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# matrix-media-repo is a highly customizable multi-domain media repository for Matrix.
# Intended for medium to large environments consisting of several homeservers, this
# media repo de-duplicates media (including remote media) while being fully compliant
# with the specification.
# See: https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-media-repo
matrix_media_repo_enabled: false
# matrix_media_repo_identifier controls the identifier of this media-repo instance, which influences:
# - the default storage path
# - the names of systemd services
matrix_media_repo_identifier: matrix-media-repo
matrix_media_repo_container_image_self_build: false
matrix_media_repo_container_image_self_build_repo: "https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-media-repo.git"
matrix_media_repo_docker_image_path: "turt2live/matrix-media-repo"
matrix_media_repo_docker_image: "{{ matrix_media_repo_docker_image_name_prefix }}{{ matrix_media_repo_docker_image_path }}:{{ matrix_media_repo_docker_image_tag }}"
matrix_media_repo_docker_image_name_prefix: "{{ 'localhost/' if matrix_media_repo_container_image_self_build else matrix_container_global_registry_prefix }}"
matrix_media_repo_docker_image_tag: "v1.2.13"
matrix_media_repo_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_media_repo_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_media_repo_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/{{ matrix_media_repo_identifier }}"
matrix_media_repo_config_path: "{{ matrix_media_repo_base_path }}/config"
matrix_media_repo_data_path: "{{ matrix_media_repo_base_path }}/data"
matrix_media_repo_docker_src_files_path: "{{ matrix_media_repo_base_path }}/docker-src"
# List of systemd services that matrix-conduit.service depends on
matrix_media_repo_systemd_required_services_list: ["docker.service"]
# List of systemd services that matrix-conduit.service wants
matrix_media_repo_systemd_wanted_services_list: []
# The base container network. It will be auto-created by this role if it doesn't exist already.
matrix_media_repo_container_network: "{{ matrix_docker_network }}"
# A list of additional container networks that the container would be connected to.
# The role does not create these networks, so make sure they already exist.
# Use this to expose this container to another reverse proxy, which runs in a different container network.
matrix_media_repo_container_additional_networks: []
# Controls whether the matrix-media-repo container exposes its HTTP port (tcp/8000 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_media_repo_container_http_host_bind_port: ""
# Controls whether the matrix-media-repo container exposes its metrics port (tcp/9000 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_media_repo_container_metrics_host_bind_port: ""
# Extra arguments for the Docker container
matrix_media_repo_container_extra_arguments: []
# matrix_media_repo_dashboard_urls contains a list of URLs with Grafana dashboard definitions.
# If the Grafana role is enabled, these dashboards will be downloaded.
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy/master/roles/custom/matrix-media-repo/templates/grafana/media-repo.json
# *****************************************************************************
# Configuration File Settings
# *****************************************************************************
# General repo configuration
matrix_media_repo_bind_address: ''
matrix_media_repo_port: 8000
# Where to store the logs, relative to where the repo is started from. Logs will be automatically
# rotated every day and held for 14 days. To disable the repo logging to files, set this to
# "-" (including quotation marks).
# Note: to change the log directory you'll have to restart the repository. This setting cannot be
# live reloaded.
matrix_media_repo_log_directory: "-"
# Set to true to enable color coding in your logs. Note that this may cause escape sequences to
# appear in logs which render them unreadable, which is why colors are disabled by default.
matrix_media_repo_log_colors: false
# Set to true to enable JSON logging for consumption by things like logstash. Note that this is
# incompatible with the log color option and will always render without colors.
matrix_media_repo_json_logs: false
# The log level to log at. Note that this will need to be at least "info" to receive support.
# Values (in increasing spam): panic | fatal | error | warn | info | debug | trace
matrix_media_repo_log_level: "info"
