
# It'd be better if this is belonged to `validate_config.yml`, but it would have to be some loop-within-a-loop there,
# and that's ugly. We also don't expect this to catch errors often. It's more of a defensive last-minute check.
- name: Fail if additional database data appears invalid
    msg: "Additional database definition ({{ additional_db }} lacks a required key: {{ item }}"
  when: "item not in additional_db"
  with_items: "{{ ['name', 'username', 'password'] }}"

# The SQL statements that we'll run against Postgres are stored in a file that others can't read.
# This file will be mounted into the container and fed to Postgres.
# This way, we avoid passing sensitive data around in CLI commands that other users on the system can see.
- name: Create additional database initialization SQL file for {{ additional_db.name }}
    src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/sql/init-additional-db-user-and-role.sql.j2"
    dest: "/tmp/matrix-postgres-init-additional-db-user-and-role.sql"
    mode: 0600
    owner: "{{ matrix_user_uid }}"
    group: "{{ matrix_user_gid }}"

- name: Execute Postgres additional database initialization SQL file for {{ additional_db.name }}
    cmd: >-
      {{ devture_systemd_docker_base_host_command_docker }} run
      --user={{ matrix_user_uid }}:{{ matrix_user_gid }}
      --env-file={{ matrix_postgres_base_path }}/env-postgres-psql
      --network {{ matrix_docker_network }}
      --mount type=bind,src=/tmp/matrix-postgres-init-additional-db-user-and-role.sql,dst=/matrix-postgres-init-additional-db-user-and-role.sql,ro
      {{ matrix_postgres_docker_image_to_use }}
      'psql -h {{ matrix_postgres_connection_hostname }} --file=/matrix-postgres-init-additional-db-user-and-role.sql'
  changed_when: true

- name: Delete additional database initialization SQL file for {{ additional_db.name }}
    path: /tmp/matrix-postgres-init-additional-db-user-and-role.sql
    state: absent