#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str()) SDRPP_MOD_INFO { /* Name: */ "recorder", /* Description: */ "Recorder module for SDR++", /* Author: */ "Ryzerth", /* Version: */ 0, 2, 0, /* Max instances */ -1 }; ConfigManager config; std::string expandString(std::string input) { input = std::regex_replace(input, std::regex("%ROOT%"), options::opts.root); return std::regex_replace(input, std::regex("//"), "/"); } std::string genFileName(std::string prefix, bool isVfo, std::string name = "") { time_t now = time(0); tm *ltm = localtime(&now); char buf[1024]; double freq = gui::waterfall.getCenterFrequency();; if (isVfo && gui::waterfall.vfos.find(name) != gui::waterfall.vfos.end()) { freq += gui::waterfall.vfos[name]->generalOffset; } sprintf(buf, "%.0lfHz_%02d-%02d-%02d_%02d-%02d-%02d.wav", freq, ltm->tm_hour, ltm->tm_min, ltm->tm_sec, ltm->tm_mday, ltm->tm_mon + 1, ltm->tm_year + 1900); return prefix + buf; } class RecorderModule : public ModuleManager::Instance { public: RecorderModule(std::string name) : folderSelect("%ROOT%/recordings") { this->name = name; // Load config config.acquire(); bool created = false; // Create config if it doesn't exist if (!config.conf.contains(name)) { config.conf[name]["mode"] = RECORDER_MODE_AUDIO; config.conf[name]["recPath"] = "%ROOT%/recordings"; config.conf[name]["audioStream"] = "Radio"; created = true; } recMode = config.conf[name]["mode"]; folderSelect.setPath(config.conf[name]["recPath"]); selectedStreamName = config.conf[name]["audioStream"]; config.release(created); // Init audio path vol.init(&dummyStream, 1.0f); audioSplit.init(&vol.out); audioSplit.bindStream(&meterStream); meter.init(&meterStream); audioHandler.init(&audioHandlerStream, _audioHandler, this); vol.start(); audioSplit.start(); meter.start(); // Init baseband path basebandHandler.init(&basebandStream, _basebandHandler, this); wavSampleBuf = new int16_t[2 * STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE]; refreshStreams(); gui::menu.registerEntry(name, menuHandler, this); core::modComManager.registerInterface("recorder", name, moduleInterfaceHandler, this); } ~RecorderModule() { core::modComManager.unregisterInterface(name); // Stop recording if (recording) { if (recMode == RECORDER_MODE_AUDIO) { audioSplit.unbindStream(&audioHandlerStream); audioHandler.stop(); audioWriter->close(); delete audioWriter; } else { sigpath::signalPath.unbindIQStream(&basebandStream); basebandHandler.stop(); basebandWriter->close(); delete basebandWriter; } } vol.stop(); audioSplit.stop(); meter.stop(); gui::menu.removeEntry(name); delete[] wavSampleBuf; } void enable() { enabled = true; } void disable() { enabled = false; } bool isEnabled() { return enabled; } private: void refreshStreams() { std::vector names = sigpath::sinkManager.getStreamNames(); // If there are no stream, cancel if (names.size() == 0) { return; } // List streams streamNames.clear(); streamNamesTxt = ""; for (auto const& name : names) { streamNames.push_back(name); streamNamesTxt += name; streamNamesTxt += '\0'; } if (selectedStreamName == "") { selectStream(streamNames[0]); } else { selectStream(selectedStreamName); } } void selectStream(std::string name) { auto it = std::find(streamNames.begin(), streamNames.end(), name); if (it == streamNames.end()) { return; } streamId = std::distance(streamNames.begin(), it); vol.stop(); if (audioInput != NULL) { sigpath::sinkManager.unbindStream(selectedStreamName, audioInput); } audioInput = sigpath::sinkManager.bindStream(name); if (audioInput == NULL) { return; } selectedStreamName = name; vol.setInput(audioInput); vol.start(); } static void menuHandler(void* ctx) { RecorderModule* _this = (RecorderModule*)ctx; float menuColumnWidth = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvailWidth(); // Recording mode if (_this->recording) { style::beginDisabled(); } ImGui::BeginGroup(); ImGui::Columns(2, CONCAT("AirspyGainModeColumns##_", _this->name), false); if (ImGui::RadioButton(CONCAT("Baseband##_recmode_", _this->name), _this->recMode == RECORDER_MODE_BASEBAND)) { _this->recMode = RECORDER_MODE_BASEBAND; config.acquire(); config.conf[_this->name]["mode"] = _this->recMode; config.release(true); } ImGui::NextColumn(); if (ImGui::RadioButton(CONCAT("Audio##_recmode_", _this->name), _this->recMode == RECORDER_MODE_AUDIO)) { _this->recMode = RECORDER_MODE_AUDIO; config.acquire(); config.conf[_this->name]["mode"] = _this->recMode; config.release(true); } ImGui::Columns(1, CONCAT("EndAirspyGainModeColumns##_", _this->name), false); ImGui::EndGroup(); if (_this->recording) { style::endDisabled(); } // Recording path if (_this->folderSelect.render("##_recorder_fold_" + _this->name)) { if (_this->folderSelect.pathIsValid()) { config.acquire(); config.conf[_this->name]["recPath"] = _this->folderSelect.path; config.release(true); } } // Mode specific menu if (_this->recMode == RECORDER_MODE_AUDIO) { _this->audioMenu(menuColumnWidth); } else { _this->basebandMenu(menuColumnWidth); } } void basebandMenu(float menuColumnWidth) { if (!folderSelect.pathIsValid()) { style::beginDisabled(); } if (!recording) { if (ImGui::Button(CONCAT("Record##_recorder_rec_", name), ImVec2(menuColumnWidth, 0))) { std::lock_guard lck(recMtx); startRecording(); } ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text), "Idle --:--:--"); } else { if (ImGui::Button(CONCAT("Stop##_recorder_rec_", name), ImVec2(menuColumnWidth, 0))) { std::lock_guard lck(recMtx); stopRecording(); } uint64_t seconds = samplesWritten / (uint64_t)sampleRate; time_t diff = seconds; tm *dtm = gmtime(&diff); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "Recording %02d:%02d:%02d", dtm->tm_hour, dtm->tm_min, dtm->tm_sec); } if (!folderSelect.pathIsValid()) { style::endDisabled(); } } void audioMenu(float menuColumnWidth) { ImGui::PushItemWidth(menuColumnWidth); if (streamNames.size() == 0) { refreshStreams(); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); return; } if (recording) { style::beginDisabled(); } if (ImGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_recorder_strm_", name), &streamId, streamNamesTxt.c_str())) { selectStream(streamNames[streamId]); config.acquire(); config.conf[name]["audioStream"] = streamNames[streamId]; config.release(true); } if (recording) { style::endDisabled(); } double frameTime = 1.0 / ImGui::GetIO().Framerate; lvlL = std::max(lvlL - (frameTime * 50.0), -90); lvlR = std::max(lvlR - (frameTime * 50.0), -90); float _lvlL = meter.getLeftLevel(); float _lvlR = meter.getRightLevel(); if (_lvlL > lvlL) { lvlL = _lvlL; } if (_lvlR > lvlR) { lvlR = _lvlR; } ImGui::VolumeMeter(lvlL, lvlL, -60, 10); ImGui::VolumeMeter(lvlR, lvlR, -60, 10); if (ImGui::SliderFloat(CONCAT("##_recorder_vol_", name), &audioVolume, 0, 1, "")) { vol.setVolume(audioVolume); } ImGui::PopItemWidth(); if (!folderSelect.pathIsValid() || selectedStreamName == "") { style::beginDisabled(); } if (!recording) { if (ImGui::Button(CONCAT("Record##_recorder_rec_", name), ImVec2(menuColumnWidth, 0))) { std::lock_guard lck(recMtx); startRecording(); } ImGui::TextColored(ImGui::GetStyleColorVec4(ImGuiCol_Text), "Idle --:--:--"); } else { if (ImGui::Button(CONCAT("Stop##_recorder_rec_", name), ImVec2(menuColumnWidth, 0))) { std::lock_guard lck(recMtx); stopRecording(); } uint64_t seconds = samplesWritten / (uint64_t)sampleRate; time_t diff = seconds; tm *dtm = gmtime(&diff); ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "Recording %02d:%02d:%02d", dtm->tm_hour, dtm->tm_min, dtm->tm_sec); } if (!folderSelect.pathIsValid() || selectedStreamName == "") { style::endDisabled(); } } static void _audioHandler(dsp::stereo_t *data, int count, void *ctx) { RecorderModule* _this = (RecorderModule*)ctx; volk_32f_s32f_convert_16i(_this->wavSampleBuf, (float*)data, 32767.0f, count*2); _this->audioWriter->writeSamples(_this->wavSampleBuf, count * 2 * sizeof(int16_t)); _this->samplesWritten += count; } static