# If true, the media repo will accept any X-Forwarded-For header without validation. In most cases
# this option should be left as "false". Note that the media repo already expects an X-Forwarded-For
# header, but validates it to ensure the IP being given makes sense.
matrix_media_repo_trust_any_forwarded_address: false
# If false, the media repo will not use the X-Forwarded-Host header commonly added by reverse proxies.
# Typically this should remain as true, though in some circumstances it may need to be disabled.
# See https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-media-repo/issues/202 for more information.
matrix_media_repo_use_forwarded_host: true
# Options for dealing with federation
# On a per-host basis, the number of consecutive failures in calling the host before the
# media repo will back off. This defaults to 20 if not given. Note that 404 errors from
# the remote server do not count towards this.
matrix_media_repo_federation_backoff_at: 20
# The database configuration for the media repository
# Do NOT put your homeserver's existing database credentials here. Create a new database and
# user instead. Using the same server is fine, just not the same username and database.
matrix_media_repo_database_username: "matrix_media_repo"
matrix_media_repo_database_password: "your_password"
matrix_media_repo_database_hostname: "{{ devture_postgres_identifier }}"
matrix_media_repo_database_port: 5432
matrix_media_repo_database_name: "matrix_media_repo"
# Currently only "postgres" is supported.
matrix_media_repo_database_postgres: "postgres://{{ matrix_media_repo_database_username }}:{{ matrix_media_repo_database_password }}@{{ matrix_media_repo_database_hostname }}:{{ matrix_media_repo_database_port }}/{{ matrix_media_repo_database_name }}?sslmode=disable"
# The database pooling options
# The maximum number of connects to hold open. More of these allow for more concurrent
# processes to happen.
matrix_media_repo_database_max_connections: 25
# The maximum number of connects to leave idle. More of these reduces the time it takes
# to serve requests in low-traffic scenarios.
matrix_media_repo_database_max_idle_connections: 5
# The configuration for the homeservers this media repository is known to control. Servers
# not listed here will not be able to upload media.
# This should match the server_name of your homeserver, and the Host header
# provided to the media repo.
- name: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}"
# The base URL to where the homeserver can actually be reached
csApi: "http://{{ matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_client_api_addr_with_container }}"
# The number of consecutive failures in calling this homeserver before the
# media repository will start backing off. This defaults to 10 if not given.
backoffAt: 10
# The kind of admin API the homeserver supports. If set to "matrix",
# the media repo will use the Synapse-defined endpoints under the
# unstable client-server API. When this is "synapse", the new /_synapse
# endpoints will be used instead. Unknown values are treated as the
# default, "matrix".
adminApiKind: "{{ 'synapse' if matrix_homeserver_implementation == 'synapse' else 'matrix' }}"
