--- name: Bug report about: Report crashes or unexpected behavior title: '' labels: bug assignees: '' --- FIRST: Before reporting any bug, make sure that the bug you are reporting has not been reported before. Also, try to use the [nightly version](https://www.sdrpp.org/nightly) if possible in case I've already fixed the bug. **Hardware** - CPU: - RAM: - GPU: - SDR: (Remote or local? If remote, what protocol?) **Software** - Operating System: Name + Exact version (eg. Windows 10 x64, Ubuntu 22.04, MacOS 10.15) - SDR++: Version + Build date (available either in the window title or in the credits menu which you can access by clicking on the SDR++ icon in the top right corner of the software). **Bug Description** A clear description of the bug. **Steps To Reproduce** 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... **Only If SDR++ fails to lauch or the SDR fails to start:** Run SDR++ from a command line window with special parameters: * On Windows, open a terminal and `cd` to SDR++'s directory and run `.\sdrpp.exe -c` (if running SDR++ version 1.0.4 or older, use `-s` instead, though you should probably update SDR++ instead...) * On Linux: Open a terminal and run `sdrpp -c` * On MacOS: Open a terminal and run `/path/to/the/SDR++.app/Contents/MacOS/sdrpp -c` Then, post the **entire** logs from start to after the issue. **DOT NOT truncate to where you *think* the error is...** **Screenshots** Add any screenshot that is relevant to the bug (GUI error messages, strange behavior, graphics glitch, etc...). **Additional info** Add any other relevant information.