msgid "See the project's [documentation]( to learn what it does and why it might be useful to you."
msgid "**Note**: most people don't need to install their own gateway. As Sygnal's [Notes for application developers]( documentation says:"
msgstr ""
#: ../../../docs/
msgid "It is not feasible to allow end-users to configure their own Sygnal instance, because the Sygnal instance needs the appropriate FCM or APNs secrets that belong to the application."
msgid "For a more complete example of available fields and values they can take, see `roles/custom/matrix-sygnal/templates/sygnal.yaml.j2` (or the [upstream `sygnal.yaml.sample` configuration file]("
msgid "To configure [APNS]( (Apple Push Notification Service), you'd need to provide one or more certificate files. To do that, the above example configuration:"
msgid "makes use of the [`aux` role]( (and its `aux_file_definitions` variable) to make the playbook install files into `/matrix/sygnal/data` (the `matrix_sygnal_data_path` variable). See [`defaults/main.yml` file]( of the `aux` role for usage examples. It also makes sure the files are owned by `matrix:matrix`, so that Sygnal can read them. Of course, you can also install these files manually yourself, if you'd rather not use `aux`."
msgid "references these files in the Sygnal configuration (`matrix_sygnal_apps`) using a path like `/data/..` (the `/matrix/sygnal/data` directory on the host system is mounted into the `/data` directory inside the container)"
msgid "By default, this playbook installs Sygnal on the `sygnal.` subdomain (``) and requires you to [adjust your DNS records](#adjusting-dns-records)."
msgid "By tweaking the `matrix_sygnal_hostname` and `matrix_sygnal_path_prefix` variables, you can easily make the service available at a **different hostname and/or path** than the default one."
msgid "After configuring the playbook and potentially [adjusting your DNS records](#adjusting-dns-records), run the playbook with [playbook tags]( as below:"
msgid "`just install-all` is useful for maintaining your setup quickly ([2x-5x faster](../ than `just setup-all`) when its components remain unchanged. If you adjust your `vars.yml` to remove other components, you'd need to run `just setup-all`, or these components will still remain installed. Note these shortcuts run the `ensure-matrix-users-created` tag too."
msgid "To make use of your Sygnal installation, you'd need to build your own Matrix client application, which uses the same API keys (for [GCM/FCM]( and certificates (for [APNS]( and is to your Sygnal URL endpoint (e.g. ``)."