mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 00:19:52 +01:00
219 lines
8.1 KiB
219 lines
8.1 KiB
#include "rds.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
namespace rds {
std::map<uint16_t, BlockType> SYNDROMES = {
{ 0b1111011000, BLOCK_TYPE_A },
{ 0b1111010100, BLOCK_TYPE_B },
{ 0b1001011100, BLOCK_TYPE_C },
{ 0b1111001100, BLOCK_TYPE_CP },
{ 0b1001011000, BLOCK_TYPE_D }
std::map<BlockType, uint16_t> OFFSETS = {
{ BLOCK_TYPE_A, 0b0011111100 },
{ BLOCK_TYPE_B, 0b0110011000 },
{ BLOCK_TYPE_C, 0b0101101000 },
{ BLOCK_TYPE_CP, 0b1101010000 },
{ BLOCK_TYPE_D, 0b0110110100 }
// 9876543210
const uint16_t LFSR_POLY = 0b0110111001;
const uint16_t IN_POLY = 0b1100011011;
const int BLOCK_LEN = 26;
const int DATA_LEN = 16;
const int POLY_LEN = 10;
void RDSDecoder::process(uint8_t* symbols, int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Shift in the bit
shiftReg = ((shiftReg << 1) & 0x3FFFFFF) | (symbols[i] & 1);
// Skip if we need to shift in new data
if (--skip > 0) { continue; }
// Calculate the syndrome and update sync status
uint16_t syn = calcSyndrome(shiftReg);
auto synIt = SYNDROMES.find(syn);
bool knownSyndrome = synIt != SYNDROMES.end();
sync = std::clamp<int>(knownSyndrome ? ++sync : --sync, 0, 4);
// If we're still no longer in sync, try to resync
if (!sync) { continue; }
// Figure out which block we've got
BlockType type;
if (knownSyndrome) {
type = SYNDROMES[syn];
else {
type = (BlockType)((lastType + 1) % _BLOCK_TYPE_COUNT);
// Save block while correcting errors (NOT YET)
blocks[type] = correctErrors(shiftReg, type, blockAvail[type]);
// Update continous group count
if (type == BLOCK_TYPE_A) { contGroup = 1; }
else if (type == BLOCK_TYPE_B && lastType == BLOCK_TYPE_A) { contGroup++; }
else if ((type == BLOCK_TYPE_C || type == BLOCK_TYPE_CP) && lastType == BLOCK_TYPE_B) { contGroup++; }
else if (type == BLOCK_TYPE_D && (lastType == BLOCK_TYPE_C || lastType == BLOCK_TYPE_CP)) { contGroup++; }
else { contGroup = 0; }
// If we've got an entire group, process it
if (contGroup >= 4) {
contGroup = 0;
// // Remember the last block type and skip to new block
lastType = type;
skip = BLOCK_LEN;
uint16_t RDSDecoder::calcSyndrome(uint32_t block) {
uint16_t syn = 0;
// Calculate the syndrome using a LFSR
for (int i = BLOCK_LEN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Shift the syndrome and keep the output
uint8_t outBit = (syn >> (POLY_LEN - 1)) & 1;
syn = (syn << 1) & 0b1111111111;
// Apply LFSR polynomial
syn ^= LFSR_POLY * outBit;
// Apply input polynomial.
syn ^= IN_POLY * ((block >> i) & 1);
return syn;
uint32_t RDSDecoder::correctErrors(uint32_t block, BlockType type, bool& recovered) {
// Subtract the offset from block
block ^= (uint32_t)OFFSETS[type];
uint32_t out = block;
// Calculate syndrome of corrected block
uint16_t syn = calcSyndrome(block);
// Use the syndrome register to do error correction if errors are present
uint8_t errorFound = 0;
if (syn) {
for (int i = DATA_LEN - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Check if the 5 leftmost bits are all zero
errorFound |= !(syn & 0b11111);
// Write output
uint8_t outBit = (syn >> (POLY_LEN - 1)) & 1;
out ^= (errorFound & outBit) << (i + POLY_LEN);
// Shift syndrome
syn = (syn << 1) & 0b1111111111;
syn ^= LFSR_POLY * outBit * !errorFound;
recovered = !(syn & 0b11111);
return out;
void RDSDecoder::decodeGroup() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lck(groupMtx);
auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
anyGroupLastUpdate = now;
// Make sure blocks A and B are available
if (!blockAvail[BLOCK_TYPE_A] || !blockAvail[BLOCK_TYPE_B]) { return; }
// Decode PI code
countryCode = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_A] >> 22) & 0xF;
programCoverage = (AreaCoverage)((blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_A] >> 18) & 0xF);
programRefNumber = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_A] >> 10) & 0xFF;
// Decode group type and version
uint8_t groupType = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_B] >> 22) & 0xF;
GroupVersion groupVer = (GroupVersion)((blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_B] >> 21) & 1);
// Decode traffic program and program type
trafficProgram = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_B] >> 20) & 1;
programType = (ProgramType)((blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_B] >> 15) & 0x1F);
if (groupType == 0) {
group0LastUpdate = now;
trafficAnnouncement = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_B] >> 14) & 1;
music = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_B] >> 13) & 1;
uint8_t diBit = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_B] >> 12) & 1;
uint8_t offset = ((blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_B] >> 10) & 0b11);
uint8_t diOffset = 3 - offset;
uint8_t psOffset = offset * 2;
if (groupVer == GROUP_VER_A && blockAvail[BLOCK_TYPE_C]) {
alternateFrequency = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_C] >> 10) & 0xFFFF;
// Write DI bit to the decoder identification
decoderIdent &= ~(1 << diOffset);
decoderIdent |= (diBit << diOffset);
// Write chars at offset the PSName
if (blockAvail[BLOCK_TYPE_D]) {
programServiceName[psOffset] = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_D] >> 18) & 0xFF;
programServiceName[psOffset + 1] = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_D] >> 10) & 0xFF;
else if (groupType == 2) {
group2LastUpdate = now;
// Get char offset and write chars in the Radiotext
bool nAB = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_B] >> 14) & 1;
uint8_t offset = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_B] >> 10) & 0xF;
// Clear text field if the A/B flag changed
if (nAB != rtAB) {
radioText = " ";
rtAB = nAB;
// Write char at offset in Radiotext
if (groupVer == GROUP_VER_A) {
uint8_t rtOffset = offset * 4;
if (blockAvail[BLOCK_TYPE_C]) {
radioText[rtOffset] = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_C] >> 18) & 0xFF;
radioText[rtOffset + 1] = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_C] >> 10) & 0xFF;
if (blockAvail[BLOCK_TYPE_D]) {
radioText[rtOffset + 2] = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_D] >> 18) & 0xFF;
radioText[rtOffset + 3] = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_D] >> 10) & 0xFF;
else {
uint8_t rtOffset = offset * 2;
if (blockAvail[BLOCK_TYPE_D]) {
radioText[rtOffset] = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_D] >> 18) & 0xFF;
radioText[rtOffset + 1] = (blocks[BLOCK_TYPE_D] >> 10) & 0xFF;
bool RDSDecoder::anyGroupValid() {
auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
return (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - anyGroupLastUpdate)).count() < 5000.0;
bool RDSDecoder::group0Valid() {
auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
return (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - group0LastUpdate)).count() < 5000.0;
bool RDSDecoder::group2Valid() {
auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
return (std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now - group2LastUpdate)).count() < 5000.0;
} |