#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str()) SDRPP_MOD_INFO { /* Name: */ "rtl_tcp_source", /* Description: */ "RTL-TCP source module for SDR++", /* Author: */ "Ryzerth", /* Version: */ 0, 1, 0, /* Max instances */ 1 }; ConfigManager config; const double sampleRates[] = { 250000, 1024000, 1536000, 1792000, 1920000, 2048000, 2160000, 2560000, 2880000, 3200000 }; const char* sampleRatesTxt[] = { "250KHz", "1.024MHz", "1.536MHz", "1.792MHz", "1.92MHz", "2.048MHz", "2.16MHz", "2.56MHz", "2.88MHz", "3.2MHz" }; class RTLTCPSourceModule : public ModuleManager::Instance { public: RTLTCPSourceModule(std::string name) { this->name = name; sampleRate = 2560000.0; int srCount = sizeof(sampleRatesTxt) / sizeof(char*); for (int i = 0; i < srCount; i++) { srTxt += sampleRatesTxt[i]; srTxt += '\0'; } srId = 7; config.aquire(); std::string hostStr = config.conf["host"]; port = config.conf["port"]; directSamplingMode = config.conf["directSamplingMode"]; rtlAGC = config.conf["rtlAGC"]; tunerAGC = config.conf["tunerAGC"]; gain = config.conf["gainIndex"]; hostStr = hostStr.substr(0, 1023); strcpy(ip, hostStr.c_str()); config.release(); handler.ctx = this; handler.selectHandler = menuSelected; handler.deselectHandler = menuDeselected; handler.menuHandler = menuHandler; handler.startHandler = start; handler.stopHandler = stop; handler.tuneHandler = tune; handler.stream = &stream; sigpath::sourceManager.registerSource("RTL-TCP", &handler); } ~RTLTCPSourceModule() { } void enable() { enabled = true; } void disable() { enabled = false; } bool isEnabled() { return enabled; } private: static void menuSelected(void* ctx) { RTLTCPSourceModule* _this = (RTLTCPSourceModule*)ctx; core::setInputSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); spdlog::info("RTLTCPSourceModule '{0}': Menu Select!", _this->name); } static void menuDeselected(void* ctx) { RTLTCPSourceModule* _this = (RTLTCPSourceModule*)ctx; spdlog::info("RTLTCPSourceModule '{0}': Menu Deselect!", _this->name); } static void start(void* ctx) { RTLTCPSourceModule* _this = (RTLTCPSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { return; } if (!_this->client.connectToRTL(_this->ip, _this->port)) { spdlog::error("Could not connect to {0}:{1}", _this->ip, _this->port); return; } spdlog::warn("Setting sample rate to {0}", _this->sampleRate); _this->client.setFrequency(_this->freq); _this->client.setSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); _this->client.setGainMode(!_this->tunerAGC); _this->client.setDirectSampling(_this->directSamplingMode); _this->client.setAGCMode(_this->rtlAGC); _this->client.setGainIndex(_this->gain); _this->running = true; _this->workerThread = std::thread(worker, _this); spdlog::info("RTLTCPSourceModule '{0}': Start!", _this->name); } static void stop(void* ctx) { RTLTCPSourceModule* _this = (RTLTCPSourceModule*)ctx; if (!_this->running) { return; } _this->running = false; _this->stream.stopWriter(); _this->workerThread.join(); _this->stream.clearWriteStop(); _this->client.disconnect(); spdlog::info("RTLTCPSourceModule '{0}': Stop!", _this->name); } static void tune(double freq, void* ctx) { RTLTCPSourceModule* _this = (RTLTCPSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { _this->client.setFrequency(freq); } _this->freq = freq; spdlog::info("RTLTCPSourceModule '{0}': Tune: {1}!", _this->name, freq); } static void menuHandler(void* ctx) { RTLTCPSourceModule* _this = (RTLTCPSourceModule*)ctx; float menuWidth = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvailWidth(); float portWidth = ImGui::CalcTextSize("00000").x + 20; if (_this->running) { style::beginDisabled(); } ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(menuWidth - portWidth); ImGui::InputText(CONCAT("##_ip_select_", _this->name), _this->ip, 1024); ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(portWidth); ImGui::InputInt(CONCAT("##_port_select_", _this->name), &_this->port, 0); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(menuWidth); if (ImGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_rtltcp_sr_", _this->name), &_this->srId, _this->srTxt.c_str())) { _this->sampleRate = sampleRates[_this->srId]; core::setInputSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); } if (_this->running) { style::endDisabled(); } ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(ImGui::CalcTextSize("OOOOOOOOOO").x); if (ImGui::Combo(CONCAT("Direct Sampling##_rtltcp_ds_", _this->name), &_this->directSamplingMode, "Disabled\0I branch\0Q branch\0")) { if (_this->running) { _this->client.setDirectSampling(_this->directSamplingMode); _this->client.setGainIndex(_this->gain); } } if (ImGui::Checkbox("RTL AGC", &_this->rtlAGC)) { if (_this->running) { _this->client.setAGCMode(_this->rtlAGC); if (!_this->rtlAGC) { _this->client.setGainIndex(_this->gain); } } } if (ImGui::Checkbox("Tuner AGC", &_this->tunerAGC)) { if (_this->running) { _this->client.setGainMode(!_this->tunerAGC); if (!_this->tunerAGC) { _this->client.setGainIndex(_this->gain); } } } if (_this->tunerAGC) { style::beginDisabled(); } ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(menuWidth); if (ImGui::SliderInt(CONCAT("##_gain_select_", _this->name), &_this->gain, 0, 29, "")) { if (_this->running) { _this->client.setGainIndex(_this->gain); } } if (_this->tunerAGC) { style::endDisabled(); } } static void worker(void* ctx) { RTLTCPSourceModule* _this = (RTLTCPSourceModule*)ctx; int blockSize = _this->sampleRate / 200.0f; uint8_t* inBuf = new uint8_t[blockSize * 2]; while (true) { // Read samples here _this->client.receiveData(inBuf, blockSize * 2); for (int i = 0; i < blockSize; i++) { _this->stream.writeBuf[i].q = ((double)inBuf[i * 2] - 128.0) / 128.0; _this->stream.writeBuf[i].i = ((double)inBuf[(i * 2) + 1] - 128.0) / 128.0; } if (!_this->stream.swap(blockSize)) { break; }; } delete[] inBuf; } std::string name; bool enabled = true; dsp::stream stream; double sampleRate; SourceManager::SourceHandler handler; std::thread workerThread; RTLTCPClient client; bool running = false; double freq; char ip[1024] = "localhost"; int port = 1234; int gain = 0; bool rtlAGC = false; bool tunerAGC = false; int directSamplingMode = 0; int srId = 0; std::string srTxt = ""; }; MOD_EXPORT void _INIT_() { config.setPath(options::opts.root + "/rtl_tcp_config.json"); json defConf; defConf["host"] = "localhost"; defConf["port"] = 1234; defConf["directSamplingMode"] = 0; defConf["rtlAGC"] = false; defConf["tunerAGC"] = false; defConf["gainIndex"] = 0; config.load(defConf); config.enableAutoSave(); } MOD_EXPORT ModuleManager::Instance* _CREATE_INSTANCE_(std::string name) { return new RTLTCPSourceModule(name); } MOD_EXPORT void _DELETE_INSTANCE_(ModuleManager::Instance* instance) { delete (RTLTCPSourceModule*)instance; } MOD_EXPORT void _END_() { config.disableAutoSave(); config.save(); }