf = calloc(1, sizeof(error_buffer_t));
// how large are the error buffers?
buf->num_states = num_states;
// save two error metrics, one for last round and one for this
// (double buffer)
// the error metric is the aggregated number of bit errors found
// at a given path which terminates at a particular shift register state
buf->errors[0] = calloc(sizeof(distance_t), num_states);
buf->errors[1] = calloc(sizeof(distance_t), num_states);
// which buffer are we using, 0 or 1?
buf->index = 0;
buf->read_errors = buf->errors[0];
buf->write_errors = buf->errors[1];
return buf;
void error_buffer_destroy(error_buffer_t *buf) {
void error_buffer_reset(error_buffer_t *buf) {
memset(buf->errors[0], 0, buf->num_states * sizeof(distance_t));
memset(buf->errors[1], 0, buf->num_states * sizeof(distance_t));
buf->index = 0;
buf->read_errors = buf->errors[0];
buf->write_errors = buf->errors[1];
void error_buffer_swap(error_buffer_t *buf) {
buf->read_errors = buf->errors[buf->index];
buf->index = (buf->index + 1) % 2;
buf->write_errors = buf->errors[buf->index];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/history_buffer.h"
history_buffer *history_buffer_create(unsigned int min_traceback_length,
unsigned int traceback_group_length,
unsigned int renormalize_interval, unsigned int num_states,
shift_register_t highbit) {
history_buffer *buf = calloc(1, sizeof(history_buffer));
*(unsigned int *)&buf->min_traceback_length = min_traceback_length;
*(unsigned int *)&buf->traceback_group_length = traceback_group_length;
*(unsigned int *)&buf->cap = min_traceback_length + traceback_group_length;
*(unsigned int *)&buf->num_states = num_states;
*(shift_register_t *)&buf->highbit = highbit;
buf->history = malloc(buf->cap * sizeof(uint8_t *));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buf->cap; i++) {
buf->history[i] = calloc(num_states, sizeof(uint8_t));
buf->fetched = malloc(buf->cap * sizeof(uint8_t));
buf->index = 0;
buf->len = 0;
buf->renormalize_counter = 0;
buf->renormalize_interval = renormalize_interval;
return buf;
void history_buffer_destroy(history_buffer *buf) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < buf->cap; i++) {
void history_buffer_reset(history_buffer *buf) {
buf->len = 0;
buf->index = 0;
uint8_t *history_buffer_get_slice(history_buffer *buf) { return buf->history[buf->index]; }
shift_register_t history_buffer_search(history_buffer *buf, const distance_t *distances,
unsigned int search_every) {
shift_register_t bestpath;
distance_t leasterror = USHRT_MAX;
// search for a state with the least error
for (shift_register_t state = 0; state < buf->num_states; state += search_every) {
if (distances[state] < leasterror) {
leasterror = distances[state];
bestpath = state;
return bestpath;
void history_buffer_renormalize(history_buffer *buf, distance_t *distances,
shift_register_t min_register) {
distance_t min_distance = distances[min_register];
for (shift_register_t i = 0; i < buf->num_states; i++) {
distances[i] -= min_distance;
void history_buffer_traceback(history_buffer *buf, shift_register_t bestpath,
unsigned int min_traceback_length, bit_writer_t *output) {
unsigned int fetched_index = 0;
shift_register_t highbit = buf->highbit;
unsigned int index = buf->index;
unsigned int cap = buf->cap;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < min_traceback_length; j++) {
if (index == 0) {
index = cap - 1;
} else {
// we're walking backwards from what the work we did before
// so, we'll shift high order bits in
// the path will cross multiple different shift register states, and we determine
// which state by going backwards one time slice at a time
uint8_t history = buf->history[index][bestpath];
shift_register_t pathbit = history ? highbit : 0;
bestpath |= pathbit;
bestpath >>= 1;
unsigned int prefetch_index = index;
if (prefetch_index == 0) {
prefetch_index = cap - 1;
} else {
unsigned int len = buf->len;
for (unsigned int j = min_traceback_length; j < len; j++) {
index = prefetch_index;
if (prefetch_index == 0) {
prefetch_index = cap - 1;
} else {
// we're walking backwards from what the work we did before
// so, we'll shift high order bits in
// the path will cross multiple different shift register states, and we determine
// which state by going backwards one time slice at a time
uint8_t history = buf->history[index][bestpath];
shift_register_t pathbit = history ? highbit : 0;
bestpath |= pathbit;
bestpath >>= 1;
buf->fetched[fetched_index] = (pathbit ? 1 : 0);
bit_writer_write_bitlist_reversed(output, buf->fetched, fetched_index);
buf->len -= fetched_index;
void history_buffer_process_skip(history_buffer *buf, distance_t *distances, bit_writer_t *output,
unsigned int skip) {
if (buf->index == buf->cap) {
buf->index = 0;
// there are four ways these branches can resolve
// a) we are neither renormalizing nor doing a traceback
// b) we are renormalizing but not doing a traceback
// c) we are renormalizing and doing a traceback
// d) we are not renormalizing but we are doing a traceback
// in case c, we want to save the effort of finding the bestpath
// since that's expensive
// so we have to check for that case after we renormalize
if (buf->renormalize_counter == buf->renormalize_interval) {
buf->renormalize_counter = 0;
shift_register_t bestpath = history_buffer_search(buf, distances, skip);
history_buffer_renormalize(buf, distances, bestpath);
if (buf->len == buf->cap) {
// reuse the bestpath found for renormalizing
history_buffer_traceback(buf, bestpath, buf->min_traceback_length, output);
} else if (buf->len == buf->cap) {
// not renormalizing, find the bestpath here
shift_register_t bestpath = history_buffer_search(buf, distances, skip);
history_buffer_traceback(buf, bestpath, buf->min_traceback_length, output);
void history_buffer_process(history_buffer *buf, distance_t *distances, bit_writer_t *output) {
history_buffer_process_skip(buf, distances, output, 1);
void history_buffer_flush(history_buffer *buf, bit_writer_t *output) {
history_buffer_traceback(buf, 0, 0, output);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/lookup.h"
// table has numstates rows
// each row contains all of the polynomial output bits concatenated together
// e.g. for rate 2, we have 2 bits in each row
// the first poly gets the LEAST significant bit, last poly gets most significant
void fill_table(unsigned int rate,
unsigned int order,
const polynomial_t *poly,
unsigned int *table) {
for (shift_register_t i = 0; i < 1 << order; i++) {
unsigned int out = 0;
unsigned int mask = 1;
for (size_t j = 0; j < rate; j++) {
out |= (popcount(i & poly[j]) % 2) ? mask : 0;
mask <<= 1;
table[i] = out;
pair_lookup_t pair_lookup_create(unsigned int rate,
unsigned int order,
const unsigned int *table) {
pair_lookup_t pairs;
pairs.keys = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * (1 << (order - 1)));
pairs.outputs = calloc((1 << (rate * 2)), sizeof(unsigned int));
unsigned int *inv_outputs = calloc((1 << (rate * 2)), sizeof(unsigned int));
unsigned int output_counter = 1;
// for every (even-numbered) shift register state, find the concatenated output of the state
// and the subsequent state that follows it (low bit set). then, check to see if this
// concatenated output has a unique key assigned to it already. if not, give it a key.
// if it does, retrieve the key. assign this key to the shift register state.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (1 << (order - 1)); i++) {
// first get the concatenated pair of outputs
unsigned int out = table[i * 2 + 1];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 2];
// does this concatenated output exist in the outputs table yet?
if (!inv_outputs[out]) {
// doesn't exist, allocate a new key
inv_outputs[out] = output_counter;
pairs.outputs[output_counter] = out;
// set the opaque key for the ith shift register state to the concatenated output entry
pairs.keys[i] = inv_outputs[out];
pairs.outputs_len = output_counter;
pairs.output_mask = (1 << (rate)) - 1;
pairs.output_width = rate;
pairs.distances = calloc(pairs.outputs_len, sizeof(distance_pair_t));
return pairs;
void pair_lookup_destroy(pair_lookup_t pairs) {
void pair_lookup_fill_distance(pair_lookup_t pairs, distance_t *distances) {
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < pairs.outputs_len; i += 1) {
output_pair_t concat_out = pairs.outputs[i];
unsigned int i_0 = concat_out & pairs.output_mask;
concat_out >>= pairs.output_width;
unsigned int i_1 = concat_out;
pairs.distances[i] = (distances[i_1] << 16) | distances[i_0];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/metric.h"
// measure the square of the euclidean distance between x and y
// since euclidean dist is sqrt(a^2 + b^2 + ... + n^2), the square is just
// a^2 + b^2 + ... + n^2
distance_t metric_soft_distance_quadratic(unsigned int hard_x, const uint8_t *soft_y, size_t len) {
distance_t dist = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// first, convert hard_x to a soft measurement (0 -> 0, 1 - > 255)
unsigned int soft_x = (hard_x & 1) ? 255 : 0;
hard_x >>= 1;
int d = soft_y[i] - soft_x;
dist += d*d;
return dist >> 3;
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
set(SRCFILES lookup.c convolutional.c encode.c decode.c)
add_library(correct-convolutional-sse OBJECT ${SRCFILES})
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/sse/convolutional.h"
correct_convolutional_sse *correct_convolutional_sse_create(size_t rate,
size_t order,
const polynomial_t *poly) {
correct_convolutional_sse *conv = malloc(sizeof(correct_convolutional_sse));
correct_convolutional *init_conv = _correct_convolutional_init(&conv->base_conv, rate, order, poly);
if (!init_conv) {
conv = NULL;
return conv;
void correct_convolutional_sse_destroy(correct_convolutional_sse *conv) {
if (conv->base_conv.has_init_decode) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/sse/convolutional.h"
static void convolutional_sse_decode_inner(correct_convolutional_sse *sse_conv, unsigned int sets,
const uint8_t *soft) {
correct_convolutional *conv = &sse_conv->base_conv;
shift_register_t highbit = 1 << (conv->order - 1);
unsigned int hist_buf_index = conv->history_buffer->index;
unsigned int hist_buf_cap = conv->history_buffer->cap;
unsigned int hist_buf_len = conv->history_buffer->len;
unsigned int hist_buf_rn_int = conv->history_buffer->renormalize_interval;
unsigned int hist_buf_rn_cnt = conv->history_buffer->renormalize_counter;
for (unsigned int i = conv->order - 1; i < (sets - conv->order + 1); i++) {
distance_t *distances = conv->distances;
// lasterrors are the aggregate bit errors for the states of
// shiftregister for the previous time slice
if (soft) {
if (conv->soft_measurement == CORRECT_SOFT_LINEAR) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 1 << (conv->rate); j++) {
distances[j] =
metric_soft_distance_linear(j, soft + i * conv->rate, conv->rate);
} else {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 1 << (conv->rate); j++) {
distances[j] =
metric_soft_distance_quadratic(j, soft + i * conv->rate, conv->rate);
} else {
unsigned int out = bit_reader_read(conv->bit_reader, conv->rate);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 1 << (conv->rate); i++) {
distances[i] = metric_distance(i, out);
oct_lookup_t oct_lookup = sse_conv->oct_lookup;
oct_lookup_fill_distance(oct_lookup, distances);
// a mask to get the high order bit from the shift register
unsigned int num_iter = highbit << 1;
const distance_t *read_errors = conv->errors->read_errors;
// aggregate bit errors for this time slice
distance_t *write_errors = conv->errors->write_errors;
uint8_t *history = conv->history_buffer->history[hist_buf_index];
// walk through all states, ignoring oldest bit
// we will track a best register state (path) and the number of bit
// errors at that path at this time slice
// this loop considers two paths per iteration (high order bit set,
// clear)
// so, it only runs numstates/2 iterations
// we'll update the history for every state and find the path with the
// least aggregated bit errors
// now run the main loop
// we calculate 2 sets of 2 register states here (4 states per iter)
// this creates 2 sets which share a predecessor, and 2 sets which share
// a successor
// the first set definition is the two states that are the same except
// for the least order bit
// these two share a predecessor because their high n - 1 bits are the
// same (differ only by newest bit)
// the second set definition is the two states that are the same except
// for the high order bit
// these two share a successor because the oldest high order bit will be
// shifted out, and the other bits will be present in the successor
shift_register_t highbase = highbit >> 1;
shift_register_t oct_highbase = highbase >> 2;
for (shift_register_t low = 0, high = highbit, base = 0, oct = 0; high < num_iter;
low += 32, high += 32, base += 16, oct += 4) {
// shifted-right ancestors
// low and low_plus_one share low_past_error
// note that they are the same when shifted right by 1
// same goes for high and high_plus_one
__m128i past_shuffle_mask =
_mm_set_epi32(0x07060706, 0x05040504, 0x03020302, 0x01000100);
__m128i hist_mask =
_mm_set_epi32(0x80808080, 0x80808080, 0x0e0c0a09, 0x07050301);
// the loop below calculates 64 register states per loop iteration
// it does this by packing the 128-bit xmm registers with 8, 16-bit
// distances
// 4 of these registers hold distances for convolutional shift
// register states with the high bit cleared
// and 4 hold distances for the corresponding shift register
// states with the high bit set
// since each xmm register holds 8 distances, this adds up to a
// total of 8 * 8 = 64 shift register states
for (shift_register_t offset = 0, base_offset = 0; base_offset < 16;
offset += 32, base_offset += 16) {
// load the past error for the register states with the high
// order bit cleared
__m128i low_past_error =
_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)(read_errors + base + base_offset));
__m128i low_past_error0 =
_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)(read_errors + base + base_offset + 4));
__m128i low_past_error1 =
_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)(read_errors + base + base_offset + 8));
__m128i low_past_error2 =
_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)(read_errors + base + base_offset + 12));
// shuffle the low past error
// register states that differ only by their low order bit share
// a past error
low_past_error = _mm_shuffle_epi8(low_past_error, past_shuffle_mask);
low_past_error0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(low_past_error0, past_shuffle_mask);
low_past_error1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(low_past_error1, past_shuffle_mask);
low_past_error2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(low_past_error2, past_shuffle_mask);
// repeat past error lookup for register states with high order
// bit set
__m128i high_past_error =
_mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i *)(read_errors + highbase + base + base_offset));
__m128i high_past_error0 = _mm_loadl_epi64(
(const __m128i *)(read_errors + highbase + base + base_offset + 4));
__m128i high_past_error1 = _mm_loadl_epi64(
(const __m128i *)(read_errors + highbase + base + base_offset + 8));
__m128i high_past_error2 = _mm_loadl_epi64(
(const __m128i *)(read_errors + highbase + base + base_offset + 12));
high_past_error = _mm_shuffle_epi8(high_past_error, past_shuffle_mask);
high_past_error0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(high_past_error0, past_shuffle_mask);
high_past_error1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(high_past_error1, past_shuffle_mask);
