#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True"
# Homeserver details
    # The address that this appservice can use to connect to the homeserver.
    address: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_homeserver_address }}
    # The domain of the homeserver (for MXIDs, etc).
    domain: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_homeserver_domain }}
    # Whether or not to verify the SSL certificate of the homeserver.
    # Only applies if address starts with https://
    verify_ssl: true

# Application service host/registration related details
# Changing these values requires regeneration of the registration.
    # The address that the homeserver can use to connect to this appservice.
    address: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_appservice_address|to_json }}

    # The hostname and port where this appservice should listen.
    port: 8080
    # The maximum body size of appservice API requests (from the homeserver) in mebibytes
    # Usually 1 is enough, but on high-traffic bridges you might need to increase this to avoid 413s
    max_body_size: 1

    # The full URI to the database. SQLite and Postgres are fully supported.
    # Other DBMSes supported by SQLAlchemy may or may not work.
    # Format examples:
    #   SQLite:   sqlite:///filename.db
    #   Postgres: postgres://username:password@hostname/dbname
    database: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_appservice_database|to_json }}

    # Public part of web server for out-of-Matrix interaction with the bridge.
    # Used for things like login if the user wants to make sure the 2FA password isn't stored in
    # the HS database.
        # Whether or not the public-facing endpoints should be enabled.
        enabled: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_appservice_public_enabled|to_json }}
        # The prefix to use in the public-facing endpoints.
        prefix: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_public_endpoint|to_json }}
        # The base URL where the public-facing endpoints are available. The prefix is not added
        # implicitly.
        external: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_appservice_public_external|to_json }}

    # Provisioning API part of the web server for automated portal creation and fetching information.
    # Used by things like Dimension (https://dimension.t2bot.io/).
        # Whether or not the provisioning API should be enabled.
        enabled: false
        # The prefix to use in the provisioning API endpoints.
        prefix: /_matrix/provision/v1
        # The shared secret to authorize users of the API.
        # Set to "generate" to generate and save a new token.
        shared_secret: generate

    # The unique ID of this appservice.
    id: telegram
    # Username of the appservice bot.
    bot_username: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_appservice_bot_username|to_json }}
    # Display name and avatar for bot. Set to "remove" to remove display name/avatar, leave empty
    # to leave display name/avatar as-is.
    bot_displayname: Telegram bridge bot
    bot_avatar: mxc://maunium.net/tJCRmUyJDsgRNgqhOgoiHWbX

    # Authentication tokens for AS <-> HS communication.
    as_token: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_appservice_token|to_json }}
    hs_token: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_homeserver_token|to_json }}

# Bridge config
    # Localpart template of MXIDs for Telegram users.
    # {userid} is replaced with the user ID of the Telegram user.
    # Default: telegram_{userid}
    username_template: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_username_template|to_json }}
    # Localpart template of room aliases for Telegram portal rooms.
    # {groupname} is replaced with the name part of the public channel/group invite link ( https://t.me/{} )
    # Default: telegram_{groupname}
    alias_template: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_alias_template|to_json }}
    # Displayname template for Telegram users.
    # {displayname} is replaced with the display name of the Telegram user.
    # Default: {displayname} (Telegram)
    displayname_template: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_displayname_template|to_json }}

    # Set the preferred order of user identifiers which to use in the Matrix puppet display name.
    # In the (hopefully unlikely) scenario that none of the given keys are found, the numeric user
    # ID is used.
    # If the bridge is working properly, a phone number or an username should always be known, but
    # the other one can very well be empty.
    # Valid keys:
    #   "full name"          (First and/or last name)
    #   "full name reversed" (Last and/or first name)
    #   "first name"
    #   "last name"
    #   "username"
    #   "phone number"
    - full name
    - username
    - phone number
    # Maximum length of displayname
    displayname_max_length: 100

