mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 13:55:29 +01:00
Migrator improvements (#588)
This commit is contained in:
@ -254,6 +254,8 @@ dependencies {
// For detecting memory leaks; see https://square.github.io/leakcanary/
// debugImplementation(libs.leakcanary.android)
androidComponents {
@ -50,8 +50,12 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach
import logcat.AndroidLogcatLogger
import logcat.LogPriority
import logcat.LogcatLogger
import mihon.core.migration.Migrator
import mihon.core.migration.migrations.migrations
import org.conscrypt.Conscrypt
import tachiyomi.core.common.i18n.stringResource
import tachiyomi.core.common.preference.Preference
import tachiyomi.core.common.preference.PreferenceStore
import tachiyomi.core.common.util.system.logcat
import tachiyomi.i18n.MR
import tachiyomi.presentation.widget.WidgetManager
@ -131,6 +135,23 @@ class App : Application(), DefaultLifecycleObserver, SingletonImageLoader.Factor
if (!LogcatLogger.isInstalled && networkPreferences.verboseLogging().get()) {
private fun initializeMigrator() {
val preferenceStore = Injekt.get<PreferenceStore>()
val preference = preferenceStore.getInt(Preference.appStateKey("last_version_code"), 0)
logcat { "Migration from ${preference.get()} to ${BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE}" }
old = preference.get(),
new = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE,
migrations = migrations,
onMigrationComplete = {
logcat { "Updating last version to ${BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE}" }
override fun newImageLoader(context: Context): ImageLoader {
@ -87,10 +87,7 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.onEach
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import logcat.LogPriority
import mihon.core.migration.Migrator
import mihon.core.migration.migrations.migrations
import tachiyomi.core.common.Constants
import tachiyomi.core.common.preference.Preference
import tachiyomi.core.common.preference.PreferenceStore
import tachiyomi.core.common.util.lang.launchIO
import tachiyomi.core.common.util.system.logcat
import tachiyomi.domain.library.service.LibraryPreferences
@ -99,8 +96,6 @@ import tachiyomi.i18n.MR
import tachiyomi.presentation.core.components.material.Scaffold
import tachiyomi.presentation.core.i18n.stringResource
import tachiyomi.presentation.core.util.collectAsState
import uy.kohesive.injekt.Injekt
import uy.kohesive.injekt.api.get
import uy.kohesive.injekt.injectLazy
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color.Companion as ComposeColor
@ -129,7 +124,7 @@ class MainActivity : BaseActivity() {
val didMigration = migrate()
val didMigration = Migrator.awaitAndRelease()
// Do not let the launcher create a new activity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16283079
if (!isTaskRoot) {
@ -340,21 +335,6 @@ class MainActivity : BaseActivity() {
private fun migrate(): Boolean {
val preferenceStore = Injekt.get<PreferenceStore>()
val preference = preferenceStore.getInt(Preference.appStateKey("last_version_code"), 0)
logcat { "Migration from ${preference.get()} to ${BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE}" }
return Migrator.migrate(
old = preference.get(),
new = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE,
migrations = migrations,
onMigrationComplete = {
logcat { "Updating last version to ${BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE}" }
* Sets custom splash screen exit animation on devices prior to Android 12.
@ -5,6 +5,9 @@ interface Migration {
suspend operator fun invoke(migrationContext: MigrationContext): Boolean
val isAlways: Boolean
get() = version == ALWAYS
companion object {
const val ALWAYS = -1f
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package mihon.core.migration
typealias MigrationCompletedListener = () -> Unit
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ package mihon.core.migration
import uy.kohesive.injekt.Injekt
class MigrationContext {
class MigrationContext(val dryrun: Boolean) {
inline fun <reified T> get(): T? {
return Injekt.getInstanceOrNull(T::class.java)
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package mihon.core.migration
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.async
import tachiyomi.core.common.util.system.logcat
class MigrationJobFactory(
private val migrationContext: MigrationContext,
private val scope: CoroutineScope
) {
fun create(migrations: List<Migration>): Deferred<Boolean> = with(scope) {
return migrations.sortedBy { it.version }
.fold(CompletableDeferred(true)) { acc: Deferred<Boolean>, migration: Migration ->
if (!migrationContext.dryrun) {
logcat { "Running migration: { name = ${migration::class.simpleName}, version = ${migration.version} }" }
async {
val prev = acc.await()