high_past_error2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(high_past_error2, past_shuffle_mask);
// __m128i this_shuffle_mask = (__m128i){0x80800100, 0x80800302,
// 0x80800504, 0x80800706};
// load the opaque oct distance table keys from out loop index
distance_oct_key_t low_key = oct_lookup.keys[oct + (base_offset / 4)];
distance_oct_key_t low_key0 = oct_lookup.keys[oct + (base_offset / 4) + 1];
distance_oct_key_t low_key1 = oct_lookup.keys[oct + (base_offset / 4) + 2];
distance_oct_key_t low_key2 = oct_lookup.keys[oct + (base_offset / 4) + 3];
// load the distances for the register states with high order
// bit cleared
__m128i low_this_error =
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(oct_lookup.distances + low_key));
__m128i low_this_error0 =
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(oct_lookup.distances + low_key0));
__m128i low_this_error1 =
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(oct_lookup.distances + low_key1));
__m128i low_this_error2 =
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(oct_lookup.distances + low_key2));
// add the distance for this time slice to the past distances
__m128i low_error = _mm_add_epi16(low_past_error, low_this_error);
__m128i low_error0 = _mm_add_epi16(low_past_error0, low_this_error0);
__m128i low_error1 = _mm_add_epi16(low_past_error1, low_this_error1);
__m128i low_error2 = _mm_add_epi16(low_past_error2, low_this_error2);
// repeat oct distance table lookup for registers with high
// order bit set
distance_oct_key_t high_key =
oct_lookup.keys[oct_highbase + oct + (base_offset / 4)];
distance_oct_key_t high_key0 =
oct_lookup.keys[oct_highbase + oct + (base_offset / 4) + 1];
distance_oct_key_t high_key1 =
oct_lookup.keys[oct_highbase + oct + (base_offset / 4) + 2];
distance_oct_key_t high_key2 =
oct_lookup.keys[oct_highbase + oct + (base_offset / 4) + 3];
__m128i high_this_error =
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(oct_lookup.distances + high_key));
__m128i high_this_error0 =
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(oct_lookup.distances + high_key0));
__m128i high_this_error1 =
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(oct_lookup.distances + high_key1));
__m128i high_this_error2 =
_mm_load_si128((const __m128i *)(oct_lookup.distances + high_key2));
__m128i high_error = _mm_add_epi16(high_past_error, high_this_error);
__m128i high_error0 = _mm_add_epi16(high_past_error0, high_this_error0);
__m128i high_error1 = _mm_add_epi16(high_past_error1, high_this_error1);
__m128i high_error2 = _mm_add_epi16(high_past_error2, high_this_error2);
// distances for this time slice calculated
// find the least error between registers who differ only in
// their high order bit
__m128i min_error = _mm_min_epu16(low_error, high_error);
__m128i min_error0 = _mm_min_epu16(low_error0, high_error0);
__m128i min_error1 = _mm_min_epu16(low_error1, high_error1);
__m128i min_error2 = _mm_min_epu16(low_error2, high_error2);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(write_errors + low + offset), min_error);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(write_errors + low + offset + 8), min_error0);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(write_errors + low + offset + 16), min_error1);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i *)(write_errors + low + offset + 24), min_error2);
// generate history bits as (low_error > least_error)
// this operation fills each element with all 1s if true and 0s
// if false
// in other words, we set the history bit to 1 if
// the register state with high order bit set was the least
// error
__m128i hist = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(low_error, min_error);
// pack the bits down from 16-bit wide to 8-bit wide to
// accomodate history table
hist = _mm_shuffle_epi8(hist, hist_mask);
__m128i hist0 = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(low_error0, min_error0);
hist0 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(hist0, hist_mask);
__m128i hist1 = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(low_error1, min_error1);
hist1 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(hist1, hist_mask);
__m128i hist2 = _mm_cmpgt_epi16(low_error2, min_error2);
hist2 = _mm_shuffle_epi8(hist2, hist_mask);
// write the least error so that the next time slice sees it as
// the past error
// store the history bits set by cmp and shuffle operations
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)(history + low + offset), hist);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)(history + low + offset + 8), hist0);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)(history + low + offset + 16), hist1);
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i *)(history + low + offset + 24), hist2);
// bypass the call to history buffer
// we should really make that function inline and remove this below
if (hist_buf_len == hist_buf_cap - 1 || hist_buf_rn_cnt == hist_buf_rn_int - 1) {
// restore hist buffer state and invoke it
conv->history_buffer->len = hist_buf_len;
conv->history_buffer->index = hist_buf_index;
conv->history_buffer->renormalize_counter = hist_buf_rn_cnt;
history_buffer_process(conv->history_buffer, write_errors, conv->bit_writer);
// restore our local values
hist_buf_len = conv->history_buffer->len;
hist_buf_index = conv->history_buffer->index;
hist_buf_cap = conv->history_buffer->cap;
hist_buf_rn_cnt = conv->history_buffer->renormalize_counter;
} else {
if (hist_buf_index == hist_buf_cap) {
hist_buf_index = 0;
conv->history_buffer->len = hist_buf_len;
conv->history_buffer->index = hist_buf_index;
conv->history_buffer->renormalize_counter = hist_buf_rn_cnt;
static void _convolutional_sse_decode_init(correct_convolutional_sse *conv,
unsigned int min_traceback,
unsigned int traceback_length,
unsigned int renormalize_interval) {
_convolutional_decode_init(&conv->base_conv, min_traceback, traceback_length,
conv->oct_lookup =
oct_lookup_create(conv->base_conv.rate, conv->base_conv.order, conv->base_conv.table);
static ssize_t _convolutional_sse_decode(correct_convolutional_sse *sse_conv,
size_t num_encoded_bits, size_t num_encoded_bytes,
uint8_t *msg, const soft_t *soft_encoded) {
correct_convolutional *conv = &sse_conv->base_conv;
if (!conv->has_init_decode) {
uint64_t max_error_per_input = conv->rate * soft_max;
// sse implementation unfortunately uses signed math on our unsigned values
// reduces usable distance by /2
unsigned int renormalize_interval = (distance_max / 2) / max_error_per_input;
_convolutional_sse_decode_init(sse_conv, 5 * conv->order, 100 * conv->order,
size_t sets = num_encoded_bits / conv->rate;
// XXX fix this vvvvvv
size_t decoded_len_bytes = num_encoded_bytes;
bit_writer_reconfigure(conv->bit_writer, msg, decoded_len_bytes);
// no outputs are generated during warmup
convolutional_decode_warmup(conv, sets, soft_encoded);
convolutional_sse_decode_inner(sse_conv, sets, soft_encoded);
convolutional_decode_tail(conv, sets, soft_encoded);
history_buffer_flush(conv->history_buffer, conv->bit_writer);
return bit_writer_length(conv->bit_writer);
ssize_t correct_convolutional_sse_decode(correct_convolutional_sse *conv, const uint8_t *encoded,
size_t num_encoded_bits, uint8_t *msg) {
if (num_encoded_bits % conv->base_conv.rate) {
// XXX turn this into an error code
// printf("encoded length of message must be a multiple of rate\n");
return -1;
size_t num_encoded_bytes =
(num_encoded_bits % 8) ? (num_encoded_bits / 8 + 1) : (num_encoded_bits / 8);
bit_reader_reconfigure(conv->base_conv.bit_reader, encoded, num_encoded_bytes);
return _convolutional_sse_decode(conv, num_encoded_bits, num_encoded_bytes, msg, NULL);
ssize_t correct_convolutional_sse_decode_soft(correct_convolutional_sse *conv, const soft_t *encoded,
size_t num_encoded_bits, uint8_t *msg) {
if (num_encoded_bits % conv->base_conv.rate) {
// XXX turn this into an error code
// printf("encoded length of message must be a multiple of rate\n");
return -1;
size_t num_encoded_bytes =
(num_encoded_bits % 8) ? (num_encoded_bits / 8 + 1) : (num_encoded_bits / 8);
return _convolutional_sse_decode(conv, num_encoded_bits, num_encoded_bytes, msg, encoded);
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/sse/convolutional.h"
size_t correct_convolutional_sse_encode_len(correct_convolutional_sse *conv, size_t msg_len) {
return correct_convolutional_encode_len(&conv->base_conv, msg_len);
size_t correct_convolutional_sse_encode(correct_convolutional_sse *conv, const uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_len, uint8_t *encoded) {
return correct_convolutional_encode(&conv->base_conv, msg, msg_len, encoded);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/sse/lookup.h"
quad_lookup_t quad_lookup_create(unsigned int rate,
unsigned int order,
const unsigned int *table) {
quad_lookup_t quads;
quads.keys = malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * (1 << (order - 2)));
quads.outputs = calloc((1 << (rate * 4)), sizeof(unsigned int));
unsigned int *inv_outputs = calloc((1 << (rate * 4)), sizeof(unsigned int));
unsigned int output_counter = 1;
// for every (even-numbered) shift register state, find the concatenated output of the state
// and the subsequent state that follows it (low bit set). then, check to see if this
// concatenated output has a unique key assigned to it already. if not, give it a key.
// if it does, retrieve the key. assign this key to the shift register state.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (1 << (order - 2)); i++) {
// first get the concatenated quad of outputs
unsigned int out = table[i * 4 + 3];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 4 + 2];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 4 + 1];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 4];
// does this concatenated output exist in the outputs table yet?
if (!inv_outputs[out]) {
// doesn't exist, allocate a new key
inv_outputs[out] = output_counter;
quads.outputs[output_counter] = out;
// set the opaque key for the ith shift register state to the concatenated output entry
quads.keys[i] = inv_outputs[out];
quads.outputs_len = output_counter;
quads.output_mask = (1 << (rate)) - 1;
quads.output_width = rate;
quads.distances = calloc(quads.outputs_len, sizeof(distance_quad_t));
return quads;
void quad_lookup_destroy(quad_lookup_t quads) {
void quad_lookup_fill_distance(quad_lookup_t quads, distance_t *distances) {
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < quads.outputs_len; i += 1) {
output_quad_t concat_out = quads.outputs[i];
unsigned int i_0 = concat_out & quads.output_mask;
concat_out >>= quads.output_width;
unsigned int i_1 = concat_out & quads.output_mask;
concat_out >>= quads.output_width;
unsigned int i_2 = concat_out & quads.output_mask;
concat_out >>= quads.output_width;
unsigned int i_3 = concat_out;
quads.distances[i] = ((uint64_t)distances[i_3] << 48) | ((uint64_t)distances[i_2] << 32) | (distances[i_1] << 16) | distances[i_0];
distance_oct_key_t oct_lookup_find_key(output_oct_t *outputs, output_oct_t out, size_t num_keys) {
for (size_t i = 1; i < num_keys; i++) {
if (outputs[i] == out) {
return i;
return 0;
oct_lookup_t oct_lookup_create(unsigned int rate,
unsigned int order,
const unsigned int *table) {
oct_lookup_t octs;
octs.keys = malloc((1 << (order - 3)) * sizeof(distance_oct_key_t));
octs.outputs = malloc(((output_oct_t)2 << rate) * sizeof(uint64_t));
output_oct_t *short_outs = calloc(((output_oct_t)2 << rate), sizeof(output_oct_t));
size_t outputs_len = 2 << rate;
unsigned int output_counter = 1;
// for every (even-numbered) shift register state, find the concatenated output of the state
// and the subsequent state that follows it (low bit set). then, check to see if this
// concatenated output has a unique key assigned to it already. if not, give it a key.
// if it does, retrieve the key. assign this key to the shift register state.
for (shift_register_t i = 0; i < (1 << (order - 3)); i++) {
// first get the concatenated oct of outputs
output_oct_t out = table[i * 8 + 7];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 8 + 6];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 8 + 5];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 8 + 4];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 8 + 3];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 8 + 2];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 8 + 1];
out <<= rate;
out |= table[i * 8];
distance_oct_key_t key = oct_lookup_find_key(short_outs, out, output_counter);
// does this concatenated output exist in the outputs table yet?
if (!key) {
// doesn't exist, allocate a new key
// now build it in expanded form
output_oct_t expanded_out = table[i * 8 + 7];
expanded_out <<= 8;
expanded_out |= table[i * 8 + 6];
expanded_out <<= 8;
expanded_out |= table[i * 8 + 5];
expanded_out <<= 8;
expanded_out |= table[i * 8 + 4];
expanded_out <<= 8;
expanded_out |= table[i * 8 + 3];
expanded_out <<= 8;
expanded_out |= table[i * 8 + 2];
expanded_out <<= 8;
expanded_out |= table[i * 8 + 1];
expanded_out <<= 8;
expanded_out |= table[i * 8];
if (output_counter == outputs_len) {
octs.outputs = realloc(octs.outputs, outputs_len * 2 * sizeof(output_oct_t));
short_outs = realloc(short_outs, outputs_len * 2 * sizeof(output_oct_t));
outputs_len *= 2;
short_outs[output_counter] = out;
octs.outputs[output_counter] = expanded_out;
key = output_counter;
// set the opaque key for the ith shift register state to the concatenated output entry
// we multiply the key by 2 since the distances are strided by 2
octs.keys[i] = key * 2;
octs.outputs_len = output_counter;
octs.output_mask = (1 << (rate)) - 1;
octs.output_width = rate;
octs.distances = malloc(octs.outputs_len * 2 * sizeof(uint64_t));
return octs;
void oct_lookup_destroy(oct_lookup_t octs) {
// WIP: sse approach to filling the distance table
void oct_lookup_fill_distance_sse(oct_lookup_t octs, distance_t *distances) {
distance_pair_t *distance_pair = (distance_pair_t*)octs.distances;
__v4si index_shuffle_mask = (__v4si){0xffffff00, 0xffffff01, 0xffffff02, 0xffffff03};
__m256i dist_shuffle_mask = (__m256i){0x01000504, 0x09080d0c, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff,
0x01000504, 0x09080d0c, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff};
const int dist_permute_mask = 0x0c;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < octs.outputs_len; i += 2) {
// big heaping todo vvv
// a) we want 16 bit distances GATHERed, not 32 bit
// b) we need to load 8 of those distances, not 4
__v4si short_concat_index = _mm_loadl_epi64(octs.outputs + 2*i);
__v4si short_concat_index0 = _mm_loadl_epi64(octs.outputs + 2*i + 1);
__m256i concat_index = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi32(short_concat_index);
__m256i concat_index0 = _mm256_cvtepu8_epi32(short_concat_index0);
__m256i dist = _mm256_i32gather_epi32(distances, concat_index, sizeof(distance_t));
__m256i dist0 = _mm256_i32gather_epi32(distances, concat_index0, sizeof(distance_t));
dist = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(dist, dist_shuffle_mask);
dist0 = _mm256_shuffle_epi8(dist0, dist_shuffle_mask);
dist = __builtin_shufflevector(dist, dist, 0, 5, 0, 0);
dist0 = __builtin_shufflevector(dist0, dist0, 0, 5, 0, 0);
__v4si packed_dist = _mm256_castsi256_si128(dist);
_mm_store_si128(distance_pair + 8 * i, packed_dist);
__v4si packed_dist0 = _mm256_castsi256_si128(dist0);
_mm_store_si128(distance_pair + 8 * i + 4, packed_dist0);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include <correct.h>
struct correct_convolutional_sse;
typedef struct correct_convolutional_sse correct_convolutional_sse;
/* SSE versions of libcorrect's convolutional encoder/decoder.
