mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 23:55:39 +01:00
Cleanup Library presenter (#8284)
* yeet observable + minor cleanup * move [getTracksFlow] to domain * Lint * Review changes Co-Authored-By: Andreas <6576096+ghostbear@users.noreply.github.com> * Review Changes 2 * Stuff * Rename + Rebase * Lint Co-authored-by: Andreas <6576096+ghostbear@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ import eu.kanade.domain.source.repository.SourceDataRepository
import eu.kanade.domain.source.repository.SourceRepository
import eu.kanade.domain.track.interactor.DeleteTrack
import eu.kanade.domain.track.interactor.GetTracks
import eu.kanade.domain.track.interactor.GetTracksPerManga
import eu.kanade.domain.track.interactor.InsertTrack
import eu.kanade.domain.track.repository.TrackRepository
import eu.kanade.domain.updates.interactor.GetUpdates
@ -104,6 +105,7 @@ class DomainModule : InjektModule {
addSingletonFactory<TrackRepository> { TrackRepositoryImpl(get()) }
addFactory { DeleteTrack(get()) }
addFactory { GetTracksPerManga(get()) }
addFactory { GetTracks(get()) }
addFactory { InsertTrack(get()) }
@ -19,10 +19,6 @@ class GetTracks(
fun subscribe(): Flow<List<Track>> {
return trackRepository.getTracksAsFlow()
fun subscribe(mangaId: Long): Flow<List<Track>> {
return trackRepository.getTracksByMangaIdAsFlow(mangaId)
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
package eu.kanade.domain.track.interactor
import eu.kanade.domain.track.repository.TrackRepository
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map
class GetTracksPerManga(
private val trackRepository: TrackRepository,
) {
fun subscribe(): Flow<Map<Long, List<Long>>> {
return trackRepository.getTracksAsFlow().map { tracks ->
.groupBy { it.mangaId }
.mapValues { entry ->
entry.value.map { it.syncId }
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.category.CategoryController
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.main.MainActivity
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.manga.MangaController
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.lang.launchIO
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.lang.launchUI
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.system.toast
import kotlinx.coroutines.cancel
@ -126,7 +127,6 @@ class LibraryController(
settingsSheet = LibrarySettingsSheet(router) { group ->
when (group) {
is LibrarySettingsSheet.Filter.FilterGroup -> onFilterChanged()
is LibrarySettingsSheet.Sort.SortGroup -> onSortChanged()
else -> {} // Handled via different mechanisms
@ -152,12 +152,10 @@ class LibraryController(
private fun onFilterChanged() {
private fun onSortChanged() {
viewScope.launchUI {
fun search(query: String) {
@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ class LibraryController(
* Clear all of the manga currently selected, and
* invalidate the action mode to revert the top toolbar
fun clearSelection() {
private fun clearSelection() {
@ -11,11 +11,8 @@ import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.res.stringResource
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastAny
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastMap
import com.jakewharton.rxrelay.BehaviorRelay
import eu.kanade.core.prefs.CheckboxState
import eu.kanade.core.prefs.PreferenceMutableState
import eu.kanade.core.util.asFlow
import eu.kanade.core.util.asObservable
import eu.kanade.domain.base.BasePreferences
import eu.kanade.domain.category.interactor.GetCategories
import eu.kanade.domain.category.interactor.SetMangaCategories
@ -32,7 +29,7 @@ import eu.kanade.domain.manga.interactor.UpdateManga
import eu.kanade.domain.manga.model.Manga
import eu.kanade.domain.manga.model.MangaUpdate
import eu.kanade.domain.manga.model.isLocal
import eu.kanade.domain.track.interactor.GetTracks
import eu.kanade.domain.track.interactor.GetTracksPerManga
import eu.kanade.presentation.category.visualName
import eu.kanade.presentation.library.LibraryState
import eu.kanade.presentation.library.LibraryStateImpl
@ -49,16 +46,16 @@ import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.source.online.HttpSource
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.ui.base.presenter.BasePresenter
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.lang.launchIO
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.lang.launchNonCancellable
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.lang.withIOContext
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.util.removeCovers
import eu.kanade.tachiyomi.widget.ExtendedNavigationView.Item.TriStateGroup.State
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.collectLatest
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.combine
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map
import rx.Observable
import rx.android.schedulers.AndroidSchedulers
import rx.schedulers.Schedulers
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onStart
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.receiveAsFlow
import uy.kohesive.injekt.Injekt
import uy.kohesive.injekt.api.get
import java.text.Collator
@ -79,7 +76,7 @@ typealias LibraryMap = Map<Long, List<LibraryItem>>
class LibraryPresenter(
private val state: LibraryStateImpl = LibraryState() as LibraryStateImpl,
private val getLibraryManga: GetLibraryManga = Injekt.get(),
private val getTracks: GetTracks = Injekt.get(),
private val getTracksPerManga: GetTracksPerManga = Injekt.get(),
private val getCategories: GetCategories = Injekt.get(),
private val getChapterByMangaId: GetChapterByMangaId = Injekt.get(),
private val setReadStatus: SetReadStatus = Injekt.get(),
@ -111,15 +108,8 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
val isDownloadOnly: Boolean by preferences.downloadedOnly().asState()
val isIncognitoMode: Boolean by preferences.incognitoMode().asState()
* Relay used to apply the UI filters to the last emission of the library.
