While this playbook helps you to set up Matrix services and maintain them, it will **not** automatically run the maintenance task for you. You will need to update the playbook and re-run it **manually**.
The upstream projects, which this playbook makes use of, occasionally if not often suffer from security vulnerabilities (for example, see [here](https://github.com/element-hq/element-web/security) for known ones on Element Web).
Since it is unsafe to keep outdated services running on the server connected to the internet, please consider to update the playbook and re-run it periodically, in order to keep the services up-to-date.
The developers of this playbook strive to maintain the playbook updated, so that you can re-run the playbook to address such vulnerabilities. It is **your responsibility** to keep your server and the services on it up-to-date.
If you want to be notified when new versions of Synapse are released, you should join the Synapse Homeowners room: [#homeowners:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/#homeowners:matrix.org).
Note that if you remove components from `vars.yml`, or if we switch some component from being installed by default to not being installed by default anymore, you'd need to run the setup command with `--tags=setup-all` instead of `--tags=install-all`. See [this page on the playbook tags](playbook-tags.md) for more information.
A way to invoke these `ansible-playbook` commands with less typing is to use [just](https://github.com/casey/just) to run the "recipe": `just install-all` or `just setup-all`. See [our `justfile`](../justfile) for more information.
**Note**: major version upgrades to the internal PostgreSQL database are not done automatically. To upgrade it, refer to the [upgrading PostgreSQL guide](maintenance-postgres.md#upgrading-postgresql).