From eec5de7aba8e43c4c8b6a879abde9a96082ffa10 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Slavi Pantaleev <>
Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2022 08:55:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Remove old systemd service checks

These are not even caused by Archlinux, but by running buggy Ansible on old Ubuntu
while targeting modern servers (like Archlinux, but also others, ..).

We shouldn't employ ugly workarounds like this. We should tell people to
avoid running buggy Ansible or bad distros like Ubuntu, even.
 .../matrix-common-after/tasks/start.yml       | 51 ++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

diff --git a/roles/custom/matrix-common-after/tasks/start.yml b/roles/custom/matrix-common-after/tasks/start.yml
index b79d073a8..60f571bc0 100644
--- a/roles/custom/matrix-common-after/tasks/start.yml
+++ b/roles/custom/matrix-common-after/tasks/start.yml
@@ -30,40 +30,19 @@
   become: false
-- when: "ansible_distribution != 'Archlinux'"
-  block:
-    - name: Populate service facts
-      ansible.builtin.service_facts:
+- block:
+  - name: Populate service facts
+    ansible.builtin.service_facts:
-    - name: Fail if service isn't detected to be running
-        msg: >-
-          {{ item }} was not detected to be running.
-          It's possible that there's a configuration problem or another service on your server interferes with it (uses the same ports, etc.).
-          Try running `systemctl status {{ item }}` and `journalctl -fu {{ item }}` on the server to investigate.
-          If you're on a slow or overloaded server, it may be that services take a longer time to start and that this error is a false-positive.
-          You can consider raising the value of the `matrix_common_after_systemd_service_start_wait_for_timeout_seconds` variable.
-          See `roles/custom/matrix-common-after/defaults/main.yml` for more details about that.
-      with_items: "{{ matrix_systemd_services_list | map(attribute='name') }}"
-      when:
-        - "item.endswith('.service') and ([item] | default(none) is none or[item].state != 'running')"
-- when: "ansible_distribution == 'Archlinux'"
-  block:
-    # Currently there is a bug in ansible that renders is incompatible with systemd.
-    # service_facts is not collecting the data successfully.
-    # Therefore iterating here manually
-    - name: Fetch systemd information
-      ansible.builtin.systemd:
-        name: "{{ }}"
-      register: systemdstatus
-      with_items: "{{ matrix_systemd_services_list }}"
-    - name: Fail if service isn't detected to be running
-        msg: >-
-          {{ item.item }} was not detected to be running.
-          It's possible that there's a configuration problem or another service on your server interferes with it (uses the same ports, etc.).
-          Try running `systemctl status {{ item.item }}` and `journalctl -fu {{ item.item }}` on the server to investigate.
-      with_items: "{{ systemdstatus.results }}"
-      when: "item.status['ActiveState'] != 'active'"
+  - name: Fail if service isn't detected to be running
+      msg: >-
+        {{ item }} was not detected to be running.
+        It's possible that there's a configuration problem or another service on your server interferes with it (uses the same ports, etc.).
+        Try running `systemctl status {{ item }}` and `journalctl -fu {{ item }}` on the server to investigate.
+        If you're on a slow or overloaded server, it may be that services take a longer time to start and that this error is a false-positive.
+        You can consider raising the value of the `matrix_common_after_systemd_service_start_wait_for_timeout_seconds` variable.
+        See `roles/custom/matrix-common-after/defaults/main.yml` for more details about that.
+    with_items: "{{ matrix_systemd_services_list | map(attribute='name') }}"
+    when:
+      - "item.endswith('.service') and ([item] | default(none) is none or[item].state != 'running')"