#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kcsdr.h" #include SDRPP_MOD_INFO{ /* Name: */ "kcsdr_source", /* Description: */ "KCSDR Source Module", /* Author: */ "Ryzerth", /* Version: */ 0, 1, 0, /* Max instances */ -1 }; #define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str()) class KCSDRSourceModule : public ModuleManager::Instance { public: KCSDRSourceModule(std::string name) { this->name = name; sampleRate = 2000000.0; samplerates.define(40e6, "40MHz", 40e6); samplerates.define(35e6, "35MHz", 35e6); samplerates.define(30e6, "30MHz", 30e6); samplerates.define(25e6, "25MHz", 25e6); samplerates.define(20e6, "20MHz", 20e6); samplerates.define(15e6, "15MHz", 15e6); samplerates.define(10e6, "10MHz", 10e6); samplerates.define(5e6, "5MHz", 5e6); handler.ctx = this; handler.selectHandler = menuSelected; handler.deselectHandler = menuDeselected; handler.menuHandler = menuHandler; handler.startHandler = start; handler.stopHandler = stop; handler.tuneHandler = tune; handler.stream = &stream; // Refresh devices refresh(); // Select first (TODO: Select from config) select(""); sigpath::sourceManager.registerSource("KCSDR", &handler); } ~KCSDRSourceModule() { } void postInit() {} void enable() { enabled = true; } void disable() { enabled = false; } bool isEnabled() { return enabled; } private: void refresh() { devices.clear(); // Get device list kcsdr_info_t* list; int count = kcsdr_list_devices(&list); if (count < 0) { flog::error("Failed to list devices: {}", count); return; } // Create list for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { devices.define(list[i].serial, list[i].serial, list[i].serial); } // Free the device list kcsdr_free_device_list(list); } void select(const std::string& serial) { // If there are no devices, give up if (devices.empty()) { selectedSerial.clear(); return; } // If the serial was not found, select the first available serial if (!devices.keyExists(serial)) { select(devices.key(0)); return; } // Get the menu ID devId = devices.keyId(serial); // TODO // Update the samplerate core::setInputSampleRate(sampleRate); // Save serial number selectedSerial = serial; } static void menuSelected(void* ctx) { KCSDRSourceModule* _this = (KCSDRSourceModule*)ctx; core::setInputSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); flog::info("KCSDRSourceModule '{0}': Menu Select!", _this->name); } static void menuDeselected(void* ctx) { KCSDRSourceModule* _this = (KCSDRSourceModule*)ctx; flog::info("KCSDRSourceModule '{0}': Menu Deselect!", _this->name); } static void start(void* ctx) { KCSDRSourceModule* _this = (KCSDRSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { return; } // If no serial is given, do nothing if (_this->selectedSerial.empty()) { return; } // Open the device int err = kcsdr_open(&_this->openDev, _this->selectedSerial.c_str()); if (err) { flog::error("Failed to open device: {}", err); return; } // Configure the device kcsdr_set_port(_this->openDev, KCSDR_DIR_RX, 0); kcsdr_set_frequency(_this->openDev, KCSDR_DIR_RX, _this->freq); kcsdr_set_attenuation(_this->openDev, KCSDR_DIR_RX, _this->att); kcsdr_set_amp_gain(_this->openDev, KCSDR_DIR_RX, _this->gain); kcsdr_set_rx_ext_amp_gain(_this->openDev, _this->extGain); kcsdr_set_samplerate(_this->openDev, KCSDR_DIR_RX, _this->sampleRate); // Start the stream kcsdr_start(_this->openDev, KCSDR_DIR_RX); // Start worker _this->run = true; _this->workerThread = std::thread(&KCSDRSourceModule::worker, _this); _this->running = true; flog::info("KCSDRSourceModule '{0}': Start!", _this->name); } static void stop(void* ctx) { KCSDRSourceModule* _this = (KCSDRSourceModule*)ctx; if (!