From 57659a2cee54e38ba96a970075f1ab2b31575070 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Dashboard Icons Bot Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2025 01:40:48 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] ci: github-actions: generate --- | 1677 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 1671 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 2209a405..84c04f7d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,13 +1,1678 @@ -![jsDelivr hits (GitHub)]( +[![jsDelivr hits (GitHub)](]( +[![jsDelivr hits (GitHub)](]( ## Dashboard Icons The best source for dashboard icons.
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-13ft 1password-dark 1password 2fauth-light 2fauth 3cx-light 3cx 5etools-dark 5etools 7zip act activepieces actual-budget adblock adguard-home adminer ads-b-exchange adventure-log affine-light affine airsonic airtable airtel airvpn akkoma-light akkoma alarmpi albert-heijn alertmanager algo aliexpress alist alloy alltube-light alltube alma-linux alpine-linux amazon-light amazon-prime amazon-web-services-light amazon-web-services amazon amcrest-cloud amcrest amd-light amd ami-alt-light ami-alt ami amp ampache android-auto-dark android-auto android-robot android anonaddy ansible-light ansible anything-llm-light anything-llm apache-airflow apache-answer apache-cassandra apache-cloudstack apache-druid apache-openoffice apache-solr apache-subversion apache-tomcat-light apache-tomcat apache apc apiscp app-store appdaemon appflowy apple-alt apple-light apple-music apple-tv-plus-light apple-tv-plus apple apprise appwrite ara-records-ansible arch-linux archisteamfarm archivebox archiveteam-warrior-light archiveteam-warrior arduino argo-cd ariang arm artifacthub artifactory aruba asana asciinema asrock-rack-ipmi asrock-rack assetgrid asterisk astral astuto-light astuto asus-rog asus-router asus asustor at-t atlassian-bamboo atlassian-bitbucket atlassian-confluence atlassian-jira atlassian-opsgenie atlassian-trello atlassian atuin-light atuin audacity audiobookshelf auracast authelia authentik authman autobrr automad-light automad avg avigilon avm-fritzbox-light avm-fritzbox aws-ecs aws-light aws awwesome awx azuracast azure-container-instances azure-container-service azure-devops azure-dns azure backblaze backrest-light backrest bar-assistant baserow bazarr-dark bazarr beaver-habit-tracker-light beaver-habit-tracker beef-light beef beszel-light beszel biblioreads-light biblioreads bigcapital bing bitbucket bitcoin bitwarden blocky blogger bluesky bluetooth booklogr-light booklogr bookstack bootstrap borg borgmatic-light borgmatic boundary box brave broadcastchannel-light broadcastchannel brocade brother browserless-light browserless browsh budgetbee-light budgetbee budibase bunkerweb bytestash c cacti caddy cal-com-light cal-com calibre-web calibre canonical caprover carrefour casaos castopod cc-light cc centos ceph cert-manager cert-warden-light cert-warden chainguard changedetection channels-dvr chatgpt chatpad-ai checkmk chevereto chirpy chrome-canary chrome-dev chrome-devtools chrome-remote-desktop chrome chromium cilium-light cilium cinny-light cinny cisco claude-ai-light claude-ai clickhouse cloud66 cloud9-light cloud9 cloudbeaver cloudflare-pages cloudflare-zero-trust cloudflare cloudpanel cockpit-cms-light cockpit-cms cockpit-light cockpit code codeberg coder-light coder codestats-light codestats codex-light codex collabora-online commafeed-light commafeed commento-light commento compreface concourse confluence consul contabo converse-light converse coolify coredns coreos cosign costco couchdb counter-analytics cozy cpanel cpp crafty-controller crowdsec cryptomator cryptpad csharp css-light css ctfreak cups-light cups cura cyberchef czkawka d-link dalibo dart datadog davical dawarich dc-os ddclient ddns-updater debian-linux defguard dell deluge deno-light deno denon-light denon deployarr diagrams-net digital-ocean dillinger-light dillinger directadmin directus discord discourse-light discourse disney-plus dlna docassemble-light docassemble docker-amvd docker-engine docker-mailserver-light docker-mailserver docker-moby docker-volume-backup docker dockge docking-station docsify docspell documenso docusaurus docuseal dokemon dokuwiki double-take-dark double-take dovecot dozzle draw-io draytek dropbox dropout-light dropout droppy-dark droppy dub-light dub duckdns-light duckdns duckduckgo duo duplicati easy-gate-light easy-gate ebay eblocker edge-dev edge elastic-beats elastic-kibana elastic-logstash elastic elasticsearch electron electronic-arts element eleventy-light eleventy elysian emacs emby emq-light emq emqx emulatorjs enbizcard enclosed-light enclosed endless-light endless endurain epic-games-light epic-games erste-george erste esphome-alt-light esphome-alt esphome-light esphome espressif etcd etesync ethereum etherpad evcc excalidraw f-droid facebook-messenger facebook fast-com-light fast-com fasten-health fastmail fedora-alt fedora feedbase-light feedbase feedbin-light feedbin feedly feedlynx-light feedlynx fenrus ferdium ferretdb fider filebot filebrowser filecloud fileflows filegator filerun files filestash filezilla finamp findroid fios-light fios firebase firefly-iii firefly firefox-beta firefox-developer-edition firefox-lite firefox-nightly firefox-reality firefox-send firefox firewalla fittrackee fladder flaresolverr flarum flathub flatnotes flatpak flightradar24-light flightradar24 flood fluffychat-dark fluffychat fluidd flux-cd fly-io focalboard foldingathome fontawesome forgejo forte-light forte fortinet fossil franz freedombox freeipa freenas freenom freepbx freshping-dark freshping freshrss friendica frigate-light frigate fritzbox-light fritzbox fronius fulcio funkwhale-light funkwhale fusionauth garage gatsby gatus gboard geckoview gentoo-linux gerbera get-iplayer ghostfolio gigaset gimp git gitbook gitea gitee github-light github gitlab gitsign gladys-assistant glance-light glance glances-light glances glpi gluetun gmail go goaccess-light goaccess godaddy-alt godaddy gollum goodreads google-admin google-admob google-alerts google-analytics google-assistant google-calendar google-chat google-chrome google-classroom google-cloud-platform google-cloud-print google-compute-engine google-contacts google-docs google-domains google-drive google-earth google-fi google-fit google-fonts google-forms google-gemini google-home google-keep google-lens google-maps google-meet google-messages google-news google-one google-pay google-photos google-play-books google-play-games google-play google-podcasts google-scholar google-search-console google-sheets google-shopping google-sites google-slides google-street-view google-tag-manager google-translate google-tv google-voice google-wallet google-wifi google gotify gotosocial gpt4free grafana gramps grandstream grav-light grav graylog greenbone-light greenbone grimoire grist grocy guacamole-light guacamole hacker-news hammond-light hammond handbrake haproxy haptic-light haptic harbor harvester hasheous hashicorp-boundary hashicorp-consul hashicorp-nomad hashicorp-packer hashicorp-terraform hashicorp-vagrant hashicorp-vault hashicorp-waypoint hastypaste hasura hatsh-light hatsh hbo-light hbo hdhomerun-light hdhomerun headscale healthchecks hedgedoc heimdall-light heimdall helium-token helm hetzner hexo heyform hifiberry hikvision hilook hivedav hoarder-light hoarder hollo-light hollo homarr home-assistant-alt home-assistant homebox-light homebox homebridge homer homey hoobs hoppscotch hostinger hotio hp html-light html huawei hubitat hubzilla hugging-face huginn hugo hulu humhub hydra hyperpipe-light hyperpipe i2p-light i2p i2pd icecast icinga-light icinga idrac ilo immich-frame-light immich-frame immich-kiosk-light immich-kiosk immich influxdb infoblox inoreader instagram inventree invidious invisioncommunity invoice-ninja-light invoice-ninja invoke-ai iobroker ionos ipboard ipfs-light ipfs ispconfig it-tools-light it-tools jackett-light jackett jaeger jamstack java javascript-light javascript jeedom jekyll jellyfin jellyseerr jellystat jelu jenkins jetbrains-youtrack jfrog jio jira jitsi-meet jitsi joomla joplin julia jupyter jwt-io-light jwt-io kagi kamatera kanboard-light kanboard kanidm kapowarr kasm-workspaces kasm kasten-k10 kaufland kavita kbin keenetic-alt keenetic keepassxc keila kerberos kestra keycloak keyoxide-alt keyoxide kibana kick-light kick kimai kinto kitana kitchenowl kiwix-light kiwix klipper ko-fi kodi koel koillection-light koillection komga kontoj kopia kotlin kpn krakend krusader kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes kutt kyoo lancommander-light lancommander lark lastpass leanote leantime lemmy-light lemmy lets-encrypt libreddit-light libreddit librenms libreoffice-light libreoffice librespeed-light librespeed librewolf librum lidarr lidl lighttpd limesurvey linguacafe linkace linkding linkedin linkstack linode linux-mint linux linuxgsm linuxserver-io liremdb listmonk littlelink-custom lnbits locals-light locals lodestone logitech-gaming logitech-legacy logitech-light logitech logseq logstash logto loki longhorn lua lunasea lynx-light lynx mail-in-a-box mailchimp-light mailchimp mailcow mailfence mailgun mailjet mainsail maintainerr manjaro-linux manyfold maptiler mariadb mastodon matomo matrix-light matrix-synapse-light matrix-synapse matrix mattermost mautic max mayan-edms-light mayan-edms maybe mbin mealie medama mediathekview mediawiki mediux medusa-light medusa mega-nz-dark mega-nz meilisearch memories-light memories meraki mercusys mergeable-dark mergeable meshping-light meshping meshtastic meta metabase metube microsoft-365-admin-center microsoft-365 microsoft-access microsoft-azure microsoft-bing microsoft-copilot microsoft-edge microsoft-excel microsoft-exchange microsoft-office microsoft-onedrive microsoft-onenote microsoft-outlook microsoft-powerpoint microsoft-sharepoint microsoft-sql-server-light microsoft-sql-server microsoft-teams microsoft-to-do microsoft-windows microsoft-word microsoft mikrotik-light mikrotik minecraft miniflux-light miniflux minio-light minio misskey-light misskey mitra mixpost mkdocs-light mkdocs mobilizon mobotix-light mobotix modrinth mojeek monero mongodb monica-light monica moodist-dark moodist moodle-light moodle morphos mosquitto motioneye-dark motioneye mqtt mstream mullvad-browser mullvad-vpn mullvad multi-scrobbler mumble-light mumble music-assistant-light music-assistant musicbrainz myheats-light myheats myspeed mysql n8n nagios nasa navidrome-light navidrome neko-light neko neo4j neocities neodb neonlink netalertx-light netalertx netapp-light netapp netatmo netbird netboot netbox netdata netflix netgear-light netgear netlify netsurf-light netsurf network-ups-tools newegg newsblur nextcloud-blue nextcloud-calendar nextcloud-contacts nextcloud-cookbook nextcloud-cospend nextcloud-deck nextcloud-files nextcloud-ncdownloader nextcloud-news nextcloud-notes nextcloud-photos nextcloud-social nextcloud-tables nextcloud-tasks nextcloud-timemanager nextcloud-white nextcloud nextcloudpi nextdns nexterm nextjs-light nextjs nginx-proxy-manager nginx nicotine-plus nightscout-light nightscout nintendo-switch nitter nixos nocodb node-red nodebb nodejs-alt nodejs nomad nomie nordvpn note-mark notesnook-light notesnook notion-light notion ntfy nut nvidia nzbhydra2-light nzbhydra2 obico obsidian obtainium octoprint oculus-light oculus odoo office-365 olivetin-light olivetin ollama omada ombi omnidb omnivore onedev-light onedev oneuptime-light oneuptime onlyoffice open-resume open-source-initiative openai-light openai openchangelog-light openchangelog openeats-light openeats openemr-light openemr opengist-light opengist openhab openldap openmediavault openoffice openpanel-light openpanel openproject openreads opensearch openspeedtest openstack openstreetmap opensuse opentalk opentofu openvas openvpn openwrt opera-touch opera opnform opnsense oracle-cloud oracle orange origin oscarr-light oscarr osticket outline-light outline overleaf overseerr ovh ovirt-light ovirt owncast owncloud owntone owntracks oxker-light oxker p1ib pagerduty palemoon palo-alto paperless-ng paperless-ngx paperless papermark-light papermark papermerge-light papermerge parseable part-db-light part-db partkeepr passbolt passwork pastebin-dark pastebin patreon-light patreon payload-light payload paypal pdfding-light pdfding peacock-light peacock peanut-light peanut peertube pelican-panel penpot-light penpot peppermint pepperminty-wiki perlite pfsense-light pfsense pg-back-web pgadmin phanpy phoneinfoga-light phoneinfoga phorge-light phorge phoscon-light phoscon photonix-light photonix photopea photoprism-light photoprism photostructure-dark photostructure photoview php-light php phpmyadmin pi-hole pia picsur-light picsur pigallery2 pikapods pingdom-light pingdom pingvin-dark pingvin-share-dark pingvin-share pingvin pinkary pinterest pioneer-light pioneer piped pirate-proxy piwigo pixelfed plane planka-dark planka plausible playstation pleroma plesk plex-alt-light plex-alt plex-light plex-rewind plex plexrequests-light plexrequests plume pocket-casts-dark pocket-casts pocket-id-light pocket-id pocketbase-dark pocketbase podfetch-light podfetch podify podman policycontroller poly polywork portainer portus postal poste postgres postgresql posthog-light posthog postiz-dark postiz powerbi powerdns prime-video-light prime-video printer pritunl privacyidea private-internet-access privatebin projectsend prometheus proton-calendar proton-drive proton-mail proton-pass proton-vpn prowlarr proxmox-light proxmox prtg prusa-research pterodactyl pufferpanel purelymail pushfish pushover putty pydio pyload python qbittorrent qdirstat qinglong qnap questdb quetre quickwit qutebrowser r rabbitmq radarr radicale rainloop rallly rancher raspberry-pi-light raspberry-pi rclone rdt-client reactive-resume-light reactive-resume readarr readeck readthedocs-light readthedocs real-debrid recalbox receipt-wrangler recipesage reddit redict redis redlib-light redlib rekor remmina reolink requestly requestrr resiliosync-light resiliosync restreamer revolt-light revolt rhasspy-dark rhasspy rhodecode richy rimgo-light rimgo riot riverside-fm-light riverside-fm rocket-chat rocky-linux romm rook roundcube router rport rss-bridge rss-translator rstudio rstudioserver ruby rumble rundeck runonflux runson-light runson rust rustdesk rutorrent ryot-light ryot sabnzbd-light sabnzbd safari-ios safari saltcorn samsung-internet sandstorm screenconnect scrutiny-light scrutiny seafile searx searxng secureai-tools-light secureai-tools seelf self-hosted-gateway selfh-st-light selfh-st semaphore-dark semaphore send sendgrid sendinblue sensu sentry-light sentry servarr-light servarr serviio-light serviio session shaarli shell-light shell-tips-light shell-tips shell shellhub shellngn shelly shiori shlink shoko-server shoko shopify sickbeard signal sigstore simplelogin simplex-chat sinusbot siyuan skype slack slash-light slash slice slidev slskd smartfox snapcast snapchat-dark snapchat snapdrop snappymail-light snappymail snikket socialhome sogo solidtime-light solidtime sonarqube sonarr-dark sonarr sophos-dark sophos sourcegraph spamassassin spark sparkleshare specifically-clementines sphinx-doc sphinx-relay sphinx splunk spoolman spotify sqlitebrowser squidex squirrel-servers-manager sshwifty stalwart-mail-server stalwart standard-notes startpage stash stb-proxy steam step-ca stirling-pdf storj storm stormkit strapi stremio stump-alt stump subatic sunshine supabase supermicro surveymonkey swarmpit swift symmetricom-light symmetricom synapse-light synapse syncthing-dark syncthing synology-dsm synology-light synology sysreptor tabula tacticalrmm taiga tailscale-light tailscale talos tandoor-recipes tangerine-ui tar1090 taskcafe tasmocompiler tasmota-light tasmota tautulli teamcity-light teamcity teamspeak telegraf telegram telekom teleport tenda terminal terraform teslamate-light teslamate thanos the-pirate-bay the-proxy-bay theia-light theia thelounge theodinproject thingsboard threads-light threads thunderbird tianji-light tianji tiddlywiki-light tiddlywiki tiktok-light tiktok timetagger-light timetagger tmdb todoist-dark todoist tolgee tooljet-dark tooljet touitomamout tp-link tpdb traccar-dark traccar traefik-proxy traefik traggo trakt transmission trilium triliumnext truenas-core truenas-scale truenas tubesync-light tubesync tumblr turbopack-light turbopack tux tvdb tvheadend twingate-light twingate twitch twitter typemill-light typemill typescript typo3 ubiquiti-networks ubiquiti-unifi ubiquiti ubuntu-linux-alt ubuntu-linux uc-browser udemy-light udemy ultimate-guitar-light ultimate-guitar umami-light umami umbrel unbound undb unifi-dark unifi-voucher-site unifi unimus unraid untangle ups upsnap uptime-kuma valetudo valkey vault-light vault vaultwarden-light vaultwarden vector veeam vercel-light vercel verizon vi victoriametrics-light victoriametrics vidzy viewtube vikunja virgin-media virtualmin viseron-light viseron visual-studio-code vivaldi vmware-esxi vmware-workstation vmware voilib voip-ms voltaserve-light voltaserve volumio-light volumio voron vscode vuetorrent vultr wakapi wakatime-light wakatime wallabag-light wallabag wanderer-light wanderer warpgate watcharr-light watcharr watchtower waze wazuh web-check-dark web-check webhook webhookd webkit webmin webtorrent webtrees wekan wger whats-up-docker-light whats-up-docker whatsapp whisparr wikidocs wikijs-alt wikijs wikipedia-light wikipedia willow windmill windows-10 windows-95-light windows-95 windows-retro-light windows-retro wireguard wizarr wolfi-light wolfi woocommerce woodpecker-ci wordpress worklenz wotdle-light wotdle wownero writefreely-light writefreely x-light x xbackbone xbox-game-pass xbox xbrowsersync xmr xmrig xpipe xwiki yacht yahoo yamtrack-light yamtrack yandex yarr-light yarr ycombinator-dark ycombinator ynab your-spotify yourls youtube-dl youtube-kids youtube-music youtube yts yuno-host-light yunohost z-wave-js-ui zabbix zabka zammad zendesk zerotier-light zerotier zigbee2mqtt-light zigbee2mqtt zipcaptions zipline-light zipline zitadel-light zitadel zohomail zoom-alt zoom zoraxy zulip zyxel-communications-light zyxel-communications zyxel-networks-light zyxel-networks +| Name | Links | Preview | +|------|-------|---------| +| 13ft | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | 13ft | +| 1password | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | 1password | +| 1password-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | 1password-dark | +| 2fauth | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | 2fauth | +| 2fauth-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | 2fauth-light | +| 3cx | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | 3cx | +| 3cx-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | 3cx-light | +| 5etools | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | 5etools | +| 5etools-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | 5etools-dark | +| 7zip | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | 7zip | +| act | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | act | +| activepieces | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | activepieces | +| actual-budget | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | actual-budget | +| adblock | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | adblock | +| adguard-home | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | adguard-home | +| adminer | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | adminer | +| ads-b-exchange | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | ads-b-exchange | +| adventure-log | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | adventure-log | +| affine | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | affine | +| affine-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | affine-light | +| airsonic | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | airsonic | +| airtable | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | airtable | +| airtel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | airtel | +| airvpn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | airvpn | +| akkoma | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | akkoma | +| akkoma-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | akkoma-light | +| alarmpi | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | alarmpi | +| albert-heijn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | albert-heijn | +| alertmanager | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | alertmanager | +| algo | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | algo | +| aliexpress | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | aliexpress | +| alist | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | alist | +| alloy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | alloy | +| alltube | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | alltube | +| alltube-light | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | alltube-light | +| alma-linux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | alma-linux | +| alpine-linux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | alpine-linux | +| amazon | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | amazon | +| amazon-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | amazon-light | +| amazon-prime | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | amazon-prime | +| amazon-web-services | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | amazon-web-services | +| amazon-web-services-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | amazon-web-services-light | +| amcrest | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | amcrest | +| amcrest-cloud | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | amcrest-cloud | +| amd | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | amd | +| amd-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | amd-light | +| ami | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | ami | +| ami-alt | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | ami-alt | +| ami-alt-light | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | ami-alt-light | +| amp | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | amp | +| ampache | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | ampache | +| android | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | android | +| android-auto | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | android-auto | +| android-auto-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | android-auto-dark | +| android-robot | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | android-robot | +| anonaddy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | anonaddy | +| ansible | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ansible | +| ansible-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ansible-light | +| anything-llm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | anything-llm | +| anything-llm-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | anything-llm-light | +| apache | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache | +| apache-airflow | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache-airflow | +| apache-answer | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache-answer | +| apache-cassandra | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache-cassandra | +| apache-cloudstack | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache-cloudstack | +| apache-druid | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache-druid | +| apache-openoffice | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache-openoffice | +| apache-solr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache-solr | +| apache-subversion | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache-subversion | +| apache-tomcat | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache-tomcat | +| apache-tomcat-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apache-tomcat-light | +| apc | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apc | +| apiscp | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apiscp | +| app-store | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | app-store | +| appdaemon | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | appdaemon | +| appflowy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | appflowy | +| apple | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apple | +| apple-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apple-alt | +| apple-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apple-light | +| apple-music | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apple-music | +| apple-tv-plus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apple-tv-plus | +| apple-tv-plus-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | apple-tv-plus-light | +| apprise | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | apprise | +| appwrite | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | appwrite | +| ara-records-ansible | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ara-records-ansible | +| arch-linux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | arch-linux | +| archisteamfarm | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | archisteamfarm | +| archivebox | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | archivebox | +| archiveteam-warrior | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | archiveteam-warrior | +| archiveteam-warrior-light | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | archiveteam-warrior-light | +| arduino | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | arduino | +| argo-cd | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | argo-cd | +| ariang | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | ariang | +| arm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | arm | +| artifacthub | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | artifacthub | +| artifactory | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | artifactory | +| aruba | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | aruba | +| asana | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | asana | +| asciinema | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | asciinema | +| asrock-rack | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | asrock-rack | +| asrock-rack-ipmi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | asrock-rack-ipmi | +| assetgrid | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | assetgrid | +| asterisk | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | asterisk | +| astral | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | astral | +| astuto | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | astuto | +| astuto-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | astuto-light | +| asus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | asus | +| asus-rog | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | asus-rog | +| asus-router | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | asus-router | +| asustor | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | asustor | +| at-t | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | at-t | +| atlassian | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | atlassian | +| atlassian-bamboo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | atlassian-bamboo | +| atlassian-bitbucket | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | atlassian-bitbucket | +| atlassian-confluence | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | atlassian-confluence | +| atlassian-jira | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | atlassian-jira | +| atlassian-opsgenie | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | atlassian-opsgenie | +| atlassian-trello | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | atlassian-trello | +| atuin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | atuin | +| atuin-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | atuin-light | +| audacity | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | audacity | +| audiobookshelf | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | audiobookshelf | +| auracast | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | auracast | +| authelia | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | authelia | +| authentik | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | authentik | +| authman | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | authman | +| autobrr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | autobrr | +| automad | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | automad | +| automad-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | automad-light | +| avg | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | avg | +| avigilon | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | avigilon | +| avm-fritzbox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | avm-fritzbox | +| avm-fritzbox-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | avm-fritzbox-light | +| aws | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | aws | +| aws-ecs | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | aws-ecs | +| aws-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | aws-light | +| awwesome | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | awwesome | +| awx | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | awx | +| azuracast | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | azuracast | +| azure | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | azure | +| azure-container-instances | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | azure-container-instances | +| azure-container-service | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | azure-container-service | +| azure-devops | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | azure-devops | +| azure-dns | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | azure-dns | +| backblaze | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | backblaze | +| backrest | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | backrest | +| backrest-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | backrest-light | +| bar-assistant | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bar-assistant | +| baserow | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | baserow | +| bazarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bazarr | +| bazarr-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bazarr-dark | +| beaver-habit-tracker | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | beaver-habit-tracker | +| beaver-habit-tracker-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | beaver-habit-tracker-light | +| beef | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | beef | +| beef-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | beef-light | +| beszel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | beszel | +| beszel-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | beszel-light | +| biblioreads | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | biblioreads | +| biblioreads-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | biblioreads-light | +| bigcapital | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bigcapital | +| bing | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bing | +| bitbucket | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bitbucket | +| bitcoin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bitcoin | +| bitwarden | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bitwarden | +| blocky | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | blocky | +| blogger | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | blogger | +| bluesky | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bluesky | +| bluetooth | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bluetooth | +| booklogr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | booklogr | +| booklogr-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | booklogr-light | +| bookstack | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bookstack | +| bootstrap | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bootstrap | +| borg | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | borg | +| borgmatic | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | borgmatic | +| borgmatic-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | borgmatic-light | +| boundary | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | boundary | +| box | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | box | +| brave | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | brave | +| broadcastchannel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | broadcastchannel | +| broadcastchannel-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | broadcastchannel-light | +| brocade | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | brocade | +| brother | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | brother | +| browserless | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | browserless | +| browserless-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | browserless-light | +| browsh | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | browsh | +| budgetbee | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | budgetbee | +| budgetbee-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | budgetbee-light | +| budibase | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | budibase | +| bunkerweb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bunkerweb | +| bytestash | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | bytestash | +| c | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | c | +| cacti | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cacti | +| caddy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | caddy | +| cal-com | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cal-com | +| cal-com-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cal-com-light | +| calibre | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | calibre | +| calibre-web | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | calibre-web | +| canonical | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | canonical | +| caprover | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | caprover | +| carrefour | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | carrefour | +| casaos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | casaos | +| castopod | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | castopod | +| cc | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cc | +| cc-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cc-light | +| centos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | centos | +| ceph | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ceph | +| cert-manager | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cert-manager | +| cert-warden | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cert-warden | +| cert-warden-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cert-warden-light | +| chainguard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chainguard | +| changedetection | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | changedetection | +| channels-dvr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | channels-dvr | +| chatgpt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chatgpt | +| chatpad-ai | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chatpad-ai | +| checkmk | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | checkmk | +| chevereto | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chevereto | +| chirpy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chirpy | +| chrome | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chrome | +| chrome-canary | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chrome-canary | +| chrome-dev | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chrome-dev | +| chrome-devtools | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chrome-devtools | +| chrome-remote-desktop | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chrome-remote-desktop | +| chromium | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | chromium | +| cilium | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cilium | +| cilium-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cilium-light | +| cinny | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cinny | +| cinny-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cinny-light | +| cisco | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cisco | +| claude-ai | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | claude-ai | +| claude-ai-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | claude-ai-light | +| clickhouse | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | clickhouse | +| cloud66 | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cloud66 | +| cloud9 | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cloud9 | +| cloud9-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cloud9-light | +| cloudbeaver | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cloudbeaver | +| cloudflare | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cloudflare | +| cloudflare-pages | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cloudflare-pages | +| cloudflare-zero-trust | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cloudflare-zero-trust | +| cloudpanel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cloudpanel | +| cockpit | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cockpit | +| cockpit-cms | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cockpit-cms | +| cockpit-cms-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cockpit-cms-light | +| cockpit-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cockpit-light | +| code | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | code | +| codeberg | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | codeberg | +| coder | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | coder | +| coder-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | coder-light | +| codestats | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | codestats | +| codestats-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | codestats-light | +| codex | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | codex | +| codex-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | codex-light | +| collabora-online | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | collabora-online | +| commafeed | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | commafeed | +| commafeed-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | commafeed-light | +| commento | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | commento | +| commento-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | commento-light | +| compreface | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | compreface | +| concourse | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | concourse | +| confluence | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | confluence | +| consul | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | consul | +| contabo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | contabo | +| converse | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | converse | +| converse-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | converse-light | +| coolify | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | coolify | +| coredns | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | coredns | +| coreos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | coreos | +| cosign | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cosign | +| costco | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | costco | +| couchdb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | couchdb | +| counter-analytics | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | counter-analytics | +| cozy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cozy | +| cpanel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cpanel | +| cpp | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cpp | +| crafty-controller | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | crafty-controller | +| crowdsec | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | crowdsec | +| cryptomator | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cryptomator | +| cryptpad | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cryptpad | +| csharp | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | csharp | +| css | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | css | +| css-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | css-light | +| ctfreak | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ctfreak | +| cups | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cups | +| cups-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cups-light | +| cura | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cura | +| cyberchef | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | cyberchef | +| czkawka | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | czkawka | +| d-link | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | d-link | +| dalibo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dalibo | +| dart | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dart | +| datadog | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | datadog | +| davical | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | davical | +| dawarich | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dawarich | +| dc-os | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dc-os | +| ddclient | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ddclient | +| ddns-updater | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ddns-updater | +| debian-linux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | debian-linux | +| defguard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | defguard | +| dell | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dell | +| deluge | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | deluge | +| deno | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | deno | +| deno-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | deno-light | +| denon | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | denon | +| denon-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | denon-light | +| deployarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | deployarr | +| diagrams-net | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | diagrams-net | +| digital-ocean | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | digital-ocean | +| dillinger | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dillinger | +| dillinger-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dillinger-light | +| directadmin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | directadmin | +| directus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | directus | +| discord | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | discord | +| discourse | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | discourse | +| discourse-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | discourse-light | +| disney-plus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | disney-plus | +| dlna | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dlna | +| docassemble | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docassemble | +| docassemble-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docassemble-light | +| docker | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docker | +| docker-amvd | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | docker-amvd | +| docker-engine | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docker-engine | +| docker-mailserver | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docker-mailserver | +| docker-mailserver-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docker-mailserver-light | +| docker-moby | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docker-moby | +| docker-volume-backup | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docker-volume-backup | +| dockge | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dockge | +| docking-station | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docking-station | +| docsify | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docsify | +| docspell | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docspell | +| documenso | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | documenso | +| docusaurus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docusaurus | +| docuseal | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | docuseal | +| dokemon | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dokemon | +| dokuwiki | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dokuwiki | +| double-take | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | double-take | +| double-take-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | double-take-dark | +| dovecot | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dovecot | +| dozzle | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dozzle | +| draw-io | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | draw-io | +| draytek | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | draytek | +| dropbox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dropbox | +| dropout | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dropout | +| dropout-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dropout-light | +| droppy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | droppy | +| droppy-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | droppy-dark | +| dub | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dub | +| dub-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | dub-light | +| duckdns | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | duckdns | +| duckdns-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | duckdns-light | +| duckduckgo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | duckduckgo | +| duo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | duo | +| duplicati | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | duplicati | +| easy-gate | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | easy-gate | +| easy-gate-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | easy-gate-light | +| ebay | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ebay | +| eblocker | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | eblocker | +| edge | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | edge | +| edge-dev | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | edge-dev | +| elastic | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | elastic | +| elastic-beats | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | elastic-beats | +| elastic-kibana | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | elastic-kibana | +| elastic-logstash | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | elastic-logstash | +| elasticsearch | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | elasticsearch | +| electron | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | electron | +| electronic-arts | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | electronic-arts | +| element | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | element | +| eleventy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | eleventy | +| eleventy-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | eleventy-light | +| elysian | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | elysian | +| emacs | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | emacs | +| emby | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | emby | +| emq | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | emq | +| emq-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | emq-light | +| emqx | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | emqx | +| emulatorjs | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | emulatorjs | +| enbizcard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | enbizcard | +| enclosed | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | enclosed | +| enclosed-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | enclosed-light | +| endless | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | endless | +| endless-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | endless-light | +| endurain | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | endurain | +| epic-games | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | epic-games | +| epic-games-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | epic-games-light | +| erste | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | erste | +| erste-george | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | erste-george | +| esphome | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | esphome | +| esphome-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | esphome-alt | +| esphome-alt-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | esphome-alt-light | +| esphome-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | esphome-light | +| espressif | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | espressif | +| etcd | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | etcd | +| etesync | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | etesync | +| ethereum | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ethereum | +| etherpad | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | etherpad | +| evcc | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | evcc | +| excalidraw | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | excalidraw | +| f-droid | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | f-droid | +| facebook | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | facebook | +| facebook-messenger | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | facebook-messenger | +| fast-com | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fast-com | +| fast-com-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fast-com-light | +| fasten-health | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fasten-health | +| fastmail | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fastmail | +| fedora | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fedora | +| fedora-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fedora-alt | +| feedbase | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | feedbase | +| feedbase-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | feedbase-light | +| feedbin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | feedbin | +| feedbin-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | feedbin-light | +| feedly | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | feedly | +| feedlynx | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | feedlynx | +| feedlynx-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | feedlynx-light | +| fenrus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fenrus | +| ferdium | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ferdium | +| ferretdb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ferretdb | +| fider | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fider | +| filebot | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | filebot | +| filebrowser | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | filebrowser | +| filecloud | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | filecloud | +| fileflows | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fileflows | +| filegator | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | filegator | +| filerun | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | filerun | +| files | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | files | +| filestash | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | filestash | +| filezilla | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | filezilla | +| finamp | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | finamp | +| findroid | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | findroid | +| fios | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fios | +| fios-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fios-light | +| firebase | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firebase | +| firefly | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firefly | +| firefly-iii | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firefly-iii | +| firefox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firefox | +| firefox-beta | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firefox-beta | +| firefox-developer-edition | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firefox-developer-edition | +| firefox-lite | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firefox-lite | +| firefox-nightly | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firefox-nightly | +| firefox-reality | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firefox-reality | +| firefox-send | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firefox-send | +| firewalla | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | firewalla | +| fittrackee | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fittrackee | +| fladder | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fladder | +| flaresolverr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | flaresolverr | +| flarum | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | flarum | +| flathub | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | flathub | +| flatnotes | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | flatnotes | +| flatpak | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | flatpak | +| flightradar24 | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | flightradar24 | +| flightradar24-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | flightradar24-light | +| flood | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | flood | +| fluffychat | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fluffychat | +| fluffychat-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fluffychat-dark | +| fluidd | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fluidd | +| flux-cd | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | flux-cd | +| fly-io | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fly-io | +| focalboard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | focalboard | +| foldingathome | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | foldingathome | +| fontawesome | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fontawesome | +| forgejo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | forgejo | +| forte | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | forte | +| forte-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | forte-light | +| fortinet | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fortinet | +| fossil | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fossil | +| franz | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | franz | +| freedombox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | freedombox | +| freeipa | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | freeipa | +| freenas | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | freenas | +| freenom | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | freenom | +| freepbx | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | freepbx | +| freshping | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | freshping | +| freshping-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | freshping-dark | +| freshrss | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | freshrss | +| friendica | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | friendica | +| frigate | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | frigate | +| frigate-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | frigate-light | +| fritzbox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fritzbox | +| fritzbox-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fritzbox-light | +| fronius | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fronius | +| fulcio | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fulcio | +| funkwhale | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | funkwhale | +| funkwhale-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | funkwhale-light | +| fusionauth | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | fusionauth | +| garage | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | garage | +| gatsby | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gatsby | +| gatus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gatus | +| gboard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gboard | +| geckoview | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | geckoview | +| gentoo-linux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gentoo-linux | +| gerbera | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gerbera | +| get-iplayer | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | get-iplayer | +| ghostfolio | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ghostfolio | +| gigaset | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gigaset | +| gimp | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gimp | +| git | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | git | +| gitbook | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gitbook | +| gitea | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gitea | +| gitee | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gitee | +| github | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | github | +| github-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | github-light | +| gitlab | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gitlab | +| gitsign | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gitsign | +| gladys-assistant | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gladys-assistant | +| glance | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | glance | +| glance-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | glance-light | +| glances | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | glances | +| glances-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | glances-light | +| glpi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | glpi | +| gluetun | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gluetun | +| gmail | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gmail | +| go | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | go | +| goaccess | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | goaccess | +| goaccess-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | goaccess-light | +| godaddy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | godaddy | +| godaddy-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | godaddy-alt | +| gollum | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gollum | +| goodreads | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | goodreads | +| google | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google | +| google-admin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-admin | +| google-admob | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-admob | +| google-alerts | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-alerts | +| google-analytics | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-analytics | +| google-assistant | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-assistant | +| google-calendar | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-calendar | +| google-chat | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-chat | +| google-chrome | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-chrome | +| google-classroom | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-classroom | +| google-cloud-platform | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-cloud-platform | +| google-cloud-print | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-cloud-print | +| google-compute-engine | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-compute-engine | +| google-contacts | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-contacts | +| google-docs | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-docs | +| google-domains | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-domains | +| google-drive | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-drive | +| google-earth | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-earth | +| google-fi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-fi | +| google-fit | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-fit | +| google-fonts | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-fonts | +| google-forms | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-forms | +| google-gemini | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-gemini | +| google-home | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-home | +| google-keep | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-keep | +| google-lens | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-lens | +| google-maps | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-maps | +| google-meet | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-meet | +| google-messages | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-messages | +| google-news | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-news | +| google-one | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-one | +| google-pay | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-pay | +| google-photos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-photos | +| google-play | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-play | +| google-play-books | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-play-books | +| google-play-games | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-play-games | +| google-podcasts | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-podcasts | +| google-scholar | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-scholar | +| google-search-console | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-search-console | +| google-sheets | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-sheets | +| google-shopping | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-shopping | +| google-sites | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-sites | +| google-slides | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-slides | +| google-street-view | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-street-view | +| google-tag-manager | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-tag-manager | +| google-translate | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-translate | +| google-tv | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-tv | +| google-voice | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-voice | +| google-wallet | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-wallet | +| google-wifi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | google-wifi | +| gotify | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gotify | +| gotosocial | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gotosocial | +| gpt4free | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gpt4free | +| grafana | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | grafana | +| gramps | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | gramps | +| grandstream | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | grandstream | +| grav | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | grav | +| grav-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | grav-light | +| graylog | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | graylog | +| greenbone | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | greenbone | +| greenbone-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | greenbone-light | +| grimoire | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | grimoire | +| grist | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | grist | +| grocy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | grocy | +| guacamole | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | guacamole | +| guacamole-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | guacamole-light | +| hacker-news | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hacker-news | +| hammond | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hammond | +| hammond-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hammond-light | +| handbrake | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | handbrake | +| haproxy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | haproxy | +| haptic | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | haptic | +| haptic-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | haptic-light | +| harbor | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | harbor | +| harvester | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | harvester | +| hasheous | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hasheous | +| hashicorp-boundary | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hashicorp-boundary | +| hashicorp-consul | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hashicorp-consul | +| hashicorp-nomad | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hashicorp-nomad | +| hashicorp-packer | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hashicorp-packer | +| hashicorp-terraform | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hashicorp-terraform | +| hashicorp-vagrant | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hashicorp-vagrant | +| hashicorp-vault | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hashicorp-vault | +| hashicorp-waypoint | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hashicorp-waypoint | +| hastypaste | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hastypaste | +| hasura | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hasura | +| hatsh | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hatsh | +| hatsh-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hatsh-light | +| hbo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hbo | +| hbo-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hbo-light | +| hdhomerun | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hdhomerun | +| hdhomerun-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hdhomerun-light | +| headscale | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | headscale | +| healthchecks | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | healthchecks | +| hedgedoc | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hedgedoc | +| heimdall | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | heimdall | +| heimdall-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | heimdall-light | +| helium-token | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | helium-token | +| helm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | helm | +| hetzner | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hetzner | +| hexo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hexo | +| heyform | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | heyform | +| hifiberry | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hifiberry | +| hikvision | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hikvision | +| hilook | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hilook | +| hivedav | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hivedav | +| hoarder | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hoarder | +| hoarder-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hoarder-light | +| hollo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hollo | +| hollo-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hollo-light | +| homarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | homarr | +| home-assistant | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | home-assistant | +| home-assistant-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | home-assistant-alt | +| homebox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | homebox | +| homebox-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | homebox-light | +| homebridge | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | homebridge | +| homer | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | homer | +| homey | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | homey | +| hoobs | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hoobs | +| hoppscotch | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hoppscotch | +| hostinger | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hostinger | +| hotio | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hotio | +| hp | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hp | +| html | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | html | +| html-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | html-light | +| huawei | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | huawei | +| hubitat | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hubitat | +| hubzilla | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hubzilla | +| hugging-face | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hugging-face | +| huginn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | huginn | +| hugo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hugo | +| hulu | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hulu | +| humhub | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | humhub | +| hydra | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hydra | +| hyperpipe | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hyperpipe | +| hyperpipe-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | hyperpipe-light | +| i2p | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | i2p | +| i2p-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | i2p-light | +| i2pd | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | i2pd | +| icecast | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | icecast | +| icinga | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | icinga | +| icinga-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | icinga-light | +| idrac | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | idrac | +| ilo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ilo | +| immich | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | immich | +| immich-frame | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | immich-frame | +| immich-frame-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | immich-frame-light | +| immich-kiosk | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | immich-kiosk | +| immich-kiosk-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | immich-kiosk-light | +| influxdb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | influxdb | +| infoblox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | infoblox | +| inoreader | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | inoreader | +| instagram | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | instagram | +| inventree | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | inventree | +| invidious | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | invidious | +| invisioncommunity | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | invisioncommunity | +| invoice-ninja | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | invoice-ninja | +| invoice-ninja-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | invoice-ninja-light | +| invoke-ai | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | invoke-ai | +| iobroker | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | iobroker | +| ionos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ionos | +| ipboard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ipboard | +| ipfs | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ipfs | +| ipfs-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ipfs-light | +| ispconfig | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ispconfig | +| it-tools | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | it-tools | +| it-tools-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | it-tools-light | +| jackett | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jackett | +| jackett-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jackett-light | +| jaeger | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jaeger | +| jamstack | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jamstack | +| java | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | java | +| javascript | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | javascript | +| javascript-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | javascript-light | +| jeedom | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jeedom | +| jekyll | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jekyll | +| jellyfin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jellyfin | +| jellyseerr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jellyseerr | +| jellystat | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jellystat | +| jelu | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jelu | +| jenkins | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jenkins | +| jetbrains-youtrack | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jetbrains-youtrack | +| jfrog | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jfrog | +| jio | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jio | +| jira | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jira | +| jitsi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jitsi | +| jitsi-meet | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jitsi-meet | +| joomla | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | joomla | +| joplin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | joplin | +| julia | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | julia | +| jupyter | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jupyter | +| jwt-io | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jwt-io | +| jwt-io-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | jwt-io-light | +| kagi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kagi | +| kamatera | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kamatera | +| kanboard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kanboard | +| kanboard-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kanboard-light | +| kanidm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kanidm | +| kapowarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kapowarr | +| kasm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kasm | +| kasm-workspaces | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kasm-workspaces | +| kasten-k10 | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kasten-k10 | +| kaufland | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kaufland | +| kavita | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kavita | +| kbin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kbin | +| keenetic | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | keenetic | +| keenetic-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | keenetic-alt | +| keepassxc | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | keepassxc | +| keila | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | keila | +| kerberos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kerberos | +| kestra | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kestra | +| keycloak | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | keycloak | +| keyoxide | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | keyoxide | +| keyoxide-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | keyoxide-alt | +| kibana | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kibana | +| kick | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kick | +| kick-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kick-light | +| kimai | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kimai | +| kinto | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kinto | +| kitana | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kitana | +| kitchenowl | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kitchenowl | +| kiwix | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kiwix | +| kiwix-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kiwix-light | +| klipper | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | klipper | +| ko-fi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ko-fi | +| kodi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kodi | +| koel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | koel | +| koillection | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | koillection | +| koillection-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | koillection-light | +| komga | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | komga | +| kontoj | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kontoj | +| kopia | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kopia | +| kotlin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kotlin | +| kpn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kpn | +| krakend | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | krakend | +| krusader | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | krusader | +| kubernetes | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kubernetes | +| kubernetes-dashboard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kubernetes-dashboard | +| kutt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kutt | +| kyoo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | kyoo | +| lancommander | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lancommander | +| lancommander-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lancommander-light | +| lark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lark | +| lastpass | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lastpass | +| leanote | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | leanote | +| leantime | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | leantime | +| lemmy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lemmy | +| lemmy-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lemmy-light | +| lets-encrypt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lets-encrypt | +| libreddit | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | libreddit | +| libreddit-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | libreddit-light | +| librenms | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | librenms | +| libreoffice | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | libreoffice | +| libreoffice-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | libreoffice-light | +| librespeed | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | librespeed | +| librespeed-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | librespeed-light | +| librewolf | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | librewolf | +| librum | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | librum | +| lidarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lidarr | +| lidl | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lidl | +| lighttpd | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lighttpd | +| limesurvey | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | limesurvey | +| linguacafe | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | linguacafe | +| linkace | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | linkace | +| linkding | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | linkding | +| linkedin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | linkedin | +| linkstack | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | linkstack | +| linode | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | linode | +| linux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | linux | +| linux-mint | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | linux-mint | +| linuxgsm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | linuxgsm | +| linuxserver-io | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | linuxserver-io | +| liremdb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | liremdb | +| listmonk | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | listmonk | +| littlelink-custom | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | littlelink-custom | +| lnbits | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lnbits | +| locals | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | locals | +| locals-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | locals-light | +| lodestone | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lodestone | +| logitech | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | logitech | +| logitech-gaming | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | logitech-gaming | +| logitech-legacy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | logitech-legacy | +| logitech-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | logitech-light | +| logseq | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | logseq | +| logstash | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | logstash | +| logto | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | logto | +| loki | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | loki | +| longhorn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | longhorn | +| lua | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lua | +| lunasea | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lunasea | +| lynx | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lynx | +| lynx-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | lynx-light | +| mail-in-a-box | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mail-in-a-box | +| mailchimp | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mailchimp | +| mailchimp-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mailchimp-light | +| mailcow | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mailcow | +| mailfence | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mailfence | +| mailgun | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mailgun | +| mailjet | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mailjet | +| mainsail | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mainsail | +| maintainerr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | maintainerr | +| manjaro-linux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | manjaro-linux | +| manyfold | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | manyfold | +| maptiler | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | maptiler | +| mariadb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mariadb | +| mastodon | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mastodon | +| matomo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | matomo | +| matrix | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | matrix | +| matrix-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | matrix-light | +| matrix-synapse | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | matrix-synapse | +| matrix-synapse-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | matrix-synapse-light | +| mattermost | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mattermost | +| mautic | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mautic | +| max | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | max | +| mayan-edms | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mayan-edms | +| mayan-edms-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mayan-edms-light | +| maybe | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | maybe | +| mbin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mbin | +| mealie | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mealie | +| medama | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | medama | +| mediathekview | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mediathekview | +| mediawiki | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mediawiki | +| mediux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mediux | +| medusa | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | medusa | +| medusa-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | medusa-light | +| mega-nz | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mega-nz | +| mega-nz-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mega-nz-dark | +| meilisearch | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | meilisearch | +| memories | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | memories | +| memories-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | memories-light | +| meraki | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | meraki | +| mercusys | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mercusys | +| mergeable | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mergeable | +| mergeable-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mergeable-dark | +| meshping | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | meshping | +| meshping-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | meshping-light | +| meshtastic | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | meshtastic | +| meta | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | meta | +| metabase | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | metabase | +| metube | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | metube | +| microsoft | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft | +| microsoft-365 | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-365 | +| microsoft-365-admin-center | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-365-admin-center | +| microsoft-access | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-access | +| microsoft-azure | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-azure | +| microsoft-bing | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-bing | +| microsoft-copilot | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-copilot | +| microsoft-edge | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-edge | +| microsoft-excel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-excel | +| microsoft-exchange | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-exchange | +| microsoft-office | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-office | +| microsoft-onedrive | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-onedrive | +| microsoft-onenote | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-onenote | +| microsoft-outlook | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-outlook | +| microsoft-powerpoint | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-powerpoint | +| microsoft-sharepoint | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-sharepoint | +| microsoft-sql-server | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-sql-server | +| microsoft-sql-server-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-sql-server-light | +| microsoft-teams | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-teams | +| microsoft-to-do | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-to-do | +| microsoft-windows | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-windows | +| microsoft-word | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | microsoft-word | +| mikrotik | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mikrotik | +| mikrotik-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mikrotik-light | +| minecraft | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | minecraft | +| miniflux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | miniflux | +| miniflux-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | miniflux-light | +| minio | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | minio | +| minio-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | minio-light | +| misskey | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | misskey | +| misskey-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | misskey-light | +| mitra | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mitra | +| mixpost | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mixpost | +| mkdocs | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mkdocs | +| mkdocs-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mkdocs-light | +| mobilizon | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mobilizon | +| mobotix | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mobotix | +| mobotix-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mobotix-light | +| modrinth | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | modrinth | +| mojeek | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mojeek | +| monero | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | monero | +| mongodb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mongodb | +| monica | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | monica | +| monica-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | monica-light | +| moodist | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | moodist | +| moodist-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | moodist-dark | +| moodle | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | moodle | +| moodle-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | moodle-light | +| morphos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | morphos | +| mosquitto | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mosquitto | +| motioneye | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | motioneye | +| motioneye-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | motioneye-dark | +| mqtt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mqtt | +| mstream | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mstream | +| mullvad | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mullvad | +| mullvad-browser | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mullvad-browser | +| mullvad-vpn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mullvad-vpn | +| multi-scrobbler | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | multi-scrobbler | +| mumble | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mumble | +| mumble-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mumble-light | +| music-assistant | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | music-assistant | +| music-assistant-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | music-assistant-light | +| musicbrainz | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | musicbrainz | +| myheats | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | myheats | +| myheats-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | myheats-light | +| myspeed | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | myspeed | +| mysql | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | mysql | +| n8n | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | n8n | +| nagios | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nagios | +| nasa | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nasa | +| navidrome | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | navidrome | +| navidrome-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | navidrome-light | +| neko | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | neko | +| neko-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | neko-light | +| neo4j | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | neo4j | +| neocities | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | neocities | +| neodb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | neodb | +| neonlink | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | neonlink | +| netalertx | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netalertx | +| netalertx-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netalertx-light | +| netapp | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netapp | +| netapp-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netapp-light | +| netatmo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netatmo | +| netbird | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netbird | +| netboot | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netboot | +| netbox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netbox | +| netdata | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netdata | +| netflix | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netflix | +| netgear | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netgear | +| netgear-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netgear-light | +| netlify | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netlify | +| netsurf | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netsurf | +| netsurf-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | netsurf-light | +| network-ups-tools | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | network-ups-tools | +| newegg | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | newegg | +| newsblur | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | newsblur | +| nextcloud | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud | +| nextcloud-blue | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-blue | +| nextcloud-calendar | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-calendar | +| nextcloud-contacts | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-contacts | +| nextcloud-cookbook | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-cookbook | +| nextcloud-cospend | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-cospend | +| nextcloud-deck | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-deck | +| nextcloud-files | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-files | +| nextcloud-ncdownloader | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-ncdownloader | +| nextcloud-news | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-news | +| nextcloud-notes | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-notes | +| nextcloud-photos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-photos | +| nextcloud-social | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-social | +| nextcloud-tables | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-tables | +| nextcloud-tasks | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-tasks | +| nextcloud-timemanager | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-timemanager | +| nextcloud-white | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloud-white | +| nextcloudpi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextcloudpi | +| nextdns | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextdns | +| nexterm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nexterm | +| nextjs | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextjs | +| nextjs-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nextjs-light | +| nginx | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nginx | +| nginx-proxy-manager | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nginx-proxy-manager | +| nicotine-plus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nicotine-plus | +| nightscout | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nightscout | +| nightscout-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nightscout-light | +| nintendo-switch | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nintendo-switch | +| nitter | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nitter | +| nixos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nixos | +| nocodb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nocodb | +| node-red | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | node-red | +| nodebb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nodebb | +| nodejs | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nodejs | +| nodejs-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nodejs-alt | +| nomad | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nomad | +| nomie | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nomie | +| nordvpn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nordvpn | +| note-mark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | note-mark | +| notesnook | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | notesnook | +| notesnook-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | notesnook-light | +| notion | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | notion | +| notion-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | notion-light | +| ntfy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ntfy | +| nut | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nut | +| nvidia | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nvidia | +| nzbhydra2 | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nzbhydra2 | +| nzbhydra2-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | nzbhydra2-light | +| obico | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | obico | +| obsidian | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | obsidian | +| obtainium | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | obtainium | +| octoprint | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | octoprint | +| oculus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | oculus | +| oculus-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | oculus-light | +| odoo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | odoo | +| office-365 | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | office-365 | +| olivetin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | olivetin | +| olivetin-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | olivetin-light | +| ollama | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ollama | +| omada | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | omada | +| ombi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ombi | +| omnidb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | omnidb | +| omnivore | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | omnivore | +| onedev | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | onedev | +| onedev-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | onedev-light | +| oneuptime | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | oneuptime | +| oneuptime-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | oneuptime-light | +| onlyoffice | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | onlyoffice | +| open-resume | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | open-resume | +| open-source-initiative | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | open-source-initiative | +| openai | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openai | +| openai-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openai-light | +| openchangelog | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openchangelog | +| openchangelog-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openchangelog-light | +| openeats | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openeats | +| openeats-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openeats-light | +| openemr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openemr | +| openemr-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openemr-light | +| opengist | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | opengist | +| opengist-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | opengist-light | +| openhab | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openhab | +| openldap | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openldap | +| openmediavault | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openmediavault | +| openoffice | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openoffice | +| openpanel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openpanel | +| openpanel-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openpanel-light | +| openproject | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openproject | +| openreads | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openreads | +| opensearch | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | opensearch | +| openspeedtest | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openspeedtest | +| openstack | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openstack | +| openstreetmap | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openstreetmap | +| opensuse | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | opensuse | +| opentalk | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | opentalk | +| opentofu | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | opentofu | +| openvas | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openvas | +| openvpn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openvpn | +| openwrt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | openwrt | +| opera | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | opera | +| opera-touch | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | opera-touch | +| opnform | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | opnform | +| opnsense | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | opnsense | +| oracle | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | oracle | +| oracle-cloud | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | oracle-cloud | +| orange | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | orange | +| origin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | origin | +| oscarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | oscarr | +| oscarr-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | oscarr-light | +| osticket | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | osticket | +| outline | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | outline | +| outline-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | outline-light | +| overleaf | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | overleaf | +| overseerr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | overseerr | +| ovh | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ovh | +| ovirt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ovirt | +| ovirt-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ovirt-light | +| owncast | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | owncast | +| owncloud | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | owncloud | +| owntone | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | owntone | +| owntracks | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | owntracks | +| oxker | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | oxker | +| oxker-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | oxker-light | +| p1ib | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | p1ib | +| pagerduty | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pagerduty | +| palemoon | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | palemoon | +| palo-alto | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | palo-alto | +| paperless | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | paperless | +| paperless-ng | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | paperless-ng | +| paperless-ngx | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | paperless-ngx | +| papermark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | papermark | +| papermark-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | papermark-light | +| papermerge | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | papermerge | +| papermerge-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | papermerge-light | +| parseable | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | parseable | +| part-db | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | part-db | +| part-db-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | part-db-light | +| partkeepr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | partkeepr | +| passbolt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | passbolt | +| passwork | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | passwork | +| pastebin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pastebin | +| pastebin-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pastebin-dark | +| patreon | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | patreon | +| patreon-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | patreon-light | +| payload | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | payload | +| payload-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | payload-light | +| paypal | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | paypal | +| pdfding | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pdfding | +| pdfding-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pdfding-light | +| peacock | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | peacock | +| peacock-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | peacock-light | +| peanut | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | peanut | +| peanut-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | peanut-light | +| peertube | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | peertube | +| pelican-panel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pelican-panel | +| penpot | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | penpot | +| penpot-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | penpot-light | +| peppermint | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | peppermint | +| pepperminty-wiki | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pepperminty-wiki | +| perlite | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | perlite | +| pfsense | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pfsense | +| pfsense-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pfsense-light | +| pg-back-web | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pg-back-web | +| pgadmin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pgadmin | +| phanpy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | phanpy | +| phoneinfoga | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | phoneinfoga | +| phoneinfoga-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | phoneinfoga-light | +| phorge | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | phorge | +| phorge-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | phorge-light | +| phoscon | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | phoscon | +| phoscon-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | phoscon-light | +| photonix | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | photonix | +| photonix-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | photonix-light | +| photopea | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | photopea | +| photoprism | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | photoprism | +| photoprism-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | photoprism-light | +| photostructure | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | photostructure | +| photostructure-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | photostructure-dark | +| photoview | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | photoview | +| php | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | php | +| php-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | php-light | +| phpmyadmin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | phpmyadmin | +| pi-hole | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pi-hole | +| pia | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pia | +| picsur | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | picsur | +| picsur-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | picsur-light | +| pigallery2 | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pigallery2 | +| pikapods | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pikapods | +| pingdom | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pingdom | +| pingdom-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pingdom-light | +| pingvin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pingvin | +| pingvin-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pingvin-dark | +| pingvin-share | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pingvin-share | +| pingvin-share-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pingvin-share-dark | +| pinkary | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pinkary | +| pinterest | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pinterest | +| pioneer | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pioneer | +| pioneer-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pioneer-light | +| piped | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | piped | +| pirate-proxy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pirate-proxy | +| piwigo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | piwigo | +| pixelfed | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pixelfed | +| plane | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plane | +| planka | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | planka | +| planka-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | planka-dark | +| plausible | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plausible | +| playstation | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | playstation | +| pleroma | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pleroma | +| plesk | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plesk | +| plex | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plex | +| plex-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plex-alt | +| plex-alt-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plex-alt-light | +| plex-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plex-light | +| plex-rewind | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plex-rewind | +| plexrequests | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plexrequests | +| plexrequests-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plexrequests-light | +| plume | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | plume | +| pocket-casts | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pocket-casts | +| pocket-casts-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pocket-casts-dark | +| pocket-id | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pocket-id | +| pocket-id-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pocket-id-light | +| pocketbase | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pocketbase | +| pocketbase-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pocketbase-dark | +| podfetch | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | podfetch | +| podfetch-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | podfetch-light | +| podify | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | podify | +| podman | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | podman | +| policycontroller | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | policycontroller | +| poly | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | poly | +| polywork | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | polywork | +| portainer | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | portainer | +| portus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | portus | +| postal | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | postal | +| poste | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | poste | +| postgres | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | postgres | +| postgresql | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | postgresql | +| posthog | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | posthog | +| posthog-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | posthog-light | +| postiz | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | postiz | +| postiz-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | postiz-dark | +| powerbi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | powerbi | +| powerdns | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | powerdns | +| prime-video | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | prime-video | +| prime-video-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | prime-video-light | +| printer | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | printer | +| pritunl | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pritunl | +| privacyidea | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | privacyidea | +| private-internet-access | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | private-internet-access | +| privatebin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | privatebin | +| projectsend | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | projectsend | +| prometheus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | prometheus | +| proton-calendar | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | proton-calendar | +| proton-drive | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | proton-drive | +| proton-mail | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | proton-mail | +| proton-pass | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | proton-pass | +| proton-vpn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | proton-vpn | +| prowlarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | prowlarr | +| proxmox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | proxmox | +| proxmox-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | proxmox-light | +| prtg | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | prtg | +| prusa-research | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | prusa-research | +| pterodactyl | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pterodactyl | +| pufferpanel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pufferpanel | +| purelymail | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | purelymail | +| pushfish | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pushfish | +| pushover | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pushover | +| putty | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | putty | +| pydio | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pydio | +| pyload | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | pyload | +| python | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | python | +| qbittorrent | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | qbittorrent | +| qdirstat | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | qdirstat | +| qinglong | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | qinglong | +| qnap | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | qnap | +| questdb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | questdb | +| quetre | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | quetre | +| quickwit | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | quickwit | +| qutebrowser | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | qutebrowser | +| r | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | r | +| rabbitmq | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rabbitmq | +| radarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | radarr | +| radicale | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | radicale | +| rainloop | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rainloop | +| rallly | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rallly | +| rancher | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rancher | +| raspberry-pi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | raspberry-pi | +| raspberry-pi-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | raspberry-pi-light | +| rclone | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rclone | +| rdt-client | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rdt-client | +| reactive-resume | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | reactive-resume | +| reactive-resume-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | reactive-resume-light | +| readarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | readarr | +| readeck | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | readeck | +| readthedocs | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | readthedocs | +| readthedocs-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | readthedocs-light | +| real-debrid | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | real-debrid | +| recalbox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | recalbox | +| receipt-wrangler | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | receipt-wrangler | +| recipesage | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | recipesage | +| reddit | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | reddit | +| redict | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | redict | +| redis | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | redis | +| redlib | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | redlib | +| redlib-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | redlib-light | +| rekor | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rekor | +| remmina | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | remmina | +| reolink | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | reolink | +| requestly | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | requestly | +| requestrr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | requestrr | +| resiliosync | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | resiliosync | +| resiliosync-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | resiliosync-light | +| restreamer | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | restreamer | +| revolt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | revolt | +| revolt-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | revolt-light | +| rhasspy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rhasspy | +| rhasspy-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rhasspy-dark | +| rhodecode | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rhodecode | +| richy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | richy | +| rimgo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rimgo | +| rimgo-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rimgo-light | +| riot | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | riot | +| riverside-fm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | riverside-fm | +| riverside-fm-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | riverside-fm-light | +| rocket-chat | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rocket-chat | +| rocky-linux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rocky-linux | +| romm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | romm | +| rook | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rook | +| roundcube | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | roundcube | +| router | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | router | +| rport | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rport | +| rss-bridge | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rss-bridge | +| rss-translator | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rss-translator | +| rstudio | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rstudio | +| rstudioserver | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rstudioserver | +| ruby | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ruby | +| rumble | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rumble | +| rundeck | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rundeck | +| runonflux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | runonflux | +| runson | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | runson | +| runson-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | runson-light | +| rust | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rust | +| rustdesk | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rustdesk | +| rutorrent | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | rutorrent | +| ryot | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ryot | +| ryot-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ryot-light | +| sabnzbd | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sabnzbd | +| sabnzbd-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sabnzbd-light | +| safari | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | safari | +| safari-ios | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | safari-ios | +| saltcorn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | saltcorn | +| samsung-internet | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | samsung-internet | +| sandstorm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sandstorm | +| screenconnect | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | screenconnect | +| scrutiny | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | scrutiny | +| scrutiny-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | scrutiny-light | +| seafile | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | seafile | +| searx | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | searx | +| searxng | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | searxng | +| secureai-tools | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | secureai-tools | +| secureai-tools-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | secureai-tools-light | +| seelf | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | seelf | +| self-hosted-gateway | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | self-hosted-gateway | +| selfh-st | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | selfh-st | +| selfh-st-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | selfh-st-light | +| semaphore | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | semaphore | +| semaphore-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | semaphore-dark | +| send | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | send | +| sendgrid | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sendgrid | +| sendinblue | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sendinblue | +| sensu | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sensu | +| sentry | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sentry | +| sentry-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sentry-light | +| servarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | servarr | +| servarr-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | servarr-light | +| serviio | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | serviio | +| serviio-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | serviio-light | +| session | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | session | +| shaarli | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shaarli | +| shell | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shell | +| shell-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shell-light | +| shell-tips | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shell-tips | +| shell-tips-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shell-tips-light | +| shellhub | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shellhub | +| shellngn | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shellngn | +| shelly | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shelly | +| shiori | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shiori | +| shlink | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shlink | +| shoko | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shoko | +| shoko-server | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shoko-server | +| shopify | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | shopify | +| sickbeard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sickbeard | +| signal | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | signal | +| sigstore | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sigstore | +| simplelogin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | simplelogin | +| simplex-chat | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | simplex-chat | +| sinusbot | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sinusbot | +| siyuan | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | siyuan | +| skype | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | skype | +| slack | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | slack | +| slash | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | slash | +| slash-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | slash-light | +| slice | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | slice | +| slidev | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | slidev | +| slskd | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | slskd | +| smartfox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | smartfox | +| snapcast | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | snapcast | +| snapchat | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | snapchat | +| snapchat-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | snapchat-dark | +| snapdrop | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | snapdrop | +| snappymail | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | snappymail | +| snappymail-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | snappymail-light | +| snikket | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | snikket | +| socialhome | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | socialhome | +| sogo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sogo | +| solidtime | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | solidtime | +| solidtime-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | solidtime-light | +| sonarqube | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sonarqube | +| sonarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sonarr | +| sonarr-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sonarr-dark | +| sophos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sophos | +| sophos-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sophos-dark | +| sourcegraph | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sourcegraph | +| spamassassin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | spamassassin | +| spark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | spark | +| sparkleshare | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sparkleshare | +| specifically-clementines | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | specifically-clementines | +| sphinx | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sphinx | +| sphinx-doc | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sphinx-doc | +| sphinx-relay | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sphinx-relay | +| splunk | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | splunk | +| spoolman | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | spoolman | +| spotify | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | spotify | +| sqlitebrowser | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sqlitebrowser | +| squidex | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | squidex | +| squirrel-servers-manager | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | squirrel-servers-manager | +| sshwifty | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sshwifty | +| stalwart | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | stalwart | +| stalwart-mail-server | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | stalwart-mail-server | +| standard-notes | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | standard-notes | +| startpage | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | startpage | +| stash | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | stash | +| stb-proxy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | stb-proxy | +| steam | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | steam | +| step-ca | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | step-ca | +| stirling-pdf | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | stirling-pdf | +| storj | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | storj | +| storm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | storm | +| stormkit | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | stormkit | +| strapi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | strapi | +| stremio | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | stremio | +| stump | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | stump | +| stump-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | stump-alt | +| subatic | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | subatic | +| sunshine | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sunshine | +| supabase | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | supabase | +| supermicro | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | supermicro | +| surveymonkey | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | surveymonkey | +| swarmpit | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | swarmpit | +| swift | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | swift | +| symmetricom | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | symmetricom | +| symmetricom-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | symmetricom-light | +| synapse | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | synapse | +| synapse-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | synapse-light | +| syncthing | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | syncthing | +| syncthing-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | syncthing-dark | +| synology | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | synology | +| synology-dsm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | synology-dsm | +| synology-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | synology-light | +| sysreptor | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | sysreptor | +| tabula | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tabula | +| tacticalrmm | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tacticalrmm | +| taiga | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | taiga | +| tailscale | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tailscale | +| tailscale-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tailscale-light | +| talos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | talos | +| tandoor-recipes | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tandoor-recipes | +| tangerine-ui | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tangerine-ui | +| tar1090 | ✅ WebPPNG ❌ SVG | tar1090 | +| taskcafe | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | taskcafe | +| tasmocompiler | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tasmocompiler | +| tasmota | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tasmota | +| tasmota-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tasmota-light | +| tautulli | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tautulli | +| teamcity | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | teamcity | +| teamcity-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | teamcity-light | +| teamspeak | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | teamspeak | +| telegraf | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | telegraf | +| telegram | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | telegram | +| telekom | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | telekom | +| teleport | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | teleport | +| tenda | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tenda | +| terminal | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | terminal | +| terraform | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | terraform | +| teslamate | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | teslamate | +| teslamate-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | teslamate-light | +| thanos | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | thanos | +| the-pirate-bay | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | the-pirate-bay | +| the-proxy-bay | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | the-proxy-bay | +| theia | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | theia | +| theia-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | theia-light | +| thelounge | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | thelounge | +| theodinproject | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | theodinproject | +| thingsboard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | thingsboard | +| threads | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | threads | +| threads-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | threads-light | +| thunderbird | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | thunderbird | +| tianji | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tianji | +| tianji-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tianji-light | +| tiddlywiki | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tiddlywiki | +| tiddlywiki-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tiddlywiki-light | +| tiktok | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tiktok | +| tiktok-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tiktok-light | +| timetagger | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | timetagger | +| timetagger-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | timetagger-light | +| tmdb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tmdb | +| todoist | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | todoist | +| todoist-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | todoist-dark | +| tolgee | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tolgee | +| tooljet | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tooljet | +| tooljet-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tooljet-dark | +| touitomamout | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | touitomamout | +| tp-link | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tp-link | +| tpdb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tpdb | +| traccar | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | traccar | +| traccar-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | traccar-dark | +| traefik | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | traefik | +| traefik-proxy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | traefik-proxy | +| traggo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | traggo | +| trakt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | trakt | +| transmission | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | transmission | +| trilium | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | trilium | +| triliumnext | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | triliumnext | +| truenas | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | truenas | +| truenas-core | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | truenas-core | +| truenas-scale | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | truenas-scale | +| tubesync | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tubesync | +| tubesync-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tubesync-light | +| tumblr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tumblr | +| turbopack | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | turbopack | +| turbopack-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | turbopack-light | +| tux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tux | +| tvdb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tvdb | +| tvheadend | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | tvheadend | +| twingate | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | twingate | +| twingate-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | twingate-light | +| twitch | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | twitch | +| twitter | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | twitter | +| typemill | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | typemill | +| typemill-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | typemill-light | +| typescript | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | typescript | +| typo3 | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | typo3 | +| ubiquiti | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ubiquiti | +| ubiquiti-networks | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ubiquiti-networks | +| ubiquiti-unifi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ubiquiti-unifi | +| ubuntu-linux | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ubuntu-linux | +| ubuntu-linux-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ubuntu-linux-alt | +| uc-browser | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | uc-browser | +| udemy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | udemy | +| udemy-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | udemy-light | +| ultimate-guitar | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ultimate-guitar | +| ultimate-guitar-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ultimate-guitar-light | +| umami | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | umami | +| umami-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | umami-light | +| umbrel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | umbrel | +| unbound | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | unbound | +| undb | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | undb | +| unifi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | unifi | +| unifi-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | unifi-dark | +| unifi-voucher-site | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | unifi-voucher-site | +| unimus | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | unimus | +| unraid | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | unraid | +| untangle | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | untangle | +| ups | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ups | +| upsnap | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | upsnap | +| uptime-kuma | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | uptime-kuma | +| valetudo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | valetudo | +| valkey | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | valkey | +| vault | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vault | +| vault-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vault-light | +| vaultwarden | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vaultwarden | +| vaultwarden-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vaultwarden-light | +| vector | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vector | +| veeam | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | veeam | +| vercel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vercel | +| vercel-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vercel-light | +| verizon | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | verizon | +| vi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vi | +| victoriametrics | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | victoriametrics | +| victoriametrics-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | victoriametrics-light | +| vidzy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vidzy | +| viewtube | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | viewtube | +| vikunja | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vikunja | +| virgin-media | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | virgin-media | +| virtualmin | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | virtualmin | +| viseron | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | viseron | +| viseron-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | viseron-light | +| visual-studio-code | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | visual-studio-code | +| vivaldi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vivaldi | +| vmware | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vmware | +| vmware-esxi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vmware-esxi | +| vmware-workstation | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vmware-workstation | +| voilib | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | voilib | +| voip-ms | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | voip-ms | +| voltaserve | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | voltaserve | +| voltaserve-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | voltaserve-light | +| volumio | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | volumio | +| volumio-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | volumio-light | +| voron | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | voron | +| vscode | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vscode | +| vuetorrent | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vuetorrent | +| vultr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | vultr | +| wakapi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wakapi | +| wakatime | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wakatime | +| wakatime-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wakatime-light | +| wallabag | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wallabag | +| wallabag-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wallabag-light | +| wanderer | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wanderer | +| wanderer-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wanderer-light | +| warpgate | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | warpgate | +| watcharr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | watcharr | +| watcharr-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | watcharr-light | +| watchtower | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | watchtower | +| waze | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | waze | +| wazuh | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wazuh | +| web-check | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | web-check | +| 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windows-retro | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | windows-retro | +| windows-retro-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | windows-retro-light | +| wireguard | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wireguard | +| wizarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wizarr | +| wolfi | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wolfi | +| wolfi-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wolfi-light | +| woocommerce | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | woocommerce | +| woodpecker-ci | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | woodpecker-ci | +| wordpress | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wordpress | +| worklenz | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | worklenz | +| wotdle | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wotdle | +| wotdle-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wotdle-light | +| wownero | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | wownero | +| writefreely | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | writefreely | +| writefreely-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | writefreely-light | +| x | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | x | +| x-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | x-light | +| xbackbone | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | xbackbone | +| xbox | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | xbox | +| xbox-game-pass | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | xbox-game-pass | +| xbrowsersync | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | xbrowsersync | +| xmr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | xmr | +| xmrig | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | xmrig | +| xpipe | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | xpipe | +| xwiki | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | xwiki | +| yacht | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yacht | +| yahoo | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yahoo | +| yamtrack | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yamtrack | +| yamtrack-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yamtrack-light | +| yandex | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yandex | +| yarr | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yarr | +| yarr-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yarr-light | +| ycombinator | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ycombinator | +| ycombinator-dark | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ycombinator-dark | +| ynab | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | ynab | +| your-spotify | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | your-spotify | +| yourls | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yourls | +| youtube | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | youtube | +| youtube-dl | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | youtube-dl | +| youtube-kids | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | youtube-kids | +| youtube-music | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | youtube-music | +| yts | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yts | +| yuno-host-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yuno-host-light | +| yunohost | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | yunohost | +| z-wave-js-ui | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | z-wave-js-ui | +| zabbix | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zabbix | +| zabka | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zabka | +| zammad | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zammad | +| zendesk | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zendesk | +| zerotier | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zerotier | +| zerotier-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zerotier-light | +| zigbee2mqtt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zigbee2mqtt | +| zigbee2mqtt-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zigbee2mqtt-light | +| zipcaptions | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zipcaptions | +| zipline | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zipline | +| zipline-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zipline-light | +| zitadel | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zitadel | +| zitadel-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zitadel-light | +| zohomail | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zohomail | +| zoom | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zoom | +| zoom-alt | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zoom-alt | +| zoraxy | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zoraxy | +| zulip | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zulip | +| zyxel-communications | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zyxel-communications | +| zyxel-communications-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zyxel-communications-light | +| zyxel-networks | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zyxel-networks | +| zyxel-networks-light | ✅ WebPPNGSVG | zyxel-networks-light | - -
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