"""VeSync API for controlling fans and purifiers.""" import json import logging from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union from .helpers import Helpers from .vesyncbasedevice import VeSyncBaseDevice humid_features: dict = { "Classic300S": { "module": "VeSyncHumid200300S", "models": ["Classic300S", "LUH-A601S-WUSB"], "features": ["nightlight"], "mist_modes": ["auto", "sleep", "manual"], "mist_levels": list(range(1, 10)), }, "Classic200S": { "module": "VeSyncHumid200S", "models": ["Classic200S"], "features": [], "mist_modes": ["auto", "manual"], "mist_levels": list(range(1, 10)), }, "Dual200S": { "module": "VeSyncHumid200300S", "models": ["Dual200S", "LUH-D301S-WUSR", "LUH-D301S-WJP", "LUH-D301S-WEU"], "features": [], "mist_modes": ["auto", "manual"], "mist_levels": list(range(1, 3)), }, "LV600S": { "module": "VeSyncHumid200300S", "models": [ "LUH-A602S-WUSR", "LUH-A602S-WUS", "LUH-A602S-WEUR", "LUH-A602S-WEU", "LUH-A602S-WJP", ], "features": ["warm_mist", "nightlight"], "mist_modes": ["humidity", "sleep", "manual"], "mist_levels": list(range(1, 10)), "warm_mist_levels": [0, 1, 2, 3], }, } air_features: dict = { "Core200S": { "module": "VeSyncAirBypass", "models": ["Core200S", "LAP-C201S-AUSR", "LAP-C202S-WUSR"], "modes": ["sleep", "off"], "features": [], "levels": list(range(1, 4)), }, "Core300S": { "module": "VeSyncAirBypass", "models": ["Core300S", "LAP-C301S-WJP"], "modes": ["sleep", "off", "auto"], "features": ["air_quality"], "levels": list(range(1, 5)), }, "Core400S": { "module": "VeSyncAirBypass", "models": ["Core400S", "LAP-C401S-WJP", "LAP-C401S-WUSR", "LAP-C401S-WAAA"], "modes": ["sleep", "off", "auto"], "features": ["air_quality"], "levels": list(range(1, 5)), }, "Core600S": { "module": "VeSyncAirBypass", "models": ["Core600S", "LAP-C601S-WUS", "LAP-C601S-WUSR", "LAP-C601S-WEU"], "modes": ["sleep", "off", "auto"], "features": ["air_quality"], "levels": list(range(1, 5)), }, "LV-PUR131S": { "module": "VeSyncAir131", "models": ["LV-PUR131S", "LV-RH131S"], "features": ["air_quality"], }, } logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def model_dict() -> dict: """Build purifier and humidifier model dictionary.""" model_modules = {} for dev_dict in {**air_features, **humid_features}.values(): for model in dev_dict["models"]: model_modules[model] = dev_dict["module"] return model_modules def model_features(dev_type: str) -> dict: """Get features from device type.""" for dev_dict in {**air_features, **humid_features}.values(): if dev_type in dev_dict["models"]: return dev_dict raise ValueError("Device not configured") fan_classes: set = {v["module"] for k, v in {**air_features, **humid_features}.items()} fan_modules: dict = model_dict() __all__: list = list(fan_classes) + ["fan_modules"] class VeSyncAirBypass(VeSyncBaseDevice): """Base class for Levoit Purifier Bypass API Calls.""" def __init__(self, details: Dict[str, list], manager): """Initialize air devices.""" super().__init__(details, manager) self.enabled = True self.config_dict = model_features(self.device_type) self.features = self.config_dict.get("features", []) if not isinstance(self.config_dict.get("modes"), list): logger.error( "Please set modes for %s in the configuration", self.device_type ) raise RuntimeError( "Please set modes for %s in the configuration", self.device_type ) self.modes = self.config_dict["modes"] self.air_quality_feature = "air_quality" in self.features self.details: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]] = { "filter_life": 0, "mode": "manual", "level": 0, "display": False, "child_lock": False, "night_light": "off", } if self.air_quality_feature: self.details["ait_quality"] = 0 self.config: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float, bool]] = { "display": False, "display_forever": False, } def build_api_dict(self, method: str) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """Build device api body dictionary. standard modes are: ['getPurifierStatus', 'setSwitch', 'setNightLight', 'setLevel', 'setPurifierMode', 'setDisplay', 'setChildLock'] """ modes = [ "getPurifierStatus", "setSwitch", "setNightLight", "setLevel", "setPurifierMode", "setDisplay", "setChildLock", "setIndicatorLight", ] if