# Options for controlling how access tokens work with the media repo. It is recommended that if
# you are going to use these options that the `/logout` and `/logout/all` client-server endpoints
# be proxied through this process. They will also be called on the homeserver, and the response
# sent straight through the client - they are simply used to invalidate the cache faster for
# a particular user. Without these, the access tokens might still work for a short period of time
# after the user has already invalidated them.
# This will also cache errors from the homeserver.
# Note that when this config block is used outside of a per-domain config, all hosts will be
# subject to the same cache. This also means that application services on limited homeservers
# could be authorized on the wrong domain.
# ***************************************************************************
# ***************************************************************************
# The maximum time a cached access token will be considered valid. Set to zero (the default)
# to disable the cache and constantly hit the homeserver. This is recommended to be set to
# 43200 (12 hours) on servers with the logout endpoints proxied through the media repo, and
# zero for servers who do not proxy the endpoints through.
maxCacheTimeSeconds: 43200
# Whether or not to use the `appservices` config option below. If disabled (the default),
# the regular access token cache will be used for each user, potentially leading to high
# memory usage.
useLocalAppserviceConfig: false
# The application services (and their namespaces) registered on the homeserver. Only used
# if `useLocalAppserviceConfig` is enabled (recommended).
# Usually the appservice will provide you with these config details - they'll just need
# translating from the appservice registration to here. Note that this does not require
# all options from the registration, and only requires the bare minimum required to run
# the media repo.
# appservices:
# - id: Name_of_appservice_for_your_reference
# asToken: Secret_token_for_appservices_to_use
# senderUserId: "@_example_bridge:yourdomain.com"
# userNamespaces:
# - regex: "@_example_bridge_.+:yourdomain.com"
# # A note about regexes: it is best to suffix *all* namespaces with the homeserver
# # domain users are valid for, as otherwise the appservice can use any user with
# # any domain name it feels like, even if that domain is not configured with the
# # media repo. This will lead to inaccurate reporting in the case of the media
# # repo, and potentially leading to media being considered "remote".
# These users have full access to the administrative functions of the media repository.
# See docs/admin.md for information on what these people can do. They must belong to one of the
# configured homeservers above.
admins: []
# admins:
# - "@your_username:example.org"
# Shared secret auth is useful for applications building on top of the media repository, such
# as a management interface. The `token` provided here is treated as a repository administrator
# when shared secret auth is enabled: if the `token` is used in place of an access token, the'
# request will be authorized. This is not limited to any particular domain, giving applications
# the ability to use it on any configured hostname.
# Set this to true to enable shared secret auth.
matrix_media_repo_shared_secret_auth_enabled: false
# Use a secure value here to prevent unauthorized access to the media repository.
matrix_media_repo_shared_secret_auth_token: "PutSomeRandomSecureValueHere"
# Datastores are places where media should be persisted. This isn't dedicated for just uploads:
# thumbnails and other misc data is also stored in these places. The media repo, when looking
# for a datastore to use, will always use the smallest datastore first.
- type: file
enabled: true # Enable this to set up data storage.
# Datastores can be split into many areas when handling uploads. Media is still de-duplicated
# across all datastores (local content which duplicates remote content will re-use the remote
# content's location). This option is useful if your datastore is becoming very large, or if
# you want faster storage for a particular kind of media.
# The kinds available are:
# thumbnails - Used to store thumbnails of media (local and remote).
# remote_media - Original copies of remote media (servers not configured by this repo).
# local_media - Original uploads for local media.
# archives - Archives of content (GDPR and similar requests).
forKinds: ["thumbnails", "remote_media", "local_media", "archives"]
path: /data/media
- type: s3
enabled: false # Enable this to set up s3 uploads
forKinds: ["thumbnails", "remote_media", "local_media", "archives"]
# The s3 uploader needs a temporary location to buffer files to reduce memory usage on
# small file uploads. If the file size is unknown, the file is written to this location
# before being uploaded to s3 (then the file is deleted). If you aren't concerned about
# memory usage, set this to an empty string.
tempPath: "/tmp/mediarepo_s3_upload"
endpoint: sfo2.digitaloceanspaces.com
accessKeyId: ""
accessSecret: ""
ssl: true
bucketName: "your-media-bucket"
# An optional region for where this S3 endpoint is located. Typically not needed, though
# some providers will need this (like Scaleway). Uncomment to use.
# region: "sfo2"
# An optional storage class for tuning how the media is stored at s3.
# See https://aws.amazon.com/s3/storage-classes/ for details; uncomment to use.
# storageClass: STANDARD
# The media repo does support an IPFS datastore, but only if the IPFS feature is enabled. If
# the feature is not enabled, this will not work. Note that IPFS support is experimental at
# the moment and not recommended for general use.
# NOTE: Everything you upload to IPFS will be publicly accessible, even when the media repo
# puts authentication on the download endpoints. Only use this option for cases where you
# expect your media to be publicly accessible.
- type: ipfs
enabled: false # Enable this to use IPFS support
forKinds: ["local_media"]