* These instances should not be used with the non-sse functions,
* and non-sse instances should not be used with the sse functions.
correct_convolutional_sse *correct_convolutional_sse_create(
size_t rate, size_t order, const correct_convolutional_polynomial_t *poly);
void correct_convolutional_sse_destroy(correct_convolutional_sse *conv);
size_t correct_convolutional_sse_encode_len(correct_convolutional_sse *conv, size_t msg_len);
size_t correct_convolutional_sse_encode(correct_convolutional_sse *conv, const uint8_t *msg,
size_t msg_len, uint8_t *encoded);
ssize_t correct_convolutional_sse_decode(correct_convolutional_sse *conv, const uint8_t *encoded,
size_t num_encoded_bits, uint8_t *msg);
ssize_t correct_convolutional_sse_decode_soft(correct_convolutional_sse *conv,
const correct_convolutional_soft_t *encoded,
size_t num_encoded_bits, uint8_t *msg);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
#ifndef CORRECT_H
#define CORRECT_H
#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stddef.h>
typedef ptrdiff_t ssize_t;
// Convolutional Codes
// Convolutional polynomials are 16 bits wide
typedef uint16_t correct_convolutional_polynomial_t;
static const correct_convolutional_polynomial_t correct_conv_r12_6_polynomial[] = {073, 061};
static const correct_convolutional_polynomial_t correct_conv_r12_7_polynomial[] = {0161, 0127};
static const correct_convolutional_polynomial_t correct_conv_r12_8_polynomial[] = {0225, 0373};
static const correct_convolutional_polynomial_t correct_conv_r12_9_polynomial[] = {0767, 0545};
static const correct_convolutional_polynomial_t correct_conv_r13_6_polynomial[] = {053, 075, 047};
static const correct_convolutional_polynomial_t correct_conv_r13_7_polynomial[] = {0137, 0153,
static const correct_convolutional_polynomial_t correct_conv_r13_8_polynomial[] = {0333, 0257,
static const correct_convolutional_polynomial_t correct_conv_r13_9_polynomial[] = {0417, 0627,
typedef uint8_t correct_convolutional_soft_t;
struct correct_convolutional;
typedef struct correct_convolutional correct_convolutional;
/* correct_convolutional_create allocates and initializes an encoder/decoder for
* a convolutional code with the given parameters. This function expects that
* poly will contain inv_rate elements. E.g., to create a conv. code instance
* with rate 1/2, order 7 and polynomials 0161, 0127, call
* correct_convolutional_create(2, 7, []correct_convolutional_polynomial_t{0161, 0127});
* If this call is successful, it returns a non-NULL pointer.
correct_convolutional *correct_convolutional_create(size_t inv_rate, size_t order,
const correct_convolutional_polynomial_t *poly);
/* correct_convolutional_destroy releases all resources associated
* with conv. This pointer should not be used for further calls
* after calling destroy.
void correct_convolutional_destroy(correct_convolutional *conv);
/* correct_convolutional_encode_len returns the number of *bits*
* in a msg_len of given size, in *bytes*. In order to convert
* this returned length to bytes, save the result of the length
* modulo 8. If it's nonzero, then the length in bytes is
* length/8 + 1. If it is zero, then the length is just
* length/8.
size_t correct_convolutional_encode_len(correct_convolutional *conv, size_t msg_len);
/* correct_convolutional_encode uses the given conv instance to
* encode a block of data and write it to encoded. The length of
* encoded must be long enough to hold the resulting encoded length,
* which can be calculated by calling correct_convolutional_encode_len.
* However, this length should first be converted to bytes, as that
* function returns the length in bits.
* This function returns the number of bits written to encoded. If
* this is not an exact multiple of 8, then it occupies an additional
* byte.
size_t correct_convolutional_encode(correct_convolutional *conv, const uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_len,
uint8_t *encoded);
/* correct_convolutional_decode uses the given conv instance to
* decode a block encoded by correct_convolutional_encode. This
* call can cope with some bits being corrupted. This function
* cannot detect if there are too many bits corrupted, however,
* and will still write a message even if it is not recovered
* correctly. It is up to the user to perform checksums or CRC
* in order to guarantee that the decoded message is intact.
* num_encoded_bits should contain the length of encoded in *bits*.
* This value need not be an exact multiple of 8. However,
* it must be a multiple of the inv_rate used to create
* the conv instance.
* This function writes the result to msg, which must be large
* enough to hold the decoded message. A good conservative size
* for this buffer is the number of encoded bits multiplied by the
* rate of the code, e.g. for a rate 1/2 code, divide by 2. This
* value should then be converted to bytes to find the correct
* length for msg.
* This function returns the number of bytes written to msg. If
* it fails, it returns -1.
ssize_t correct_convolutional_decode(correct_convolutional *conv, const uint8_t *encoded,
size_t num_encoded_bits, uint8_t *msg);
/* correct_convolutional_decode_soft uses the given conv instance
* to decode a block encoded by correct_convolutional_encode and
* then modulated/demodulated to 8-bit symbols. This function expects
* that 1 is mapped to 255 and 0 to 0. An erased symbol should be
* set to 128. The decoded message may contain errors.
* num_encoded_bits should contain the length of encoded in *bits*.
* This value need not be an exact multiple of 8. However,
* it must be a multiple of the inv_rate used to create
* the conv instance.
* This function writes the result to msg, which must be large
* enough to hold the decoded message. A good conservative size
* for this buffer is the number of encoded bits multiplied by the
* rate of the code, e.g. for a rate 1/2 code, divide by 2. This
* value should then be converted to bytes to find the correct
* length for msg.
* This function returns the number of bytes written to msg. If
* it fails, it returns -1.
ssize_t correct_convolutional_decode_soft(correct_convolutional *conv,
const correct_convolutional_soft_t *encoded,
size_t num_encoded_bits, uint8_t *msg);
// Reed-Solomon
struct correct_reed_solomon;
typedef struct correct_reed_solomon correct_reed_solomon;
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_4_3_2_0 =
0x11d; // x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_5_3_1_0 =
0x12b; // x^8 + x^5 + x^3 + x + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_5_3_2_0 =
0x12d; // x^8 + x^5 + x^3 + x^2 + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_6_3_2_0 =
0x14d; // x^8 + x^6 + x^3 + x^2 + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_6_4_3_2_1_0 =
0x15f; // x^8 + x^6 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1;
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_6_5_1_0 =
0x163; // x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_6_5_2_0 =
0x165; // x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^2 + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_6_5_3_0 =
0x169; // x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^3 + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_6_5_4_0 =
0x171; // x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_7_2_1_0 =
0x187; // x^8 + x^7 + x^2 + x + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_7_3_2_0 =
0x18d; // x^8 + x^7 + x^3 + x^2 + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_7_5_3_0 =
0x1a9; // x^8 + x^7 + x^5 + x^3 + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_7_6_1_0 =
0x1c3; // x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_7_6_3_2_1_0 =
0x1cf; // x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_7_6_5_2_1_0 =
0x1e7; // x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x^5 + x^2 + x + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_8_7_6_5_4_2_0 =
0x1f5; // x^8 + x^7 + x^6 + x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + 1
static const uint16_t correct_rs_primitive_polynomial_ccsds =
0x187; // x^8 + x^7 + x^2 + x + 1
/* correct_reed_solomon_create allocates and initializes an
* encoder/decoder for a given reed solomon error correction
* code. The block size must be 255 bytes with 8-bit symbols.
* This block can repair corrupted bytes. It can handle as
* many as num_roots/2 bytes having corruption and still recover
* the encoded payload. However, using more num_roots
* adds more parity overhead and substantially increases
* the computational time for decoding.
* primitive_polynomial should be one of the given values in this
* file. Sane values for first_consecutive_root and
* generator_root_gap are 1 and 1. Not all combinations of
* values produce valid codes.
correct_reed_solomon *correct_reed_solomon_create(uint16_t primitive_polynomial,
uint8_t first_consecutive_root,
uint8_t generator_root_gap,
size_t num_roots);
/* correct_reed_solomon_encode uses the rs instance to encode
* parity information onto a block of data. msg_length should be
* no more than the payload size for one block e.g. no more
* than 223 for a (255, 223) code. Shorter blocks will be encoded
* with virtual padding where the padding is not emitted.
* encoded should be at least msg_length + parity length bytes long
* It is allowable for msg and encoded to be the same pointer. In
* that case, the parity bytes will be written after the msg bytes
* end.
* This function returns the number of bytes written to encoded.
ssize_t correct_reed_solomon_encode(correct_reed_solomon *rs, const uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_length,
uint8_t *encoded);
/* correct_reed_solomon_decode uses the rs instance to decode
* a payload from a block containing payload and parity bytes.
* This function can recover in spite of some bytes being corrupted.
* In most cases, if the block is too corrupted, this function
* will return -1 and not perform decoding. It is possible but
* unlikely that the payload written to msg will contain
* errors when this function returns a positive value.
* msg should be long enough to contain a decoded payload for
* this encoded block.
* This function returns a positive number of bytes written to msg
* if it has decoded or -1 if it has encountered an error.
ssize_t correct_reed_solomon_decode(correct_reed_solomon *rs, const uint8_t *encoded,
size_t encoded_length, uint8_t *msg);
/* correct_reed_solomon_decode_with_erasures uses the rs
* instance to decode a payload from a block containing payload
* and parity bytes. Additionally, the user can provide the
* indices of bytes which have been suspected to be corrupted.
* This erasure information is typically provided by a demodulating
* or receiving device. This function can recover with
* some additional errors on top of the erasures.
* In order to successfully decode, the quantity
* (num_erasures + 2*num_errors) must be less than
* num_roots.
* erasure_locations shold contain erasure_length items.
* erasure_length should not exceed the number of parity
* bytes encoded into this block.
* In most cases, if the block is too corrupted, this function
* will return -1 and not perform decoding. It is possible but
* unlikely that the payload written to msg will contain
* errors when this function returns a positive value.
* msg should be long enough to contain a decoded payload for
* this encoded block.
* This function returns a positive number of bytes written to msg
* if it has decoded or -1 if it has encountered an error.
ssize_t correct_reed_solomon_decode_with_erasures(correct_reed_solomon *rs, const uint8_t *encoded,
size_t encoded_length,
const uint8_t *erasure_locations,
size_t erasure_length, uint8_t *msg);
/* correct_reed_solomon_destroy releases the resources
* associated with rs. This pointer should not be
* used for any functions after this call.
void correct_reed_solomon_destroy(correct_reed_solomon *rs);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "correct.h"
#include "correct/portable.h"
typedef unsigned int shift_register_t;
typedef uint16_t polynomial_t;
typedef uint64_t path_t;
typedef uint8_t soft_t;
static const soft_t soft_max = UINT8_MAX;
typedef uint16_t distance_t;
static const distance_t distance_max = UINT16_MAX;
typedef enum {
} soft_measurement_t;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#include "correct/convolutional.h"
typedef struct {
uint8_t current_byte;
unsigned int current_byte_len;
uint8_t *bytes;
size_t byte_index;
size_t len;
} bit_writer_t;
bit_writer_t *bit_writer_create(uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
void bit_writer_reconfigure(bit_writer_t *w, uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
void bit_writer_destroy(bit_writer_t *w);
void bit_writer_write(bit_writer_t *w, uint8_t val, unsigned int n);
void bit_writer_write_1(bit_writer_t *w, uint8_t val);
void bit_writer_write_bitlist_reversed(bit_writer_t *w, uint8_t *l, size_t len);
void bit_writer_flush_byte(bit_writer_t *w);
size_t bit_writer_length(bit_writer_t *w);
typedef struct {
uint8_t current_byte;
size_t byte_index;
size_t len;
size_t current_byte_len;
const uint8_t *bytes;
} bit_reader_t;
bit_reader_t *bit_reader_create(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
void bit_reader_reconfigure(bit_reader_t *r, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len);
void bit_reader_destroy(bit_reader_t *r);
uint8_t bit_reader_read(bit_reader_t *r, unsigned int n);
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#include "correct/convolutional.h"
#include "correct/convolutional/bit.h"
#include "correct/convolutional/metric.h"
#include "correct/convolutional/lookup.h"
#include "correct/convolutional/history_buffer.h"
#include "correct/convolutional/error_buffer.h"
struct correct_convolutional {
const unsigned int *table; // size 2**order
size_t rate; // e.g. 2, 3...
size_t order; // e.g. 7, 9...
