Thank you for your interest in contributing to the icon repository! To ensure smooth collaboration, please follow these guidelines. Your contributions help make this project better.
- **SVG Format Required**: All icons should be submitted in SVG format. If an SVG version is unavailable, a PNG version will suffice, and a WEBP version will be generated accordingly.
- **Remove Empty Space**: Crop any empty space from your SVG files to ensure the icon is properly centered and sized. You can use [SVG Crop]( to assist with this.
- **Kebab Case**: Name your files using kebab case (lowercase words separated by hyphens). For example, "Nextcloud Calendar" becomes `nextcloud-calendar.svg`.
- **Note**: Filenames are automatically converted to kebab case, but please double-check your naming to avoid conflicts or errors.
1.**Fork the Repository**: Create a fork of this repository on your GitHub account.
2.**Clone the Repository**: Clone your forked repository to your local machine.
3.**Add Your Icons**: Place your SVG icon(s) into the appropriate directory, following the specifications above.
4.**Commit Your Changes**: Commit your additions with clear and descriptive commit messages using Gitmoji.
5.**Push to Your Fork**: Push your committed changes to your forked repository on GitHub.
6.**Create a Pull Request**: Submit a pull request to the main repository for review.
## Code of Conduct
By contributing, you agree to abide by our [Code of Conduct]( Please review it to understand the expectations for all participants.