    # Maximum number of members to sync per portal when starting up. Other members will be
    # synced when they send messages. The maximum is 10000, after which the Telegram server
    # will not send any more members.
    # Defaults to no local limit (-> limited to 10000 by server)
    max_initial_member_sync: 10
    # Whether or not to sync the member list in channels.
    # If no channel admins have logged into the bridge, the bridge won't be able to sync the member
    # list regardless of this setting.
    sync_channel_members: false
    # Whether or not to skip deleted members when syncing members.
    skip_deleted_members: true
    # Whether or not to automatically synchronize contacts and chats of Matrix users logged into
    # their Telegram account at startup.
    startup_sync: true
    # Number of most recently active dialogs to check when syncing chats.
    # Dialogs include groups and private chats, but only groups are synced.
    # Set to 0 to remove limit.
    sync_dialog_limit: 30
    # Whether or not to sync and create portals for direct chats at startup.
    sync_direct_chats: false
    # The maximum number of simultaneous Telegram deletions to handle.
    # A large number of simultaneous redactions could put strain on your homeserver.
    max_telegram_delete: 10
    # Whether or not to automatically sync the Matrix room state (mostly unpuppeted displaynames)
    # at startup and when creating a bridge.
    sync_matrix_state: true
    # Allow logging in within Matrix. If false, users can only log in using login-qr or the
    # out-of-Matrix login website (see appservice.public config section)
    allow_matrix_login: true
    # Whether or not to bridge plaintext highlights.
    # Only enable this if your displayname_template has some static part that the bridge can use to
    # reliably identify what is a plaintext highlight.
    plaintext_highlights: false
    # Whether or not to make portals of publicly joinable channels/supergroups publicly joinable on Matrix.
    public_portals: true
    # Whether or not to use /sync to get presence, read receipts and typing notifications when using
    # your own Matrix account as the Matrix puppet for your Telegram account.
    sync_with_custom_puppets: true
    # Shared secret for https://github.com/devture/matrix-synapse-shared-secret-auth
    # If set, custom puppets will be enabled automatically for local users
    # instead of users having to find an access token and run `login-matrix`
    # manually.
    login_shared_secret: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_login_shared_secret|to_json }}
    # Set to false to disable link previews in messages sent to Telegram.
    telegram_link_preview: true
    # Use inline images instead of a separate message for the caption.
    # N.B. Inline images are not supported on all clients (e.g. Element iOS).
    inline_images: false
    # Maximum size of image in megabytes before sending to Telegram as a document.
    image_as_file_size: 10
    # Maximum size of Telegram documents in megabytes to bridge.
    max_document_size: 100
    # Enable experimental parallel file transfer, which makes uploads/downloads much faster by
    # streaming from/to Matrix and using many connections for Telegram.
    # Note that generating HQ thumbnails for videos is not possible with streamed transfers.
    parallel_file_transfer: false
    # Whether or not created rooms should have federation enabled.
    # If false, created portal rooms will never be federated.
    federate_rooms: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_federate_rooms|to_json }}
    # Settings for converting animated stickers.
        # Format to which animated stickers should be converted.
        # disable - No conversion, send as-is (gzipped lottie)
        # png - converts to non-animated png (fastest),
        # gif - converts to animated gif, but loses transparency
        # webm - converts to webm video, requires ffmpeg executable with vp9 codec and webm container support
        target: gif
        # Arguments for converter. All converters take width and height.
        # GIF converter takes background as a hex color.
            width: 256
            height: 256
            background: "020202"  # only for gif
            fps: 30               # only for webm
    # End-to-bridge encryption support options. These require matrix-nio to be installed with pip
    # and login_shared_secret to be configured in order to get a device for the bridge bot.
    # Additionally, https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/pull/5758 is required if using a normal
    # application service.
        # Allow encryption, work in group chat rooms with e2ee enabled
        allow: false
        # Default to encryption, force-enable encryption in all portals the bridge creates
        # This will cause the bridge bot to be in private chats for the encryption to work properly.
        default: false
        # Database for the encryption data. Currently only supports Postgres and an in-memory
        # store that's persisted as a pickle.
        # If set to `default`, will use the appservice postgres database
        # or a pickle file if the appservice database is sqlite.
        # Format examples:
        #   Pickle:   pickle:///filename.pickle
        #   Postgres: postgres://username:password@hostname/dbname
        database: default