unsigned int numstates; // 2**order
bit_writer_t *bit_writer;
bit_reader_t *bit_reader;
bool has_init_decode;
distance_t *distances;
pair_lookup_t pair_lookup;
soft_measurement_t soft_measurement;
history_buffer *history_buffer;
error_buffer_t *errors;
correct_convolutional *_correct_convolutional_init(correct_convolutional *conv,
size_t rate, size_t order,
const polynomial_t *poly);
void _correct_convolutional_teardown(correct_convolutional *conv);
// portable versions
void _convolutional_decode_init(correct_convolutional *conv, unsigned int min_traceback, unsigned int traceback_length, unsigned int renormalize_interval);
void convolutional_decode_warmup(correct_convolutional *conv, unsigned int sets,
const uint8_t *soft);
void convolutional_decode_inner(correct_convolutional *conv, unsigned int sets,
const uint8_t *soft);
void convolutional_decode_tail(correct_convolutional *conv, unsigned int sets,
const uint8_t *soft);
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include "correct/convolutional.h"
typedef struct {
unsigned int index;
distance_t *errors[2];
unsigned int num_states;
const distance_t *read_errors;
distance_t *write_errors;
} error_buffer_t;
error_buffer_t *error_buffer_create(unsigned int num_states);
void error_buffer_destroy(error_buffer_t *buf);
void error_buffer_reset(error_buffer_t *buf);
void error_buffer_swap(error_buffer_t *buf);
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#include "correct/convolutional.h"
#include "correct/convolutional/bit.h"
// ring buffer of path histories
// generates output bits after accumulating sufficient history
typedef struct {
// history entries must be at least this old to be decoded
const unsigned int min_traceback_length;
// we'll decode entries in bursts. this tells us the length of the burst
const unsigned int traceback_group_length;
// we will store a total of cap entries. equal to min_traceback_length +
// traceback_group_length
const unsigned int cap;
// how many states in the shift register? this is one of the dimensions of
// history table
const unsigned int num_states;
// what's the high order bit of the shift register?
const shift_register_t highbit;
// history is a compact history representation for every shift register
// state,
// one bit per time slice
uint8_t **history;
// which slice are we writing next?
unsigned int index;
// how many valid entries are there?
unsigned int len;
// temporary store of fetched bits
uint8_t *fetched;
// how often should we renormalize?
unsigned int renormalize_interval;
unsigned int renormalize_counter;
} history_buffer;
history_buffer *history_buffer_create(unsigned int min_traceback_length,
unsigned int traceback_group_length,
unsigned int renormalize_interval,
unsigned int num_states,
shift_register_t highbit);
void history_buffer_destroy(history_buffer *buf);
void history_buffer_reset(history_buffer *buf);
void history_buffer_step(history_buffer *buf);
uint8_t *history_buffer_get_slice(history_buffer *buf);
shift_register_t history_buffer_search(history_buffer *buf,
const distance_t *distances,
unsigned int search_every);
void history_buffer_traceback(history_buffer *buf, shift_register_t bestpath,
unsigned int min_traceback_length,
bit_writer_t *output);
void history_buffer_process_skip(history_buffer *buf, distance_t *distances,
bit_writer_t *output, unsigned int skip);
void history_buffer_process(history_buffer *buf, distance_t *distances,
bit_writer_t *output);
void history_buffer_flush(history_buffer *buf, bit_writer_t *output);
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include "correct/convolutional.h"
typedef unsigned int distance_pair_key_t;
typedef uint32_t output_pair_t;
typedef uint32_t distance_pair_t;
typedef struct {
distance_pair_key_t *keys;
output_pair_t *outputs;
output_pair_t output_mask;
unsigned int output_width;
size_t outputs_len;
distance_pair_t *distances;
} pair_lookup_t;
void fill_table(unsigned int order,
unsigned int rate,
const polynomial_t *poly,
unsigned int *table);
pair_lookup_t pair_lookup_create(unsigned int rate,
unsigned int order,
const unsigned int *table);
void pair_lookup_destroy(pair_lookup_t pairs);
void pair_lookup_fill_distance(pair_lookup_t pairs, distance_t *distances);
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#include "correct/convolutional.h"
// measure the hamming distance of two bit strings
// implemented as population count of x XOR y
static inline distance_t metric_distance(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
return popcount(x ^ y);
static inline distance_t metric_soft_distance_linear(unsigned int hard_x, const uint8_t *soft_y, size_t len) {
distance_t dist = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
unsigned int soft_x = ((int8_t)(0) - (hard_x & 1)) & 0xff;
hard_x >>= 1;
int d = soft_y[i] - soft_x;
dist += (d < 0) ? -d : d;
return dist;
distance_t metric_soft_distance_quadratic(unsigned int hard_x, const uint8_t *soft_y, size_t len);
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/convolutional.h"
#include "correct/convolutional/sse/lookup.h"
// BIG HEAPING TODO sort out the include mess
#include "correct-sse.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
struct correct_convolutional_sse {
correct_convolutional base_conv;
oct_lookup_t oct_lookup;
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#include "correct/convolutional/lookup.h"
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <intrin.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
typedef unsigned int distance_quad_key_t;
typedef unsigned int output_quad_t;
typedef uint64_t distance_quad_t;
typedef struct {
distance_quad_key_t *keys;
output_quad_t *outputs;
output_quad_t output_mask;
unsigned int output_width;
size_t outputs_len;
distance_quad_t *distances;
} quad_lookup_t;
typedef uint16_t distance_oct_key_t;
typedef uint64_t output_oct_t;
typedef uint64_t distance_oct_t;
typedef struct {
distance_oct_key_t *keys;
output_oct_t *outputs;
output_oct_t output_mask;
unsigned int output_width;
size_t outputs_len;
distance_oct_t *distances;
} oct_lookup_t;
quad_lookup_t quad_lookup_create(unsigned int rate,
unsigned int order,
const unsigned int *table);
void quad_lookup_destroy(quad_lookup_t quads);
void quad_lookup_fill_distance(quad_lookup_t quads, distance_t *distances);
distance_oct_key_t oct_lookup_find_key(output_oct_t *outputs, output_oct_t out, size_t num_keys);
oct_lookup_t oct_lookup_create(unsigned int rate,
unsigned int order,
const unsigned int *table);
void oct_lookup_destroy(oct_lookup_t octs);
static inline void oct_lookup_fill_distance(oct_lookup_t octs, distance_t *distances) {
distance_pair_t *pairs = (distance_pair_t*)octs.distances;
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < octs.outputs_len; i += 1) {
output_oct_t concat_out = octs.outputs[i];
unsigned int i_0 = concat_out & 0xff;
unsigned int i_1 = (concat_out >> 8) & 0xff;
unsigned int i_2 = (concat_out >> 16) & 0xff;
unsigned int i_3 = (concat_out >> 24) & 0xff;
pairs[i*4 + 1] = distances[i_3] << 16 | distances[i_2];
pairs[i*4 + 0] = distances[i_1] << 16 | distances[i_0];
concat_out >>= 32;
unsigned int i_4 = concat_out & 0xff;
unsigned int i_5 = (concat_out >> 8) & 0xff;
unsigned int i_6 = (concat_out >> 16) & 0xff;
unsigned int i_7 = (concat_out >> 24) & 0xff;
pairs[i*4 + 3] = distances[i_7] << 16 | distances[i_6];
pairs[i*4 + 2] = distances[i_5] << 16 | distances[i_4];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define popcount __builtin_popcount
#define prefetch __builtin_prefetch
static inline int popcount(int x) {
/* taken from the helpful http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#CountBitsSetParallel */
x = x - ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
x = (x & 0x33333333) + ((x >> 2) & 0x33333333);
return ((x + (x >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f) * 0x01010101) >> 24;
static inline void prefetch(void *x) {}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "correct.h"
#include "correct/portable.h"
// an element in GF(2^8)
typedef uint8_t field_element_t;
// a power of the primitive element alpha
typedef uint8_t field_logarithm_t;
// give us some bits of headroom to do arithmetic
// variables of this type aren't really in any proper space
typedef uint16_t field_operation_t;
// generated by find_poly
typedef struct {
const field_element_t *exp;
const field_logarithm_t *log;
} field_t;
typedef struct {
field_element_t *coeff;
unsigned int order;
} polynomial_t;
struct correct_reed_solomon {
size_t block_length;
size_t message_length;
size_t min_distance;
field_logarithm_t first_consecutive_root;
field_logarithm_t generator_root_gap;
field_t field;
polynomial_t generator;
field_element_t *generator_roots;
field_logarithm_t **generator_root_exp;
polynomial_t encoded_polynomial;
polynomial_t encoded_remainder;
field_element_t *syndromes;
field_element_t *modified_syndromes;
polynomial_t received_polynomial;
polynomial_t error_locator;
polynomial_t error_locator_log;
polynomial_t erasure_locator;
field_element_t *error_roots;
field_element_t *error_vals;
field_logarithm_t *error_locations;
field_logarithm_t **element_exp;
// scratch
// (do no allocations at steady state)
// used during find_error_locator
polynomial_t last_error_locator;
// used during error value search
polynomial_t error_evaluator;
polynomial_t error_locator_derivative;
polynomial_t init_from_roots_scratch[2];
bool has_init_decode;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "correct/reed-solomon.h"
#include "correct/reed-solomon/field.h"
#include "correct/reed-solomon/polynomial.h"
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "correct/reed-solomon.h"
#include "correct/reed-solomon/field.h"
#include "correct/reed-solomon/polynomial.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
#include "correct/reed-solomon.h"
field_t field_create(field_operation_t primitive_poly);
void field_destroy(field_t field);
field_element_t field_add(field_t field, field_element_t l, field_element_t r);
field_element_t field_sub(field_t field, field_element_t l, field_element_t r);
field_element_t field_sum(field_t field, field_element_t elem, unsigned int n);
field_element_t field_mul(field_t field, field_element_t l, field_element_t r);
field_element_t field_div(field_t field, field_element_t l, field_element_t r);
field_logarithm_t field_mul_log(field_t field, field_logarithm_t l, field_logarithm_t r);
field_logarithm_t field_div_log(field_t field, field_logarithm_t l, field_logarithm_t r);
field_element_t field_mul_log_element(field_t field, field_logarithm_t l, field_logarithm_t r);
field_element_t field_pow(field_t field, field_element_t elem, int pow);
static inline field_element_t field_mul_log_element(field_t field, field_logarithm_t l, field_logarithm_t r) {
// like field_mul_log, but returns a field_element_t
// because we are doing lookup here, we can safely skip the wrapover check
field_operation_t res = (field_operation_t)l + (field_operation_t)r;
return field.exp[res];
static inline field_t field_create(field_operation_t primitive_poly) {
// in GF(2^8)
// log and exp
// bits are in GF(2), compute alpha^val in GF(2^8)
// exp should be of size 512 so that it can hold a "wraparound" which prevents some modulo ops
// log should be of size 256. no wraparound here, the indices into this table are field elements
field_element_t *exp = malloc(512 * sizeof(field_element_t));
field_logarithm_t *log = malloc(256 * sizeof(field_logarithm_t));
// assume alpha is a primitive element, p(x) (primitive_poly) irreducible in GF(2^8)
// addition is xor
// subtraction is addition (also xor)
// e.g. x^5 + x^4 + x^4 + x^2 + 1 = x^5 + x^2 + 1
// each row of exp contains the field element found by exponentiating
// alpha by the row index
// each row of log contains the coefficients of
// alpha^7 + alpha^6 + alpha^5 + alpha^4 + alpha^3 + alpha^2 + alpha + 1
// as 8 bits packed into one byte
field_operation_t element = 1;
exp[0] = (field_element_t)element;
log[0] = (field_logarithm_t)0; // really, it's undefined. we shouldn't ever access this
for (field_operation_t i = 1; i < 512; i++) {
element = element * 2;
element = (element > 255) ? (element ^ primitive_poly) : element;
exp[i] = (field_element_t)element;
if (i < 256) {
log[element] = (field_logarithm_t)i;
field_t field;
*(field_element_t **)&field.exp = exp;
*(field_logarithm_t **)&field.log = log;
return field;
static inline void field_destroy(field_t field) {
free(*(field_element_t **)&field.exp);
free(*(field_element_t **)&field.log);
static inline field_element_t field_add(field_t field, field_element_t l, field_element_t r) {
return l ^ r;
static inline field_element_t field_sub(field_t field, field_element_t l, field_element_t r) {
return l ^ r;
static inline field_element_t field_sum(field_t field, field_element_t elem, unsigned int n) {
// we'll do a closed-form expression of the sum, although we could also
// choose to call field_add n times
// since the sum is actually the bytewise XOR operator, this suggests two
// kinds of values: n odd, and n even
// if you sum once, you have coeff
// if you sum twice, you have coeff XOR coeff = 0
// if you sum thrice, you are back at coeff
// an even number of XORs puts you at 0
// an odd number of XORs puts you back at your value
// so, just throw away all the even n
return (n % 2) ? elem : 0;
static inline field_element_t field_mul(field_t field, field_element_t l, field_element_t r) {
if (l == 0 || r == 0) {
return 0;
// multiply two field elements by adding their logarithms.
