address: # bind address for this service. Can be left unspecified to bind on all interfaces
port: {{ matrix_alertmanager_receiver_config_http_port | to_json }} # port used by this service
alerts-path-prefix: {{ matrix_alertmanager_receiver_config_http_alerts_path_prefix | to_json }} # URL path for the webhook receiver called by an Alertmanager. Defaults to /alerts
metrics-path: {{ matrix_alertmanager_receiver_config_http_metrics_path | to_json }} # URL path to collect metrics. Defaults to /metrics
metrics-enabled: {{ matrix_alertmanager_receiver_config_http_metrics_enabled | to_json }} # Whether to enable metrics or not. Defaults to false
# configuration for the Matrix connection
homeserver-url: {{ matrix_alertmanager_receiver_config_matrix_homeserver_url | to_json }} # FQDN of the homeserver
user-id: {{ matrix_alertmanager_receiver_config_matrix_user_id | to_json }} # ID of the user used by this service
access-token: {{ matrix_alertmanager_receiver_config_matrix_access_token | to_json }} # Access token for the user ID