#include #include #include #include namespace tuner { void centerTuning(std::string vfoName, double freq) { if (vfoName != "") { if (gui::waterfall.vfos.find(vfoName) == gui::waterfall.vfos.end()) { return; } sigpath::vfoManager.setOffset(vfoName, 0); } double BW = gui::waterfall.getBandwidth(); double viewBW = gui::waterfall.getViewBandwidth(); gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((BW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 2.0)); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq); gui::waterfall.setViewOffset(0); gui::freqSelect.setFrequency(freq); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq); } void normalTuning(std::string vfoName, double freq) { if (vfoName == "") { centerTuning(vfoName, freq); return; } if (gui::waterfall.vfos.find(vfoName) == gui::waterfall.vfos.end()) { return; } double viewBW = gui::waterfall.getViewBandwidth(); double BW = gui::waterfall.getBandwidth(); ImGui::WaterfallVFO* vfo = gui::waterfall.vfos[vfoName]; double currentOff = vfo->centerOffset; double currentTune = gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency() + vfo->generalOffset; double delta = freq - currentTune; double newVFO = currentOff + delta; double vfoBW = vfo->bandwidth; double vfoBottom = newVFO - (vfoBW / 2.0); double vfoTop = newVFO + (vfoBW / 2.0); double view = gui::waterfall.getViewOffset(); double viewBottom = view - (viewBW / 2.0); double viewTop = view + (viewBW / 2.0); double bottom = -(BW / 2.0); double top = (BW / 2.0); // VFO still fints in the view if (vfoBottom > viewBottom && vfoTop < viewTop) { sigpath::vfoManager.setCenterOffset(vfoName, newVFO); return; } // VFO too low for current SDR tuning if (vfoBottom < bottom) { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((BW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 2.0)); double newVFOOffset = (BW / 2.0) - (vfoBW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 10.0); sigpath::vfoManager.setOffset(vfoName, newVFOOffset); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq - newVFOOffset); return; } // VFO too high for current SDR tuning if (vfoTop > top) { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((viewBW / 2.0) - (BW / 2.0)); double newVFOOffset = (vfoBW / 2.0) - (BW / 2.0) + (viewBW / 10.0); sigpath::vfoManager.setOffset(vfoName, newVFOOffset); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq - newVFOOffset); return; } // VFO is still without the SDR's bandwidth if (delta < 0) { double newViewOff = vfoTop - (viewBW / 2.0) + (viewBW / 10.0); double newViewBottom = newViewOff - (viewBW / 2.0); if (newViewBottom > bottom) { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset(newViewOff); sigpath::vfoManager.setCenterOffset(vfoName, newVFO); return; } gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((BW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 2.0)); double newVFOOffset = (BW / 2.0) - (vfoBW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 10.0); sigpath::vfoManager.setCenterOffset(vfoName, newVFOOffset); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq - newVFOOffset); } else { double newViewOff = vfoBottom + (viewBW / 2.0) - (viewBW / 10.0); double newViewTop = newViewOff + (viewBW / 2.0); if (newViewTop < top) { gui::waterfall.setViewOffset(newViewOff); sigpath::vfoManager.setCenterOffset(vfoName, newVFO); return; } gui::waterfall.setViewOffset((viewBW / 2.0) - (BW / 2.0)); double newVFOOffset = (vfoBW / 2.0) - (BW / 2.0) + (viewBW / 10.0); sigpath::vfoManager.setCenterOffset(vfoName, newVFOOffset); gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq - newVFOOffset); } } void iqTuning(double freq) { gui::waterfall.setCenterFrequency(freq); gui::waterfall.centerFreqMoved = true; sigpath::sourceManager.tune(freq); } void tune(int mode, std::string vfoName, double freq) { switch (mode) { case TUNER_MODE_CENTER: centerTuning(vfoName, freq); break; case TUNER_MODE_NORMAL: normalTuning(vfoName, freq); break; case TUNER_MODE_LOWER_HALF: normalTuning(vfoName, freq); break; case TUNER_MODE_UPPER_HALF: normalTuning(vfoName, freq); break; case TUNER_MODE_IQ_ONLY: iqTuning(freq); break; } } }