By default, the playbook retrieves and automatically renews free SSL certificates from [Let's Encrypt]( via [ACME]( for the domains of the services it installs (e.g. `` and others). Refer this guide if you want to modify settings about how it manages SSL certificates or have the Traefik server use yours.
**Note**: the guide is intended to be referred for configuring the integrated Traefik server with regard to SSL certificates retrieval. If you're using [your own webserver](, consult its documentation about how to configure it.
For testing purposes, you may wish to use staging certificates provided by Let's Encrypt to avoid hitting [its rate limits](
- Disable [ACME]( / [Let's Encrypt]( support
- Put a custom Traefik configuration file on the server, with the help of this Ansible playbook (via the [`aux` role]( or manually
- Register your custom configuration file with Traefik, by adding an extra provider of type [file](
- Put the SSL files on the server, with the help of this Ansible playbook (via the [`aux` role]( or manually
For those steps, you can add the following configuration to your `vars.yml` file (adapt to your needs). If you will put the custom configuration files manually, make sure to remove the `aux_file_definitions` variable.
You can configure Traefik to use the [DNS-01 challenge type]( for Let's Encrypt. This is less commonly used than the default [HTTP-01 challenge type](, but can be helpful to:
- allow you to obtain SSL certificates for servers which are not accessible (via HTTP) from the public internet (and for which the HTTP-01 challenge would fail)
Make sure to change the value of "provider" to your particular DNS solution, and provide the appropriate environment variables. The full list of supported providers is available [here](
This example assumes you're using Cloudflare to manage your DNS zone. Note that it requires the use of two tokens: one for reading all zones (`CF_ZONE_API_TOKEN`) and another that must be able to edit the particular domain you're using (`CF_DNS_API_TOKEN`). For security, it's recommended that you create two fine-grained tokens for this purpose, but you might choose to use the same token for both.