// yep, get your slide rules out
field_operation_t res = (field_operation_t)field.log[l] + (field_operation_t)field.log[r];
// if coeff exceeds 255, we would normally have to wrap it back around
// alpha^255 = 1; alpha^256 = alpha^255 * alpha^1 = alpha^1
// however, we've constructed exponentiation table so that
// we can just directly lookup this result
// the result must be clamped to [0, 511]
// the greatest we can see at this step is alpha^255 * alpha^255
// = alpha^510
return field.exp[res];
static inline field_element_t field_div(field_t field, field_element_t l, field_element_t r) {
if (l == 0) {
return 0;
if (r == 0) {
// XXX ???
return 0;
// division as subtraction of logarithms
// if rcoeff is larger, then log[l] - log[r] wraps under
// so, instead, always add 255. in some cases, we'll wrap over, but
// that's ok because the exp table runs up to 511.
field_operation_t res = (field_operation_t)255 + (field_operation_t)field.log[l] - (field_operation_t)field.log[r];
return field.exp[res];
static inline field_logarithm_t field_mul_log(field_t field, field_logarithm_t l, field_logarithm_t r) {
// this function performs the equivalent of field_mul on two logarithms
// we save a little time by skipping the lookup step at the beginning
field_operation_t res = (field_operation_t)l + (field_operation_t)r;
// because we arent using the table, the value we return must be a valid logarithm
// which we have decided must live in [0, 255] (they are 8-bit values)
// ensuring this makes it so that multiple muls will not reach past the end of the
// exp table whenever we finally convert back to an element
if (res > 255) {
return (field_logarithm_t)(res - 255);
return (field_logarithm_t)res;
static inline field_logarithm_t field_div_log(field_t field, field_logarithm_t l, field_logarithm_t r) {
// like field_mul_log, this performs field_div without going through a field_element_t
field_operation_t res = (field_operation_t)255 + (field_operation_t)l - (field_operation_t)r;
if (res > 255) {
return (field_logarithm_t)(res - 255);
return (field_logarithm_t)res;
static inline field_element_t field_pow(field_t field, field_element_t elem, int pow) {
// take the logarithm, multiply, and then "exponentiate"
// n.b. the exp table only considers powers of alpha, the primitive element
// but here we have an arbitrary coeff
field_logarithm_t log = field.log[elem];
int res_log = log * pow;
int mod = res_log % 255;
if (mod < 0) {
mod += 255;
return field.exp[mod];
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include "correct/reed-solomon.h"
#include "correct/reed-solomon/field.h"
polynomial_t polynomial_create(unsigned int order);
void polynomial_destroy(polynomial_t polynomial);
void polynomial_mul(field_t field, polynomial_t l, polynomial_t r, polynomial_t res);
void polynomial_mod(field_t field, polynomial_t dividend, polynomial_t divisor, polynomial_t mod);
void polynomial_formal_derivative(field_t field, polynomial_t poly, polynomial_t der);
field_element_t polynomial_eval(field_t field, polynomial_t poly, field_element_t val);
field_element_t polynomial_eval_lut(field_t field, polynomial_t poly, const field_logarithm_t *val_exp);
field_element_t polynomial_eval_log_lut(field_t field, polynomial_t poly_log, const field_logarithm_t *val_exp);
void polynomial_build_exp_lut(field_t field, field_element_t val, unsigned int order, field_logarithm_t *val_exp);
polynomial_t polynomial_init_from_roots(field_t field, unsigned int nroots, field_element_t *roots, polynomial_t poly, polynomial_t *scratch);
polynomial_t polynomial_create_from_roots(field_t field, unsigned int nroots, field_element_t *roots);
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
#include "correct/reed-solomon.h"
#include "correct/reed-solomon/field.h"
#include "correct/reed-solomon/polynomial.h"
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "correct/util/error-sim.h"
#include <fec.h>
void conv_fec27_decode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
void conv_fec29_decode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
void conv_fec39_decode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
void conv_fec615_decode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "correct/util/error-sim.h"
#include "fec_shim.h"
ssize_t conv_shim27_decode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
ssize_t conv_shim29_decode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
ssize_t conv_shim39_decode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
ssize_t conv_shim615_decode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#include "correct/util/error-sim.h"
#include "correct-sse.h"
size_t conv_correct_sse_enclen(void *conv_v, size_t msg_len);
void conv_correct_sse_encode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_len, uint8_t *encoded);
ssize_t conv_correct_sse_decode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "correct.h"
#include "correct/portable.h"
size_t distance(uint8_t *a, uint8_t *b, size_t len);
void gaussian(double *res, size_t n_res, double sigma);
void encode_bpsk(uint8_t *msg, double *voltages, size_t n_syms, double bpsk_voltage);
void byte2bit(uint8_t *bytes, uint8_t *bits, size_t n_bits);
void decode_bpsk(uint8_t *soft, uint8_t *msg, size_t n_syms);
void decode_bpsk_soft(double *voltages, uint8_t *soft, size_t n_syms, double bpsk_voltage);
double log2amp(double l);
double amp2log(double a);
double sigma_for_eb_n0(double eb_n0, double bpsk_bit_energy);
void build_white_noise(double *noise, size_t n_syms, double eb_n0, double bpsk_bit_energy);
void add_white_noise(double *signal, double *noise, size_t n_syms);
typedef struct {
uint8_t *msg_out;
size_t msg_len;
uint8_t *encoded;
double *v;
double *corrupted;
uint8_t *soft;
double *noise;
size_t enclen;
size_t enclen_bytes;
void (*encode)(void *, uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_len, uint8_t *encoded);
void *encoder;
ssize_t (*decode)(void *, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
void *decoder;
} conv_testbench;
conv_testbench *resize_conv_testbench(conv_testbench *scratch, size_t (*enclen)(void *, size_t), void *enc, size_t msg_len);
void free_scratch(conv_testbench *scratch);
int test_conv_noise(conv_testbench *scratch, uint8_t *msg, size_t n_bytes,
double bpsk_voltage);
size_t conv_correct_enclen(void *conv_v, size_t msg_len);
void conv_correct_encode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_len, uint8_t *encoded);
ssize_t conv_correct_decode(void *conv_v, uint8_t *soft, size_t soft_len, uint8_t *msg);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fec_shim.h"
typedef struct {
correct_reed_solomon *rs;
unsigned int msg_length;
unsigned int block_length;
unsigned int num_roots;
uint8_t *msg_out;
unsigned int pad;
uint8_t *erasures;
} reed_solomon_shim;
void *init_rs_char(int symbol_size, int primitive_polynomial,
int first_consecutive_root, int root_gap, int number_roots,
unsigned int pad) {
if (symbol_size != 8) {
return NULL;
reed_solomon_shim *shim = malloc(sizeof(reed_solomon_shim));
shim->pad = pad;
shim->block_length = 255 - pad;
shim->num_roots = number_roots;
shim->msg_length = shim->block_length - number_roots;
shim->rs = correct_reed_solomon_create(primitive_polynomial,
first_consecutive_root, root_gap, number_roots);
shim->msg_out = malloc(shim->block_length);
shim->erasures = malloc(number_roots);
return shim;
void free_rs_char(void *rs) {
reed_solomon_shim *shim = (reed_solomon_shim *)rs;
void encode_rs_char(void *rs, const unsigned char *msg, unsigned char *parity) {
reed_solomon_shim *shim = (reed_solomon_shim *)rs;
correct_reed_solomon_encode(shim->rs, msg, shim->msg_length, shim->msg_out);
memcpy(parity, shim->msg_out + shim->msg_length, shim->num_roots);
void decode_rs_char(void *rs, unsigned char *block, int *erasure_locations,
int num_erasures) {
reed_solomon_shim *shim = (reed_solomon_shim *)rs;
for (int i = 0; i < num_erasures; i++) {
shim->erasures[i] = (uint8_t)(erasure_locations[i]) - shim->pad;
correct_reed_solomon_decode_with_erasures(shim->rs, block, shim->block_length,
shim->erasures, num_erasures,
typedef struct {
correct_convolutional *conv;
unsigned int rate;
unsigned int order;
uint8_t *buf;
size_t buf_len;
uint8_t *read_iter;
uint8_t *write_iter;
} convolutional_shim;
static correct_convolutional_polynomial_t r12k7[] = {V27POLYA, V27POLYB};
static correct_convolutional_polynomial_t r12k9[] = {V29POLYA, V29POLYB};
static correct_convolutional_polynomial_t r13k9[] = {V39POLYA, V39POLYB,
static correct_convolutional_polynomial_t r16k15[] = {
/* Common methods */
static void *create_viterbi(unsigned int num_decoded_bits, unsigned int rate,
unsigned int order,
correct_convolutional_polynomial_t *poly) {
convolutional_shim *shim = malloc(sizeof(convolutional_shim));
size_t num_decoded_bytes = (num_decoded_bits % 8)
? (num_decoded_bits / 8 + 1)
: num_decoded_bits / 8;
shim->rate = rate;
shim->order = order;
shim->buf = malloc(num_decoded_bytes);
shim->buf_len = num_decoded_bytes;
shim->conv = correct_convolutional_create(rate, order, poly);
shim->read_iter = shim->buf;
shim->write_iter = shim->buf;
return shim;
static void delete_viterbi(void *vit) {
convolutional_shim *shim = (convolutional_shim *)vit;
static void init_viterbi(void *vit) {
convolutional_shim *shim = (convolutional_shim *)vit;
shim->read_iter = shim->buf;
shim->write_iter = shim->buf;
static void update_viterbi_blk(void *vit, const unsigned char *encoded_soft,
unsigned int num_encoded_groups) {
convolutional_shim *shim = (convolutional_shim *)vit;
// don't overwrite our buffer
size_t rem = (shim->buf + shim->buf_len) - shim->write_iter;
size_t rem_bits = 8 * rem;
// this math isn't very clear
// here we sort of do the opposite of what liquid-dsp does
size_t n_write_bits = num_encoded_groups - (shim->order - 1);
if (n_write_bits > rem_bits) {
size_t reduction = n_write_bits - rem_bits;
num_encoded_groups -= reduction;
n_write_bits -= reduction;
// what if n_write_bits isn't a multiple of 8?
// libcorrect can't start and stop at arbitrary indices...
shim->conv, encoded_soft, num_encoded_groups * shim->rate, shim->write_iter);
shim->write_iter += n_write_bits / 8;
static void chainback_viterbi(void *vit, unsigned char *decoded,
unsigned int num_decoded_bits) {
convolutional_shim *shim = (convolutional_shim *)vit;
// num_decoded_bits not a multiple of 8?
// this is a similar problem to update_viterbi_blk
// although here we could actually resolve a non-multiple of 8
size_t rem = shim->write_iter - shim->read_iter;
size_t rem_bits = 8 * rem;
if (num_decoded_bits > rem_bits) {
num_decoded_bits = rem_bits;
size_t num_decoded_bytes = (num_decoded_bits % 8)
? (num_decoded_bits / 8 + 1)
: num_decoded_bits / 8;
memcpy(decoded, shim->read_iter, num_decoded_bytes);
shim->read_iter += num_decoded_bytes;
/* Rate 1/2, k = 7 */
void *create_viterbi27(int num_decoded_bits) {
return create_viterbi(num_decoded_bits, 2, 7, r12k7);
void delete_viterbi27(void *vit) { delete_viterbi(vit); }
int init_viterbi27(void *vit, int _) {
return 0;
int update_viterbi27_blk(void *vit, unsigned char *encoded_soft,
int num_encoded_groups) {
update_viterbi_blk(vit, encoded_soft, num_encoded_groups);
return 0;
int chainback_viterbi27(void *vit, unsigned char *decoded,
unsigned int num_decoded_bits, unsigned int _) {
chainback_viterbi(vit, decoded, num_decoded_bits);
return 0;
/* Rate 1/2, k = 9 */
void *create_viterbi29(int num_decoded_bits) {
return create_viterbi(num_decoded_bits, 2, 9, r12k9);
void delete_viterbi29(void *vit) { delete_viterbi(vit); }
int init_viterbi29(void *vit, int _) {
return 0;
int update_viterbi29_blk(void *vit, unsigned char *encoded_soft,
int num_encoded_groups) {
update_viterbi_blk(vit, encoded_soft, num_encoded_groups);
return 0;
int chainback_viterbi29(void *vit, unsigned char *decoded,
unsigned int num_decoded_bits, unsigned int _) {
chainback_viterbi(vit, decoded, num_decoded_bits);
return 0;
/* Rate 1/3, k = 9 */
void *create_viterbi39(int num_decoded_bits) {
return create_viterbi(num_decoded_bits, 3, 9, r13k9);
void delete_viterbi39(void *vit) { delete_viterbi(vit); }
int init_viterbi39(void *vit, int _) {
return 0;
int update_viterbi39_blk(void *vit, unsigned char *encoded_soft,
int num_encoded_groups) {
update_viterbi_blk(vit, encoded_soft, num_encoded_groups);
return 0;
int chainback_viterbi39(void *vit, unsigned char *decoded,
unsigned int num_decoded_bits, unsigned int _) {
chainback_viterbi(vit, decoded, num_decoded_bits);
return 0;
/* Rate 1/6, k = 15 */
void *create_viterbi615(int num_decoded_bits) {
return create_viterbi(num_decoded_bits, 6, 15, r16k15);
void delete_viterbi615(void *vit) { delete_viterbi(vit); }
int init_viterbi615(void *vit, int _) {
return 0;
int update_viterbi615_blk(void *vit, unsigned char *encoded_soft,
int num_encoded_groups) {
update_viterbi_blk(vit, encoded_soft, num_encoded_groups);
return 0;
int chainback_viterbi615(void *vit, unsigned char *decoded,
unsigned int num_decoded_bits, unsigned int _) {
chainback_viterbi(vit, decoded, num_decoded_bits);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
// libcorrect's libfec shim header
// this is a partial implementation of libfec
// header signatures derived from found usages of libfec -- some things may be different
#include <correct.h>
// Reed-Solomon
void *init_rs_char(int symbol_size, int primitive_polynomial, int first_consecutive_root,
int root_gap, int number_roots, unsigned int pad);
void free_rs_char(void *rs);
void encode_rs_char(void *rs, const unsigned char *msg, unsigned char *parity);
void decode_rs_char(void *rs, unsigned char *block, int *erasure_locations, int num_erasures);
// Convolutional Codes
// Polynomials
// These have been determined via find_conv_libfec_poly.c
// We could just make up new ones, but we use libfec's here so that
// codes encoded by this library can be decoded by the original libfec
// and vice-versa
#define V27POLYA 0155
#define V27POLYB 0117
#define V29POLYA 0657
#define V29POLYB 0435
#define V39POLYA 0755
#define V39POLYB 0633
#define V39POLYC 0447
#define V615POLYA 042631
#define V615POLYB 047245
#define V615POLYC 056507
#define V615POLYD 073363
#define V615POLYE 077267
#define V615POLYF 064537
// Convolutional Methods
void *create_viterbi27(int num_decoded_bits);
int init_viterbi27(void *vit, int _mystery);
int update_viterbi27_blk(void *vit, unsigned char *encoded_soft, int n_encoded_groups);
int chainback_viterbi27(void *vit, unsigned char *decoded, unsigned int n_decoded_bits, unsigned int _mystery);
void delete_viterbi27(void *vit);
void *create_viterbi29(int num_decoded_bits);
int init_viterbi29(void *vit, int _mystery);
int update_viterbi29_blk(void *vit, unsigned char *encoded_soft, int n_encoded_groups);
int chainback_viterbi29(void *vit, unsigned char *decoded, unsigned int n_decoded_bits, unsigned int _mystery);
void delete_viterbi29(void *vit);
void *create_viterbi39(int num_decoded_bits);
int init_viterbi39(void *vit, int _mystery);
int update_viterbi39_blk(void *vit, unsigned char *encoded_soft, int n_encoded_groups);
int chainback_viterbi39(void *vit, unsigned char *decoded, unsigned int n_decoded_bits, unsigned int _mystery);
void delete_viterbi39(void *vit);
void *create_viterbi615(int num_decoded_bits);
int init_viterbi615(void *vit, int _mystery);
int update_viterbi615_blk(void *vit, unsigned char *encoded_soft, int n_encoded_groups);
int chainback_viterbi615(void *vit, unsigned char *decoded, unsigned int n_decoded_bits, unsigned int _mystery);
void delete_viterbi615(void *vit);
// Misc other
static inline int parity(unsigned int x) {
/* http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#ParityParallel */
x ^= x >> 16;
x ^= x >> 8;
x ^= x >> 4;
x &= 0xf;
return (0x6996 >> x) & 1;
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
set(SRCFILES polynomial.c reed-solomon.c encode.c decode.c)
add_library(correct-reed-solomon OBJECT ${SRCFILES})
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
#include "correct/reed-solomon/encode.h"
// calculate all syndromes of the received polynomial at the roots of the generator
// because we're evaluating at the roots of the generator, and because the transmitted
// polynomial was made to be a product of the generator, we know that the transmitted
// polynomial is 0 at these roots
// any nonzero syndromes we find here are the values of the error polynomial evaluated
// at these roots, so these values give us a window into the error polynomial. if
// these syndromes are all zero, then we can conclude the error polynomial is also
// zero. if they're nonzero, then we know our message received an error in transit.
