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synced 2025-02-27 01:14:10 +01:00
Inline statusJob into loadJob, using supervisorScope to load the page and track status changes in parallel. - supervisorScope does not complete until both the child loadPage coroutine and statusFlow.collectLatest have completed. - Cancelling supervisorScope cancels the child loadPage coroutine and statusFlow.collectLatest. - Use supervisorScope instead of coroutineScope to let status collection continue if loadPage fails. Inline progressJob into loadJob, using collectLatest's cancellation to avoid cancelling the progressFlow collection explicitly. - collectLatest cancels the previous action block when the flow emits a new value. This means the DOWNLOAD_IMAGE progressFlow.collectLatest gets automatically cancelled when statusFlow emits a new state. Convert launchLoadJob to suspend function, move job launch to caller, and rename as loadPageAndProcessStatus.