    # Whether or not to explicitly set the avatar and room name for private
    # chat portal rooms. This will be implicitly enabled if encryption.default is true.
    private_chat_portal_meta: false
    # Whether or not the bridge should send a read receipt from the bridge bot when a message has
    # been sent to Telegram.
    delivery_receipts: false
    # Whether or not delivery errors should be reported as messages in the Matrix room.
    delivery_error_reports: true
    # Set this to true to tell the bridge to re-send m.bridge events to all rooms on the next run.
    # This field will automatically be changed back to false after it,
    # except if the config file is not writable.
    resend_bridge_info: false

    # Overrides for base power levels.
        user: {}
        group: {}

    # Whether to bridge Telegram bot messages as m.notices or m.texts.
    bot_messages_as_notices: true
        # Whether or not Matrix bot messages (type m.notice) should be bridged.
        default: false
        # List of user IDs for whom the previous flag is flipped.
        # e.g. if bridge_notices.default is false, notices from other users will not be bridged, but
        #      notices from users listed here will be bridged.
        exceptions: []

    # The formats to use when sending messages to Telegram via the relay bot.
    # Telegram doesn't have built-in emotes, so the m.emote format is also used for non-relaybot users.
    # Available variables:
    #   $sender_displayname    - The display name of the sender (e.g. Example User)
    #   $sender_username       - The username (Matrix ID localpart) of the sender (e.g. exampleuser)
    #   $sender_mxid           - The Matrix ID of the sender (e.g. @exampleuser:example.com)
    #   $message               - The message content as HTML
        m.text: "<b>$sender_displayname</b>: $message"
        m.notice: "<b>$sender_displayname</b>: $message"
        m.emote: "* <b>$sender_displayname</b> $message"
        m.file: "<b>$sender_displayname</b> sent a file: $message"
        m.image: "<b>$sender_displayname</b> sent an image: $message"
        m.audio: "<b>$sender_displayname</b> sent an audio file: $message"
        m.video: "<b>$sender_displayname</b> sent a video: $message"
        m.location: "<b>$sender_displayname</b> sent a location: $message"
    # Telegram doesn't have built-in emotes, this field specifies how m.emote's from authenticated
    # users are sent to telegram. All fields in message_formats are supported. Additionally, the
    # Telegram user info is available in the following variables:
    #    $displayname - Telegram displayname
    #    $username    - Telegram username (may not exist)
    #    $mention     - Telegram @username or displayname mention (depending on which exists)
    emote_format: "* $mention $formatted_body"

    # The formats to use when sending state events to Telegram via the relay bot.
    # Variables from `message_formats` that have the `sender_` prefix are available without the prefix.
    # In name_change events, `$prev_displayname` is the previous displayname.
    # Set format to an empty string to disable the messages for that event.
        join: "<b>$displayname</b> joined the room."
        leave: "<b>$displayname</b> left the room."
        name_change: "<b>$prev_displayname</b> changed their name to <b>$displayname</b>"

    # Filter rooms that can/can't be bridged. Can also be managed using the `filter` and
    # `filter-mode` management commands.
    # Filters do not affect direct chats.
    # An empty blacklist will essentially disable the filter.
        # Filter mode to use. Either "blacklist" or "whitelist".
        # If the mode is "blacklist", the listed chats will never be bridged.
        # If the mode is "whitelist", only the listed chats can be bridged.
        mode: blacklist
        # The list of group/channel IDs to filter.
        list: []

    # The prefix for commands. Only required in non-management rooms.
    command_prefix: "!tg"

    # Permissions for using the bridge.
    # Permitted values:
    #   relaybot - Only use the bridge via the relaybot, no access to commands.
    #       user - Relaybot level + access to commands to create bridges.
    #  puppeting - User level + logging in with a Telegram account.
    #       full - Full access to use the bridge, i.e. previous levels + Matrix login.
    #      admin - Full access to use the bridge and some extra administration commands.
    # Permitted keys:
    #        * - All Matrix users
    #   domain - All users on that homeserver
    #     mxid - Specific user
      '{{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_homeserver_domain }}': full
      {% if matrix_admin %}
      '{{ matrix_admin }}': admin
      {% endif %}

