#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str()) SDRPP_MOD_INFO{ /* Name: */ "limesdr_source", /* Description: */ "LimeSDR source module for SDR++", /* Author: */ "Ryzerth", /* Version: */ 0, 1, 0, /* Max instances */ 1 }; ConfigManager config; class LimeSDRSourceModule : public ModuleManager::Instance { public: LimeSDRSourceModule(std::string name) { this->name = name; // Init limesuite if needed sampleRate = 10000000.0; handler.ctx = this; handler.selectHandler = menuSelected; handler.deselectHandler = menuDeselected; handler.menuHandler = menuHandler; handler.startHandler = start; handler.stopHandler = stop; handler.tuneHandler = tune; handler.stream = &stream; refresh(); // Select device from config selectFirst(); sigpath::sourceManager.registerSource("LimeSDR", &handler); } ~LimeSDRSourceModule() { stop(this); sigpath::sourceManager.unregisterSource("LimeSDR"); } void postInit() {} void enable() { enabled = true; } void disable() { enabled = false; } bool isEnabled() { return enabled; } void refresh() { devCount = LMS_GetDeviceList(devList); char buf[256]; devListTxt = ""; for (int i = 0; i < devCount; i++) { lms_device_t* dev = NULL; LMS_Open(&dev, devList[i], NULL); const lms_dev_info_t* info = LMS_GetDeviceInfo(dev); sprintf(buf, "%s [%" PRIX64 "]", info->deviceName, info->boardSerialNumber); LMS_Close(dev); devNames.push_back(buf); devListTxt += buf; devListTxt += '\0'; } } void selectFirst() { if (devCount > 0) { selectByInfoStr(devList[0]); return; } selectedDevName = ""; } void selectByName(std::string name) { for (int i = 0; i < devCount; i++) { if (devNames[i] == name) { selectByInfoStr(devList[i]); break; } } selectFirst(); } void selectByInfoStr(lms_info_str_t info) { if (devCount == 0) { selectedDevName = ""; return; } // Set devId and selectedDevNames for (int i = 0; i < devCount; i++) { if (info == devList[i]) { devId = i; selectedDevName = devNames[i]; break; } } lms_device_t* dev = NULL; LMS_Open(&dev, info, NULL); channelCount = LMS_GetNumChannels(dev, false); char buf[32]; for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { sprintf(buf, "CH %d", i + 1); channelNamesTxt += buf; channelNamesTxt += '\0'; } config.acquire(); if (config.conf["devices"].contains(selectedDevName)) { if (config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName].contains("channel")) { chanId = config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName]["channel"]; } else { chanId = 0; } } else { chanId = 0; } config.release(); chanId = std::clamp(chanId, 0, channelCount - 1); // List antennas lms_name_t antennaNames[16]; antennaCount = LMS_GetAntennaList(dev, false, chanId, antennaNames); antennaNameList.clear(); antennaListTxt = ""; for (int i = 0; i < antennaCount; i++) { antennaNameList.push_back(antennaNames[i]); antennaListTxt += antennaNames[i]; antennaListTxt += '\0'; } // List supported sample rates lms_range_t srRange; LMS_GetSampleRateRange(dev, false, &srRange); sampleRates.clear(); sampleRatesTxt = ""; sampleRates.push_back(srRange.min); sampleRatesTxt += getBandwdithScaled(srRange.min); sampleRatesTxt += '\0'; for (int i = 1000000; i < srRange.max; i += 1000000) { sampleRates.push_back(i); sampleRatesTxt += getBandwdithScaled(i); sampleRatesTxt += '\0'; } sampleRates.push_back(srRange.max); sampleRatesTxt += getBandwdithScaled(srRange.max); sampleRatesTxt += '\0'; // List supported bandwidths lms_range_t bwRange; LMS_GetLPFBWRange(dev, false, &bwRange); bandwidths.clear(); bandwidthsTxt = ""; bandwidths.push_back(bwRange.min); bandwidthsTxt += getBandwdithScaled(bwRange.min); bandwidthsTxt += '\0'; for (int i = 2000000; i < bwRange.max; i += 1000000) { bandwidths.push_back(i); bandwidthsTxt += getBandwdithScaled(i); bandwidthsTxt += '\0'; } bandwidths.push_back(bwRange.max); bandwidthsTxt += getBandwdithScaled(bwRange.max); bandwidthsTxt += '\0'; bandwidthsTxt += "Auto"; bandwidthsTxt += '\0'; config.acquire(); if (!config.conf["devices"].contains(selectedDevName)) { config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName]["sampleRate"] = sampleRates[0]; config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName]["channel"] = 0; config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName]["antenna"] = "LNAW"; config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName]["bandwidth"] = bandwidths.size(); config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName]["gain"] = 0; } // Load sample rate if (config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName].contains("sampleRate")) { bool found = false; int sr = config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName]["sampleRate"]; for (int i = 0; i < sampleRates.size(); i++) { if (sr == sampleRates[i]) { srId = i; sampleRate = sampleRates[i]; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { srId = 0; sampleRate = sampleRates[0]; } } else { srId = 0; sampleRate = sampleRates[0]; } // Load antenna if (config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName].contains("antenna")) { std::string antName = config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName]["antenna"]; bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < antennaCount; i++) { if (antennaNames[i] == antName) { antennaId = i; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { for (int i = 0; i < antennaCount; i++) { if (antennaNames[i] == "LNAW") { antennaId = i; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { antennaId = 0; } } } else { bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < antennaCount; i++) { if (antennaNames[i] == "LNAW") { antennaId = i; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { antennaId = 0; } } // Load bandwidth if (config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName].contains("bandwidth")) { bwId = config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName]["bandwidth"]; bwId = std::clamp(bwId, 0, bandwidths.size()); } else { bwId = bandwidths.size(); } // Load gain if (config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName].contains("gain")) { gain = config.conf["devices"][selectedDevName]["gain"]; gain = std::clamp(gain, 0, 73); } else { gain = 0; } config.release(true); LMS_Close(dev); } private: std::string getBandwdithScaled(double bw) { char buf[1024]; if (bw >= 1000000.0) { sprintf(buf, "%.1lfMHz", bw / 1000000.0); } else if (bw >= 1000.0) { sprintf(buf, "%.1lfKHz", bw / 1000.0); } else { sprintf(buf, "%.1lfHz", bw); } return std::string(buf); } int getBestBandwidth(int sampleRate) { for (int i = 0; i < bandwidths.size(); i++) { if (bandwidths[i] >= sampleRate) { spdlog::warn("Selected bandwidth is {0}", bandwidths[i]); return bandwidths[i]; } } return bandwidths[bandwidths.size() - 1]; } static void menuSelected(void* ctx) { LimeSDRSourceModule* _this = (LimeSDRSourceModule*)ctx; core::setInputSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); spdlog::info("LimeSDRSourceModule '{0}': Menu Select!", _this->name); } static void menuDeselected(void* ctx) { LimeSDRSourceModule* _this = (LimeSDRSourceModule*)ctx; spdlog::info("LimeSDRSourceModule '{0}': Menu Deselect!", _this->name); } static void start(void* ctx) { LimeSDRSourceModule* _this = (LimeSDRSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { return; } // Open device _this->openDev = NULL; LMS_Open(&_this->openDev, _this->devList[_this->devId], NULL); int err = LMS_Init(_this->openDev); // On open fail, retry (work around for LimeSuite bug) if (err) { LMS_Close(_this->openDev); LMS_Open(&_this->openDev, _this->devList[_this->devId], NULL); LMS_Init(_this->openDev); } spdlog::warn("Channel count: {0}", LMS_GetNumChannels(_this->openDev, false)); // Set options LMS_EnableChannel(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, true); LMS_SetAntenna(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, _this->antennaId); LMS_SetSampleRate(_this->openDev, _this->sampleRate, 0); LMS_SetLOFrequency(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, _this->freq); LMS_SetGaindB(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, _this->gain); LMS_SetLPFBW(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, (_this->bwId == _this->bandwidths.size()) ? _this->getBestBandwidth(_this->sampleRate) : _this->bandwidths[_this->bwId]); LMS_SetLPF(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, true); // Setup and start stream int sampCount = _this->sampleRate / 200; _this->devStream.isTx = false; _this->devStream.channel = _this->chanId; _this->devStream.fifoSize = sampCount; // TODO: Check what it's actually supposed to be _this->devStream.throughputVsLatency = 0.5f; _this->devStream.dataFmt = _this->devStream.LMS_FMT_F32; LMS_SetupStream(_this->openDev, &_this->devStream); // Start stream _this->streamRunning = true; LMS_StartStream(&_this->devStream); _this->workerThread = std::thread(&LimeSDRSourceModule::worker, _this); _this->running = true; spdlog::info("LimeSDRSourceModule '{0}': Start!", _this->name); } static void stop(void* ctx) { LimeSDRSourceModule* _this = (LimeSDRSourceModule*)ctx; if (!