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package tachiyomi.source.local
import android.content.Context
import eu.kanade.domain.manga.model.COMIC_INFO_FILE
import eu.kanade.domain.manga.model.ComicInfo
import eu.kanade.domain.manga.model.copyFromComicInfo
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.CatalogueSource
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.UnmeteredSource
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.FilterList
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.MangasPage
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SChapter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.model.SManga
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.lang.compareToCaseInsensitiveNaturalOrder
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.storage.EpubFile
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import kotlinx.serialization.json.decodeFromStream
import logcat.LogPriority
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.AndroidXmlReader
import nl.adaptivity.xmlutil.serialization.XML
import rx.Observable
import tachiyomi.core.metadata.tachiyomi.MangaDetails
import tachiyomi.core.util.lang.withIOContext
import tachiyomi.core.util.system.ImageUtil
import tachiyomi.core.util.system.logcat
import tachiyomi.domain.chapter.service.ChapterRecognition
import tachiyomi.source.local.filter.OrderBy
import tachiyomi.source.local.image.LocalCoverManager
import tachiyomi.source.local.io.Archive
import tachiyomi.source.local.io.Format
import tachiyomi.source.local.io.LocalSourceFileSystem
import tachiyomi.source.local.metadata.fillChapterMetadata
import tachiyomi.source.local.metadata.fillMangaMetadata
import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy
import java.io.File
import java.io.FileInputStream
import java.io.InputStream
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.zip.ZipFile
import com.github.junrar.Archive as JunrarArchive
actual class LocalSource(
private val context: Context,
private val fileSystem: LocalSourceFileSystem,
private val coverManager: LocalCoverManager,
) : CatalogueSource, UnmeteredSource {
private val json: Json by injectLazy()
private val xml: XML by injectLazy()
private val POPULAR_FILTERS = FilterList(OrderBy.Popular(context))
private val LATEST_FILTERS = FilterList(OrderBy.Latest(context))
override val name: String = context.getString(R.string.local_source)
override val id: Long = ID
override val lang: String = "other"
override fun toString() = name
override val supportsLatest: Boolean = true
// Browse related
override fun fetchPopularManga(page: Int) = fetchSearchManga(page, "", POPULAR_FILTERS)
override fun fetchLatestUpdates(page: Int) = fetchSearchManga(page, "", LATEST_FILTERS)
override fun fetchSearchManga(page: Int, query: String, filters: FilterList): Observable<MangasPage> {
val baseDirsFiles = fileSystem.getFilesInBaseDirectories()
val lastModifiedLimit by lazy { if (filters === LATEST_FILTERS) System.currentTimeMillis() - LATEST_THRESHOLD else 0L }
var mangaDirs = baseDirsFiles
// Filter out files that are hidden and is not a folder
.filter { it.isDirectory && !it.name.startsWith('.') }
.distinctBy { it.name }
.filter { // Filter by query or last modified
if (lastModifiedLimit == 0L) {
it.name.contains(query, ignoreCase = true)
} else {
it.lastModified() >= lastModifiedLimit
filters.forEach { filter ->
when (filter) {
is OrderBy.Popular -> {
mangaDirs = if (filter.state!!.ascending) {
mangaDirs.sortedWith(compareBy(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) { it.name })
} else {
mangaDirs.sortedWith(compareByDescending(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) { it.name })
is OrderBy.Latest -> {
mangaDirs = if (filter.state!!.ascending) {
} else {
else -> {
/* Do nothing */
// Transform mangaDirs to list of SManga
val mangas = mangaDirs.map { mangaDir ->
SManga.create().apply {
title = mangaDir.name
url = mangaDir.name
// Try to find the cover
?.let { thumbnail_url = it.absolutePath }
// Fetch chapters of all the manga
mangas.forEach { manga ->
runBlocking {
val chapters = getChapterList(manga)
if (chapters.isNotEmpty()) {
val chapter = chapters.last()
val format = getFormat(chapter)
if (format is Format.Epub) {
EpubFile(format.file).use { epub ->
// Copy the cover from the first chapter found if not available
if (manga.thumbnail_url == null) {
updateCover(chapter, manga)
return Observable.just(MangasPage(mangas.toList(), false))
// Manga details related
override suspend fun getMangaDetails(manga: SManga): SManga = withIOContext {
coverManager.find(manga.url)?.let {
manga.thumbnail_url = it.absolutePath
// Augment manga details based on metadata files
try {
val mangaDirFiles = fileSystem.getFilesInMangaDirectory(manga.url).toList()
val comicInfoFile = mangaDirFiles
.firstOrNull { it.name == COMIC_INFO_FILE }
val noXmlFile = mangaDirFiles
.firstOrNull { it.name == ".noxml" }
val legacyJsonDetailsFile = mangaDirFiles
.firstOrNull { it.extension == "json" }
when {
// Top level ComicInfo.xml
comicInfoFile != null -> {