# The IPFS datastore currently has no options. It will use the daemon or HTTP API configured
# in the IPFS section of your main config.
opts: {}
# Options for controlling archives. Archives are exports of a particular user's content for
# the purpose of GDPR or moving media to a different server.
# Whether archiving is enabled or not. Default enabled.
matrix_media_repo_archiving_enabled: true
# If true, users can request a copy of their own data. By default, only repository administrators
# can request a copy.
# This includes the ability for homeserver admins to request a copy of their own server's
# data, as known to the repo.
matrix_media_repo_archiving_self_service: false
# The number of bytes to target per archive before breaking up the files. This is independent
# of any file upload limits and will require a similar amount of memory when performing an export.
# The file size is also a target, not a guarantee - it is possible to have files that are smaller
# or larger than the target. This is recommended to be approximately double the size of your
# file upload limit, provided there is enough memory available for the demand of exporting.
matrix_media_repo_archiving_target_bytes_per_part: 209715200 # 200mb default
# The file upload settings for the media repository
# The maximum individual file size a user can upload.
maxBytes: 104857600 # 100MB default, 0 to disable
# The minimum number of bytes to let people upload. This is recommended to be non-zero to
# ensure that the "cost" of running the media repo is worthwhile - small file uploads tend
# to waste more CPU and database resources than small files, thus a default of 100 bytes
# is applied here as an approximate break-even point.
minBytes: 100 # 100 bytes by default
# The number of bytes to claim as the maximum size for uploads for the limits API. If this
# is not provided then the maxBytes setting will be used instead. This is useful to provide
# if the media repo's settings and the reverse proxy do not match for maximum request size.
# This is purely for informational reasons and does not actually limit any functionality.
# Set this to -1 to indicate that there is no limit. Zero will force the use of maxBytes.
reportedMaxBytes: 0
# Options for limiting how much content a user can upload. Quotas are applied to content
# associated with a user regardless of de-duplication. Quotas which affect remote servers
# or users will not take effect. When a user exceeds their quota they will be unable to
# upload any more media.
# Whether or not quotas are enabled/enforced. Note that even when disabled the media repo
# will track how much media a user has uploaded. This is disabled by default.
enabled: false
# The quota rules that affect users. The first rule to match the uploader will take effect.
# An implied rule which matches all users and has no quota is always last in this list,
# meaning that if no rules are supplied then users will be able to upload anything. Similarly,
# if no rules match a user then the implied rule will match, allowing the user to have no
# quota. The quota will let the user upload to 1 media past their quota, meaning that from
# a statistics perspective the user might exceed their quota however only by a small amount.
- glob: "@*:*" # Affect all users. Use asterisks (*) to match any character.
