Suguru Hirahara 41c59a1223
Add license information to files for matrix-authentication-service
Signed-off-by: Suguru Hirahara <>
2025-02-28 21:24:13 +09:00

144 lines
6.8 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Slavi Pantaleev
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2025 Suguru Hirahara
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
- ansible.builtin.set_fact:
matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_dry_run: "{{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_dry_run | bool }}"
- name: Abort, if not using Synapse
when: not matrix_synapse_enabled | bool
msg: |-
You can only use syn2mas to migrate from Synapse to Matrix Authentication Service.
Other homeserver implementations are not supported.
- name: Fail if required matrix-authentication-service syn2mas settings not defined
msg: >-
You need to define a required configuration setting (`{{ }}`).
when: "item.when | bool and vars[] | length == 0"
- {'name': 'matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_synapse_homeserver_config_path', when: true}
- name: Check if Synapse homeserver config file exists
path: "{{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_synapse_homeserver_config_path }}"
register: matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_synapse_config_stat
- name: Fail if Synapse homeserver config file does not exist
msg: "The Synapse homeserver config file does not exist at the specified path: {{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_synapse_homeserver_config_path }}"
when: not matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_synapse_config_stat.stat.exists
- name: Ensure Matrix Authentication Service syn2mas container image is pulled
name: "{{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_container_image }}"
source: "{{ 'pull' if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor > 7 else omit }}"
force_source: "{{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_container_image_force_pull if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else omit }}"
force: "{{ omit if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_container_image_force_pull }}"
when: "not matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_container_image_self_build | bool"
register: result
retries: "{{ devture_playbook_help_container_retries_count }}"
delay: "{{ devture_playbook_help_container_retries_delay }}"
until: result is not failed
- when: "matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_container_image_self_build | bool"
- name: Ensure Matrix Authentication Service repository is present on self-build
repo: "{{ matrix_authentication_service_container_repo }}"
version: "{{ matrix_authentication_service_container_repo_version }}"
dest: "{{ matrix_authentication_service_container_src_files_path }}"
force: "yes"
become: true
become_user: "{{ matrix_user_username }}"
register: matrix_authentication_service_git_pull_results
- name: Ensure Matrix Authentication Service syn2mas container image is built
cmd: |-
{{ devture_systemd_docker_base_host_command_docker }} buildx build
--tag={{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_container_image }}
--file={{ matrix_authentication_service_container_src_files_path }}/tools/syn2mas/Dockerfile
{{ matrix_authentication_service_container_src_files_path }}/tools/syn2mas
changed_when: true
- name: Ensure Synapse is stopped
when: not matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_dry_run | bool
name: matrix-synapse
state: stopped
daemon_reload: true
register: matrix_authentication_service_synapse_ensure_stopped_result
# We probably don't necessarily need to stop this, because:
# - the upstream docs don't say we should.
# - while a migration is in progress (see `matrix_authentication_service_migration_in_progress`),
# we don't even add compatibility layer labels, so MAS would not be used anyway.
# Still, it's probably safer to stop it anyway.
- name: Ensure Matrix Authentication Service is stopped
name: matrix-authentication-service
state: stopped
register: matrix_authentication_service_mas_ensure_stopped_result
- name: Generate syn2mas migration command
matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_migration_command: >-
{{ devture_systemd_docker_base_host_command_docker }} run
--user={{ matrix_authentication_service_uid }}:{{ matrix_authentication_service_gid }}
--network={{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_container_network }}
--mount type=bind,src={{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_synapse_homeserver_config_path }},dst=/homeserver.yaml,ro
--mount type=bind,src={{ matrix_authentication_service_config_path }}/config.yaml,dst=/mas-config.yaml,ro
{{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_container_image }}
{{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_process_extra_arguments | join(' ') }}
{% if matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_dry_run | bool %}--dryRun{% endif %}
- skip_ansible_lint
# This is a hack.
# See:
# We want to run `debug: msg=".."`, but that dumps it as JSON and escapes double quotes within it,
# which ruins the command (`matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_migration_command`).
- name: Note about syn2mas migration
dummy: true
- >-
Running syn2mas migration using the following command: `{{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_migration_command }}`.
If this crashes, you can stop Synapse (`systemctl stop matrix-synapse`) and run the command manually.
- name: Perform syn2mas migration
cmd: "{{ matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_migration_command }}"
register: matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_migration_command_result
changed_when: matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_migration_command_result.rc == 0
- name: Print syn2mas migration command result
var: matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_migration_command_result
- name: Ensure Synapse is started (if it previously was)
when: "not matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_dry_run and matrix_authentication_service_synapse_ensure_stopped_result.changed"
name: matrix-synapse
state: started
- name: Ensure Matrix Authentication Service is started (if it previously was)
when: "not matrix_authentication_service_syn2mas_dry_run and matrix_authentication_service_mas_ensure_stopped_result.changed"
name: matrix-authentication-service
state: started