#include #include #include #include #include #include #define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str()) SinkManager::SinkManager() { SinkManager::SinkProvider prov; prov.create = SinkManager::NullSink::create; registerSinkProvider("None", prov); } SinkManager::Stream::Stream(dsp::stream* in, EventHandler* srChangeHandler, float sampleRate) { init(in, srChangeHandler, sampleRate); } void SinkManager::Stream::init(dsp::stream* in, EventHandler* srChangeHandler, float sampleRate) { _in = in; srChange.bindHandler(srChangeHandler); _sampleRate = sampleRate; splitter.init(_in); splitter.bindStream(&volumeInput); volumeAjust.init(&volumeInput, 1.0f, false); sinkOut = &volumeAjust.out; } void SinkManager::Stream::start() { if (running) { return; } splitter.start(); volumeAjust.start(); sink->start(); running = true; } void SinkManager::Stream::stop() { if (!running) { return; } splitter.stop(); volumeAjust.stop(); sink->stop(); running = false; } void SinkManager::Stream::setVolume(float volume) { guiVolume = volume; volumeAjust.setVolume(volume); } float SinkManager::Stream::getVolume() { return guiVolume; } float SinkManager::Stream::getSampleRate() { return _sampleRate; } void SinkManager::Stream::setInput(dsp::stream* in) { std::lock_guard lck(ctrlMtx); _in = in; splitter.setInput(_in); } dsp::stream* SinkManager::Stream::bindStream() { dsp::stream* stream = new dsp::stream; splitter.bindStream(stream); return stream; } void SinkManager::Stream::unbindStream(dsp::stream* stream) { splitter.unbindStream(stream); delete stream; } void SinkManager::Stream::setSampleRate(float sampleRate) { std::lock_guard lck(ctrlMtx); _sampleRate = sampleRate; srChange.emit(sampleRate); } void SinkManager::registerSinkProvider(std::string name, SinkProvider provider) { if (providers.find(name) != providers.end()) { flog::error("Cannot register sink provider '{0}', this name is already taken", name); return; } // Add the provider to the lists providers[name] = provider; providerNames.push_back(name); // Recreatd the text list for the menu refreshProviders(); // Update the IDs of every stream for (auto& [streamName, stream] : streams) { stream->providerId = std::distance(providerNames.begin(), std::find(providerNames.begin(), providerNames.end(), stream->providerName)); } onSinkProviderRegistered.emit(name); } void SinkManager::unregisterSinkProvider(std::string name) { if (providers.find(name) == providers.end()) { flog::error("Cannot unregister sink provider '{0}', no such provider exists.", name); return; } onSinkProviderUnregister.emit(name); // Switch all sinks using it to a null sink for (auto& [streamName, stream] : streams) { if (providerNames[stream->providerId] != name) { continue; } setStreamSink(streamName, "None"); } // Erase the provider from the lists providers.erase(name); providerNames.erase(std::find(providerNames.begin(), providerNames.end(), name)); // Recreatd the text list for the menu refreshProviders(); // Update the IDs of every stream for (auto& [streamName, stream] : streams) { stream->providerId = std::distance(providerNames.begin(), std::find(providerNames.begin(), providerNames.end(), stream->providerName)); } onSinkProviderUnregistered.emit(name); } void SinkManager::registerStream(std::string name, SinkManager::Stream* stream) { if (streams.find(name) != streams.end()) { flog::error("Cannot register stream '{0}', this name is already taken", name); return; } SinkManager::SinkProvider provider; provider = providers["None"]; stream->sink = provider.create(stream, name, provider.ctx); stream->providerId = std::distance(providerNames.begin(), std::find(providerNames.begin(), providerNames.end(), "None")); stream->providerName = "None"; streams[name] = stream; streamNames.push_back(name); // Load config core::configManager.acquire(); bool available = core::configManager.conf["streams"].contains(name); core::configManager.release(); if (available) { loadStreamConfig(name); } onStreamRegistered.emit(name); } void SinkManager::unregisterStream(std::string name) { if (streams.find(name) == streams.end()) { flog::error("Cannot unregister stream '{0}', this stream doesn't exist", name); return; } onStreamUnregister.emit(name); SinkManager::Stream* stream = streams[name]; stream->stop(); delete stream->sink; streams.erase(name); streamNames.erase(std::remove(streamNames.begin(), streamNames.end(), name), streamNames.end()); onStreamUnregistered.emit(name); } void SinkManager::startStream(std::string name) { if (streams.find(name) == streams.end()) { flog::error("Cannot start stream '{0}', this stream doesn't exist", name); return; } streams[name]->start(); } void SinkManager::stopStream(std::string name) { if (streams.find(name) == streams.end()) { flog::error("Cannot stop stream '{0}', this stream doesn't exist", name); return; } streams[name]->stop(); } float SinkManager::getStreamSampleRate(std::string name) { if (streams.find(name) == streams.end()) { flog::error("Cannot get sample rate of stream '{0}', this stream doesn't exist", name); return -1.0f; } return streams[name]->getSampleRate(); } dsp::stream* SinkManager::bindStream(std::string name) { if (streams.find(name) == streams.end()) { flog::error("Cannot bind to stream '{0}'. Stream doesn't exist", name); return NULL; } return streams[name]->bindStream(); } void SinkManager::unbindStream(std::string name, dsp::stream* stream) { if (streams.find(name) == streams.end()) { flog::error("Cannot unbind from stream '{0}'. Stream doesn't exist", name); return; } streams[name]->unbindStream(stream); } void SinkManager::setStreamSink(std::string name, std::string providerName) { if (streams.find(name) == streams.end()) { flog::error("Cannot set sink for stream '{0}'. Stream