method not in modes: logger.debug("Invalid mode - %s", method) return {}, {} head = Helpers.bypass_header() body = Helpers.bypass_body_v2(self.manager) body["cid"] = self.cid body["configModule"] = self.config_module body["payload"] = {"method": method, "source": "APP"} return head, body def build_purifier_dict(self, dev_dict: dict) -> None: """Build Bypass purifier status dictionary.""" self.enabled = dev_dict.get("enabled", False) self.device_status = "on" if self.enabled else "off" self.details["filter_life"] = dev_dict.get("filter_life", 0) self.mode = dev_dict.get("mode", "manual") self.speed = dev_dict.get("level", 0) self.details["display"] = dev_dict.get("display", False) self.details["child_lock"] = dev_dict.get("child_lock", False) self.details["night_light"] = dev_dict.get("night_light", "off") self.details["display"] = dev_dict.get("display", False) self.details["display_forever"] = dev_dict.get("display_forever", False) if self.air_quality_feature: self.details["air_quality"] = dev_dict.get("air_quality", 0) def build_config_dict(self, conf_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Build configuration dict for Bypass purifier.""" self.config["display"] = conf_dict.get("display", False) self.config["display_forever"] = conf_dict.get("display_forever", False) def get_details(self) -> None: """Build Bypass Purifier details dictionary.""" head = Helpers.bypass_header() body = Helpers.bypass_body_v2(self.manager) body["cid"] = self.cid body["configModule"] = self.config_module body["payload"] = {"method": "getPurifierStatus", "source": "APP", "data": {}} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if not isinstance(r, dict): logger.debug("Error in purifier response") return if not isinstance(r.get("result"), dict): logger.debug("Error in purifier response") return outer_result = r.get("result", {}) inner_result = r.get("result", {}).get("result") if outer_result else None if inner_result is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): if outer_result.get("code") == 0: self.build_purifier_dict(inner_result) else: logger.debug("error in inner result dict from purifier") if inner_result.get("configuration", {}): self.build_config_dict(inner_result.get("configuration", {})) else: logger.debug("No configuration found in purifier status") else: logger.debug("Error in purifier response") def update(self): """Update Purifier details.""" self.get_details() def change_fan_speed(self, speed=None) -> bool: """Change fan speed based on levels in configuration dict.""" speeds: list = self.config_dict.get("levels", []) current_speed = self.speed if speed is not None: if speed not in speeds: logger.debug( "%s is invalid speed - valid speeds are %s", speed, str(speeds) ) return False new_speed = speed if current_speed == new_speed: return True elif current_speed == speeds[-1]: new_speed = speeds[0] else: current_index = speeds.index(current_speed) new_speed = speeds[current_index + 1] body = Helpers.req_body(self.manager, "devicestatus") body["uuid"] = self.uuid head, body = self.build_api_dict("setLevel") if not head and not body: return False body["payload"]["data"] = { "id": 0, "level": new_speed, "type": "wind", "mode": "manual", } r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.speed = new_speed return True logger.debug("Error changing %s speed", self.device_name) return False def child_lock_on(self) -> bool: """Turn Bypass child lock on.""" return self.set_child_lock(True) def child_lock_off(self) -> bool: """Turn Bypass child lock off.""" return self.set_child_lock(False) def set_child_lock(self, mode: bool) -> bool: """Set Bypass child lock.""" if mode not in (True, False): logger.debug("Invalid mode passed to set_child_lock - %s", mode) return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setChildLock") if not head and not body: return False body["payload"]["data"] = {"child_lock": mode} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.details["child_lock"] = mode return True if isinstance(r, dict): logger.debug("Error toggling child lock") else: logger.debug("Error in api return json for %s", self.device_name) return False def mode_toggle(self, mode: str) -> bool: """Set purifier mode - sleep or