// returns true if syndromes are all zero
static bool reed_solomon_find_syndromes(field_t field, polynomial_t msgpoly, field_logarithm_t **generator_root_exp,
field_element_t *syndromes, size_t min_distance) {
bool all_zero = true;
memset(syndromes, 0, min_distance * sizeof(field_element_t));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < min_distance; i++) {
// profiling reveals that this function takes about 50% of the cpu time of
// decoding. so, in order to speed it up a little, we precompute and save
// the successive powers of the roots of the generator, which are
// located in generator_root_exp
field_element_t eval = polynomial_eval_lut(field, msgpoly, generator_root_exp[i]);
if (eval) {
all_zero = false;
syndromes[i] = eval;
return all_zero;
// Berlekamp-Massey algorithm to find LFSR that describes syndromes
// returns number of errors and writes the error locator polynomial to rs->error_locator
static unsigned int reed_solomon_find_error_locator(correct_reed_solomon *rs, size_t num_erasures) {
unsigned int numerrors = 0;
memset(rs->error_locator.coeff, 0, (rs->min_distance + 1) * sizeof(field_element_t));
// initialize to f(x) = 1
rs->error_locator.coeff[0] = 1;
rs->error_locator.order = 0;
memcpy(rs->last_error_locator.coeff, rs->error_locator.coeff, (rs->min_distance + 1) * sizeof(field_element_t));
rs->last_error_locator.order = rs->error_locator.order;
field_element_t discrepancy;
field_element_t last_discrepancy = 1;
unsigned int delay_length = 1;
for (unsigned int i = rs->error_locator.order; i < rs->min_distance - num_erasures; i++) {
discrepancy = rs->syndromes[i];
for (unsigned int j = 1; j <= numerrors; j++) {
discrepancy = field_add(rs->field, discrepancy,
field_mul(rs->field, rs->error_locator.coeff[j], rs->syndromes[i - j]));
if (!discrepancy) {
// our existing LFSR describes the new syndrome as well
// leave it as-is but update the number of delay elements
// so that if a discrepancy occurs later we can eliminate it
if (2 * numerrors <= i) {
// there's a discrepancy, but we still have room for more taps
// lengthen LFSR by one tap and set weight to eliminate discrepancy
// shift the last locator by the delay length, multiply by discrepancy,
// and divide by the last discrepancy
// we move down because we're shifting up, and this prevents overwriting
for (int j = rs->last_error_locator.order; j >= 0; j--) {
// the bounds here will be ok since we have a headroom of numerrors
rs->last_error_locator.coeff[j + delay_length] = field_div(
rs->field, field_mul(rs->field, rs->last_error_locator.coeff[j], discrepancy), last_discrepancy);
for (int j = delay_length - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
rs->last_error_locator.coeff[j] = 0;
// locator = locator - last_locator
// we will also update last_locator to be locator before this loop takes place
field_element_t temp;
for (int j = 0; j <= (rs->last_error_locator.order + delay_length); j++) {
temp = rs->error_locator.coeff[j];
rs->error_locator.coeff[j] =
field_add(rs->field, rs->error_locator.coeff[j], rs->last_error_locator.coeff[j]);
rs->last_error_locator.coeff[j] = temp;
unsigned int temp_order = rs->error_locator.order;
rs->error_locator.order = rs->last_error_locator.order + delay_length;
rs->last_error_locator.order = temp_order;
// now last_locator is locator before we started,
// and locator is (locator - (discrepancy/last_discrepancy) * x^(delay_length) * last_locator)
numerrors = i + 1 - numerrors;
last_discrepancy = discrepancy;
delay_length = 1;
// no more taps
// unlike the previous case, we are preserving last locator,
// but we'll update locator as before
// we're basically flattening the two loops from the previous case because
// we no longer need to update last_locator
for (int j = rs->last_error_locator.order; j >= 0; j--) {
rs->error_locator.coeff[j + delay_length] =
field_add(rs->field, rs->error_locator.coeff[j + delay_length],
field_div(rs->field, field_mul(rs->field, rs->last_error_locator.coeff[j], discrepancy),
rs->error_locator.order = (rs->last_error_locator.order + delay_length > rs->error_locator.order)
? rs->last_error_locator.order + delay_length
: rs->error_locator.order;
return rs->error_locator.order;
// find the roots of the error locator polynomial
// Chien search
bool reed_solomon_factorize_error_locator(field_t field, unsigned int num_skip, polynomial_t locator_log, field_element_t *roots,
field_logarithm_t **element_exp) {
// normally it'd be tricky to find all the roots
// but, the finite field is awfully finite...
// just brute force search across every field element
unsigned int root = num_skip;
memset(roots + num_skip, 0, (locator_log.order) * sizeof(field_element_t));
for (field_operation_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
// we make two optimizations here to help this search go faster
// a) we have precomputed the first successive powers of every single element
// in the field. we need at most n powers, where n is the largest possible
// degree of the error locator
// b) we have precomputed the error locator polynomial in log form, which
// helps reduce some lookups that would be done here
if (!polynomial_eval_log_lut(field, locator_log, element_exp[i])) {
roots[root] = (field_element_t)i;
// this is where we find out if we are have too many errors to recover from
// berlekamp-massey may have built an error locator that has 0 discrepancy
// on the syndromes but doesn't have enough roots
return root == locator_log.order + num_skip;
// use error locator and syndromes to find the error evaluator polynomial
void reed_solomon_find_error_evaluator(field_t field, polynomial_t locator, polynomial_t syndromes,
polynomial_t error_evaluator) {
// the error evaluator, omega(x), is S(x)*Lamba(x) mod x^(2t)
// where S(x) is a polynomial constructed from the syndromes
// S(1) + S(2)*x + ... + S(2t)*x(2t - 1)
// and Lambda(x) is the error locator
// the modulo is implicit here -- we have limited the max length of error_evaluator,
// which polynomial_mul will interpret to mean that it should not compute
// powers larger than that, which is the same as performing mod x^(2t)
polynomial_mul(field, locator, syndromes, error_evaluator);
// use error locator, error roots and syndromes to find the error values
// that is, the elements in the finite field which can be added to the received
// polynomial at the locations of the error roots in order to produce the
// transmitted polynomial
// forney algorithm
void reed_solomon_find_error_values(correct_reed_solomon *rs) {
// error value e(j) = -(X(j)^(1-c) * omega(X(j)^-1))/(lambda'(X(j)^-1))
// where X(j)^-1 is a root of the error locator, omega(X) is the error evaluator,
// lambda'(X) is the first formal derivative of the error locator,
// and c is the first consecutive root of the generator used in encoding
// first find omega(X), the error evaluator
// we generate S(x), the polynomial constructed from the roots of the syndromes
// this is *not* the polynomial constructed by expanding the products of roots
// S(x) = S(1) + S(2)*x + ... + S(2t)*x(2t - 1)
polynomial_t syndrome_poly;
syndrome_poly.order = rs->min_distance - 1;
syndrome_poly.coeff = rs->syndromes;
memset(rs->error_evaluator.coeff, 0, (rs->error_evaluator.order + 1) * sizeof(field_element_t));
reed_solomon_find_error_evaluator(rs->field, rs->error_locator, syndrome_poly, rs->error_evaluator);
// now find lambda'(X)
rs->error_locator_derivative.order = rs->error_locator.order - 1;
polynomial_formal_derivative(rs->field, rs->error_locator, rs->error_locator_derivative);
// calculate each e(j)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->error_locator.order; i++) {
if (rs->error_roots[i] == 0) {
rs->error_vals[i] = field_mul(
rs->field, field_pow(rs->field, rs->error_roots[i], rs->first_consecutive_root - 1),
rs->field, polynomial_eval_lut(rs->field, rs->error_evaluator, rs->element_exp[rs->error_roots[i]]),
polynomial_eval_lut(rs->field, rs->error_locator_derivative, rs->element_exp[rs->error_roots[i]])));
void reed_solomon_find_error_locations(field_t field, field_logarithm_t generator_root_gap,
field_element_t *error_roots, field_logarithm_t *error_locations,
unsigned int num_errors, unsigned int num_skip) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_errors; i++) {
// the error roots are the reciprocals of the error locations, so div 1 by them
// we do mod 255 here because the log table aliases at index 1
// the log of 1 is both 0 and 255 (alpha^255 = alpha^0 = 1)
// for most uses it makes sense to have log(1) = 255, but in this case
// we're interested in a byte index, and the 255th index is not even valid
// just wrap it back to 0
if (error_roots[i] == 0) {
field_operation_t loc = field_div(field, 1, error_roots[i]);
for (field_operation_t j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
if (field_pow(field, j, generator_root_gap) == loc) {
error_locations[i] = field.log[j];
// erasure method -- take given locations and convert to roots
// this is the inverse of reed_solomon_find_error_locations
static void reed_solomon_find_error_roots_from_locations(field_t field, field_logarithm_t generator_root_gap,
const field_logarithm_t *error_locations,
field_element_t *error_roots, unsigned int num_errors) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_errors; i++) {
field_element_t loc = field_pow(field, field.exp[error_locations[i]], generator_root_gap);
// field_element_t loc = field.exp[error_locations[i]];
error_roots[i] = field_div(field, 1, loc);
// error_roots[i] = loc;
// erasure method -- given the roots of the error locator, create the polynomial
static polynomial_t reed_solomon_find_error_locator_from_roots(field_t field, unsigned int num_errors,
field_element_t *error_roots,
polynomial_t error_locator,
polynomial_t *scratch) {
// multiply out roots to build the error locator polynomial
return polynomial_init_from_roots(field, num_errors, error_roots, error_locator, scratch);
// erasure method
static void reed_solomon_find_modified_syndromes(correct_reed_solomon *rs, field_element_t *syndromes, polynomial_t error_locator, field_element_t *modified_syndromes) {
polynomial_t syndrome_poly;
syndrome_poly.order = rs->min_distance - 1;
syndrome_poly.coeff = syndromes;
polynomial_t modified_syndrome_poly;
modified_syndrome_poly.order = rs->min_distance - 1;
modified_syndrome_poly.coeff = modified_syndromes;
polynomial_mul(rs->field, error_locator, syndrome_poly, modified_syndrome_poly);
void correct_reed_solomon_decoder_create(correct_reed_solomon *rs) {
rs->has_init_decode = true;
rs->syndromes = calloc(rs->min_distance, sizeof(field_element_t));
rs->modified_syndromes = calloc(2 * rs->min_distance, sizeof(field_element_t));
rs->received_polynomial = polynomial_create(rs->block_length - 1);
rs->error_locator = polynomial_create(rs->min_distance);
rs->error_locator_log = polynomial_create(rs->min_distance);
rs->erasure_locator = polynomial_create(rs->min_distance);
rs->error_roots = calloc(2 * rs->min_distance, sizeof(field_element_t));
rs->error_vals = malloc(rs->min_distance * sizeof(field_element_t));
rs->error_locations = malloc(rs->min_distance * sizeof(field_logarithm_t));
rs->last_error_locator = polynomial_create(rs->min_distance);
rs->error_evaluator = polynomial_create(rs->min_distance - 1);
rs->error_locator_derivative = polynomial_create(rs->min_distance - 1);
// calculate and store the first block_length powers of every generator root
// we would have to do this work in order to calculate the syndromes
// if we save it, we can prevent the need to recalculate it on subsequent calls
// total memory usage is min_distance * block_length bytes e.g. 32 * 255 ~= 8k
