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<!-- batch processing -->
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<h3>Create Bash script to batch process with ffmpeg</h3>
<p>Bash scripts are plain texts files saved with a .sh extension. This entry explains how they work with the example of a bash script named “Rewrap-MXF.sh”, which rewraps .MXF files in a given directory to .MOV files.</p>
<p>Bash scripts are plain text files saved with a .sh extension. This entry explains how they work with the example of a bash script named “Rewrap-MXF.sh”, which rewraps .MXF files in a given directory to .MOV files.</p>
<p>“Rewrap-MXF.sh” contains the following text:</p>
<p><code>for file in *.MXF; do ffmpeg -i "$file" -map 0 -c copy "${file%.MXF}.mov"; done</code></p>
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<!-- batch processing (Windows) -->
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<h3>Create PowerShell script to batch process with ffmpeg</h3>
<p>As of Windows 10, it is possible to run Bash via <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/about">Bash on Ubuntu on Windows</a>, allowing you to use <a href="http://amiaopensource.github.io/ffmprovisr/#batch_processing_bash">bash scripting</a>. To enable Bash on Windows, see <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide">these instructions</a>.</p>
<p>On Windows, the primary native command line programme is <strong>PowerShell</strong>. PowerShell scripts are plain text files saved with a .ps1 extension. This entry explains how they work with the example of a PowerShell script named “rewrap-mp4.ps1”, which rewraps .mp4 files in a given directory to .mkv files.</p>
<p>“rewrap-mp4.ps1” contains the following text:</p>
<pre class="codeblock"><code>$inputfiles = ls *.mp4
foreach ($file in $inputfiles) {
$output = [io.path]::ChangeExtension($file, '.mkv')
ffmpeg -i $file -map 0 -c copy $output
<dt>$inputfiles = ls *.mp4</dt><dd>Creates the variable <code>$inputfiles</code>, which is a list of all the .mp4 files in the current folder.<br>
In PowerShell, all variable names start with the dollar-sign character.</dd>
<dt>foreach ($file in $inputfiles)</dt><dd>Creates a loop and states the subsequent code block will be applied to each file listed in <code>$inputfiles</code>.<br>
<code>$file</code> is an arbitrary variable which will represent each .mp4 file in turn as it is looped over.</dd>
<dt>{</dt><dd>Opens the code block.</dd>
<dt>$output = [io.path]::ChangeExtension($file, '.mkv')</dt><dd>Sets up the output file: it will be located in the current folder and keep the same filename, but will have an .mkv extension instead of .mp4.</dd>
<dt>ffmpeg -i $file</dt><dd>Carry out the following ffmpeg command for each input file.<br>
<strong>Note</strong>: To call ffmpeg here as just ‘ffmpeg’ (rather than entering the full path to ffmpeg.exe), you must make sure that it's correctly configured. See <a href="http://adaptivesamples.com/how-to-install-ffmpeg-on-windows/">this article</a>, especially the section ‘Add to Path’.</dd>
<dt>-map 0</dt><dd>retain all streams</dd>
<dt>-c copy</dt><dd>enable stream copy (no re-encode)</dd>
<dt>$output</dt><dd>The output file is set to the value of the <code>$output</code> variable declared above: i.e., the current file name with an .mkv extension.</dd>
<dt>}</dt><dd>Closes the code block.</dd>
<p><strong>Note</strong>: the PowerShell script (.ps1 file) and all .mp4 files to be rewrapped must be contained within the same directory, and the script must be run from that directory.<p>
<p>Execute the .ps1 file by typing <code>.\rewrap-mp4.ps1</code> in PowerShell.</p>
<p>Modify the script as needed to perform different transcodes, or to use with ffprobe. :)</p>
<p class="link"></p>
<!-- ends batch processing (Windows) -->
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