## Contribution Guidelines Thank you for your interest in contributing to the icon repository! To ensure smooth collaboration, please follow these guidelines. Your contributions help make this project better. ## Table of Contents - [Contribution Guidelines](#contribution-guidelines) - [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents) - [Icon Specifications](#icon-specifications) - [Format](#format) - [Cropping](#cropping) - [Light and Dark Versions](#light-and-dark-versions) - [File Naming](#file-naming) - [Quality Requirements](#quality-requirements) - [Git Commit Messages](#git-commit-messages) - [Contribution Process](#contribution-process) - [Code of Conduct](#code-of-conduct) - [Contact](#contact) ## Icon Specifications ### Format - **SVG Format Required**: All icons should be submitted in SVG format. If an SVG version is unavailable, a PNG version will suffice, and a WEBP version will be accordingly. - **Automatic PNG and WEBP Generation**: PNG and WEBP versions are generated automatically from the SVG (or PNG) files using the following settings: - **Dimensions**: - Height: 512 pixels - Width: Auto (maintaining aspect ratio) - **Transparency**: Enabled ### Cropping - **Remove Empty Space**: Crop any empty space from your SVG files to ensure the icon is properly centered and sized. You can use [SVG Crop](https://svgcrop.com/) to assist with this. ### Light and Dark Versions - **Monochrome or Single Primary Color Icons**: - If your icon is monochrome, please provide additional versions if applicable: - **`-light` Version**: For icons primarily dark or using black as a main color, provide a `-light` version for light backgrounds. - **`-dark` Version**: For icons primarily light or using white as a main color, provide a `-dark` version for dark backgrounds. - **Examples**: - A black logo should include a `-light` version where black is inverted. - A multicolored logo using black should provide a `-light` version with the black replaced. - **Tool Recommendation**: [DEEditor](https://deeditor.com/) can help adjust icon colors if needed. ### File Naming - **Kebab Case**: Name your files using kebab case (lowercase words separated by hyphens). For example, "Nextcloud Calendar" becomes `nextcloud-calendar.svg`. - **Note**: Filenames are automatically converted to kebab case, but please double-check your naming to avoid conflicts or errors. ### Quality Requirements - **No Upscaled Images**: Icons should maintain their original quality without artificial enlargement. - **No Embedded Raster Images in SVGs**: Ensure that SVG files are true vector graphics without embedded raster images. ## Git Commit Messages - **Use Semantic Commits**: Follow the format <type>(scope): description: - `feat(icons): add nextcloud-calendar` when adding new icons. ## Contribution Process 1. **Fork the Repository**: Create a fork of this repository on your GitHub account. 2. **Clone the Repository**: Clone your forked repository to your local machine. 3. **Add Your Icons**: Place your SVG icon(s) into the appropriate directory, following the specifications above. 4. **Commit Your Changes**: Commit your additions with clear and descriptive commit messages using Gitmoji. 5. **Push to Your Fork**: Push your committed changes to your forked repository on GitHub. 6. **Create a Pull Request**: Submit a pull request to the main repository for review. ## Code of Conduct By contributing, you agree to abide by our [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). Please review it to understand the expectations for all participants. ## Contact If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out at [homarr-labs@proton.me](mailto:homarr-labs@proton.me). I'm happy to help.