rs->generator_root_exp = malloc(rs->min_distance * sizeof(field_logarithm_t *));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->min_distance; i++) {
rs->generator_root_exp[i] = malloc(rs->block_length * sizeof(field_logarithm_t));
polynomial_build_exp_lut(rs->field, rs->generator_roots[i], rs->block_length - 1, rs->generator_root_exp[i]);
// calculate and store the first min_distance powers of every element in the field
// we would have to do this for chien search anyway, and its size is only 256 * min_distance bytes
// for min_distance = 32 this is 8k of memory, a pittance for the speedup we receive in exchange
// we also get to reuse this work during error value calculation
rs->element_exp = malloc(256 * sizeof(field_logarithm_t *));
for (field_operation_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
rs->element_exp[i] = malloc(rs->min_distance * sizeof(field_logarithm_t));
polynomial_build_exp_lut(rs->field, i, rs->min_distance - 1, rs->element_exp[i]);
rs->init_from_roots_scratch[0] = polynomial_create(rs->min_distance);
rs->init_from_roots_scratch[1] = polynomial_create(rs->min_distance);
ssize_t correct_reed_solomon_decode(correct_reed_solomon *rs, const uint8_t *encoded, size_t encoded_length,
uint8_t *msg) {
if (encoded_length > rs->block_length) {
return -1;
// the message is the non-remainder part
size_t msg_length = encoded_length - rs->min_distance;
// if they handed us a nonfull block, we'll write in 0s
size_t pad_length = rs->block_length - encoded_length;
if (!rs->has_init_decode) {
// initialize rs for decoding
// we need to copy to our local buffer
// the buffer we're given has the coordinates in the wrong direction
// e.g. byte 0 corresponds to the 254th order coefficient
// so we're going to flip and then write padding
// the final copied buffer will look like
// | rem (rs->min_distance) | msg (msg_length) | pad (pad_length) |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < encoded_length; i++) {
rs->received_polynomial.coeff[i] = encoded[encoded_length - (i + 1)];
// fill the pad_length with 0s
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pad_length; i++) {
rs->received_polynomial.coeff[i + encoded_length] = 0;
bool all_zero = reed_solomon_find_syndromes(rs->field, rs->received_polynomial, rs->generator_root_exp,
rs->syndromes, rs->min_distance);
if (all_zero) {
// syndromes were all zero, so there was no error in the message
// copy to msg and we are done
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msg_length; i++) {
msg[i] = rs->received_polynomial.coeff[encoded_length - (i + 1)];
return msg_length;
unsigned int order = reed_solomon_find_error_locator(rs, 0);
// XXX fix this vvvv
rs->error_locator.order = order;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= rs->error_locator.order; i++) {
// this is a little strange since the coeffs are logs, not elements
// also, we'll be storing log(0) = 0 for any 0 coeffs in the error locator
// that would seem bad but we'll just be using this in chien search, and we'll skip all 0 coeffs
// (you might point out that log(1) also = 0, which would seem to alias. however, that's ok,
// because log(1) = 255 as well, and in fact that's how it's represented in our log table)
rs->error_locator_log.coeff[i] = rs->field.log[rs->error_locator.coeff[i]];
rs->error_locator_log.order = rs->error_locator.order;
if (!reed_solomon_factorize_error_locator(rs->field, 0, rs->error_locator_log, rs->error_roots, rs->element_exp)) {
// roots couldn't be found, so there were too many errors to deal with
// RS has failed for this message
return -1;
reed_solomon_find_error_locations(rs->field, rs->generator_root_gap, rs->error_roots, rs->error_locations,
rs->error_locator.order, 0);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->error_locator.order; i++) {
rs->received_polynomial.coeff[rs->error_locations[i]] =
field_sub(rs->field, rs->received_polynomial.coeff[rs->error_locations[i]], rs->error_vals[i]);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msg_length; i++) {
msg[i] = rs->received_polynomial.coeff[encoded_length - (i + 1)];
return msg_length;
ssize_t correct_reed_solomon_decode_with_erasures(correct_reed_solomon *rs, const uint8_t *encoded,
size_t encoded_length, const uint8_t *erasure_locations,
size_t erasure_length, uint8_t *msg) {
if (!erasure_length) {
return correct_reed_solomon_decode(rs, encoded, encoded_length, msg);
if (encoded_length > rs->block_length) {
return -1;
if (erasure_length > rs->min_distance) {
return -1;
// the message is the non-remainder part
size_t msg_length = encoded_length - rs->min_distance;
// if they handed us a nonfull block, we'll write in 0s
size_t pad_length = rs->block_length - encoded_length;
if (!rs->has_init_decode) {
// initialize rs for decoding
// we need to copy to our local buffer
// the buffer we're given has the coordinates in the wrong direction
// e.g. byte 0 corresponds to the 254th order coefficient
// so we're going to flip and then write padding
// the final copied buffer will look like
// | rem (rs->min_distance) | msg (msg_length) | pad (pad_length) |
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < encoded_length; i++) {
rs->received_polynomial.coeff[i] = encoded[encoded_length - (i + 1)];
// fill the pad_length with 0s
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pad_length; i++) {
rs->received_polynomial.coeff[i + encoded_length] = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < erasure_length; i++) {
// remap the coordinates of the erasures
rs->error_locations[i] = rs->block_length - (erasure_locations[i] + pad_length + 1);
reed_solomon_find_error_roots_from_locations(rs->field, rs->generator_root_gap, rs->error_locations,
rs->error_roots, erasure_length);
rs->erasure_locator =
reed_solomon_find_error_locator_from_roots(rs->field, erasure_length, rs->error_roots, rs->erasure_locator, rs->init_from_roots_scratch);
bool all_zero = reed_solomon_find_syndromes(rs->field, rs->received_polynomial, rs->generator_root_exp,
rs->syndromes, rs->min_distance);
if (all_zero) {
// syndromes were all zero, so there was no error in the message
// copy to msg and we are done
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msg_length; i++) {
msg[i] = rs->received_polynomial.coeff[encoded_length - (i + 1)];
return msg_length;
reed_solomon_find_modified_syndromes(rs, rs->syndromes, rs->erasure_locator, rs->modified_syndromes);
field_element_t *syndrome_copy = malloc(rs->min_distance * sizeof(field_element_t));
memcpy(syndrome_copy, rs->syndromes, rs->min_distance * sizeof(field_element_t));
for (unsigned int i = erasure_length; i < rs->min_distance; i++) {
rs->syndromes[i - erasure_length] = rs->modified_syndromes[i];
unsigned int order = reed_solomon_find_error_locator(rs, erasure_length);
// XXX fix this vvvv
rs->error_locator.order = order;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= rs->error_locator.order; i++) {
// this is a little strange since the coeffs are logs, not elements
// also, we'll be storing log(0) = 0 for any 0 coeffs in the error locator
// that would seem bad but we'll just be using this in chien search, and we'll skip all 0 coeffs
// (you might point out that log(1) also = 0, which would seem to alias. however, that's ok,
// because log(1) = 255 as well, and in fact that's how it's represented in our log table)
rs->error_locator_log.coeff[i] = rs->field.log[rs->error_locator.coeff[i]];
rs->error_locator_log.order = rs->error_locator.order;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < erasure_length; i++) {
rs->error_roots[i] = field_div(rs->field, 1, rs->error_roots[i]);
if (!reed_solomon_factorize_error_locator(rs->field, erasure_length, rs->error_locator_log, rs->error_roots, rs->element_exp)) {
// roots couldn't be found, so there were too many errors to deal with
// RS has failed for this message
return -1;
polynomial_t temp_poly = polynomial_create(rs->error_locator.order + erasure_length);
polynomial_mul(rs->field, rs->erasure_locator, rs->error_locator, temp_poly);
polynomial_t placeholder_poly = rs->error_locator;
rs->error_locator = temp_poly;
reed_solomon_find_error_locations(rs->field, rs->generator_root_gap, rs->error_roots, rs->error_locations,
rs->error_locator.order, erasure_length);
memcpy(rs->syndromes, syndrome_copy, rs->min_distance * sizeof(field_element_t));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->error_locator.order; i++) {
rs->received_polynomial.coeff[rs->error_locations[i]] =
field_sub(rs->field, rs->received_polynomial.coeff[rs->error_locations[i]], rs->error_vals[i]);
rs->error_locator = placeholder_poly;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msg_length; i++) {
msg[i] = rs->received_polynomial.coeff[encoded_length - (i + 1)];
return msg_length;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#include "correct/reed-solomon/encode.h"
ssize_t correct_reed_solomon_encode(correct_reed_solomon *rs, const uint8_t *msg, size_t msg_length, uint8_t *encoded) {
if (msg_length > rs->message_length) {
return -1;
size_t pad_length = rs->message_length - msg_length;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msg_length; i++) {
// message goes from high order to low order but libcorrect polynomials go low to high
// so we reverse on the way in and on the way out
// we'd have to do a copy anyway so this reversal should be free
rs->encoded_polynomial.coeff[rs->encoded_polynomial.order - (i + pad_length)] = msg[i];
// 0-fill the rest of the coefficients -- this length will always be > 0
// because the order of this poly is block_length and the msg_length <= message_length
// e.g. 255 and 223
memset(rs->encoded_polynomial.coeff + (rs->encoded_polynomial.order + 1 - pad_length), 0, pad_length);
memset(rs->encoded_polynomial.coeff, 0, (rs->encoded_polynomial.order + 1 - rs->message_length));
polynomial_mod(rs->field, rs->encoded_polynomial, rs->generator, rs->encoded_remainder);
// now return byte order to highest order to lowest order
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msg_length; i++) {
encoded[i] = rs->encoded_polynomial.coeff[rs->encoded_polynomial.order - (i + pad_length)];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->min_distance; i++) {
encoded[msg_length + i] = rs->encoded_remainder.coeff[rs->min_distance - (i + 1)];
return rs->block_length;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
#include "correct/reed-solomon/polynomial.h"
polynomial_t polynomial_create(unsigned int order) {
polynomial_t polynomial;
polynomial.coeff = malloc(sizeof(field_element_t) * (order + 1));
polynomial.order = order;
return polynomial;
void polynomial_destroy(polynomial_t polynomial) {
// if you want a full multiplication, then make res.order = l.order + r.order
// but if you just care about a lower order, e.g. mul mod x^i, then you can select
// fewer coefficients
void polynomial_mul(field_t field, polynomial_t l, polynomial_t r, polynomial_t res) {
// perform an element-wise multiplication of two polynomials
memset(res.coeff, 0, sizeof(field_element_t) * (res.order + 1));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= l.order; i++) {
if (i > res.order) {
unsigned int j_limit = (r.order > res.order - i) ? res.order - i : r.order;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= j_limit; j++) {
// e.g. alpha^5*x * alpha^37*x^2 --> alpha^42*x^3
res.coeff[i + j] = field_add(field, res.coeff[i + j], field_mul(field, l.coeff[i], r.coeff[j]));
void polynomial_mod(field_t field, polynomial_t dividend, polynomial_t divisor, polynomial_t mod) {
// find the polynomial remainder of dividend mod divisor
// do long division and return just the remainder (written to mod)
if (mod.order < dividend.order) {
// mod.order must be >= dividend.order (scratch space needed)
// this is an error -- catch it in debug?
