
- name: (Deprecation) Catch and report renamed settings
    msg: >-
      Your configuration contains a variable, which now has a different name.
      Please change your configuration to rename the variable (`{{ item.old }}` -> `{{ item.new }}`).
  when: "item.old in vars"
    - {'old': 'matrix_nginx_proxy_matrix_client_api_addr_with_proxy_container', 'new': 'matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_client_api_addr_with_container'}
    - {'old': 'matrix_nginx_proxy_matrix_client_api_addr_sans_proxy_container', 'new': 'matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_client_api_addr_sans_container'}
    # People who configured this to disable Riot, would now wish to be disabling Element.
    # We now also have `matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_riot_compat_redirect_`, but that's something else and is disabled by default.
    - {'old': 'matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_riot_enabled', 'new': 'matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_element_enabled'}
    - {'old': 'matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_renew_cron_time_definition', 'new': '<not configurable anymore>'}
    - {'old': 'matrix_nginx_proxy_reload_cron_time_definition', 'new': '<not configurable anymore>'}

- name: Fail on unknown matrix_ssl_retrieval_method
    msg: >-
      `matrix_ssl_retrieval_method` needs to be set to a known value.
  when: "matrix_ssl_retrieval_method not in ['lets-encrypt', 'self-signed', 'manually-managed', 'none']"

- name: Fail on unknown matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_config
    msg: >-
      `matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset` needs to be set to a known value.
  when: "matrix_nginx_proxy_ssl_preset not in ['modern', 'intermediate', 'old']"

- name: Fail if Basic Auth enabled for metrics, but no credentials supplied
    msg: |
      Enabling Basic Auth for metrics (`matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_metrics_basic_auth_enabled`) requires:
      - either a username/password (provided in `matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_metrics_basic_auth_username` and `matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_metrics_basic_auth_password`)
      - or raw htpasswd content (provided in `matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_metrics_basic_auth_raw_content`)
  when: "matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_metrics_basic_auth_enabled | bool and (matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_metrics_basic_auth_raw_content == '' and (matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_metrics_basic_auth_username == '' or matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_matrix_metrics_basic_auth_password == ''))"

- block:
    - name: (Deprecation) Catch and report renamed settings
        msg: >-
          Your configuration contains a variable, which now has a different name.
          Please change your configuration to rename the variable (`{{ item.old }}` -> `{{ item.new }}`).
        - {'old': 'host_specific_matrix_ssl_support_email', 'new': 'matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email'}
        - {'old': 'host_specific_matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email', 'new': 'matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email'}
        - {'old': 'matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_workers_enabled_list', 'new': '<no longer used>'}
      when: "item.old in vars"

    - name: Fail if required variables are undefined
        msg: "The `{{ item }}` variable must be defined and have a non-null value"
        - "matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email"
        - "matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_federation_api_addr_sans_container"
        - "matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_federation_api_addr_with_container"
        - "matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_client_api_addr_with_container"
        - "matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_client_api_addr_sans_container"
      when: "vars[item] == '' or vars[item] is none"
  when: "matrix_ssl_retrieval_method == 'lets-encrypt'"

- name: (Deprecation) Catch and report old metrics usage
    msg: >-
      Your configuration contains a variable (`{{ item }}`), which refers to the old metrics collection system for Synapse,
      which exposed metrics on `https://matrix.DOMAIN/_synapse/metrics` and `https://matrix.DOMAIN/_synapse-worker-TYPE-ID/metrics`.

      We now recommend exposing Synapse metrics in another way, from another URL.
      Refer to the changelog for more details: https://github.com/spantaleev/matrix-docker-ansible-deploy/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#2022-06-22
    - matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_metrics
    - matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_metrics_basic_auth_enabled
    - matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_synapse_metrics_basic_auth_key
  when: "item in vars"