Images to GIF
ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 9 -pattern_type glob -i "input_image_*.jpg" -vf scale=250x250 output_file.gif
This will convert a series of image files into a gif.
+ - ffmpeg
- starts the command
+ - -f image2
- forces input or output file format.
specifies the image file demuxer.
+ - -framerate 9
- sets framerate to 9 frames per second
+ - -pattern_type glob
- tells ffmpeg that the following mapping should "interpret like a glob"
+ - -i "input_image_*.jpg"
- maps all files in the directory that start with input_image_, for example input_image_001.jpg, input_image_002.jpg, input_image_003.jpg... etc.
+ (The quotation marks are necessary!)
+ - -vf scale=250x250
- filter the video to scale it to 250x250; -vf is an alias for -filter:v
+ - output_file.gif
- path and name of the output file