maxBytes: 53687063712 # 50GB default, 0 to disable
# Settings related to downloading files from the media repository
# The maximum number of bytes to download from other servers
matrix_media_repo_downloads_max_bytes: 104857600 # 100MB default, 0 to disable
# The number of workers to use when downloading remote media. Raise this number if remote
# media is downloading slowly or timing out.
# Maximum memory usage = numWorkers multiplied by the maximum download size
# Average memory usage is dependent on how many concurrent downloads your users are doing.
matrix_media_repo_downloads_num_workers: 10
# How long, in minutes, to cache errors related to downloading remote media. Once this time
# has passed, the media is able to be re-requested.
matrix_media_repo_downloads_failure_cache_minutes: 5
# The cache control settings for downloads. This can help speed up downloads for users by
# keeping popular media in the cache. This cache is also used for thumbnails.
matrix_media_repo_downloads_cache_enabled: true
# The maximum size of cache to have. Higher numbers are better.
matrix_media_repo_downloads_cache_max_size_bytes: 1048576000 # 1GB default
# The maximum file size to cache. This should normally be the same size as your maximum
# upload size.
matrix_media_repo_downloads_cache_max_file_size_bytes: 104857600 # 100MB default
# The number of minutes to track how many downloads a file gets
matrix_media_repo_downloads_cache_tracked_minutes: 30
# The number of downloads a file must receive in the window above (trackedMinutes) in
# order to be cached.
matrix_media_repo_downloads_cache_min_downloads: 5
# The minimum amount of time an item should remain in the cache. This prevents the cache
# from cycling out the file if it needs more room during this time. Note that the media
# repo regularly cleans out media which is past this point from the cache, so this number
# may need increasing depending on your use case. If the maxSizeBytes is reached for the
# media repo, and some cached items are still under this timer, new items will not be able
# to enter the cache. When this happens, consider raising maxSizeBytes or lowering this
# timer.
matrix_media_repo_downloads_cache_min_cache_time_seconds: 300
# The minimum amount of time an item should remain outside the cache once it is removed.
matrix_media_repo_downloads_cache_min_evicted_time_seconds: 60
# How many days after a piece of remote content is downloaded before it expires. It can be
# re-downloaded on demand, this just helps free up space in your datastore. Set to zero or
# negative to disable. Defaults to disabled.
matrix_media_repo_downloads_expire_after_days: 0
# URL Preview settings
enabled: true # If enabled, the preview_url routes will be accessible
maxPageSizeBytes: 10485760 # 10MB default, 0 to disable
# If true, the media repository will try to provide previews for URLs with invalid or unsafe
# certificates. If false (the default), the media repo will fail requests to said URLs.
previewUnsafeCertificates: false
# Note: URL previews are limited to a given number of words, which are then limited to a number
# of characters, taking off the last word if it needs to. This also applies for the title.
numWords: 50 # The number of words to include in a preview (maximum)
maxLength: 200 # The maximum number of characters for a description
numTitleWords: 30 # The maximum number of words to include in a preview's title
maxTitleLength: 150 # The maximum number of characters for a title
# The mime types to preview when OpenGraph previews cannot be rendered. OpenGraph previews are
# calculated on anything matching "text/*". To have a thumbnail in the preview the URL must be
# an image and the image's type must be allowed by the thumbnailer.
- "image/*"
# The number of workers to use when generating url previews. Raise this number if url
# previews are slow or timing out.
# Maximum memory usage = numWorkers multiplied by the maximum page size
# Average memory usage is dependent on how many concurrent urls your users are previewing.
numWorkers: 10
# Either allowedNetworks or disallowedNetworks must be provided. If both are provided, they
# will be merged. URL previews will be disabled if neither is supplied. Each entry must be
# a CIDR range.
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- '::1/128'
- 'fe80::/64'
- 'fc00::/7'
# "Everything". The blacklist will help limit this.
# This is the default value for this field.
- ""
# How many days after a preview is generated before it expires and is deleted. The preview
# can be regenerated safely - this just helps free up some space in your database. Set to
# zero or negative to disable. Defaults to disabled.
expireAfterDays: 0
# The default Accept-Language header to supply when generating URL previews when one isn't
# supplied by the client.
# Reference: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-Language
defaultLanguage: "en-US,en"
# When true, oEmbed previews will be enabled. Typically these kinds of previews are used for
# sites that do not support OpenGraph or page scraping, such as Twitter. For information on
# specifying providers for oEmbed, including your own, see the following documentation:
# https://docs.t2bot.io/matrix-media-repo/url-previews/oembed.html
# Defaults to disabled.
oEmbed: false
# The thumbnail configuration for the media repository.
# The maximum number of bytes an image can be before the thumbnailer refuses.
maxSourceBytes: 10485760 # 10MB default, 0 to disable
# The maximum number of pixels an image can have before the thumbnailer refuses. Note that
# this only applies to image types: file types like audio and video are affected solely by
# the maxSourceBytes.
maxPixels: 32000000 # 32M default
# The number of workers to use when generating thumbnails. Raise this number if thumbnails
# are slow to generate or timing out.
# Maximum memory usage = numWorkers multiplied by the maximum image source size
# Average memory usage is dependent on how many thumbnails are being generated by your users
numWorkers: 100
# All thumbnails are generated into one of the sizes listed here. The first size is used as
# the default for when no width or height is requested. The media repository will return
# either an exact match or the next largest size of thumbnail.
- width: 32
height: 32
- width: 96
height: 96
- width: 320
height: 240
- width: 640
height: 480
- width: 768 # This size is primarily used for audio thumbnailing.
