diff --git a/docs/configuring-playbook-synapse.md b/docs/configuring-playbook-synapse.md
index 2e14f1ad4..b3414d8f1 100644
--- a/docs/configuring-playbook-synapse.md
+++ b/docs/configuring-playbook-synapse.md
@@ -56,21 +56,27 @@ Certain Synapse administration tasks (managing users and rooms, etc.) can be per
 If you'd like to use OpenID Connect authentication with Synapse, you'll need some additional reverse-proxy configuration (see [our nginx reverse-proxy doc page](configuring-playbook-nginx.md#synapse-openid-connect-for-single-sign-on)).
+This example configuration is for [keycloak](https://www.keycloak.org/), an opensource Identity Provider maintained by Red Hat.
+For more detailed documentation on available options and how to setup keycloak, see the [Synapse documentation on OpenID Connect with keycloak](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/blob/develop/docs/openid.md#keycloak).
 In case you encounter errors regarding the parsing of the variables, you can try to add `{% raw %}` and `{% endraw %}` blocks around them. For example ;
- - idp_id: keycloak
-        idp_name: "Keycloak"
-        issuer: "https://url.ix/auth/realms/x"
-        client_id: "matrix"
-        client_secret: "{{ vault_synapse_keycloak }}"
-        scopes: ["openid", "profile"]
-        authorization_endpoint: "https://url.ix/auth/realms/x/protocol/openid-connect/auth"
-        token_endpoint: "https://url.ix/auth/realms/x/protocol/openid-connect/token"
-        userinfo_endpoint: "https://url.ix/auth/realms/x/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo"
-        user_mapping_provider:
-          config:
-            display_name_template: "{% raw %}{{ user.given_name }}{% endraw %} {% raw %}{{ user.family_name }}{% endraw %}"
-            email_template: "{% raw %}{{ user.email }}{% endraw %}"
+matrix_synapse_configuration_extension_yaml: |
+  oidc_providers:
+    - idp_id: keycloak
+      idp_name: "My KeyCloak server"
+      issuer: "https://url.ix/auth/realms/{realm_name}"
+      client_id: "matrix"
+      client_secret: "{{ vault_synapse_keycloak }}"
+      scopes: ["openid", "profile"]
+      user_mapping_provider:
+        config:
+          localpart_template: "{% raw %}{{ user.preferred_username }}{% endraw %}"
+          display_name_template: "{% raw %}{{ user.name }}{% endraw %}"
+          email_template: "{% raw %}{{ user.email }}{% endraw %}"
+      allow_existing_users: true # Optional
+      backchannel_logout_enabled: true # Optional