manual.""" if mode.lower() not in self.modes: logger.debug("Invalid purifier mode used - %s", mode) return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setPurifierMode") if not head and not body: return False body["payload"]["data"] = {"mode": mode.lower()} if mode == "manual": body["payload"] = { "data": {"id": 0, "level": 1, "type": "wind"}, "method": "setLevel", "type": "APP", } r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if Helpers.code_check(r): return True logger.debug("Error setting purifier mode") return False def manual_mode(self) -> bool: """Set mode to manual.""" if "manual" not in self.modes: logger.debug("%s does not have manual mode", self.device_name) return False return self.mode_toggle("manual") def sleep_mode(self) -> bool: """Set sleep mode to on.""" if "sleep" not in self.modes: logger.debug("%s does not have sleep mode", self.device_name) return False return self.mode_toggle("sleep") def auto_mode(self) -> bool: """Set mode to auto.""" if "auto" not in self.modes: logger.debug("%s does not have auto mode", self.device_name) return False return self.mode_toggle("auto") def toggle_switch(self, toggle: bool) -> bool: """Toggle purifier on/off.""" if not isinstance(toggle, bool): logger.debug("Invalid toggle value for purifier switch") return False head = Helpers.bypass_header() body = Helpers.bypass_body_v2(self.manager) body["cid"] = self.cid body["configModule"] = self.config_module body["payload"] = { "data": {"enabled": toggle, "id": 0}, "method": "setSwitch", "source": "APP", } r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.device_status = "on" if toggle else "off" return True logger.debug("Error toggling purifier - %s", self.device_name) return False def turn_on(self) -> bool: """Turn bypass Purifier on.""" return self.toggle_switch(True) def turn_off(self): """Turn Bypass Purifier off.""" return self.toggle_switch(False) def set_display(self, mode: bool) -> bool: """Toggle display on/off.""" if not isinstance(mode, bool): logger.debug("Mode must be True or False") return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setDisplay") body["payload"]["data"] = {"state": mode} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): return True logger.debug("Error toggling purifier display - %s", self.device_name) return False def turn_on_display(self) -> bool: """Turn Display on.""" return self.set_display(True) def turn_off_display(self): """Turn Display off.""" return self.set_display(False) def set_night_light(self, mode: str) -> bool: """Set night list - on, off or dim.""" if mode.lower() not in ["on", "off", "dim"]: logger.debug("Invalid nightlight mode used (on, off or dim)- %s", mode) return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setNightLight") if not head and not body: return False body["payload"]["data"] = {"night_light": mode.lower()} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.details["night_light"] = mode.lower() return True logger.debug("Error setting nightlight mode") return False @property def air_quality(self): """Get air quality value (ug/m3).""" if self.air_quality_feature is not True: logger.debug("%s does not have air quality sensor", self.device_type) try: return int(self.details["air_quality"]) except KeyError: return 0 @property def fan_level(self): """Get current fan level (1-3).""" try: speed = int(self.speed) except ValueError: speed = self.speed return speed @property def filter_life(self) -> int: """Get percentage of filter life remaining.""" try: return int(self.details["filter_life"]) except KeyError: return 0 @property def display_state(self) -> bool: """Get display state.""" return bool(self.details["display"]) @property def screen_status(self) -> bool: """Get display status.""" return bool(self.details["display"]) @property def child_lock(self) -> bool: """Get child lock state.""" return bool(self.details["child_lock"]) @property def night_light(self) -> str: """Get night light state (on/dim/off).""" return str(self.details["night_light"]) def display(self) -> None: """Return formatted device info to stdout.""" super().display() disp1 = [ ("Mode: ", self.mode, ""), ("Filter Life: ", self.details["filter_life"], "percent"), ("Fan Level: ", self.speed, ""), ("Display: ", self.details["display"], ""), ("Child Lock: ", self.details["child_lock"], ""), ("Night Light: ", self.details["night_light"], ""), ("Display Config: ", self.config["display"], ""), ("Display_Forever Config: ", self.config["display_forever"], ""), ] if self.air_quality_feature: disp1.append(("Air Quality: ", self.details["air_quality"], "ug/m3")) for line in disp1: print(f"{line[0]:.