// initialize remainder as dividend
memcpy(mod.coeff, dividend.coeff, sizeof(field_element_t) * (dividend.order + 1));
// XXX make sure divisor[divisor_order] is nonzero
field_logarithm_t divisor_leading = field.log[divisor.coeff[divisor.order]];
// long division steps along one order at a time, starting at the highest order
for (unsigned int i = dividend.order; i > 0; i--) {
// look at the leading coefficient of dividend and divisor
// if leading coefficient of dividend / leading coefficient of divisor is q
// then the next row of subtraction will be q * divisor
// if order of q < 0 then what we have is the remainder and we are done
if (i < divisor.order) {
if (mod.coeff[i] == 0) {
unsigned int q_order = i - divisor.order;
field_logarithm_t q_coeff = field_div_log(field, field.log[mod.coeff[i]], divisor_leading);
// now that we've chosen q, multiply the divisor by q and subtract from
// our remainder. subtracting in GF(2^8) is XOR, just like addition
for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= divisor.order; j++) {
if (divisor.coeff[j] == 0) {
// all of the multiplication is shifted up by q_order places
mod.coeff[j + q_order] = field_add(field, mod.coeff[j + q_order],
field_mul_log_element(field, field.log[divisor.coeff[j]], q_coeff));
void polynomial_formal_derivative(field_t field, polynomial_t poly, polynomial_t der) {
// if f(x) = a(n)*x^n + ... + a(1)*x + a(0)
// then f'(x) = n*a(n)*x^(n-1) + ... + 2*a(2)*x + a(1)
// where n*a(n) = sum(k=1, n, a(n)) e.g. the nth sum of a(n) in GF(2^8)
// assumes der.order = poly.order - 1
memset(der.coeff, 0, sizeof(field_element_t) * (der.order + 1));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= der.order; i++) {
// we're filling in the ith power of der, so we look ahead one power in poly
// f(x) = a(i + 1)*x^(i + 1) -> f'(x) = (i + 1)*a(i + 1)*x^i
// where (i + 1)*a(i + 1) is the sum of a(i + 1) (i + 1) times, not the product
der.coeff[i] = field_sum(field, poly.coeff[i + 1], i + 1);
field_element_t polynomial_eval(field_t field, polynomial_t poly, field_element_t val) {
// evaluate the polynomial poly at a particular element val
if (val == 0) {
return poly.coeff[0];
field_element_t res = 0;
// we're going to start at 0th order and multiply by val each time
field_logarithm_t val_exponentiated = field.log[1];
field_logarithm_t val_log = field.log[val];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= poly.order; i++) {
if (poly.coeff[i] != 0) {
// multiply-accumulate by the next coeff times the next power of val
res = field_add(field, res,
field_mul_log_element(field, field.log[poly.coeff[i]], val_exponentiated));
// now advance to the next power
val_exponentiated = field_mul_log(field, val_exponentiated, val_log);
return res;
field_element_t polynomial_eval_lut(field_t field, polynomial_t poly, const field_logarithm_t *val_exp) {
// evaluate the polynomial poly at a particular element val
// in this case, all of the logarithms of the successive powers of val have been precalculated
// this removes the extra work we'd have to do to calculate val_exponentiated each time
// if this function is to be called on the same val multiple times
if (val_exp[0] == 0) {
return poly.coeff[0];
field_element_t res = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= poly.order; i++) {
if (poly.coeff[i] != 0) {
// multiply-accumulate by the next coeff times the next power of val
res = field_add(field, res,
field_mul_log_element(field, field.log[poly.coeff[i]], val_exp[i]));
return res;
field_element_t polynomial_eval_log_lut(field_t field, polynomial_t poly_log, const field_logarithm_t *val_exp) {
// evaluate the log_polynomial poly at a particular element val
// like polynomial_eval_lut, the logarithms of the successive powers of val have been
// precomputed
if (val_exp[0] == 0) {
if (poly_log.coeff[0] == 0) {
// special case for the non-existant log case
return 0;
return field.exp[poly_log.coeff[0]];
field_element_t res = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= poly_log.order; i++) {
// using 0 as a sentinel value in log -- log(0) is really -inf
if (poly_log.coeff[i] != 0) {
// multiply-accumulate by the next coeff times the next power of val
res = field_add(field, res,
field_mul_log_element(field, poly_log.coeff[i], val_exp[i]));
return res;
void polynomial_build_exp_lut(field_t field, field_element_t val, unsigned int order, field_logarithm_t *val_exp) {
// create the lookup table of successive powers of val used by polynomial_eval_lut
field_logarithm_t val_exponentiated = field.log[1];
field_logarithm_t val_log = field.log[val];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= order; i++) {
if (val == 0) {
val_exp[i] = 0;
} else {
val_exp[i] = val_exponentiated;
val_exponentiated = field_mul_log(field, val_exponentiated, val_log);
polynomial_t polynomial_init_from_roots(field_t field, unsigned int nroots, field_element_t *roots, polynomial_t poly, polynomial_t *scratch) {
unsigned int order = nroots;
polynomial_t l;
field_element_t l_coeff[2];
l.order = 1;
l.coeff = l_coeff;
// we'll keep two temporary stores of rightside polynomial
// each time through the loop, we take the previous result and use it as new rightside
// swap back and forth (prevents the need for a copy)
polynomial_t r[2];
r[0] = scratch[0];
r[1] = scratch[1];
unsigned int rcoeffres = 0;
// initialize the result with x + roots[0]
r[rcoeffres].coeff[1] = 1;
r[rcoeffres].coeff[0] = roots[0];
r[rcoeffres].order = 1;
// initialize lcoeff[1] with x
// we'll fill in the 0th order term in each loop iter
l.coeff[1] = 1;
// loop through, using previous run's result as the new right hand side
// this allows us to multiply one group at a time
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < nroots; i++) {
l.coeff[0] = roots[i];
unsigned int nextrcoeff = rcoeffres;
rcoeffres = (rcoeffres + 1) % 2;
r[rcoeffres].order = i + 1;
polynomial_mul(field, l, r[nextrcoeff], r[rcoeffres]);
memcpy(poly.coeff, r[rcoeffres].coeff, (order + 1) * sizeof(field_element_t));
poly.order = order;
return poly;
polynomial_t polynomial_create_from_roots(field_t field, unsigned int nroots, field_element_t *roots) {
polynomial_t poly = polynomial_create(nroots);
unsigned int order = nroots;
polynomial_t l;
l.order = 1;
l.coeff = calloc(2, sizeof(field_element_t));
polynomial_t r[2];
// we'll keep two temporary stores of rightside polynomial
// each time through the loop, we take the previous result and use it as new rightside
// swap back and forth (prevents the need for a copy)
r[0].coeff = calloc(order + 1, sizeof(field_element_t));
r[1].coeff = calloc(order + 1, sizeof(field_element_t));
unsigned int rcoeffres = 0;
// initialize the result with x + roots[0]
r[rcoeffres].coeff[0] = roots[0];
r[rcoeffres].coeff[1] = 1;
r[rcoeffres].order = 1;
// initialize lcoeff[1] with x
// we'll fill in the 0th order term in each loop iter
l.coeff[1] = 1;
// loop through, using previous run's result as the new right hand side
// this allows us to multiply one group at a time
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < nroots; i++) {
l.coeff[0] = roots[i];
unsigned int nextrcoeff = rcoeffres;
rcoeffres = (rcoeffres + 1) % 2;
r[rcoeffres].order = i + 1;
polynomial_mul(field, l, r[nextrcoeff], r[rcoeffres]);
memcpy(poly.coeff, r[rcoeffres].coeff, (order + 1) * sizeof(field_element_t));
poly.order = order;
return poly;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
#include "correct/reed-solomon/reed-solomon.h"
// coeff must be of size nroots + 1
// e.g. 2 roots (x + alpha)(x + alpha^2) yields a poly with 3 terms x^2 + g0*x + g1
static polynomial_t reed_solomon_build_generator(field_t field, unsigned int nroots, field_element_t first_consecutive_root, unsigned int root_gap, polynomial_t generator, field_element_t *roots) {
// generator has order 2*t
// of form (x + alpha^1)(x + alpha^2)...(x - alpha^2*t)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nroots; i++) {
roots[i] = field.exp[(root_gap * (i + first_consecutive_root)) % 255];
return polynomial_create_from_roots(field, nroots, roots);
correct_reed_solomon *correct_reed_solomon_create(field_operation_t primitive_polynomial, field_logarithm_t first_consecutive_root, field_logarithm_t generator_root_gap, size_t num_roots) {
correct_reed_solomon *rs = calloc(1, sizeof(correct_reed_solomon));
rs->field = field_create(primitive_polynomial);
rs->block_length = 255;
rs->min_distance = num_roots;
rs->message_length = rs->block_length - rs->min_distance;
rs->first_consecutive_root = first_consecutive_root;
rs->generator_root_gap = generator_root_gap;
rs->generator_roots = malloc(rs->min_distance * sizeof(field_element_t));
rs->generator = reed_solomon_build_generator(rs->field, rs->min_distance, rs->first_consecutive_root, rs->generator_root_gap, rs->generator, rs->generator_roots);
rs->encoded_polynomial = polynomial_create(rs->block_length - 1);
rs->encoded_remainder = polynomial_create(rs->block_length - 1);
rs->has_init_decode = false;
return rs;
void correct_reed_solomon_destroy(correct_reed_solomon *rs) {
if (rs->has_init_decode) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->min_distance; i++) {
for (field_operation_t i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
void correct_reed_solomon_debug_print(correct_reed_solomon *rs) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
printf("%3d %3d %3d %3d\n", i, rs->field.exp[i], i, rs->field.log[i]);
printf("roots: ");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->min_distance; i++) {
printf("%d", rs->generator_roots[i]);
if (i < rs->min_distance - 1) {
printf(", ");
printf("generator: ");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->generator.order + 1; i++) {
printf("%d*x^%d", rs->generator.coeff[i], i);
if (i < rs->generator.order) {
printf(" + ");
printf("generator (alpha format): ");
for (unsigned int i = rs->generator.order + 1; i > 0; i--) {
printf("alpha^%d*x^%d", rs->field.log[rs->generator.coeff[i - 1]], i - 1);
if (i > 1) {
printf(" + ");
printf("remainder: ");
bool has_printed = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->encoded_remainder.order + 1; i++) {
if (!rs->encoded_remainder.coeff[i]) {
if (has_printed) {
printf(" + ");
has_printed = true;
printf("%d*x^%d", rs->encoded_remainder.coeff[i], i);
printf("syndromes: ");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->min_distance; i++) {
printf("%d", rs->syndromes[i]);
if (i < rs->min_distance - 1) {
printf(", ");
printf("numerrors: %d\n\n", rs->error_locator.order);
printf("error locator: ");
has_printed = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->error_locator.order + 1; i++) {
if (!rs->error_locator.coeff[i]) {
if (has_printed) {
printf(" + ");
has_printed = true;
printf("%d*x^%d", rs->error_locator.coeff[i], i);
printf("error roots: ");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->error_locator.order; i++) {
printf("%d@%d", polynomial_eval(rs->field, rs->error_locator, rs->error_roots[i]), rs->error_roots[i]);
if (i < rs->error_locator.order - 1) {
printf(", ");
printf("error evaluator: ");
has_printed = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->error_evaluator.order; i++) {
if (!rs->error_evaluator.coeff[i]) {
if (has_printed) {
printf(" + ");
has_printed = true;
printf("%d*x^%d", rs->error_evaluator.coeff[i], i);
printf("error locator derivative: ");
has_printed = false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->error_locator_derivative.order; i++) {
if (!rs->error_locator_derivative.coeff[i]) {
if (has_printed) {
printf(" + ");
has_printed = true;
printf("%d*x^%d", rs->error_locator_derivative.coeff[i], i);
printf("error locator: ");
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rs->error_locator.order; i++) {
printf("%d@%d", rs->error_vals[i], rs->error_locations[i]);
if (i < rs->error_locator.order - 1) {
printf(", ");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
#include <imgui.h>
#include <watcher.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <core.h>
#include <gui/style.h>
#include <signal_path/signal_path.h>
#include <module.h>
#include <options.h>
#include <dsp/pll.h>
#include <dsp/stream.h>
#include <dsp/demodulator.h>
#include <dsp/window.h>
#include <dsp/resampling.h>
#include <dsp/processing.h>
#include <dsp/routing.h>
#include <dsp/deframing.h>
#include <falcon_fec.h>
#include <falcon_packet.h>
#include <dsp/sink.h>
#include <gui/widgets/symbol_diagram.h>
#define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str())
/* Name: */ "falcon9_decoder",
/* Description: */ "Falcon9 telemetry decoder for SDR++",
/* Author: */ "Ryzerth",
/* Version: */ 0, 1, 0,
/* Max instances */ -1
#define INPUT_SAMPLE_RATE 6000000
class Falcon9DecoderModule : public ModuleManager::Instance {
Falcon9DecoderModule(std::string name) {
this->name = name;
vfo = sigpath::vfoManager.createVFO(name, ImGui::WaterfallVFO::REF_CENTER, 0, 4000000, INPUT_SAMPLE_RATE, 1);
// dsp::Splitter<float> split;
// dsp::Reshaper<float> reshape;
// dsp::HandlerSink<float> symSink;
// dsp::stream<float> thrInput;
// dsp::Threshold thr;
demod.init(vfo->output, INPUT_SAMPLE_RATE, 2000000.0f);
recov.init(&demod.out, (float)INPUT_SAMPLE_RATE / 3572000.0f, 0.00765625f, 0.175f, 0.005f);
reshape.init(&reshapeInput, 1024, 198976);
symSink.init(&reshape.out, symSinkHandler, this);
deframe.init(&thr.out, 10232, syncWord, 32);
sink.init(&pkt.out, sinkHandler, this);
ffplay = _popen("ffplay -framedrop -hide_banner -loglevel panic -window_title \"Falcon 9 Cameras\" -", "wb");
gui::menu.registerEntry(name, menuHandler, this, this);
~Falcon9DecoderModule() {
void enable() {
vfo = sigpath::vfoManager.createVFO(name, ImGui::WaterfallVFO::REF_CENTER, 0, 4000000, INPUT_SAMPLE_RATE, 1);
enabled = true;
void disable() {
enabled = false;
bool isEnabled() {
return enabled;
static void menuHandler(void* ctx) {
Falcon9DecoderModule* _this = (Falcon9DecoderModule*)ctx;
float menuWidth = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvailWidth();
if (!_this->enabled) { style::beginDisabled(); }
if (_this->logsVisible) {
if (ImGui::Button("Hide logs", ImVec2(menuWidth, 0))) { _this->logsVisible = false; }
else {
if (ImGui::Button("Show logs", ImVec2(menuWidth, 0))) { _this->logsVisible = true; }
if (_this->logsVisible) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(_this->logsMtx);
ImGui::Begin("Falcon9 Telemetry");
// GPS Logs
if (ImGui::Button("Clear logs##GPSClear")) { _this->gpsLogs.clear(); }
// STMM1A Logs
// STMM1B Logs
// STMM1C Logs
if (!_this->enabled) { style::endDisabled(); }
static void sinkHandler(uint8_t* data, int count, void* ctx) {
Falcon9DecoderModule* _this = (Falcon9DecoderModule*)ctx;
uint16_t length = (((data[0] & 0b1111) << 8) | data[1]) + 2;
uint64_t pktId = ((uint64_t)data[2] << 56) | ((uint64_t)data[3] << 48) | ((uint64_t)data[4] << 40) | ((uint64_t)data[5] << 32)
| ((uint64_t)data[6] << 24) | ((uint64_t)data[7] << 16) | ((uint64_t)data[8] << 8) | data[9];
if (pktId == 0x0117FE0800320303 || pktId == 0x0112FA0800320303) {
data[length - 2] = 0;
_this->gpsLogs += (char*)(data + 25);
else if (pktId == 0x01123201042E1403) {
fwrite(data + 25, 1, 940, _this->ffplay);
//printf("%016" PRIX64 ": %d bytes, %d full\n", pktId, length, count);
static void symSinkHandler(float* data, int count, void* ctx) {
Falcon9DecoderModule* _this = (Falcon9DecoderModule*)ctx;
float* buf = _this->symDiag.aquireBuffer();
memcpy(buf, data, 1024*sizeof(float));
std::string name;
bool enabled = true;
bool logsVisible = false;
std::mutex logsMtx;
std::string gpsLogs = "";
// DSP Chain
dsp::FloatFMDemod demod;
dsp::MMClockRecovery recov;
dsp::Splitter<float> split;
dsp::stream<float> reshapeInput;
dsp::Reshaper<float> reshape;
dsp::HandlerSink<float> symSink;
dsp::stream<float> thrInput;
dsp::Threshold thr;
uint8_t syncWord[32] = {0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1};
dsp::Deframer deframe;
dsp::FalconRS falconRS;
dsp::FalconPacketSync pkt;
dsp::HandlerSink<uint8_t> sink;
FILE* ffplay;
VFOManager::VFO* vfo;
ImGui::SymbolDiagram symDiag;
MOD_EXPORT void _INIT_() {
// Nothing
MOD_EXPORT ModuleManager::Instance* _CREATE_INSTANCE_(std::string name) {
return new Falcon9DecoderModule(name);
MOD_EXPORT void _DELETE_INSTANCE_(void* instance) {
delete (Falcon9DecoderModule*)instance;
MOD_EXPORT void _END_() {
// Nothing either
@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ cp build/soapy_source/Release/soapy_source.dll sdrpp_windows_x64/modules/
cp build/audio_sink/Release/audio_sink.dll sdrpp_windows_x64/modules/
cp "C:/Program Files (x86)/RtAudio/bin/rtaudio.dll" sdrpp_windows_x64/
# Copy supporting libs
cp 'C:/Program Files/PothosSDR/bin/libusb-1.0.dll' sdrpp_windows_x64/
Compress-Archive -Path sdrpp_windows_x64/ -DestinationPath sdrpp_windows_x64.zip
rm -Force -Recurse sdrpp_windows_x64
Reference in New Issue
Block a user