package eu.kanade.tachiyomi import android.content.Context import androidx.core.content.edit import androidx.preference.PreferenceManager import eu.kanade.domain.base.BasePreferences import eu.kanade.domain.source.service.SourcePreferences import eu.kanade.domain.ui.UiPreferences import import import import import import import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.ReaderOrientation import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.reader.setting.ReaderPreferences import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.DeviceUtil import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.toast import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.workManager import tachiyomi.core.preference.Preference import tachiyomi.core.preference.PreferenceStore import tachiyomi.core.preference.TriState import tachiyomi.core.preference.getAndSet import tachiyomi.core.preference.getEnum import tachiyomi.core.preference.minusAssign import tachiyomi.core.preference.plusAssign import tachiyomi.domain.backup.service.BackupPreferences import tachiyomi.domain.library.service.LibraryPreferences import tachiyomi.domain.library.service.LibraryPreferences.Companion.MANGA_NON_COMPLETED import tachiyomi.i18n.MR import object Migrations { /** * Performs a migration when the application is updated. * * @return true if a migration is performed, false otherwise. */ fun upgrade( context: Context, preferenceStore: PreferenceStore, basePreferences: BasePreferences, uiPreferences: UiPreferences, networkPreferences: NetworkPreferences, sourcePreferences: SourcePreferences, securityPreferences: SecurityPreferences, libraryPreferences: LibraryPreferences, readerPreferences: ReaderPreferences, backupPreferences: BackupPreferences, trackerManager: TrackerManager, ): Boolean { val lastVersionCode = preferenceStore.getInt(Preference.appStateKey("last_version_code"), 0) val oldVersion = lastVersionCode.get() if (oldVersion < BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE) { lastVersionCode.set(BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE) // Always set up background tasks to ensure they're running LibraryUpdateJob.setupTask(context) BackupCreateJob.setupTask(context) // Fresh install if (oldVersion == 0) { return false } val prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context) if (oldVersion < 14) { // Restore jobs after upgrading to Evernote's job scheduler. LibraryUpdateJob.setupTask(context) } if (oldVersion < 15) { // Delete internal chapter cache dir. File(context.cacheDir, "chapter_disk_cache").deleteRecursively() } if (oldVersion < 19) { // Move covers to external files dir. val oldDir = File(context.externalCacheDir, "cover_disk_cache") if (oldDir.exists()) { val destDir = context.getExternalFilesDir("covers") if (destDir != null) { oldDir.listFiles()?.forEach { it.renameTo(File(destDir, } } } } if (oldVersion < 26) { // Delete external chapter cache dir. val extCache = context.externalCacheDir if (extCache != null) { val chapterCache = File(extCache, "chapter_disk_cache") if (chapterCache.exists()) { chapterCache.deleteRecursively() } } } if (oldVersion < 43) { // Restore jobs after migrating from Evernote's job scheduler to WorkManager. LibraryUpdateJob.setupTask(context) BackupCreateJob.setupTask(context) } if (oldVersion < 44) { // Reset sorting preference if using removed sort by source val oldSortingMode = prefs.getInt(libraryPreferences.sortingMode().key(), 0) if (oldSortingMode == 5) { // SOURCE = 5 prefs.edit { putInt(libraryPreferences.sortingMode().key(), 0) // ALPHABETICAL = 0 } } } if (oldVersion < 52) { // Migrate library filters to tri-state versions fun convertBooleanPrefToTriState(key: String): Int { val oldPrefValue = prefs.getBoolean(key, false) return if (oldPrefValue) { 1 } else { 0 } } prefs.edit { putInt( libraryPreferences.filterDownloaded().key(), convertBooleanPrefToTriState("pref_filter_downloaded_key"), ) remove("pref_filter_downloaded_key") putInt( libraryPreferences.filterUnread().key(), convertBooleanPrefToTriState("pref_filter_unread_key"), ) remove("pref_filter_unread_key") putInt( libraryPreferences.filterCompleted().key(), convertBooleanPrefToTriState("pref_filter_completed_key"), ) remove("pref_filter_completed_key") } } if (oldVersion < 54) { // Force