setMangaDetailsFromComicInfoFile(comicInfoFile.inputStream(), manga)
// TODO: automatically convert these to ComicInfo.xml
legacyJsonDetailsFile != null -> {
json.decodeFromStream<MangaDetails>(legacyJsonDetailsFile.inputStream()).run {
title?.let { manga.title = it }
author?.let { manga.author = it }
artist?.let { manga.artist = it }
description?.let { manga.description = it }
genre?.let { manga.genre = it.joinToString() }
status?.let { manga.status = it }
// Copy ComicInfo.xml from chapter archive to top level if found
noXmlFile == null -> {
val chapterArchives = mangaDirFiles
val mangaDir = fileSystem.getMangaDirectory(manga.url)
val folderPath = mangaDir?.absolutePath
val copiedFile = copyComicInfoFileFromArchive(chapterArchives, folderPath)
if (copiedFile != null) {
setMangaDetailsFromComicInfoFile(copiedFile.inputStream(), manga)
} else {
// Avoid re-scanning
} catch (e: Throwable) {
logcat(LogPriority.ERROR, e) { "Error setting manga details from local metadata for ${manga.title}" }
return@withIOContext manga
private fun copyComicInfoFileFromArchive(chapterArchives: List<File>, folderPath: String?): File? {
for (chapter in chapterArchives) {
when (Format.valueOf(chapter)) {
is Format.Zip -> {
ZipFile(chapter).use { zip: ZipFile ->
zip.getEntry(COMIC_INFO_FILE)?.let { comicInfoFile ->
zip.getInputStream(comicInfoFile).buffered().use { stream ->
return copyComicInfoFile(stream, folderPath)
is Format.Rar -> {
JunrarArchive(chapter).use { rar ->
rar.fileHeaders.firstOrNull { it.fileName == COMIC_INFO_FILE }?.let { comicInfoFile ->
rar.getInputStream(comicInfoFile).buffered().use { stream ->
return copyComicInfoFile(stream, folderPath)
else -> {}
return null
private fun copyComicInfoFile(comicInfoFileStream: InputStream, folderPath: String?): File {
return File("$folderPath/$COMIC_INFO_FILE").apply {
outputStream().use { outputStream ->
comicInfoFileStream.use { it.copyTo(outputStream) }
private fun setMangaDetailsFromComicInfoFile(stream: InputStream, manga: SManga) {
val comicInfo = AndroidXmlReader(stream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name()).use {
// Chapters
override suspend fun getChapterList(manga: SManga): List<SChapter> {
return fileSystem.getFilesInMangaDirectory(manga.url)
// Only keep supported formats
.filter { it.isDirectory || Archive.isSupported(it) }
.map { chapterFile ->
SChapter.create().apply {
url = "${manga.url}/${chapterFile.name}"
name = if (chapterFile.isDirectory) {
} else {
date_upload = chapterFile.lastModified()
chapter_number = ChapterRecognition.parseChapterNumber(manga.title, this.name, this.chapter_number)
val format = Format.valueOf(chapterFile)
if (format is Format.Epub) {
EpubFile(format.file).use { epub ->
.sortedWith { c1, c2 ->
val c = c2.chapter_number.compareTo(c1.chapter_number)
if (c == 0) c2.name.compareToCaseInsensitiveNaturalOrder(c1.name) else c
// Filters
override fun getFilterList() = FilterList(OrderBy.Popular(context))
// Unused stuff
override suspend fun getPageList(chapter: SChapter) = throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unused")
fun getFormat(chapter: SChapter): Format {
try {
return fileSystem.getBaseDirectories()
.map { directory -> File(directory, chapter.url) }
.find { chapterFile -> chapterFile.exists() }
?: throw Exception(context.getString(R.string.chapter_not_found))
} catch (e: Format.UnknownFormatException) {
throw Exception(context.getString(R.string.local_invalid_format))
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw e
private fun updateCover(chapter: SChapter, manga: SManga): File? {
return try {
when (val format = getFormat(chapter)) {
is Format.Directory -> {
val entry = format.file.listFiles()
?.sortedWith { f1, f2 -> f1.name.compareToCaseInsensitiveNaturalOrder(f2.name) }
?.find { !it.isDirectory && ImageUtil.isImage(it.name) { FileInputStream(it) } }
entry?.let { coverManager.update(manga, it.inputStream()) }
is Format.Zip -> {
ZipFile(format.file).use { zip ->
val entry = zip.entries().toList()
.sortedWith { f1, f2 -> f1.name.compareToCaseInsensitiveNaturalOrder(f2.name) }
.find { !it.isDirectory && ImageUtil.isImage(it.name) { zip.getInputStream(it) } }
entry?.let { coverManager.update(manga, zip.getInputStream(it)) }
is Format.Rar -> {
JunrarArchive(format.file).use { archive ->
val entry = archive.fileHeaders
.sortedWith { f1, f2 -> f1.fileName.compareToCaseInsensitiveNaturalOrder(f2.fileName) }
.find { !it.isDirectory && ImageUtil.isImage(it.fileName) { archive.getInputStream(it) } }
entry?.let { coverManager.update(manga, archive.getInputStream(it)) }
is Format.Epub -> {
EpubFile(format.file).use { epub ->
val entry = epub.getImagesFromPages()
?.let { epub.getEntry(it) }
entry?.let { coverManager.update(manga, epub.getInputStream(it)) }
} catch (e: Throwable) {
logcat(LogPriority.ERROR, e) { "Error updating cover for ${manga.title}" }
companion object {
const val ID = 0L
const val HELP_URL = "https://tachiyomi.org/help/guides/local-manga/"
private val LATEST_THRESHOLD = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(7, TimeUnit.DAYS)