void _basebandHandler(dsp::complex_t *data, int count, void *ctx) { RecorderModule* _this = (RecorderModule*)ctx; volk_32f_s32f_convert_16i(_this->wavSampleBuf, (float*)data, 32767.0f, count*2); _this->basebandWriter->writeSamples(_this->wavSampleBuf, count * 2 * sizeof(int16_t)); _this->samplesWritten += count; } static void moduleInterfaceHandler(int code, void* in, void* out, void* ctx) { RecorderModule* _this = (RecorderModule*)ctx; std::lock_guard lck(_this->recMtx); if (code == RECORDER_IFACE_CMD_GET_MODE) { int* _out = (int*)out; *_out = _this->recMode; } else if (code == RECORDER_IFACE_CMD_SET_MODE) { if (_this->recording) { return; } int* _in = (int*)in; _this->recMode = std::clamp(*_in, 0, 1); } else if (code == RECORDER_IFACE_CMD_START) { if (!_this->recording) { _this->startRecording(); } } else if (code == RECORDER_IFACE_CMD_STOP) { if (_this->recording) { _this->stopRecording(); } } } void startRecording() { if (recMode == RECORDER_MODE_BASEBAND) { samplesWritten = 0; std::string expandedPath = expandString(folderSelect.path + genFileName("/baseband_", false)); sampleRate = sigpath::signalPath.getSampleRate(); basebandWriter = new WavWriter(expandedPath, 16, 2, sigpath::signalPath.getSampleRate()); if (basebandWriter->isOpen()) { basebandHandler.start(); sigpath::signalPath.bindIQStream(&basebandStream); recording = true; spdlog::info("Recording to '{0}'", expandedPath); } else { spdlog::error("Could not create '{0}'", expandedPath); } } else if (recMode == RECORDER_MODE_AUDIO) { samplesWritten = 0; std::string expandedPath = expandString(folderSelect.path + genFileName("/audio_", true, selectedStreamName)); sampleRate = sigpath::sinkManager.getStreamSampleRate(selectedStreamName); audioWriter = new WavWriter(expandedPath, 16, 2, sigpath::sinkManager.getStreamSampleRate(selectedStreamName)); if (audioWriter->isOpen()) { recording = true; audioHandler.start(); audioSplit.bindStream(&audioHandlerStream); spdlog::info("Recording to '{0}'", expandedPath); } else { spdlog::error("Could not create '{0}'", expandedPath); } } } void stopRecording() { if (recMode == 0) { recording = false; sigpath::signalPath.unbindIQStream(&basebandStream); basebandHandler.stop(); basebandWriter->close(); delete basebandWriter; } else if (recMode == 1) { recording = false; audioSplit.unbindStream(&audioHandlerStream); audioHandler.stop(); audioWriter->close(); delete audioWriter; } } std::string name; bool enabled = true; int recMode = 1; bool recording = false; float audioVolume = 1.0f; double sampleRate = 48000; float lvlL = -90.0f; float lvlR = -90.0f; dsp::stream dummyStream; std::mutex recMtx; FolderSelect folderSelect; // Audio path dsp::stream* audioInput = NULL; dsp::Volume vol; dsp::Splitter audioSplit; dsp::stream meterStream; dsp::LevelMeter meter; dsp::stream audioHandlerStream; dsp::HandlerSink audioHandler; WavWriter* audioWriter; std::vector streamNames; std::string streamNamesTxt; int streamId = 0; std::string selectedStreamName = ""; // Baseband path dsp::stream basebandStream; dsp::HandlerSink basebandHandler; WavWriter* basebandWriter; uint64_t samplesWritten; int16_t* wavSampleBuf; }; struct RecorderContext_t { std::string name; }; MOD_EXPORT void _INIT_() { // Create default recording directory if (!std::filesystem::exists(options::opts.root + "/recordings")) { spdlog::warn("Recordings directory does not exist, creating it"); if (!std::filesystem::create_directory(options::opts.root + "/recordings")) { spdlog::error("Could not create recordings directory"); } } json def = json({}); config.setPath(options::opts.root + "/recorder_config.json"); config.load(def); config.enableAutoSave(); } MOD_EXPORT ModuleManager::Instance* _CREATE_INSTANCE_(std::string name) { return new RecorderModule(name); } MOD_EXPORT void _DELETE_INSTANCE_(ModuleManager::Instance* inst) { delete (RecorderModule*)inst; } MOD_EXPORT void _END_(RecorderContext_t* ctx) { config.disableAutoSave(); config.save(); }