<20} {line[1]} {line[2]}") def displayJSON(self) -> str: """Return air purifier status and properties in JSON output.""" sup = super().displayJSON() sup_val = json.loads(sup) sup_val.update( { "Mode": self.mode, "Filter Life": str(self.details["filter_life"]), "Fan Level": str(self.speed), "Display": self.details["display"], "Child Lock": self.details["child_lock"], "Night Light": str(self.details["night_light"]), "Display Config": self.config["display"], "Display_Forever Config": self.config["display_forever"], } ) if self.air_quality_feature: sup_val.update({"Air Quality": str(self.details["air_quality"])}) return json.dumps(sup_val) class VeSyncAir131(VeSyncBaseDevice): """Levoit Air Purifier Class.""" def __init__(self, details, manager): """Initialize air purifier class.""" super().__init__(details, manager) self.details: Dict = {} def get_details(self) -> None: """Build Air Purifier details dictionary.""" body = Helpers.req_body(self.manager, "devicedetail") body["uuid"] = self.uuid head = Helpers.req_headers(self.manager) r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/131airPurifier/v1/device/deviceDetail", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.device_status = r.get("deviceStatus", "unknown") self.connection_status = r.get("connectionStatus", "unknown") self.details["active_time"] = r.get("activeTime", 0) self.details["filter_life"] = r.get("filterLife", {}) self.details["screen_status"] = r.get("screenStatus", "unknown") self.mode = r.get("mode", self.mode) self.details["level"] = r.get("level", 0) self.details["air_quality"] = r.get("airQuality", "unknown") else: logger.debug("Error getting %s details", self.device_name) def get_config(self) -> None: """Get configuration info for air purifier.""" body = Helpers.req_body(self.manager, "devicedetail") body["method"] = "configurations" body["uuid"] = self.uuid r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/131airpurifier/v1/device/configurations", "post", headers=Helpers.req_headers(self.manager), json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.config = Helpers.build_config_dict(r) else: logger.debug("Unable to get config info for %s", self.device_name) @property def active_time(self) -> int: """Return total time active in minutes.""" return self.details.get("active_time", 0) @property def fan_level(self) -> int: """Get current fan level (1-3).""" return self.details.get("level", 0) @property def filter_life(self) -> int: """Get percentage of filter life remaining.""" try: return self.details["filter_life"].get("percent", 0) except KeyError: return 0 @property def air_quality(self) -> str: """Get Air Quality.""" return self.details.get("air_quality", "unknown") @property def screen_status(self) -> str: """Return Screen status (on/off).""" return self.details.get("screen_status", "unknown") def turn_on(self) -> bool: """Turn Air Purifier on.""" if self.device_status == "on": return False body = Helpers.req_body(self.manager, "devicestatus") body["uuid"] = self.uuid body["status"] = "on" head = Helpers.req_headers(self.manager) r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/131airPurifier/v1/device/deviceStatus", "put", json=body, headers=head ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.device_status = "on" return True logger.debug("Error turning %s on", self.device_name) return False def turn_off(self) -> bool: """Turn Air Purifier Off.""" if self.device_status != "on": return True body = Helpers.req_body(self.manager, "devicestatus") body["uuid"] = self.uuid body["status"] = "off" head = Helpers.req_headers(self.manager) r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/131airPurifier/v1/device/deviceStatus", "put", json=body, headers=head ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.device_status = "off" return True