morganamilo cbc2a87c73
Use correct source protocol for VCS checks
Previously it was assumed that "git+https" means: use git and if that
fails fall back to https. What this actually means is just: use git over
https. Similary "git" just means use git and "git+http" means use git
over http.

Thus there is only ever one protocol to use. The current protocols array
has been kept for backwards compatibility with the vcs.json file. The
difference being now it will only ever place one protocol into the
array. Also when reading the array, the last protocol is always used.
This is so that entries that have not been regenerated will use the
correct protocol.
2018-10-09 01:18:23 +01:00

240 lines
4.8 KiB

package main
import (
gosrc "github.com/Morganamilo/go-srcinfo"
// Info contains the last commit sha of a repo
type vcsInfo map[string]shaInfos
type shaInfos map[string]shaInfo
type shaInfo struct {
Protocols []string `json:"protocols"`
Branch string `json:"branch"`
SHA string `json:"sha"`
// createDevelDB forces yay to create a DB of the existing development packages
func createDevelDB() error {
var mux sync.Mutex
var wg sync.WaitGroup
_, _, _, remoteNames, err := filterPackages()
if err != nil {
return err
info, err := aurInfoPrint(remoteNames)
if err != nil {
return err
bases := getBases(info)
toSkip := pkgbuildsToSkip(bases, sliceToStringSet(remoteNames))
downloadPkgbuilds(bases, toSkip, config.BuildDir)
srcinfos, _ := parseSrcinfoFiles(bases, false)
for _, pkgbuild := range srcinfos {
for _, pkg := range pkgbuild.Packages {
go updateVCSData(pkg.Pkgname, pkgbuild.Source, &mux, &wg)
fmt.Println(bold(yellow(arrow) + bold(" GenDB finished. No packages were installed")))
return err
// parseSource returns the git url, default branch and protocols it supports
func parseSource(source string) (url string, branch string, protocols []string) {
split := strings.Split(source, "::")
source = split[len(split)-1]
split = strings.SplitN(source, "://", 2)
if len(split) != 2 {
return "", "", nil
protocols = strings.SplitN(split[0], "+", 2)
git := false
for _, protocol := range protocols {
if protocol == "git" {
git = true
protocols = protocols[len(protocols)-1:]
if !git {
return "", "", nil
split = strings.SplitN(split[1], "#", 2)
if len(split) == 2 {
secondSplit := strings.SplitN(split[1], "=", 2)
if secondSplit[0] != "branch" {
//source has #commit= or #tag= which makes them not vcs
//packages because they reference a specific point
return "", "", nil
if len(secondSplit) == 2 {
url = split[0]
branch = secondSplit[1]
} else {
url = split[0]
branch = "HEAD"
url = strings.Split(url, "?")[0]
branch = strings.Split(branch, "?")[0]
func updateVCSData(pkgName string, sources []gosrc.ArchString, mux *sync.Mutex, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
if savedInfo == nil {
savedInfo = make(vcsInfo)
info := make(shaInfos)
checkSource := func(source gosrc.ArchString) {
defer wg.Done()
url, branch, protocols := parseSource(source.Value)
if url == "" || branch == "" {
commit := getCommit(url, branch, protocols)
if commit == "" {
info[url] = shaInfo{
savedInfo[pkgName] = info
fmt.Println(bold(yellow(arrow)) + " Found git repo: " + cyan(url))
for _, source := range sources {
go checkSource(source)
func getCommit(url string, branch string, protocols []string) string {
if len(protocols) > 0 {
protocol := protocols[len(protocols)-1]
var outbuf bytes.Buffer
cmd := passToGit("", "ls-remote", protocol+"://"+url, branch)
cmd.Stdout = &outbuf
cmd.Env = append(os.Environ(), "GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0")
err := cmd.Start()
if err != nil {
return ""
//for some reason
//git://bitbucket.org/volumesoffun/polyvox.git` hangs on my
//machine but using http:// instead of git does not hang.
//Introduce a time out so this can not hang
timer := time.AfterFunc(5*time.Second, func() {
err = cmd.Wait()
if err != nil {
return ""
stdout := outbuf.String()
split := strings.Fields(stdout)
if len(split) < 2 {
return ""
commit := split[0]
return commit
return ""
func (infos shaInfos) needsUpdate() bool {
//used to signal we have gone through all sources and found nothing
finished := make(chan struct{})
alive := 0
//if we find an update we use this to exit early and return true
hasUpdate := make(chan struct{})
checkHash := func(url string, info shaInfo) {
hash := getCommit(url, info.Branch, info.Protocols)
if hash != "" && hash != info.SHA {
hasUpdate <- struct{}{}
} else {
finished <- struct{}{}
for url, info := range infos {
go checkHash(url, info)
for {
select {
case <-hasUpdate:
return true
case <-finished:
if alive == 0 {
return false
func saveVCSInfo() error {
marshalledinfo, err := json.MarshalIndent(savedInfo, "", "\t")
if err != nil || string(marshalledinfo) == "null" {
return err
in, err := os.OpenFile(vcsFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
defer in.Close()
_, err = in.Write(marshalledinfo)
if err != nil {
return err
err = in.Sync()
return err