#!/bin/bash set -eou pipefail FACTORIO_VERSION=$1 MOD_DIR=$2 USERNAME=$3 TOKEN=$4 MOD_BASE_URL="https://mods.factorio.com" print_step() { echo "$1" } print_success() { echo "$1" } print_failure() { echo "$1" } update_mod() { MOD_NAME="$1" MOD_NAME_ENCODED="${1// /%20}" print_step "Checking for update of mod $MOD_NAME for factorio $FACTORIO_VERSION ..." MOD_INFO_URL="$MOD_BASE_URL/api/mods/$MOD_NAME_ENCODED" MOD_INFO_JSON=$(curl --silent "$MOD_INFO_URL") if ! echo "$MOD_INFO_JSON" | jq -e .name >/dev/null; then print_success " Custom mod not on $MOD_BASE_URL, skipped." return 0 fi MOD_INFO=$(echo "$MOD_INFO_JSON" | jq -j --arg version "$FACTORIO_VERSION" ".releases|reverse|map(select(.info_json.factorio_version as \$mod_version | \$version | startswith(\$mod_version)))[0]|.file_name, \";\", .download_url, \";\", .sha1") MOD_FILENAME=$(echo "$MOD_INFO" | cut -f1 -d";") MOD_URL=$(echo "$MOD_INFO" | cut -f2 -d";") MOD_SHA1=$(echo "$MOD_INFO" | cut -f3 -d";") if [[ $MOD_FILENAME == null ]]; then print_failure " Not compatible with version" return 0 fi if [[ -f $MOD_DIR/$MOD_FILENAME ]]; then print_success " Already up-to-date." return 0 fi print_step " Downloading $MOD_FILENAME" FULL_URL="$MOD_BASE_URL$MOD_URL?username=$USERNAME&token=$TOKEN" HTTP_STATUS=$(curl --silent -L -w "%{http_code}" -o "$MOD_DIR/$MOD_FILENAME" "$FULL_URL") if [[ $HTTP_STATUS != 200 ]]; then print_failure " Download failed: Code $HTTP_STATUS." rm -f "$MOD_DIR/$MOD_FILENAME" return 1 fi if [[ ! -f $MOD_DIR/$MOD_FILENAME ]]; then print_failure " Downloaded file missing!" return 1 fi if ! [[ $(sha1sum "$MOD_DIR/$MOD_FILENAME") =~ $MOD_SHA1 ]]; then print_failure " SHA1 mismatch!" rm -f "$MOD_DIR/$MOD_FILENAME" return 1 fi print_success " Download complete." for file in "$MOD_DIR/${MOD_NAME}_"*".zip"; do # wildcard does usually not work in quotes: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/67761 if [[ $file != $MOD_DIR/$MOD_FILENAME ]]; then print_success " Deleting old version: $file" rm -f "$file" fi done return 0 } if [[ -f $MOD_DIR/mod-list.json ]]; then jq -r ".mods|map(select(.enabled))|.[].name" "$MOD_DIR/mod-list.json" | while read -r mod; do if [[ $mod != base ]]; then update_mod "$mod" fi done fi