logger.debug("Error turning %s off", self.device_name) return False def auto_mode(self) -> bool: """Set mode to auto.""" return self.mode_toggle("auto") def manual_mode(self) -> bool: """Set mode to manual.""" return self.mode_toggle("manual") def sleep_mode(self) -> bool: """Set sleep mode to on.""" return self.mode_toggle("sleep") def change_fan_speed(self, speed: int = None) -> bool: """Adjust Fan Speed for air purifier. Specifying 1,2,3 as argument or call without argument to cycle through speeds increasing by one. """ if self.mode != "manual": logger.debug("%s not in manual mode, cannot change speed", self.device_name) return False try: level = self.details["level"] except KeyError: logger.debug( "Cannot change fan speed, no level set for %s", self.device_name ) return False body = Helpers.req_body(self.manager, "devicestatus") body["uuid"] = self.uuid head = Helpers.req_headers(self.manager) if speed is not None: if speed == level: return True if speed in {1, 2, 3}: body["level"] = speed else: logger.debug("Invalid fan speed for %s", self.device_name) return False else: body["level"] = 1 if level > 2 else int(level + 1) r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/131airPurifier/v1/device/updateSpeed", "put", json=body, headers=head ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.details["level"] = body["level"] return True logger.debug("Error changing %s speed", self.device_name) return False def mode_toggle(self, mode: str) -> bool: """Set mode to manual, auto or sleep.""" head = Helpers.req_headers(self.manager) body = Helpers.req_body(self.manager, "devicestatus") body["uuid"] = self.uuid if mode != self.mode and mode in {"sleep", "auto", "manual"}: body["mode"] = mode if mode == "manual": body["level"] = 1 r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/131airPurifier/v1/device/updateMode", "put", json=body, headers=head ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.mode = mode return True logger.debug("Error setting %s mode - %s", self.device_name, mode) return False def update(self) -> None: """Run function to get device details.""" self.get_details() def display(self) -> None: """Return formatted device info to stdout.""" super().display() disp1 = [ ("Active Time : ", self.active_time, " minutes"), ("Fan Level: ", self.fan_level, ""), ("Air Quality: ", self.air_quality, ""), ("Mode: ", self.mode, ""), ("Screen Status: ", self.screen_status, ""), ("Filter Life: ", self.filter_life, " percent"), ] for line in disp1: print(f"{line[0]:.<15} {line[1]} {line[2]}") def displayJSON(self) -> str: """Return air purifier status and properties in JSON output.""" sup = super().displayJSON() sup_val = json.loads(sup) sup_val.update( { "Active Time": str(self.active_time), "Fan Level": self.fan_level, "Air Quality": self.air_quality, "Mode": self.mode, "Screen Status": self.screen_status, "Filter Life": str(self.filter_life), } ) return sup_val class VeSyncHumid200300S(VeSyncBaseDevice): """200S/300S Humidifier Class.""" def __init__(self, details, manager): """Initialize 200S/300S Humidifier class.""" super().__init__(details, manager) self.enabled = True self.config_dict = model_features(self.device_type) self.mist_levels = self.config_dict.get("mist_levels") self.mist_modes = self.config_dict.get("mist_modes") self.features = self.config_dict.get("features") if "warm_mist" in self.features: self.warm_mist_levels = self.config_dict.get("warm_mist_levels", []) self.warm_mist_feature = True else: self.warm_mist_feature = False self.warm_mist_levels = [] self.night_light = "nightlight" in self.config_dict.get("features", []) self.details: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]] = { "humidity": 0, "mist_virtual_level": 0, "mist_level": 0, "mode": "manual", "water_lacks": False, "humidity_high": False, "water_tank_lifted": False, "display": False, "automatic_stop_reach_target": False, } if self.night_light: self.details["night_light_brightness"] = 0 self.config: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]] = { "auto_target_humidity": 0, "display": False, "automatic_stop": True, } self._api_modes = [ "getHumidifierStatus", "setAutomaticStop", "setSwitch", "setNightLightBrightness", "setVirtualLevel", "setTargetHumidity", "setHumidityMode", "setDisplay", "setLevel", ] def