migration(migrationContext) || prev
} else {
logcat { "(Dry-run) Running migration: { name = ${migration::class.simpleName}, version = ${migration.version} }" }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package mihon.core.migration
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
interface MigrationStrategy {
operator fun invoke(migrations: List<Migration>): Deferred<Boolean>
class DefaultMigrationStrategy(
private val migrationJobFactory: MigrationJobFactory,
private val migrationCompletedListener: MigrationCompletedListener,
private val scope: CoroutineScope
) : MigrationStrategy {
override operator fun invoke(migrations: List<Migration>): Deferred<Boolean> = with(scope) {
if (migrations.isEmpty()) {
return@with CompletableDeferred(false)
val chain = migrationJobFactory.create(migrations)
launch {
if (chain.await()) migrationCompletedListener()
class InitialMigrationStrategy(private val strategy: DefaultMigrationStrategy) : MigrationStrategy {
override operator fun invoke(migrations: List<Migration>): Deferred<Boolean> {
return strategy(migrations.filter { it.isAlways })
class NoopMigrationStrategy(val state: Boolean) : MigrationStrategy {
override fun invoke(migrations: List<Migration>): Deferred<Boolean> {
return CompletableDeferred(state)
class VersionRangeMigrationStrategy(
private val versions: IntRange,
private val strategy: DefaultMigrationStrategy
) : MigrationStrategy {
override operator fun invoke(migrations: List<Migration>): Deferred<Boolean> {
return strategy(migrations.filter { it.isAlways || it.version.toInt() in versions })
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package mihon.core.migration
class MigrationStrategyFactory(
private val factory: MigrationJobFactory,
private val migrationCompletedListener: MigrationCompletedListener,
) {
fun create(old: Int, new: Int): MigrationStrategy {
val versions = (old + 1)..new
val strategy = when {
old == 0 -> InitialMigrationStrategy(
strategy = DefaultMigrationStrategy(factory, migrationCompletedListener, Migrator.scope),
old >= new -> NoopMigrationStrategy(false)
else -> VersionRangeMigrationStrategy(
versions = versions,
strategy = DefaultMigrationStrategy(factory, migrationCompletedListener, Migrator.scope),
return strategy
@ -1,53 +1,41 @@
package mihon.core.migration
import kotlinx.coroutines.CompletableDeferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import tachiyomi.core.common.util.system.logcat
object Migrator {
fun migrate(
private var result: Deferred<Boolean>? = null
val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main + Job())
fun initialize(
old: Int,
new: Int,
migrations: List<Migration>,
dryrun: Boolean = false,
onMigrationComplete: () -> Unit
): Boolean {
val migrationContext = MigrationContext()
if (old == 0) {
return migrationContext.migrate(
migrations = migrations.filter { it.isAlways() },
dryrun = dryrun
.also { onMigrationComplete() }
if (old >= new) {
return false
return migrationContext.migrate(
migrations = migrations.filter { it.isAlways() || it.version.toInt() in (old + 1)..new },
dryrun = dryrun
.also { onMigrationComplete() }
) {
val migrationContext = MigrationContext(dryrun)
val migrationJobFactory = MigrationJobFactory(migrationContext, scope)
val migrationStrategyFactory = MigrationStrategyFactory(migrationJobFactory, onMigrationComplete)
val strategy = migrationStrategyFactory.create(old, new)
result = strategy(migrations)
private fun Migration.isAlways() = version == Migration.ALWAYS
suspend fun await(): Boolean {
val result = result ?: CompletableDeferred(false)
return result.await()
private fun MigrationContext.migrate(migrations: List<Migration>, dryrun: Boolean): Boolean {
return migrations.sortedBy { it.version }
.map { migration ->
if (!dryrun) {
logcat { "Running migration: { name = ${migration::class.simpleName}, version = ${migration.version} }" }
runBlocking { migration(this@migrate) }
} else {
logcat { "(Dry-run) Running migration: { name = ${migration::class.simpleName}, version = ${migration.version} }" }
.reduce { acc, b -> acc || b }
fun release() {
result = null
fun awaitAndRelease(): Boolean = runBlocking {
await().also { release() }
@ -1,59 +1,97 @@
package mihon.core.migration
import io.mockk.Called
import io.mockk.slot
import io.mockk.spyk
import io.mockk.verify
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.newSingleThreadContext
import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.resetMain
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.setMain
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertInstanceOf
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
class MigratorTest {
fun initialVersion() {
val onMigrationComplete: () -> Unit = {}
val onMigrationCompleteSpy = spyk(onMigrationComplete)
val didMigration = Migrator.migrate(