private val filterTriggerRelay = BehaviorRelay.create(Unit)
* Relay used to apply the selected sorting method to the last emission of the library.
private val sortTriggerRelay = BehaviorRelay.create(Unit)
private val _filterChanges: Channel<Unit> = Channel(Int.MAX_VALUE)
private val filterChanges = _filterChanges.receiveAsFlow().onStart { emit(Unit) }
private var librarySubscription: Job? = null
@ -141,18 +131,14 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
if (librarySubscription == null || librarySubscription!!.isCancelled) {
librarySubscription = presenterScope.launchIO {
.combineLatest(getFilterObservable()) { lib, tracks ->
lib.copy(mangaMap = applyFilters(lib.mangaMap, tracks))
.combineLatest(sortTriggerRelay.observeOn(Schedulers.io())) { lib, _ ->
lib.copy(mangaMap = applySort(lib.categories, lib.mangaMap))
combine(getLibraryFlow(), getTracksPerManga.subscribe(), filterChanges) { library, tracks, _ ->
.collectLatest {
state.isLoading = false
loadedManga = it.mangaMap
loadedManga = it
@ -160,21 +146,24 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
* Applies library filters to the given map of manga.
* @param map the map to filter.
private fun applyFilters(map: LibraryMap, trackMap: Map<Long, Map<Long, Boolean>>): LibraryMap {
private fun LibraryMap.applyFilters(trackMap: Map<Long, List<Long>>): LibraryMap {
val downloadedOnly = preferences.downloadedOnly().get()
val filterDownloaded = libraryPreferences.filterDownloaded().get()
val filterUnread = libraryPreferences.filterUnread().get()
val filterStarted = libraryPreferences.filterStarted().get()
val filterBookmarked = libraryPreferences.filterBookmarked().get()
val filterCompleted = libraryPreferences.filterCompleted().get()
val loggedInServices = trackManager.services.filter { trackService -> trackService.isLogged }
val loggedInTrackServices = trackManager.services.filter { trackService -> trackService.isLogged }
.associate { trackService ->
Pair(trackService.id, libraryPreferences.filterTracking(trackService.id.toInt()).get())
trackService.id to libraryPreferences.filterTracking(trackService.id.toInt()).get()
val isNotAnyLoggedIn = !loggedInServices.values.any()
val isNotLoggedInAnyTrack = loggedInTrackServices.isEmpty()
val excludedTracks = loggedInTrackServices.mapNotNull { if (it.value == State.EXCLUDE.value) it.key else null }
val includedTracks = loggedInTrackServices.mapNotNull { if (it.value == State.INCLUDE.value) it.key else null }
val trackFiltersIsIgnored = includedTracks.isEmpty() && excludedTracks.isEmpty()
val filterFnDownloaded: (LibraryItem) -> Boolean = downloaded@{ item ->
if (!downloadedOnly && filterDownloaded == State.IGNORE.value) return@downloaded true
@ -237,25 +226,21 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
val filterFnTracking: (LibraryItem) -> Boolean = tracking@{ item ->
if (isNotAnyLoggedIn) return@tracking true
if (isNotLoggedInAnyTrack || trackFiltersIsIgnored) return@tracking true
val trackedManga = trackMap[item.libraryManga.manga.id]
val mangaTracks = trackMap[item.libraryManga.id].orEmpty()
val containsExclude = loggedInServices.filterValues { it == State.EXCLUDE.value }
val containsInclude = loggedInServices.filterValues { it == State.INCLUDE.value }
val exclude = mangaTracks.filter { it in excludedTracks }
val include = mangaTracks.filter { it in includedTracks }
if (!containsExclude.any() && !containsInclude.any()) return@tracking true
val exclude = trackedManga?.filterKeys { containsExclude.containsKey(it) }?.values ?: emptyList()
val include = trackedManga?.filterKeys { containsInclude.containsKey(it) }?.values ?: emptyList()
if (containsInclude.any() && containsExclude.any()) {
return@tracking if (exclude.isNotEmpty()) !exclude.any() else include.any()
// TODO: Simplify the filter logic
if (includedTracks.isNotEmpty() && excludedTracks.isNotEmpty()) {
return@tracking if (exclude.isNotEmpty()) false else include.isNotEmpty()
if (containsExclude.any()) return@tracking !exclude.any()
if (excludedTracks.isNotEmpty()) return@tracking exclude.isEmpty()
if (containsInclude.any()) return@tracking include.any()
if (includedTracks.isNotEmpty()) return@tracking include.isNotEmpty()
return@tracking false
@ -271,15 +256,13 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
return map.mapValues { entry -> entry.value.filter(filterFn) }
return this.mapValues { entry -> entry.value.filter(filterFn) }
* Applies library sorting to the given map of manga.
