morganamilo 8e7af3e186
Update manpage and usage
Reword a lot of manpage and usage options.

Remove the `-Yg` and `-Y --getpkgbuild` options from documentation and
code as they have moved to `-G` and `--getpgkbuild`.

Update the version in the man page. Because our version is based on our
commit number added a `+` after the version number to indicated that
this is the version the manpage was written at but it also applies to
newer versions.

Added missing `-c --complete` and `-f --fish` options to the manpage.
But left them out of usage.

Added myself to the authors section. I do feel a bit bad about adding
myself and only myself but I thought it was not a good idea to add 20
names and fill up the page. There's currently no rules on who should be
added and not really a huge need for them right now. I guess we can just
add more people when we deem they belong there whatever that criteria
2018-03-01 02:09:24 +00:00

205 lines
4.6 KiB

/n'\" t
.TH "YAY" "8" "2018-02-29" "Yay v3\&.411+" "Yay Manual"
.ad l
yay \- AUR Helper written in go
\fIyay\fR <operation> [options] [targets]
\fIyay\fR <search pattern>
Yay is a Pacman wrapper with AUR support\&. It passes options to Makepkg and
Pacman after resolving packages to install/upgrade\&.
This manpage only covers options unique to Yay\&. For other options see
\fB\-Y, --yay\fR
.RS 4
Perform yay specific operations\&. This is the default if no other operation is
\fB\-P, --print\fR
.RS 4
Perform yay specific print operations\&.
\fB\-G, --getpkgbuild\fR
.RS 4
Downloads PKGBUILD from ABS or AUR\&.
If no operation is selected -Y will be assumed\&.
\fB\-S, -Si, -Ss, -Su\fR
.RS 4
These operations are extended to support both AUR and repo packages\&.
.RS 4
Yay will also remove cached data about devel packages\&.
.RS 4
Displays a list of packages matching the search terms and prompts the user on
which packages to install (yogurt mode)\&.
\fB \-\-gendb\fR
.RS 4
Generate development package databse\&. Tracks the latest commit for each
development package, when there is a new commit Yay will know to update\&. This
is done per package whenever a package is synced. This option should only be
used when migrating to Yay from another AUR helper.
\fB\-c \-\-clean\fR
.RS 4
Remove unneeded dependencies\&.
\fB\-c \-\-complete\fR
.RS 4
Print a list of all AUR and repo packages\&. This is to allow shell completion
and is not intended to be used directly by the user\&.
\fB\-f \-\-fish\fR
.RS 4
During complete adjust the output for the fish shell\&.
\fB\-d \-\-defaultconfig\fR
.RS 4
Print default yay configuration\&.
\fB\-g \-\-config\fR
.RS 4
Print current yay configuration\&.
\fB\-n \-\-numberupgrades\fR
.RS 4
Print number of packages that need to be updated\&. Note this does not preform
a database refresh\&. Run \fByay -Sy\fR Before this for an up to date result\&.
\fB\-s \-\-stats\fR
.RS 4
Displays information about installed packages and system health\&. If there are
orphaned, out-of-date or packages that no longer exist on the AUR warnings will
be displayed\&.
\fB\-u \-\-upgrades\fR
.RS 4
Print Names of packages that need to be updated\&. Note this does not preform
a database refresh\&. Run \fByay -Sy\fR Before this for an up to date result\&.
These options will be saved to disk and reapplied next time Yay is ran\&.
.RS 4
Display repository packages first and then AUR packages\&.
.RS 4
Show AUR packages first and then repository packages\&.
.RS 4
During sysupgrade also check AUR development packages for updates\&. Currently
only GitHub packages are supported\&.
.RS 4
Do not check for development packages updates during sysupgrade\&.
.RS 4
Remove package sources after successful Install\&.
.RS 4
Do not remove package sources after successful Install\&.
.RS 4
During sysupgrade also compare the build time of installed packages against
the last modification time of each package's AUR page\&.
.RS 4
Do not consider build times during sysupgrade\&.
yay \fIfoo\fR
.RS 4
Search and install from the repos and the \fBAUR\fR\ using yogurt mode\&.
yay -Syu
.RS 4
Update package list and upgrade all currently installed repo and \fBAUR\fR\&.
yay -S \fIfoo\fR
.RS 4
Installs package \fIfoo\fR from the repos or the \fBAUR\fR\&.
yay -Ss \fIfoo\fR
.RS 4
Searches for package \fIfoo\fR on the repos or the \fBAUR\fR\&.
yay -Si \fIfoo\fR
.RS 4
Gets information about package \fIfoo\fR from the repos or the \fBAUR\fR\&.
yay -S \fIfoo\fR
.RS 4
Installs package \fIfoo\fR from the repos or the \fBAUR\fR\&.
yay --stats
.RS 4
Shows statistics for installed packages and system health\&.
See the arch wiki at https://wiki\&.archlinux\&.org/index\&.php/Arch_User_Repository for more info on the \fBAUR\fR\&.
Please report bugs to our GitHub page https://github\&.com/Jguer/yay
Jguer <joaogg3@gmail\&.com>
Morgana <morganamilo@gmail\&.com>