    # Options related to the message relay Telegram bot.
            # List of users to invite to the portal when someone starts a private chat with the bot.
            # If empty, private chats with the bot won't create a portal.
            invite: []
            # Whether or not to bridge state change messages in relaybot private chats.
            state_changes: true
            # When private_chat_invite is empty, this message is sent to users /starting the
            # relaybot. Telegram's "markdown" is supported.
            message: This is a Matrix bridge relaybot and does not support direct chats
        # List of users to invite to all group chat portals created by the bridge.
        group_chat_invite: []
        # Whether or not the relaybot should not bridge events in unbridged group chats.
        # If false, portals will be created when the relaybot receives messages, just like normal
        # users. This behavior is usually not desirable, as it interferes with manually bridging
        # the chat to another room.
        ignore_unbridged_group_chat: true
        # Whether or not to allow creating portals from Telegram.
        authless_portals: true
        # Whether or not to allow Telegram group admins to use the bot commands.
        whitelist_group_admins: true
        # Whether or not to ignore incoming events sent by the relay bot.
        ignore_own_incoming_events: true
        # List of usernames/user IDs who are also allowed to use the bot commands.
        whitelist: []

# Telegram config
    # Get your own API keys at https://my.telegram.org/apps
    api_id: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_api_id|to_json }}
    api_hash: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_api_hash|to_json }}
    # (Optional) Create your own bot at https://t.me/BotFather
    bot_token: {{ matrix_mautrix_telegram_bot_token|to_json }}

    # Telethon connection options.
        # The timeout in seconds to be used when connecting.
        timeout: 120
        # How many times the reconnection should retry, either on the initial connection or when
        # Telegram disconnects us. May be set to a negative or null value for infinite retries, but
        # this is not recommended, since the program can get stuck in an infinite loop.
        retries: 5
        # The delay in seconds to sleep between automatic reconnections.
        retry_delay: 1
        # The threshold below which the library should automatically sleep on flood wait errors
        # (inclusive). For instance, if a FloodWaitError for 17s occurs and flood_sleep_threshold
        # is 20s, the library will sleep automatically. If the error was for 21s, it would raise
        # the error instead. Values larger than a day (86400) will be changed to a day.
        flood_sleep_threshold: 60
        # How many times a request should be retried. Request are retried when Telegram is having
        # internal issues, when there is a FloodWaitError less than flood_sleep_threshold, or when
        # there's a migrate error. May take a negative or null value for infinite retries, but this
        # is not recommended, since some requests can always trigger a call fail (such as searching
        # for messages).
        request_retries: 5

    # Device info sent to Telegram.
        # "auto" = OS name+version.
        device_model: auto
        # "auto" = Telethon version.
        system_version: auto
        # "auto" = mautrix-telegram version.
        app_version: auto
        lang_code: en
        system_lang_code: en

    # Custom server to connect to.
        # Set to true to use these server settings. If false, will automatically
        # use production server assigned by Telegram. Set to false in production.
        enabled: false
        # The DC ID to connect to.
        dc: 2
        # The IP to connect to.
        # The port to connect to. 443 may not work, 80 is better and both are equally secure.
        port: 80

    # Telethon proxy configuration.
    # You must install PySocks from pip for proxies to work.
        # Allowed types: disabled, socks4, socks5, http
        type: disabled
        # Proxy IP address and port.
        port: 1080
        # Whether or not to perform DNS resolving remotely.
        rdns: true
        # Proxy authentication (optional).
        username: ""
        password: ""

# Python logging configuration.
# See section 16.7.2 of the Python documentation for more info:
# https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/logging.config.html#configuration-dictionary-schema
    version: 1
            format: "[%(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s@%(name)s] %(message)s"
            class: logging.StreamHandler
            formatter: precise
            level: WARNING
            level: WARNING
            level: WARNING
        level: WARNING
        handlers: [console]