_this->running) { return; } _this->running = false; // Stop worker _this->run = false; _this->stream.stopWriter(); if (_this->workerThread.joinable()) { _this->workerThread.join(); } _this->stream.clearWriteStop(); // Stop streaming kcsdr_stop(_this->openDev, KCSDR_DIR_RX); // Close the device kcsdr_close(_this->openDev); flog::info("KCSDRSourceModule '{0}': Stop!", _this->name); } static void tune(double freq, void* ctx) { KCSDRSourceModule* _this = (KCSDRSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { kcsdr_set_frequency(_this->openDev, KCSDR_DIR_RX, freq); } _this->freq = freq; flog::info("KCSDRSourceModule '{0}': Tune: {1}!", _this->name, freq); } static void menuHandler(void* ctx) { KCSDRSourceModule* _this = (KCSDRSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { SmGui::BeginDisabled(); } SmGui::FillWidth(); SmGui::ForceSync(); if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_kcsdr_dev_sel_", _this->name), &_this->devId, _this->devices.txt)) { _this->select(_this->devices.key(_this->devId)); core::setInputSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); // TODO: Save } if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_kcsdr_sr_sel_", _this->name), &_this->srId, _this->samplerates.txt)) { _this->sampleRate = _this->samplerates.value(_this->srId); core::setInputSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); // TODO: Save } SmGui::SameLine(); SmGui::FillWidth(); SmGui::ForceSync(); if (SmGui::Button(CONCAT("Refresh##_kcsdr_refr_", _this->name))) { _this->refresh(); _this->select(_this->selectedSerial); core::setInputSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); } if (_this->running) { SmGui::EndDisabled(); } // SmGui::LeftLabel("RX Port"); // SmGui::FillWidth(); // if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_kcsdr_port_", _this->name), &_this->portId, _this->rxPorts.txt)) { // if (_this->running) { // // TODO // } // // TODO: Save // } SmGui::LeftLabel("Attenuation"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::SliderInt(CONCAT("##_kcsdr_att_", _this->name), &_this->att, 0, 31)) { if (_this->running) { kcsdr_set_attenuation(_this->openDev, KCSDR_DIR_RX, _this->att); } // TODO: Save } SmGui::LeftLabel("Gain"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::SliderInt(CONCAT("##_kcsdr_gain_", _this->name), &_this->gain, 0, 31)) { if (_this->running) { kcsdr_set_amp_gain(_this->openDev, KCSDR_DIR_RX, _this->gain); } // TODO: Save } SmGui::LeftLabel("External Gain"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::SliderInt(CONCAT("##_kcsdr_ext_gain_", _this->name), &_this->extGain, 0, 31)) { if (_this->running) { kcsdr_set_rx_ext_amp_gain(_this->openDev, _this->extGain); } // TODO: Save } } void worker() { // Compute the buffer size int bufferSize = 0x4000/4;//sampleRate / 200; // Allocate the sample buffer int16_t* samps = dsp::buffer::alloc(bufferSize*2); // Loop while (run) { // Read samples int count = kcsdr_rx(openDev, samps, bufferSize); if (!count) { continue; } if (count < 0) { flog::debug("Failed to read samples: {}", count); break; } // Convert the samples to float volk_16i_s32f_convert_32f((float*)stream.writeBuf, samps, 8192.0f, count*2); // Send out the samples if (!stream.swap(count)) { break; } } // Free the sample buffer dsp::buffer::free(samps); } std::string name; bool enabled = true; dsp::stream stream; double sampleRate; SourceManager::SourceHandler handler; bool running = false; double freq; OptionList devices; OptionList samplerates; int devId = 0; int srId = 0; int att = 0; int gain = 30; int extGain = 1; int portId = 0; std::string selectedSerial; kcsdr_t* openDev; std::thread workerThread; std::atomic run = false; }; MOD_EXPORT void _INIT_() { // Nothing here } MOD_EXPORT ModuleManager::Instance* _CREATE_INSTANCE_(std::string name) { return new KCSDRSourceModule(name); } MOD_EXPORT void _DELETE_INSTANCE_(void* instance) { delete (KCSDRSourceModule*)instance; } MOD_EXPORT void _END_() { // Nothing here }