doesn't exist", name); return; } Stream* stream = streams[name]; if (providers.find(providerName) == providers.end()) { flog::error("Unknown sink provider '{0}'", providerName); return; } if (stream->running) { stream->sink->stop(); } delete stream->sink; stream->providerId = std::distance(providerNames.begin(), std::find(providerNames.begin(), providerNames.end(), providerName)); stream->providerName = providerName; SinkManager::SinkProvider prov = providers[providerName]; stream->sink = prov.create(stream, name, prov.ctx); if (stream->running) { stream->sink->start(); } } void SinkManager::showVolumeSlider(std::string name, std::string prefix, float width, float btnHeight, int btnBorder, bool sameLine) { // TODO: Replace map with some hashmap for it to be faster float height = ImGui::GetTextLineHeightWithSpacing() + 2; float sliderHeight = height; if (btnHeight > 0) { height = btnHeight; } float ypos = ImGui::GetCursorPosY(); float sliderOffset = 8.0f * style::uiScale; if (streams.find(name) == streams.end() || name == "") { float dummy = 0.0f; style::beginDisabled(); ImGui::PushID(ImGui::GetID(("sdrpp_unmute_btn_" + name).c_str())); ImGui::ImageButton(icons::MUTED, ImVec2(height, height), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), btnBorder, ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 0), ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text)); ImGui::PopID(); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(width - height - sliderOffset); ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ypos + ((height - sliderHeight) / 2.0f) + btnBorder); ImGui::SliderFloat((prefix + name).c_str(), &dummy, 0.0f, 1.0f, ""); style::endDisabled(); if (sameLine) { ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ypos); } return; } SinkManager::Stream* stream = streams[name]; if (stream->volumeAjust.getMuted()) { ImGui::PushID(ImGui::GetID(("sdrpp_unmute_btn_" + name).c_str())); if (ImGui::ImageButton(icons::MUTED, ImVec2(height, height), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), btnBorder, ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 0), ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text))) { stream->volumeAjust.setMuted(false); core::configManager.acquire(); saveStreamConfig(name); core::configManager.release(true); } ImGui::PopID(); } else { ImGui::PushID(ImGui::GetID(("sdrpp_mute_btn_" + name).c_str())); if (ImGui::ImageButton(icons::UNMUTED, ImVec2(height, height), ImVec2(0, 0), ImVec2(1, 1), btnBorder, ImVec4(0, 0, 0, 0), ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text))) { stream->volumeAjust.setMuted(true); core::configManager.acquire(); saveStreamConfig(name); core::configManager.release(true); } ImGui::PopID(); } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(width - height - sliderOffset); ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ypos + ((height - sliderHeight) / 2.0f) + btnBorder); if (ImGui::SliderFloat((prefix + name).c_str(), &stream->guiVolume, 0.0f, 1.0f, "")) { stream->setVolume(stream->guiVolume); core::configManager.acquire(); saveStreamConfig(name); core::configManager.release(true); } if (sameLine) { ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ypos); } //ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ypos); } void SinkManager::loadStreamConfig(std::string name) { json conf = core::configManager.conf["streams"][name]; SinkManager::Stream* stream = streams[name]; std::string provName = conf["sink"]; if (providers.find(provName) == providers.end()) { provName = providerNames[0]; } if (stream->running) { stream->sink->stop(); } delete stream->sink; SinkManager::SinkProvider prov = providers[provName]; stream->providerId = std::distance(providerNames.begin(), std::find(providerNames.begin(), providerNames.end(), provName)); stream->providerName = provName; stream->sink = prov.create(stream, name, prov.ctx); if (stream->running) { stream->sink->start(); } stream->setVolume(conf["volume"]); stream->volumeAjust.setMuted(conf["muted"]); } void SinkManager::saveStreamConfig(std::string name) { SinkManager::Stream* stream = streams[name]; json conf; conf["sink"] = providerNames[stream->providerId]; conf["volume"] = stream->getVolume(); conf["muted"] = stream->volumeAjust.getMuted(); core::configManager.conf["streams"][name] = conf; } // Note: acquire and release config before running this void SinkManager::loadSinksFromConfig() { for (auto const& [name, stream] : streams) { if (!core::configManager.conf["streams"].contains(name)) { continue; } loadStreamConfig(name); } } void SinkManager::showMenu() { float menuWidth = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x; int count = 0; int maxCount = streams.size(); std::string provStr = ""; for (auto const& name : providerNames) { provStr += name; provStr += '\0'; } for (auto const& [name, stream] : streams) { ImGui::SetCursorPosX((menuWidth / 2.0f) - (ImGui::CalcTextSize(name.c_str()).x / 2.0f)); ImGui::Text("%s", name.c_str()); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(menuWidth); if (ImGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_sdrpp_sink_select_", name), &stream->providerId, provStr.c_str())) { setStreamSink(name, providerNames[stream->providerId]); core::configManager.acquire(); saveStreamConfig(name); core::configManager.release(true); } stream->sink->menuHandler(); showVolumeSlider(name, "##_sdrpp_sink_menu_vol_", menuWidth); count++; if (count < maxCount) { ImGui::Spacing(); ImGui::Separator(); } ImGui::Spacing(); } } std::vector SinkManager::getStreamNames() { return streamNames; } void SinkManager::refreshProviders() { providerNamesTxt.clear(); for (auto& provName : providerNames) { providerNamesTxt += provName; providerNamesTxt += '\0'; } }