height: 240
- width: 800
height: 600
# To allow for thumbnails to be any size, not just in the sizes specified above, set this to
# true (default false). When enabled, whatever size requested by the client will be generated
# up to a maximum of the largest possible dimensions in the `sizes` list. For best results,
# specify only one size in the `sizes` list when this option is enabled.
dynamicSizing: false
# The content types to thumbnail when requested. Types that are not supported by the media repo
# will not be thumbnailed (adding application/json here won't work). Clients may still not request
# thumbnails for these types - this won't make clients automatically thumbnail these file types.
- "image/jpeg"
- "image/jpg"
- "image/png"
- "image/apng"
- "image/gif"
- "image/heif"
- "image/webp"
# - "image/svg+xml" # Be sure to have ImageMagick installed to thumbnail SVG files
- "audio/mpeg"
- "audio/ogg"
- "audio/wav"
- "audio/flac"
# - "video/mp4" # Be sure to have ffmpeg installed to thumbnail video files
# Animated thumbnails can be CPU intensive to generate. To disable the generation of animated
# thumbnails, set this to false. If disabled, regular thumbnails will be returned.
allowAnimated: true
# Default to animated thumbnails, if available
defaultAnimated: false
# The maximum file size to thumbnail when a capable animated thumbnail is requested. If the image
# is larger than this, the thumbnail will be generated as a static image.
maxAnimateSizeBytes: 10485760 # 10MB default, 0 to disable
# On a scale of 0 (start of animation) to 1 (end of animation), where should the thumbnailer try
# and thumbnail animated content? Defaults to 0.5 (middle of animation).
stillFrame: 0.5
# How many days after a thumbnail is generated before it expires and is deleted. The thumbnail
# can be regenerated safely - this just helps free up some space in your datastores. Set to
# zero or negative to disable. Defaults to disabled.
expireAfterDays: 0
# Controls for the rate limit functionality
# Set this to false if rate limiting is handled at a higher level or you don't want it enabled.
matrix_media_repo_rate_limit_enabled: true
# The number of requests per second before an IP will be rate limited. Must be a whole number.
matrix_media_repo_rate_limit_requests_per_second: 1
# The number of requests an IP can send at once before the rate limit is actually considered.
matrix_media_repo_rate_limit_burst: 10
# Identicons are generated avatars for a given username. Some clients use these to give users a
# default avatar after signing up. Identicons are not part of the official matrix spec, therefore
# this feature is completely optional.
matrix_media_repo_identicons_enabled: true
# The quarantine media settings.
# If true, when a thumbnail of quarantined media is requested an image will be returned. If no
# image is given in the thumbnailPath below then a generated image will be provided. This does
# not affect regular downloads of files.
matrix_media_repo_quarantine_replace_thumbnails: true
# If true, when media which has been quarantined is requested an image will be returned. If
# no image is given in the thumbnailPath below then a generated image will be provided. This
# will replace media which is not an image (ie: quarantining a PDF will replace the PDF with
# an image).
matrix_media_repo_quarantine_replace_downloads: false
# If provided, the given image will be returned as a thumbnail for media that is quarantined.
matrix_media_repo_quarantine_thumbnail_path: ""
# If true, administrators of the configured homeservers may quarantine media for their server
# only. Global administrators can quarantine any media (local or remote) regardless of this
# flag.
matrix_media_repo_quarantine_allow_local_admins: true
# The various timeouts that the media repo will use.
# The maximum amount of time the media repo should spend trying to fetch a resource that is
# being previewed.
matrix_media_repo_timeouts_url_preview_timeout_seconds: 10
# The maximum amount of time the media repo will spend making remote requests to other repos
# or homeservers. This is primarily used to download media.
matrix_media_repo_timeouts_federation_timeout_seconds: 120
# The maximum amount of time the media repo will spend talking to your configured homeservers.
# This is usually used to verify a user's identity.
matrix_media_repo_timeouts_client_server_timeout_seconds: 30
# Prometheus metrics configuration
# For an example Grafana dashboard, import the following JSON:
# https://github.com/turt2live/matrix-media-repo/blob/master/docs/grafana.json
# If true, the bindAddress and port below will serve GET /metrics for Prometheus to scrape.
matrix_media_repo_metrics_enabled: false
# The address to listen on. Typically "" or "" for all interfaces.
matrix_media_repo_metrics_bind_address: ""
