- [giteacat](https://git.mastodont.cat/spla/giteacat.git) - Python Bot that register Mastodon server's users to Gitea instance, on demand.
- [issue-bot](https://git.meli.delivery/meli/issue-bot) - Bot for mailing list mirroring of Gitea issues. Allow people to submit issues on repositories using only e-mail without signing up. [github read-only mirror](https://github.com/meli/issue-bot)
- [sq-bot](https://codeberg.org/justusbunsi/gitea-sonarqube-bot) - Bot for decorating Gitea pull requests with SonarQube analysis details.
- [staletea](https://gitea.com/jonasfranz/staletea) - StaleBot for Gitea.
- [tea-cloc](https://codeberg.org/qwerty287/tea-cloc) - Bot to count lines of code on Gitea repos and comments on pull requests with code change statistics.
- [appveyor](https://www.appveyor.com/) - Gitea receives first-class support in AppVeyor CI.
- [AWS Cloud Integration(webhook-to-s3)](https://github.com/leonli/webhook-to-s3) - Gitea Webhook integration with AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild by automatically uploading the archive to AWS S3.
- [buildbot-gitea](https://github.com/lab132/buildbot-gitea) - Buildbot plugin for integration with gitea.
- [Concourse](https://www.concourse-ci.org/) - partially can be integrated with Gitea.
- [dex](https://github.com/dexidp/dex) - Dex is a federated OpenID Connect provider. Built-in Gitea support.
- [drone](https://github.com/drone/drone) - Drone is a Container-Native, Continuous Delivery Platform. Built-in Gitea support. (see [docs](https://docs.drone.io/server/provider/gitea/))
- [ghorg](https://github.com/gabrie30/ghorg) - Quickly clone an entire org/users repositories into one directory - Supports Gitea, GitHub, GitLab, and more.
- [gickup](https://github.com/cooperspencer/gickup) - Backup tool for repositories.
- [JayporeCi](https://github.com/theSage21/jaypore_ci) - Self hosted CI tightly integrated with gitea
- [Jenkins](https://github.com/jenkinsci/gitea-plugin) - Gitea plugin for jenkins.
- [Metroline](https://github.com/metroline/metroline) - Metroline is a Continuous Integration and Delivery platform built with Docker, Node, React and MongoDB, natively compatible with Gitea.
- [watchtower](https://github.com/containrrr/watchtower) - A process for automating Docker container base image updates. Useful for running Continuous Deployment pipeline steps.
- [webhook](https://github.com/adnanh/webhook) - webhook is a lightweight incoming webhook server to run shell commands. Useful for running Continuous Deployment pipeline steps.
- [webhookd](https://github.com/ncarlier/webhookd) - A very simple webhook server launching shell scripts. Useful for running Continuous Deployment pipeline steps.
- [woodpecker](https://github.com/woodpecker-ci/woodpecker) - An opinionated fork of the Drone CI system. Built-in Gitea support. (see [docs](https://woodpecker-ci.org/docs/administration/vcs/gitea))
- [yojo](https://sr.ht/~emersion/yojo/) - A CI bridge from Gitea to SourceHut.
- [Caddy Gitea Plugin](https://github.com/42wim/caddy-gitea) - Caddy2 plugin enables GitHub pages-like features in Gitea, requiring a wildcard CNAME to your Gitea host.
- [Pages Server](https://codeberg.org/Codeberg/pages-server) - Static Pages Server, Gitea equivalent of GitHub Pages: Can serve static webpages on custom domains, including caching, and much more
- [Meli Docs](https://docs.meli.charlie-bravo.be/authentication/gitea) - Meli is an open source platform built for deploying static sites and frontend applications.
- [Bitbucket2Gitea](https://github.com/sIspravnikov/BitbucketToGitea) - A python3 script to migrate all projects and repositories from Atlassian BitBucket to Gitea.
- [github2gitea](https://gitea.com/yige/github2gitea) - A python script to migrate Github repositories Gitea with issues/prs/wiki and etc.
- [gitlab2gitea](https://github.com/cornelk/gitlab2gitea) - A command line tool build with Golang to migrate a GitLab project to Gitea.
