Added 4:3 to 16:9 transformation

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Reto Kromer 2015-11-28 22:22:31 +01:00
parent d1bf4015ff
commit 1af81e332d

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@ -503,6 +503,27 @@ path_name_and_extension_to_the_last_file</i></pre></dd>
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<!-- ends NTSC to H.264 --> <!-- ends NTSC to H.264 -->
<!-- 4:3 to 16:9 -->
<span data-toggle="modal" data-target=".4-3_16-9"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Transform 4:3 aspect ratio into 16:9 with pillarbox">4:3 to 16:9</button></span>
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<h3>Transform 4:3 aspect ratio into 16:9 with pillarbox</h3>
<p>Transform a video file with 4:3 aspect ratio into a video file with 16:9 aspect ration by correct pillarboxing.</p>
<p><code>ffmpeg -i <i>input_file</i> -filter:v "pad=ih*16/9:ih:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2" <i>output_file</i></code></p>
<dt>ffmpeg</dt><dd>starts the command</dd>
<dt>-i <i>input_file</i></dt><dd>path, name and extension of the input file</dd>
<dt>-filter:v "ih*16/9:ih:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2"</dt><dd>video padding<br/>This resolution independent formula is actually padding any aspect ratio into 16:9, because the video filter uses relative values for input width (iw), input height (ih), output width (ow) and output height (oh).</dd>
<dt><i>output_file</i>.mpg</dt><dd>path and name of the output file</dd>
<!-- ends 4:3 to 16:9 -->
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