# The port to listen on. Cannot be the same as the general web server port.
matrix_media_repo_metrics_port: 9000
# Plugins are optional pieces of the media repo used to extend the functionality offered.
# Currently there are only antispam plugins, but in future there should be more options.
# Plugins are not supported on per-domain paths and are instead repo-wide. For more
# information on writing plugins, please visit #matrix-media-repo:t2bot.io on Matrix.
plugins: []
# An example OCR plugin to block images with certain text. Note that the Docker image
# for the media repo automatically ships this at /plugins/plugin_antispam_ocr
# - exec: /plugins/plugin_antispam_ocr
# config:
# # The URL to your OCR server (https://github.com/otiai10/ocrserver)
# ocrServer: "http://localhost:8080"
# # The keywords to scan for. The image must contain at least one of the keywords
# # from each list to qualify for spam.
# keywordGroups:
# - - elon
# - musk
# - elonmusk
# - - bitcoin
# # The minimum (and maximum) sizes of images to process.
# minSizeBytes: 20000
# maxSizeBytes: 200000
# # The types of files to process
# types: ["image/png", "image/jpeg", "image/jpg"]
# # The user ID regex to check against
# userIds: "@telegram_.*"
# # How much of the image's height, starting from the top, to consider before
# # discarding the rest. Set to 1.0 to consider the whole image.
# percentageOfHeight: 0.35
# Options for controlling various MSCs/unstable features of the media repo
# Sections of this config might disappear or be added over time. By default all
# features are disabled in here and must be explicitly enabled to be used.
# MSC2248 - Blurhash
# Whether or not this MSC is enabled for use in the media repo
enabled: false
# Maximum dimensions for converting a blurhash to an image. When no width and
# height options are supplied, the default will be half these values.
maxWidth: 1024
maxHeight: 1024
# Thumbnail size in pixels to use to generate the blurhash string
thumbWidth: 64
thumbHeight: 64
# The X and Y components to use. Higher numbers blur less, lower numbers blur more.
xComponents: 4
yComponents: 3
# The amount of contrast to apply when converting a blurhash to an image. Lower values
# make the effect more subtle, larger values make it stronger.
punch: 1
# IPFS Support
# This is currently experimental and might not work at all.
# Whether or not IPFS support is enabled for use in the media repo.
enabled: false
# Options for the built in IPFS daemon
# Enable this to spawn an in-process IPFS node to use instead of a localhost
# HTTP agent. If this is disabled, the media repo will assume you have an HTTP
# IPFS agent running and accessible. Defaults to using a daemon (true).
enabled: true
# If the Daemon is enabled, set this to the location where the IPFS files should
# be stored. If you're using Docker, this should be something like "/data/ipfs"
# so it can be mapped to a volume.
repoPath: "./ipfs"
# Support for redis as a cache mechanism
# Note: Enabling Redis support will mean that the existing cache mechanism will do nothing.
# It can be safely disabled once Redis support is enabled.
# See docs/redis.md for more information on how this works and how to set it up.
# Whether or not use Redis instead of in-process caching.
enabled: false
# The Redis shards that should be used by the media repo in the ring. The names of the
# shards are for your reference and have no bearing on the connection, but must be unique.
- name: "server1"
addr: ":7000"
- name: "server2"
addr: ":7001"
- name: "server3"
addr: ":7002"
# Optional sentry (https://sentry.io/) configuration for the media repo
# Whether or not to set up error reporting. Defaults to off.
matrix_media_repo_sentry_enabled: false
# Get this value from the setup instructions in Sentry
matrix_media_repo_sentry_dsn: "https://examplePublicKey@ingest.sentry.io/0"
# Optional environment flag. Defaults to an empty string.
matrix_media_repo_sentry_environment: ""
# Whether or not to turn on sentry's built in debugging. This will increase log output.
matrix_media_repo_sentry_debug: false