MAL log out due to login flow change // v52: switched from scraping to WebView // v53: switched from WebView to OAuth if (trackerManager.myAnimeList.isLoggedIn) { trackerManager.myAnimeList.logout() context.toast(MR.strings.myanimelist_relogin) } } if (oldVersion < 57) { // Migrate DNS over HTTPS setting val wasDohEnabled = prefs.getBoolean("enable_doh", false) if (wasDohEnabled) { prefs.edit { putInt(networkPreferences.dohProvider().key(), PREF_DOH_CLOUDFLARE) remove("enable_doh") } } } if (oldVersion < 59) { // Reset rotation to Free after replacing Lock if (prefs.contains("pref_rotation_type_key")) { prefs.edit { putInt("pref_rotation_type_key", 1) } } } if (oldVersion < 60) { // Migrate Rotation and Viewer values to default values for viewer_flags val newOrientation = when (prefs.getInt("pref_rotation_type_key", 1)) { 1 -> ReaderOrientation.FREE.flagValue 2 -> ReaderOrientation.PORTRAIT.flagValue 3 -> ReaderOrientation.LANDSCAPE.flagValue 4 -> ReaderOrientation.LOCKED_PORTRAIT.flagValue 5 -> ReaderOrientation.LOCKED_LANDSCAPE.flagValue else -> ReaderOrientation.FREE.flagValue } // Reading mode flag and prefValue is the same value val newReadingMode = prefs.getInt("pref_default_viewer_key", 1) prefs.edit { putInt("pref_default_orientation_type_key", newOrientation) remove("pref_rotation_type_key") putInt("pref_default_reading_mode_key", newReadingMode) remove("pref_default_viewer_key") } } if (oldVersion < 61) { // Handle removed every 1 or 2 hour library updates val updateInterval = libraryPreferences.autoUpdateInterval().get() if (updateInterval == 1 || updateInterval == 2) { libraryPreferences.autoUpdateInterval().set(3) LibraryUpdateJob.setupTask(context, 3) } } if (oldVersion < 64) { val oldSortingMode = prefs.getInt(libraryPreferences.sortingMode().key(), 0) val oldSortingDirection = prefs.getBoolean("library_sorting_ascending", true) val newSortingMode = when (oldSortingMode) { 0 -> "ALPHABETICAL" 1 -> "LAST_READ" 2 -> "LAST_CHECKED" 3 -> "UNREAD" 4 -> "TOTAL_CHAPTERS" 6 -> "LATEST_CHAPTER" 8 -> "DATE_FETCHED" 7 -> "DATE_ADDED" else -> "ALPHABETICAL" } val newSortingDirection = when (oldSortingDirection) { true -> "ASCENDING" else -> "DESCENDING" } prefs.edit(commit = true) { remove(libraryPreferences.sortingMode().key()) remove("library_sorting_ascending") } prefs.edit { putString(libraryPreferences.sortingMode().key(), newSortingMode) putString("library_sorting_ascending", newSortingDirection) } } if (oldVersion < 70) { if (sourcePreferences.enabledLanguages().isSet()) { sourcePreferences.enabledLanguages() += "all" } } if (oldVersion < 71) { // Handle removed every 3, 4, 6, and 8 hour library updates val updateInterval = libraryPreferences.autoUpdateInterval().get() if (updateInterval in listOf(3, 4, 6, 8)) { libraryPreferences.autoUpdateInterval().set(12) LibraryUpdateJob.setupTask(context, 12) } } if (oldVersion < 72) { val oldUpdateOngoingOnly = prefs.getBoolean("pref_update_only_non_completed_key", true) if (!oldUpdateOngoingOnly) { libraryPreferences.autoUpdateMangaRestrictions() -= MANGA_NON_COMPLETED } } if (oldVersion < 75) { val oldSecureScreen = prefs.getBoolean("secure_screen", false) if (oldSecureScreen) { securityPreferences.secureScreen().set(SecurityPreferences.SecureScreenMode.ALWAYS) } if ( DeviceUtil.isMiui && basePreferences.extensionInstaller().get() == BasePreferences.ExtensionInstaller.PACKAGEINSTALLER ) { basePreferences.extensionInstaller().set(BasePreferences.ExtensionInstaller.LEGACY) } } if (oldVersion < 76) { BackupCreateJob.setupTask(context) } if (oldVersion < 77) { val oldReaderTap = prefs.getBoolean("reader_tap", false) if (!oldReaderTap) { readerPreferences.navigationModePager().set(5) readerPreferences.navigationModeWebtoon().set(5) } } if (oldVersion < 81) { // Handle renamed enum values prefs.edit { val newSortingMode = when ( val oldSortingMode = prefs.getString( libraryPreferences.sortingMode().key(), "ALPHABETICAL", ) ) { "LAST_CHECKED" -> "LAST_MANGA_UPDATE" "UNREAD" -> "UNREAD_COUNT" "DATE_FETCHED" -> "CHAPTER_FETCH_DATE" else -> oldSortingMode } putString(libraryPreferences.sortingMode().key(), newSortingMode) } } if (oldVersion < 82) { prefs.edit { val sort = prefs.getString(libraryPreferences.sortingMode().key(), null) ?: return@edit val direction = prefs.getString("library_sorting_ascending", "ASCENDING")!! putString(libraryPreferences.sortingMode().key(), "$sort,$direction") remove("library_sorting_ascending") } } if (oldVersion < 84) { if (backupPreferences.backupInterval().get() == 0) { backupPreferences.backupInterval().set(12) BackupCreateJob.setupTask(context) } } if (oldVersion < 85) { val preferences = listOf( libraryPreferences.filterChapterByRead(), libraryPreferences.filterChapterByDownloaded(), libraryPreferences.filterChapterByBookmarked(), libraryPreferences.sortChapterBySourceOrNumber(), libraryPreferences.displayChapterByNameOrNumber(), libraryPreferences.sortChapterByAscendingOrDescending(), ) prefs.edit { preferences.forEach { preference -> val key = preference.key() val value = prefs.getInt(key, Int.MIN_VALUE) if (value == Int.MIN_VALUE) return@forEach remove(key) putLong(key, value.toLong()) } } } if (oldVersion < 86) { if (uiPreferences.themeMode().isSet()) { prefs.edit { val themeMode = prefs.getString(uiPreferences.themeMode().key(), null) ?: return@edit putString(uiPreferences.themeMode().key(), themeMode.uppercase()) } } } if (oldVersion < 92) { val trackingQueuePref = context.getSharedPreferences("tracking_queue", Context.MODE_PRIVATE) trackingQueuePref.all.forEach { val (_, lastChapterRead) = it.value.toString().split(":") trackingQueuePref.edit { remove(it.key) putFloat(it.key, lastChapterRead.toFloat()) } } } if (oldVersion < 96) { LibraryUpdateJob.cancelAllWorks(context) LibraryUpdateJob.setupTask(context) } if (oldVersion < 97) { // Removed background jobs context.workManager.cancelAllWorkByTag("UpdateChecker") context.workManager.cancelAllWorkByTag("ExtensionUpdate") prefs.edit { remove("automatic_ext_updates") } } if (oldVersion < 99) { val prefKeys = listOf( "pref_filter_library_downloaded", "pref_filter_library_unread", "pref_filter_library_started", "pref_filter_library_bookmarked", "pref_filter_library_completed", ) + { "pref_filter_library_tracked_${}" } prefKeys.forEach { key -> val pref = preferenceStore.getInt(key, 0) prefs.edit { remove(key) val newValue = when (pref.get()) { 1 -> TriState.ENABLED_IS 2 -> TriState.ENABLED_NOT else -> TriState.DISABLED } preferenceStore.getEnum("${key}_v2", TriState.DISABLED).set(newValue) } } } if (oldVersion < 100) { BackupCreateJob.setupTask(context) } if (oldVersion < 105) { val pref = libraryPreferences.autoUpdateDeviceRestrictions() if (pref.isSet() && "battery_not_low" in pref.get()) { pref.getAndSet { it - "battery_not_low" } } } if (oldVersion < 106) { val pref = preferenceStore.getInt("relative_time", 7) if (pref.get() == 0) { uiPreferences.relativeTime().set(false) } } if (oldVersion < 107) { replacePreferences( preferenceStore = preferenceStore, filterPredicate = { it.key.startsWith("pref_mangasync_") || it.key.startsWith("track_token_") }, newKey = { Preference.privateKey(it) }, ) } if (oldVersion < 110) { val prefsToReplace = listOf( "pref_download_only", "incognito_mode", "last_catalogue_source", "trusted_signatures", "last_app_closed", "library_update_last_timestamp", "library_unseen_updates_count", "last_used_category", "last_app_check", "last_ext_check", "last_version_code", ) replacePreferences( preferenceStore = preferenceStore, filterPredicate = { it.key in prefsToReplace }, newKey = { Preference.appStateKey(it) }, ) } return true } return false } } @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") private fun replacePreferences( preferenceStore: PreferenceStore, filterPredicate: (Map.Entry) -> Boolean, newKey: (String) -> String, ) { preferenceStore.getAll() .filter(filterPredicate) .forEach { (key, value) -> when (value) { is Int -> { preferenceStore.getInt(newKey(key)).set(value) preferenceStore.getInt(key).delete() } is Long -> { preferenceStore.getLong(newKey(key)).set(value) preferenceStore.getLong(key).delete() } is Float -> { preferenceStore.getFloat(newKey(key)).set(value) preferenceStore.getFloat(key).delete() } is String -> { preferenceStore.getString(newKey(key)).set(value) preferenceStore.getString(key).delete() } is Boolean -> { preferenceStore.getBoolean(newKey(key)).set(value) preferenceStore.getBoolean(key).delete() } is Set<*> -> (value as? Set)?.let { preferenceStore.getStringSet(newKey(key)).set(value) preferenceStore.getStringSet(key).delete() } } } }