#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str()) SDRPP_MOD_INFO{ /* Name: */ "spectran_source", /* Description: */ "Spectran source module for SDR++", /* Author: */ "Ryzerth", /* Version: */ 0, 1, 0, /* Max instances */ 1 }; ConfigManager config; class SpectranSourceModule : public ModuleManager::Instance { public: SpectranSourceModule(std::string name) { this->name = name; if (AARTSAAPI_Init(AARTSAAPI_MEMORY_MEDIUM) != AARTSAAPI_OK) { return; } if (AARTSAAPI_Open(&api) != AARTSAAPI_OK) { return; } compList.define("Auto", L"auto"); compList.define("Raw", L"raw"); compList.define("Compressed", L"compressed"); agcModeList.define("Off", L"manual"); agcModeList.define("Peak", L"peak"); agcModeList.define("Power", L"power"); clockList.define("Consumer", L"Consumer"); clockList.define("Internal", L"Oscillator"); clockList.define("GPSDO", L"GPS"); clockList.define("PPS", L"PPS"); clockList.define("10MHz Ref", L"10MHz"); samplerate.effective = 1000000.0; handler.ctx = this; handler.selectHandler = menuSelected; handler.deselectHandler = menuDeselected; handler.menuHandler = menuHandler; handler.startHandler = start; handler.stopHandler = stop; handler.tuneHandler = tune; handler.stream = &stream; refresh(); // Select device from config config.acquire(); std::string devSerial = config.conf["device"]; config.release(); // TODO: Select selectSerial(""); sigpath::sourceManager.registerSource("Spectran", &handler); } ~SpectranSourceModule() { stop(this); sigpath::sourceManager.unregisterSource("Spectran"); AARTSAAPI_Close(&api); AARTSAAPI_Shutdown(); } void postInit() {} void enable() { enabled = true; } void disable() { enabled = false; } bool isEnabled() { return enabled; } void refresh() { // Clear device list devList.clear(); // Rescan if (AARTSAAPI_RescanDevices(&api, 2000) != AARTSAAPI_OK) { return; } // List spectran V6s std::wstring_convert> conv; AARTSAAPI_DeviceInfo dinfo = { sizeof(AARTSAAPI_DeviceInfo) }; for (int i = 0; AARTSAAPI_EnumDevice(&api, L"spectranv6", i, &dinfo) == AARTSAAPI_OK; i++) { if (!dinfo.ready) { continue; } std::string serial = conv.to_bytes(dinfo.serialNumber); devList.define(serial, serial, dinfo.serialNumber); } } void selectSerial(std::string serial) { // If no serial is available, deselect if (!devList.size()) { selectedSerial.clear(); return; } // If serial doesn't exist, select first if (!devList.keyExists(serial)) { selectSerial(devList.key(0)); return; } // Set ID devId = devList.keyId(serial); // Open device if (AARTSAAPI_OpenDevice(&api, &dev, L"spectranv6/raw", devList[devId].c_str()) != AARTSAAPI_OK) { spdlog::error("Failed to open device"); selectedSerial.clear(); return; } // Get config root AARTSAAPI_Config config; AARTSAAPI_ConfigRoot(&dev, &croot); // Get valid clock rates AARTSAAPI_ConfigInfo clockInfo; AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&dev, &croot, &config, L"device/receiverclock"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigGetInfo(&dev, &config, &clockInfo); // Enumerate valid samplerates spdlog::warn("{0}", clockInfo.disabledOptions); std::vector srs; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if ((clockInfo.disabledOptions >> i) & 1) { continue; } int dCount = sizeof(decimations)/sizeof(decimations[0]); for (int j = 0; j < dCount; j++) { SRCombo combo; combo.baseId = i; combo.decimId = j; combo.effective = clockRates[combo.baseId] / (double)decimations[combo.decimId]; srs.push_back(combo); } } // Sort list in ascending order std::sort(srs.begin(), srs.end(), [](SRCombo a, SRCombo b) { if (a.effective != b.effective) { return a.effective < b.effective; } else { return a.baseId < b.baseId; } }); // Create SR list char buf[128]; sampleRateList.clear(); for (const auto& sr : srs) { sprintf(buf, "%s (%s / %d)", getBandwdithScaled(sr.effective).c_str(), getBandwdithScaled(clockRates[sr.baseId]).c_str(), decimations[sr.decimId]); sampleRateList.define(buf, sr); } // Default config srId = 0; compId = 0; agcModeId = 0; refLevel = -20.0; amp = false; preAmp = false; // TODO: Load config // Set samplerate samplerate = sampleRateList.value(srId); core::setInputSampleRate(samplerate.effective); // Close device AARTSAAPI_CloseDevice(&api, &dev); selectedSerial = serial; } private: std::string getBandwdithScaled(double bw) { char buf[1024]; if (bw >= 1000000.0) { sprintf(buf, "%.1lfMHz", bw / 1000000.0); } else if (bw >= 1000.0) { sprintf(buf, "%.1lfKHz", bw / 1000.0); } else { sprintf(buf, "%.1lfHz", bw); } return std::string(buf); } static void menuSelected(void* ctx) { SpectranSourceModule* _this = (SpectranSourceModule*)ctx; core::setInputSampleRate(_this->samplerate.effective); spdlog::info("SpectranSourceModule '{0}': Menu Select!", _this->name); } static void menuDeselected(void* ctx) { SpectranSourceModule* _this = (SpectranSourceModule*)ctx; spdlog::info("SpectranSourceModule '{0}': Menu Deselect!", _this->name); } static void start(void* ctx) { SpectranSourceModule* _this = (SpectranSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { return; } if (_this->selectedSerial.empty()) { return; } if (AARTSAAPI_OpenDevice(&_this->api, &_this->dev, L"spectranv6/raw", _this->devList[_this->devId].c_str()) != AARTSAAPI_OK) { spdlog::error("Failed to open device"); return; } AARTSAAPI_Config config; AARTSAAPI_ConfigRoot(&_this->dev, &_this->croot); AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"device/usbcompression"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&_this->dev, &config, _this->compList[_this->compId].c_str()); AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"device/gaincontrol"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&_this->dev, &config, _this->agcModeList[_this->agcModeId].c_str()); AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"device/receiverchannel"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&_this->dev, &config, L"Rx1"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"device/outputformat"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&_this->dev, &config, L"iq"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"device/receiverclock"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&_this->dev, &config, _this->clkRatesTxt[_this->samplerate.baseId]); AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"main/decimation"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&_this->dev, &config, _this->decimationsTxt[_this->samplerate.decimId]); AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"main/centerfreq"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetFloat(&_this->dev, &config, _this->freq); AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"main/reflevel"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetFloat(&_this->dev, &config, _this->refLevel); AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"calibration/rffilter"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&_this->dev, &config, L"Auto Extended"); _this->updateAmps(); if (AARTSAAPI_ConnectDevice(&_this->dev) != AARTSAAPI_OK) { spdlog::error("Failed to connect device"); return; } if (AARTSAAPI_StartDevice(&_this->dev) != AARTSAAPI_OK) { spdlog::error("Failed to start device"); return; } // Wait for first packet AARTSAAPI_Packet pkt = { sizeof(AARTSAAPI_Packet) }; while (AARTSAAPI_GetPacket(&_this->dev, 0, 0, &pkt) == AARTSAAPI_EMPTY) { #ifdef _WIN32 Sleep(1); #else usleep(1000); #endif } _this->workerThread = std::thread(&SpectranSourceModule::worker, _this); _this->running = true; spdlog::info("SpectranSourceModule '{0}': Start!", _this->name); } static void stop(void* ctx) { SpectranSourceModule* _this = (SpectranSourceModule*)ctx; if (!_this->running) { return; } _this->running = false; _this->stream.stopWriter(); AARTSAAPI_StopDevice(&_this->dev); AARTSAAPI_DisconnectDevice(&_this->dev); AARTSAAPI_CloseDevice(&_this->api, &_this->dev); if (_this->workerThread.joinable()) { _this->workerThread.join(); } _this->stream.clearWriteStop(); spdlog::info("SpectranSourceModule '{0}': Stop!", _this->name); } static void tune(double freq, void* ctx) { SpectranSourceModule* _this = (SpectranSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { AARTSAAPI_Config config; AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"main/centerfreq"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetFloat(&_this->dev, &config, freq); } _this->freq = freq; spdlog::info("SpectranSourceModule '{0}': Tune: {1}!", _this->name, freq); } static void menuHandler(void* ctx) { SpectranSourceModule* _this = (SpectranSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { SmGui::BeginDisabled(); } SmGui::FillWidth(); SmGui::ForceSync(); if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_spectran_dev_", _this->name), &_this->devId, _this->devList.txt)) { } // TODO: SR sel if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_spectran_sr_", _this->name), &_this->srId, _this->sampleRateList.txt)) { _this->samplerate = _this->sampleRateList.value(_this->srId); core::setInputSampleRate(_this->samplerate.effective); } SmGui::SameLine(); SmGui::FillWidth(); SmGui::ForceSync(); if (SmGui::Button(CONCAT("Refresh##_spectran_refr_", _this->name))) { _this->refresh(); _this->selectSerial(_this->selectedSerial); core::setInputSampleRate(_this->samplerate.effective); } if (_this->running) { SmGui::EndDisabled(); } SmGui::LeftLabel("USB Compression"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_spectran_comp_", _this->name), &_this->compId, _this->compList.txt)) { if (_this->running) { AARTSAAPI_Config config; AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"device/usbcompression"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&_this->dev, &config, _this->compList[_this->compId].c_str()); } } SmGui::LeftLabel("AGC Mode"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_spectran_agc_", _this->name), &_this->agcModeId, _this->agcModeList.txt)) { if (_this->running) { AARTSAAPI_Config config; AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"device/gaincontrol"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&_this->dev, &config, _this->agcModeList[_this->agcModeId].c_str()); } } if (_this->agcModeId) { SmGui::BeginDisabled(); } SmGui::LeftLabel("Ref Level"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::SliderFloatWithSteps(CONCAT("##_spectran_ref_", _this->name), &_this->refLevel, -20.0f, 10.0f, 0.5f, SmGui::FMT_STR_FLOAT_DB_ONE_DECIMAL)) { if (_this->running) { AARTSAAPI_Config config; AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&_this->dev, &_this->croot, &config, L"main/reflevel"); AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetFloat(&_this->dev, &config, _this->refLevel); } } if (_this->agcModeId) { SmGui::EndDisabled(); } if (SmGui::Checkbox(CONCAT("Amp##_spectran_amp_", _this->name), &_this->amp)) { if (_this->running) { _this->updateAmps(); } } if (SmGui::Checkbox(CONCAT("Preamp##_spectran_preamp_", _this->name), &_this->preAmp)) { if (_this->running) { _this->updateAmps(); } } } void worker() { AARTSAAPI_Packet pkt = { sizeof(AARTSAAPI_Packet) }; AARTSAAPI_Result res; while (true) { // Get next packet while ((res = AARTSAAPI_GetPacket(&dev, 0, 0, &pkt)) == AARTSAAPI_EMPTY) { #ifdef _WIN32 Sleep(1); #else usleep(1000); #endif } // If there was an error, return if (res != AARTSAAPI_OK) { break; } if (pkt.num > STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE) { spdlog::error("Buffer too big!!!!"); continue; } // Write data memcpy(stream.writeBuf, pkt.fp32, pkt.num * sizeof(dsp::complex_t)); if (!stream.swap(pkt.num)) { AARTSAAPI_ConsumePackets(&dev, 0, 1); break; } // Consume packet AARTSAAPI_ConsumePackets(&dev, 0, 1); } } void updateAmps() { AARTSAAPI_Config config; AARTSAAPI_ConfigFind(&dev, &croot, &config, L"calibration/preamp"); if (amp && preAmp) { AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&dev, &config, L"Both"); } else if (amp) { AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&dev, &config, L"Amp"); } else if (preAmp) { AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&dev, &config, L"Preamp"); } else { AARTSAAPI_ConfigSetString(&dev, &config, L"None"); } } const double clockRates[4] = { 92160000.0, 122880000.0, 184320000.0, 245760000.0 }; const wchar_t* clkRatesTxt[4] = { L"92MHz", L"122MHz", L"184MHz", L"245MHz" }; const int decimations[10] = { 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 }; const wchar_t* decimationsTxt[10] = { L"1 / 512", L"1 / 256", L"1 / 128", L"1 / 64", L"1 / 32", L"1 / 16", L"1 / 8", L"1 / 4", L"1 / 2", L"Full" }; std::string name; bool enabled = true; dsp::stream stream; SourceManager::SourceHandler handler; bool running = false; double freq; std::string selectedSerial; int devId = 0; int srId = 0; int compId = 0; int agcModeId = 0; float refLevel = -20.0f; bool amp = false; bool preAmp = false; struct SRCombo { bool operator==(const SRCombo& b) { return baseId == b.baseId && decimId == b.decimId; } int baseId; int decimId; double effective; }; SRCombo samplerate; OptionList devList; OptionList sampleRateList; OptionList compList; OptionList agcModeList; OptionList clockList; AARTSAAPI_Handle api; AARTSAAPI_Device dev; AARTSAAPI_Config croot; std::thread workerThread; }; MOD_EXPORT void _INIT_() { json def = json({}); def["devices"] = json({}); def["device"] = ""; config.setPath(core::args["root"].s() + "/spectran_config.json"); config.load(def); config.enableAutoSave(); } MOD_EXPORT ModuleManager::Instance* _CREATE_INSTANCE_(std::string name) { return new SpectranSourceModule(name); } MOD_EXPORT void _DELETE_INSTANCE_(ModuleManager::Instance* instance) { delete (SpectranSourceModule*)instance; } MOD_EXPORT void _END_() { config.disableAutoSave(); config.save(); }