Split file into segments
ffmpeg -i input_file -c copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_time 60 -reset_timestamps 1 output_file-%03d.mkv
+ - ffmpeg
- starts the command
+ - -i input_file
- takes in a normal file
+ - -c copy
- use stream copy mode to re-mux instead of re-encode.
+ - -map 0
- Tells ffmpeg to map all streams of the input to the output.
+ - -f segment
- use segment muxer for generating the output.
+ - -segment_time 60
- Set duration of each segment (in seconds). This example creates segments with max. duration of 60s each.
+ - -reset_timestamps 1
- Reset timestamps of each segment to 0. Meant to ease the playback of the generated segments.
+ - output_file-%03d.mkv
+ -
+ path, name and extension of the output file.
+ In order to have an incrementing number in each segment filename, FFmpeg supports printf-style syntax for a counter.
+ In this example, '%03d' means: 3-digits, zero-padded
+ For example: output_file-000.mkv, output_file-001.mkv, etc.