#!/usr/bin/env bash SCRIPT=$(basename "${0}") VERSION='2016-07-25' AUTHOR='ffmprovisr' RED='\033[1;31m' BLUE='\033[1;34m' NC='\033[0m' _output_prompt() { cat <<END_OF_MSG Usage: ${SCRIPT} [-h | <av_file> <md5_file>] END_OF_MSG } _output_help() { cat <<END_OF_MSG Syntax: ${SCRIPT} Prompts a short help message. ${SCRIPT} -h This help. ${SCRIPT} <av_file> <md5_file> Pass to the script the audio-visual file and the corresponding MD5 file to check. Dependency: ffmpeg About: Version: ${VERSION} Website: https://github.com/amiaopensource/ffmprovisr/blob/gh-pages/check_framemd5.sh END_OF_MSG } if [[ $OSTYPE == "cygwin" ]] || [ ! $(which diff) ] ; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR:${NC} diff is not installed by default. Please install diffutils from Cygwin." exit 1 fi if [ "${#}" -eq 0 ]; then _output_prompt exit 0 elif [ "${#}" -eq 1 ]; then if [ "${1}" == '-h' ]; then _output_help exit 0 else echo -e "${RED}ERROR:${NC} '$1' is an invalid argument." _output_prompt exit 1 fi elif [ "${#}" -eq 2 ]; then if ! [ -f "${1}" ]; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR:${NC} There is no file '$(basename ${1})'." _output_prompt exit 1 elif ! [ -f "${2}" ]; then echo -e "${RED}ERROR:${NC} There is no file '$(basename ${2})'." _output_prompt exit 1 else unset md5_tmp if [[ $OSTYPE == "cygwin" ]]; then md5_tmp=""${USERPROFILE}/$(basename ${2}).tmp"" else md5_tmp="${HOME}/$(basename ${2}).tmp" fi echo "Please wait..." $(ffmpeg -y -i ${1} -loglevel 0 -f framemd5 -an ${md5_tmp}) old_file=$(grep -v '^#' ${2}) tmp_file=$(grep -v '^#' ${md5_tmp}) if [ "${old_file}" = "${tmp_file}" ]; then echo -e "${BLUE}OK${NC} '$(basename ${1})' matches '$(basename ${2})'." exit 0 else echo -e "${RED}ERROR:${NC} The following differences were detected between '$(basename ${1})' and '$(basename ${2})':" diff "${2}" "${md5_tmp}" exit 1 fi rm "${md5_tmp}" fi else echo -e "${RED}ERROR:${NC} Too many arguments." _output_prompt exit 1 fi