build_api_dict(self, method: str) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]: """Build humidifier api call header and body. Available methods are: 'getHumidifierStatus', 'setAutomaticStop', 'setSwitch', 'setNightLightBrightness', 'setVirtualLevel', 'setTargetHumidity', 'setHumidityMode' """ if method not in self._api_modes: logger.debug("Invalid mode - %s", method) raise ValueError head = Helpers.bypass_header() body = Helpers.bypass_body_v2(self.manager) body["cid"] = self.cid body["configModule"] = self.config_module body["payload"] = {"method": method, "source": "APP"} return head, body def build_humid_dict(self, dev_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Build humidifier status dictionary.""" self.enabled = dev_dict.get("enabled") self.details["humidity"] = dev_dict.get("humidity", 0) self.details["mist_virtual_level"] = dev_dict.get("mist_virtual_level", 0) self.details["mist_level"] = dev_dict.get("mist_level", 0) self.details["mode"] = dev_dict.get("mode", "manual") self.details["water_lacks"] = dev_dict.get("water_lacks", False) self.details["humidity_high"] = dev_dict.get("humidity_high", False) self.details["water_tank_lifted"] = dev_dict.get("water_tank_lifted", False) self.details["automatic_stop_reach_target"] = dev_dict.get( "automatic_stop_reach_target", True ) if self.night_light: self.details["night_light_brightness"] = dev_dict.get( "night_light_brightness", 0 ) if self.warm_mist_feature: self.details["warm_mist_level"] = dev_dict.get("warm_level", 0) self.details["warm_mist_enabled"] = dev_dict.get("warm_enabled", False) try: self.details["display"] = dev_dict["display"] except KeyError: self.details["display"] = dev_dict.get("indicator_light_switch", False) def build_config_dict(self, conf_dict): """Build configuration dict for 300s humidifier.""" self.config["auto_target_humidity"] = conf_dict.get("auto_target_humidity", 0) self.config["display"] = conf_dict.get("display", False) self.config["automatic_stop"] = conf_dict.get("automatic_stop", True) def get_details(self) -> None: """Build 200S/300S Humidifier details dictionary.""" head = Helpers.bypass_header() body = Helpers.bypass_body_v2(self.manager) body["cid"] = self.cid body["configModule"] = self.config_module body["payload"] = {"method": "getHumidifierStatus", "source": "APP", "data": {}} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is None or not isinstance(r, dict): logger.debug("Error getting status of %s ", self.device_name) outer_result = r.get("result", {}) inner_result = None if outer_result is not None: inner_result = r.get("result", {}).get("result") if inner_result is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): if outer_result.get("code") == 0: self.build_humid_dict(inner_result) else: logger.debug("error in inner result dict from humidifier") if inner_result.get("configuration", {}): self.build_config_dict(inner_result.get("configuration", {})) else: logger.debug("No configuration found in humidifier status") else: logger.debug("Error in humidifier response") def update(self): """Update 200S/300S Humidifier details.""" self.get_details() def toggle_switch(self, toggle: bool) -> bool: """Toggle humidifier on/off.""" if not isinstance(toggle, bool): logger.debug("Invalid toggle value for humidifier switch") return False head = Helpers.bypass_header() body = Helpers.bypass_body_v2(self.manager) body["cid"] = self.cid body["configModule"] = self.config_module body["payload"] = { "data": {"enabled": toggle, "id": 0}, "method": "setSwitch", "source": "APP", } r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): self.device_status = "on" if toggle else "off" return True logger.debug("Error toggling 300S humidifier - %s", self.device_name) return False def turn_on(self) -> bool: """Turn 200S/300S Humidifier on.""" return self.toggle_switch(True) def turn_off(self): """Turn 200S/300S Humidifier off.""" return self.toggle_switch(False) def automatic_stop_on(self) -> bool: """Turn 200S/300S Humidifier automatic stop on.""" return self.set_automatic_stop(True) def automatic_stop_off(self) -> bool: """Turn 200S/300S Humidifier automatic stop