- [Gogs2Gitea](https://github.com/lesh59/Gogs2Gitea) - A SQL script and process (README) to migrate directly from Gogs 0.12.3 to Gitea 1.12.5 / 1.12.6 in MySQL/MariaDB and maybe other DB's.
- [Codeberg](https://codeberg.org/Codeberg) - Non-Profit Collaboration Community for Free and Open Source Projects (formerly known under its working title teahub.io).
- [Disroot](https://git.disroot.org/) - Aims to change the way people are used to interact on the web.
- [GitShuiShan](http://gitea.shuishan.net.cn/) - A Git platform for education
- [OpenDev](https://opendev.org/) - A space for collaborative Open Source software development.
- [RadioRepo](https://repo.radio/) - The home of software development for the Amateur Radio Community.
- [~vern gitea](https://git.vern.cc/) - A gitea instance for free software hackers
- [git-kanban-enhanced-extension](https://github.com/funktechno/git-kanban-enhanced-extension) - chrome extension to add additional kanban project planning to git hosting: github.com, gitlab.com, gitea.io, bitbucket.org
- [git-master](https://github.com/ineo6/git-master) - Git Master Extension for git file tree, support GitHub, GitLab, Gitee, Gitea
- [gitea-comment-plugin](https://github.com/TsakiDev/gitea-comment) - A Drone plugin to post comments on a Gitea Pull Request.
- [Gitea Extension for Visual Studio](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MysticBoy.GiteaExtensionforVisualStudio) - A Visual Studio Extension that brings the Gitea Flow into Visual Studio.
- [gitea-kanban](https://github.com/qontu/gitea-kanban) - Kanban for Gitea done in Vue
- [gitea-preview](https://github.com/pacman-ghost/gitea-preview) - Preview files (including HTML) directly from a Gitea repo.
- [Dart](https://pub.dev/packages/gitea) - Dart SDK for gitea
- [gitea.js](https://github.com/waspothegreat/gitea.js) - Gitea (WIP) wrapper lib made in javascript.
- [gitea-js](https://github.com/anbraten/gitea-js) - Gitea client in Typescript for browsers and Node.JS ([npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/gitea-js)) ([docs](https://anbraten.github.io/gitea-js/))
- [Gitea.net](https://github.com/mkloubert/gitea.net) - .NET Library for the Gitea API.
- [Gitea-sdk](https://gitea.com/jolheiser/gitea-sdk) - Gitea SDK generated by Swagger. (Archived, use the official Golang SDK)
- [Giteapy](https://pypi.org/project/giteapy/) - Python SDK for gitea
- [gitear](https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=gitear) - R wrapper to the gitea API
- [Gitea rust crate](https://crates.io/crates/gitea) - A simple Gitea client for Rust programs
- [Golang SDK](https://gitea.com/gitea/go-sdk) - Official Golang SDK for gitea.
- [java-gitea-api](https://github.com/zeripath/java-gitea-api) - Swagger generated api for Gitea
- [PHP](https://github.com/avency/Gitea/) - PHP SDK for gitea
- [py-gitea](https://github.com/Langenfeld/py-gitea/) - A very simple API client for Gitea > 1.16.1
- [Sugar Cube Client](https://github.com/sitelease/sugar-cube-client) - A sweet Gitea API client for PHP
- [tea4j-autodeploy](https://codeberg.org/gitnex/tea4j-autodeploy) - Swagger-generated Java library which uses Retrofit to access the Gitea API
- [Dark Blue](https://gitea.artixlinux.org/artix/gitea-dark-blue) - The dark blue Gitea theme used on [https://gitea.artixlinux.org](https://gitea.artixlinux.org)
- [Earl Grey](https://github.com/acoolstraw/earl-grey) - An elegant dark theme for Gitea with blue as highlight color used on [https://git.pinnoto.org/bo](https://git.pinnoto.org/bo)
- [Pitch Black](https://github.com/iamdoubz/Gitea-Pitch-Black) - Pitch black 1.14+ theme used on [https://git.dou.bet/iamdoubz/Gitea-Pitch-Black](https://git.dou.bet/iamdoubz/Gitea-Pitch-Black)