old = 0,
new = 1,
migrations = listOf(Migration.of(Migration.ALWAYS) { true }, Migration.of(2f) { false }),
onMigrationComplete = onMigrationCompleteSpy
verify { onMigrationCompleteSpy() }
lateinit var migrationCompletedListener: MigrationCompletedListener
lateinit var migrationContext: MigrationContext
lateinit var migrationJobFactory: MigrationJobFactory
lateinit var migrationStrategyFactory: MigrationStrategyFactory
fun initilize() {
migrationContext = MigrationContext(false)
migrationJobFactory = spyk(MigrationJobFactory(migrationContext, CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main + Job())))
migrationCompletedListener = spyk<() -> Unit>({})
migrationStrategyFactory = spyk(MigrationStrategyFactory(migrationJobFactory, migrationCompletedListener))
fun sameVersion() {
val onMigrationComplete: () -> Unit = {}
val onMigrationCompleteSpy = spyk(onMigrationComplete)
val didMigration = Migrator.migrate(
old = 1,
new = 1,
migrations = listOf(Migration.of(Migration.ALWAYS) { true }, Migration.of(2f) { true }),
onMigrationComplete = onMigrationCompleteSpy
verify { onMigrationCompleteSpy wasNot Called }
fun initialVersion() = runBlocking {
val strategy = migrationStrategyFactory.create(0, 1)
assertInstanceOf(InitialMigrationStrategy::class.java, strategy)
val migrations = slot<List<Migration>>()
val execute = strategy(listOf(Migration.of(Migration.ALWAYS) { true }, Migration.of(2f) { false }))
verify { migrationJobFactory.create(capture(migrations)) }
assertEquals(1, migrations.captured.size)
verify { migrationCompletedListener() }
fun smallMigration() {
val onMigrationComplete: () -> Unit = {}
val onMigrationCompleteSpy = spyk(onMigrationComplete)
val didMigration = Migrator.migrate(
old = 1,
new = 2,
migrations = listOf(Migration.of(Migration.ALWAYS) { true }, Migration.of(2f) { true }),
onMigrationComplete = onMigrationCompleteSpy
verify { onMigrationCompleteSpy() }
fun sameVersion() = runBlocking {
val strategy = migrationStrategyFactory.create(1, 1)
assertInstanceOf(NoopMigrationStrategy::class.java, strategy)
val execute = strategy(listOf(Migration.of(Migration.ALWAYS) { true }, Migration.of(2f) { false }))
val result = execute.await()
verify { migrationJobFactory.create(any()) wasNot Called }
fun largeMigration() {
val onMigrationComplete: () -> Unit = {}
val onMigrationCompleteSpy = spyk(onMigrationComplete)
fun noMigrations() = runBlocking {
val strategy = migrationStrategyFactory.create(1, 2)
assertInstanceOf(VersionRangeMigrationStrategy::class.java, strategy)
val execute = strategy(emptyList())
val result = execute.await()
verify { migrationJobFactory.create(any()) wasNot Called }
fun smallMigration() = runBlocking {
val strategy = migrationStrategyFactory.create(1, 2)
assertInstanceOf(VersionRangeMigrationStrategy::class.java, strategy)
val migrations = slot<List<Migration>>()
val execute = strategy(listOf(Migration.of(Migration.ALWAYS) { true }, Migration.of(2f) { true }))
verify { migrationJobFactory.create(capture(migrations)) }
assertEquals(2, migrations.captured.size)
verify { migrationCompletedListener() }
fun largeMigration() = runBlocking {
val input = listOf(
Migration.of(Migration.ALWAYS) { true },
Migration.of(2f) { true },
@ -66,31 +104,56 @@ class MigratorTest {
Migration.of(9f) { true },
Migration.of(10f) { true },
val didMigration = Migrator.migrate(
old = 1,
new = 10,
migrations = input,
onMigrationComplete = onMigrationCompleteSpy
verify { onMigrationCompleteSpy() }
val strategy = migrationStrategyFactory.create(1, 10)
assertInstanceOf(VersionRangeMigrationStrategy::class.java, strategy)
val migrations = slot<List<Migration>>()
val execute = strategy(input)
verify { migrationJobFactory.create(capture(migrations)) }
assertEquals(10, migrations.captured.size)
verify { migrationCompletedListener() }
fun withinRangeMigration() {
val onMigrationComplete: () -> Unit = {}
val onMigrationCompleteSpy = spyk(onMigrationComplete)
val didMigration = Migrator.migrate(
old = 1,
new = 2,
migrations = listOf(
fun withinRangeMigration() = runBlocking {
val strategy = migrationStrategyFactory.create(1, 2)
assertInstanceOf(VersionRangeMigrationStrategy::class.java, strategy)
val migrations = slot<List<Migration>>()
val execute = strategy(
Migration.of(Migration.ALWAYS) { true },
Migration.of(2f) { true },
Migration.of(3f) { false }
onMigrationComplete = onMigrationCompleteSpy
verify { onMigrationCompleteSpy() }
verify { migrationJobFactory.create(capture(migrations)) }
assertEquals(2, migrations.captured.size)
verify { migrationCompletedListener() }
companion object {
val mainThreadSurrogate = newSingleThreadContext("UI thread")
fun setUp() {
fun tearDown() {
Dispatchers.resetMain() // reset the main dispatcher to the original Main dispatcher
Reference in New Issue
Block a user