on.""" return self.set_automatic_stop(False) def set_automatic_stop(self, mode: bool) -> bool: """Set 200S/300S Humidifier to automatic stop.""" if mode not in (True, False): logger.debug("Invalid mode passed to set_automatic_stop - %s", mode) return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setAutomaticStop") if not head and not body: return False body["payload"]["data"] = {"enabled": mode} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): return True if isinstance(r, dict): logger.debug("Error toggling automatic stop") else: logger.debug("Error in api return json for %s", self.device_name) return False def set_display(self, mode: bool) -> bool: """Toggle display on/off.""" if not isinstance(mode, bool): logger.debug("Mode must be True or False") return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setDisplay") body["payload"]["data"] = {"state": mode} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): return True logger.debug("Error toggling 300S display - %s", self.device_name) return False def turn_on_display(self) -> bool: """Turn 200S/300S Humidifier on.""" return self.set_display(True) def turn_off_display(self): """Turn 200S/300S Humidifier off.""" return self.set_display(False) def set_humidity(self, humidity: int) -> bool: """Set target 200S/300S Humidifier humidity.""" if humidity < 30 or humidity > 80: logger.debug("Humidity value must be set between 30 and 80") return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setTargetHumidity") if not head and not body: return False body["payload"]["data"] = {"target_humidity": humidity} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): return True logger.debug("Error setting humidity") return False def set_night_light_brightness(self, brightness: int) -> bool: """Set target 200S/300S Humidifier night light brightness.""" if not self.night_light: logger.debug( "%s is a %s does not have a nightlight", self.device_name, self.device_type, ) return False if brightness < 0 or brightness > 100: logger.debug("Brightness value must be set between 0 and 100") return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setNightLightBrightness") if not head and not body: return False body["payload"]["data"] = {"night_light_brightness": brightness} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): return True logger.debug("Error setting humidity") return False def set_humidity_mode(self, mode: str) -> bool: """Set humidifier mode - sleep or auto.""" if mode.lower() not in self.mist_modes: logger.debug("Invalid humidity mode used - %s", mode) logger.debug("Proper modes for this device are - %s", str(self.mist_modes)) return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setHumidityMode") if not head and not body: return False body["payload"]["data"] = {"mode": mode.lower()} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): return True logger.debug("Error setting humidity mode") return False def set_warm_level(self, warm_level) -> bool: """Set target 600S Humidifier mist warmth.""" if not self.warm_mist_feature: logger.debug( "%s is a %s does not have a mist warmer", self.device_name, self.device_type, ) return False if not isinstance(warm_level, int): try: warm_level = int(warm_level) except ValueError: logger.debug("Error converting warm mist level to a integer") if warm_level not in self.warm_mist_levels: logger.debug("warm_level value must be - %s", str(self.warm_mist_levels)) return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setLevel") if not head and not body: return False body["payload"]["data"] = { "type": "warm", "level": warm_level, "id": 0, } r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): return True logger.debug("Error setting warm") return False def set_auto_mode(self): """Set auto mode for humidifiers.""" if "auto" in self.mist_modes: call_str = "auto" elif "humidity" in self.mist_modes: call_str = "humidity" else: logger.debug( "Trying auto mode, mode not set for this model, " "please ensure %s model " "is in configuration dictionary", self.device_type, ) call_str = "auto" return self.set_humidity_mode(call_str) def set_manual_mode(self): """Set humifier to manual mode with 1 mist level.""" return self.set_humidity_mode("manual") def