* @param map the map to sort.
private fun applySort(categories: List<Category>, map: LibraryMap): LibraryMap {
private fun LibraryMap.applySort(categories: List<Category>): LibraryMap {
val sortModes = categories.associate { it.id to it.sort }
val locale = Locale.getDefault()
@ -321,7 +304,7 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
return map.mapValues { entry ->
return this.mapValues { entry ->
val comparator = if (sortModes[entry.key]!!.isAscending) {
} else {
@ -373,48 +356,11 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
* Get the tracked manga from the database and checks if the filter gets changed
* @return an observable of tracked manga.
private fun getFilterObservable(): Observable<Map<Long, Map<Long, Boolean>>> {
return filterTriggerRelay.observeOn(Schedulers.io())
.combineLatest(getTracksFlow().asObservable().observeOn(Schedulers.io())) { _, tracks -> tracks }
* Get the tracked manga from the database
* @return an observable of tracked manga.
private fun getTracksFlow(): Flow<Map<Long, Map<Long, Boolean>>> {
// TODO: Move this to domain/data layer
return getTracks.subscribe()
.map { tracks ->
.groupBy { it.mangaId }
.mapValues { tracksForMangaId ->
// Check if any of the trackers is logged in for the current manga id
tracksForMangaId.value.associate {
Pair(it.syncId, trackManager.getService(it.syncId)?.isLogged ?: false)
* Requests the library to be filtered.
fun requestFilterUpdate() {
* Requests the library to be sorted.
fun requestSortUpdate() {
suspend fun requestFilterUpdate() = withIOContext {
@ -432,9 +378,9 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
suspend fun getCommonCategories(mangas: List<Manga>): Collection<Category> {
if (mangas.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
return mangas.toSet()
.map { getCategories.await(it.id) }
.reduce { set1, set2 -> set1.intersect(set2).toMutableList() }
return mangas
.map { getCategories.await(it.id).toSet() }
.reduce { set1, set2 -> set1.intersect(set2) }
@ -444,9 +390,9 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
suspend fun getMixCategories(mangas: List<Manga>): Collection<Category> {
if (mangas.isEmpty()) return emptyList()
val mangaCategories = mangas.toSet().map { getCategories.await(it.id) }
val common = mangaCategories.reduce { set1, set2 -> set1.intersect(set2).toMutableList() }
return mangaCategories.flatten().distinct().subtract(common).toMutableList()
val mangaCategories = mangas.map { getCategories.await(it.id).toSet() }
val common = mangaCategories.reduce { set1, set2 -> set1.intersect(set2) }
return mangaCategories.flatten().distinct().subtract(common)
@ -524,10 +470,10 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
fun setMangaCategories(mangaList: List<Manga>, addCategories: List<Long>, removeCategories: List<Long>) {
presenterScope.launchNonCancellable {
mangaList.map { manga ->
mangaList.forEach { manga ->
val categoryIds = getCategories.await(manga.id)
.map { it.id }
@ -649,10 +595,6 @@ class LibraryPresenter(
private fun <T, U, R> Observable<T>.combineLatest(o2: Observable<U>, combineFn: (T, U) -> R): Observable<R> {
return Observable.combineLatest(this, o2, combineFn)
sealed class Dialog {
data class ChangeCategory(val manga: List<Manga>, val initialSelection: List<CheckboxState<Category>>) : Dialog()
data class DeleteManga(val manga: List<Manga>) : Dialog()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user