Transcode into a deinterlaced Apple ProRes LT
+ ffmpeg -i input.mov -vcodec prores -profile:v 1 -acodec pcm_s16le -vf yadif output.mov
This command transcodes an input file (input.mov) into a deinterlaced Apple ProRes LT .mov file with 16-bit linear PCM encoded audio. The file is deinterlaced using the yadif (Yet Another De-Interlacing Filter) command.
+ - ffmpeg: Calls the program ffmpeg
+ - -i: Tells ffmpeg to expect an input file
+ - [inputfile]: Specifies the name and location of the file you want to transcode into ProRes
+ - -vcodec prores: Tells ffmpeg to transcode the video stream into Apple ProRes
+ - -profile:v 1: Declares profile of Apple ProRes you want to use. The profiles are explained below:
+ - 0 : ProRes422 (Proxy)
+ - 1 : ProRes422 (LT)
+ - 2 : ProRes422 (Normal)
+ - 3 : ProRes422 (HQ)
+ - -acodec pcm_s16le: Tells ffmpeg to encode the audio stream in 16-bit Linear PCM
+ - -vf yadif: Runs a deinterlacing video filter (yet another deinterlacing filter) on the new file
+ - [output.mov]: Specifies the name, location, and extension of the new ProRes file