set_mist_level(self, level) -> bool: """Set humidifier mist level with int between 0 - 9.""" try: level = int(level) except ValueError: level = str(level) if level not in self.mist_levels: logger.debug("Humidifier mist level must be between 0 and 9") return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setVirtualLevel") if not head and not body: return False body["payload"]["data"] = {"id": 0, "level": level, "type": "mist"} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): return True logger.debug("Error setting mist level") return False @property def humidity(self): """Get Humidity level.""" return self.details["humidity"] @property def mist_level(self): """Get current mist level.""" return self.details["virtual_mist_level"] @property def water_lacks(self): """If tank is empty return true.""" return self.details["water_lacks"] @property def auto_humidity(self): """Auto target humidity.""" return self.config["auto_target_humidity"] @property def auto_enabled(self): """Auto mode is enabled.""" return self.details.get("mode") in ["auto", "humidity"] @property def warm_mist_enabled(self): """Warm mist feature enabled.""" return self.details["warm_mist_enabled"] if self.warm_mist_feature else False def display(self) -> None: """Return formatted device info to stdout.""" super().display() disp1 = [ ("Mode: ", self.details["mode"], ""), ("Humidity: ", self.details["humidity"], "percent"), ("Mist Virtual Level: ", self.details["mist_virtual_level"], ""), ("Mist Level: ", self.details["mist_level"], ""), ("Water Lacks: ", self.details["water_lacks"], ""), ("Humidity High: ", self.details["humidity_high"], ""), ("Water Tank Lifted: ", self.details["water_tank_lifted"], ""), ("Display: ", self.details["display"], ""), ( "Automatic Stop Reach Target: ", self.details["automatic_stop_reach_target"], "", ), ("Auto Target Humidity: ", self.config["auto_target_humidity"], "percent"), ("Automatic Stop: ", self.config["automatic_stop"], ""), ] if self.night_light: disp1.append( ( "Night Light Brightness: ", self.details["night_light_brightness"], "percent", ) ) if self.warm_mist_feature: disp1.append(("Warm mist enabled: ", self.details["warm_mist_enabled"], "")) disp1.append(("Warm mist level: ", self.details["warm_mist_level"], "")) for line in disp1: print(f"{line[0]:.<29} {line[1]} {line[2]}") def displayJSON(self) -> str: """Return air purifier status and properties in JSON output.""" sup = super().displayJSON() sup_val = json.loads(sup) sup_val.update( { "Mode": self.details["mode"], "Humidity": str(self.details["humidity"]), "Mist Virtual Level": str(self.details["mist_virtual_level"]), "Mist Level": str(self.details["mist_level"]), "Water Lacks": self.details["water_lacks"], "Humidity High": self.details["humidity_high"], "Water Tank Lifted": self.details["water_tank_lifted"], "Display": self.details["display"], "Automatic Stop Reach Target": self.details[ "automatic_stop_reach_target" ], "Auto Target Humidity": str(self.config["auto_target_humidity"]), "Automatic Stop": self.config["automatic_stop"], } ) if self.night_light: sup_val["Night Light Brightness"] = self.details["night_light_brightness"] if self.warm_mist_feature: sup_val["Warm mist enabled"] = self.details["warm_mist_enabled"] sup_val["Warm mist level"] = self.details["warm_mist_level"] return json.dumps(sup_val) class VeSyncHumid200S(VeSyncHumid200300S): """Levoit Classic 200S Specific class.""" def __init__(self, details, manager): """Initialize levoit 200S device class.""" super().__init__(details, manager) self._api_modes = [ "getHumidifierStatus", "setAutomaticStop", "setSwitch", "setVirtualLevel", "setTargetHumidity", "setHumidityMode", "setIndicatorLightSwitch", ] def set_display(self, mode: bool) -> bool: """Toggle display on/off.""" if not isinstance(mode, bool): logger.debug("Mode must be True or False") return False head, body = self.build_api_dict("setIndicatorLightSwitch") body["payload"]["data"] = {"enabled": mode, "id": 0} r, _ = Helpers.call_api( "/cloud/v2/deviceManaged/bypassV2", method="post", headers=head, json=body, ) if r is not None and Helpers.code_check(r): return True logger.debug("Error toggling 300S display - %s", self.device_name) return False