_this->running) { return; } _this->running = false; _this->streamRunning = false; if (_this->workerThread.joinable()) { _this->workerThread.join(); } LMS_StopStream(&_this->devStream); LMS_DestroyStream(_this->openDev, &_this->devStream); LMS_EnableChannel(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, false); LMS_Close(_this->openDev); spdlog::info("LimeSDRSourceModule '{0}': Stop!", _this->name); } static void tune(double freq, void* ctx) { LimeSDRSourceModule* _this = (LimeSDRSourceModule*)ctx; _this->freq = freq; if (_this->running) { LMS_SetLOFrequency(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, freq); } spdlog::info("LimeSDRSourceModule '{0}': Tune: {1}!", _this->name, freq); } static void menuHandler(void* ctx) { LimeSDRSourceModule* _this = (LimeSDRSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { SmGui::BeginDisabled(); } SmGui::FillWidth(); SmGui::ForceSync(); if (SmGui::Combo("##limesdr_dev_sel", &_this->devId, _this->devListTxt.c_str())) { _this->selectByInfoStr(_this->devList[_this->devId]); core::setInputSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); config.acquire(); config.conf["device"] = _this->selectedDevName; config.release(true); } if (SmGui::Combo(CONCAT("##_limesdr_sr_sel_", _this->name), &_this->srId, _this->sampleRatesTxt.c_str())) { _this->sampleRate = _this->sampleRates[_this->srId]; core::setInputSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); if (_this->selectedDevName != "") { config.acquire(); config.conf["devices"][_this->selectedDevName]["sampleRate"] = _this->sampleRates[_this->srId]; config.release(true); } } // Refresh button SmGui::SameLine(); SmGui::FillWidth(); SmGui::ForceSync(); if (SmGui::Button(CONCAT("Refresh##_limesdr_refr_", _this->name))) { _this->refresh(); _this->selectByName(_this->selectedDevName); core::setInputSampleRate(_this->sampleRate); } if (_this->channelCount > 1) { SmGui::LeftLabel("RX Channel"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::Combo("##limesdr_ch_sel", &_this->chanId, _this->channelNamesTxt.c_str()) && _this->selectedDevName != "") { config.acquire(); config.conf["devices"][_this->selectedDevName]["channel"] = _this->chanId; config.release(true); } } if (_this->running) { SmGui::EndDisabled(); } SmGui::LeftLabel("Antenna"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::Combo("##limesdr_ant_sel", &_this->antennaId, _this->antennaListTxt.c_str())) { if (_this->running) { LMS_SetAntenna(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, _this->antennaId); } if (_this->selectedDevName != "") { config.acquire(); config.conf["devices"][_this->selectedDevName]["antenna"] = _this->antennaNameList[_this->antennaId]; config.release(true); } } SmGui::LeftLabel("Bandwidth"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::Combo("##limesdr_bw_sel", &_this->bwId, _this->bandwidthsTxt.c_str())) { if (_this->running) { LMS_SetLPFBW(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, (_this->bwId == _this->bandwidths.size()) ? _this->getBestBandwidth(_this->sampleRate) : _this->bandwidths[_this->bwId]); } if (_this->selectedDevName != "") { config.acquire(); config.conf["devices"][_this->selectedDevName]["bandwidth"] = _this->bwId; config.release(true); } } SmGui::LeftLabel("Gain"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::SliderInt("##limesdr_gain_sel", &_this->gain, 0, 73, SmGui::FMT_STR_INT_DB)) { if (_this->running) { LMS_SetGaindB(_this->openDev, false, _this->chanId, _this->gain); } if (_this->selectedDevName != "") { config.acquire(); config.conf["devices"][_this->selectedDevName]["gain"] = _this->gain; config.release(true); } } } void worker() { int sampCount = sampleRate / 200; lms_stream_meta_t meta; while (streamRunning) { int ret = LMS_RecvStream(&devStream, stream.writeBuf, sampCount, &meta, 1000); if (!stream.swap(sampCount) || ret < 0) { break; } } } std::string name; dsp::stream stream; double sampleRate; SourceManager::SourceHandler handler; bool running = false; bool enabled = true; bool streamRunning = false; double freq; int channelCount = 0; int devId = 0; int chanId = 0; int srId = 0; int bwId = 0; int gain = 0; std::vector sampleRates; std::string sampleRatesTxt; std::vector bandwidths; std::string bandwidthsTxt; lms_info_str_t devList[128]; int devCount = 0; std::string devListTxt; std::vector devNames; std::string selectedDevName; lms_device_t* openDev; lms_stream_t devStream; std::string channelNamesTxt; int antennaId = 0; std::string antennaListTxt; std::vector antennaNameList; int antennaCount = 0; std::thread workerThread; }; MOD_EXPORT void _INIT_() { json def = json({}); def["devices"] = json({}); def["device"] = ""; config.setPath(core::args["root"].s() + "/limesdr_config.json"); config.load(def); config.enableAutoSave(); } MOD_EXPORT ModuleManager::Instance* _CREATE_INSTANCE_(std::string name) { return new LimeSDRSourceModule(name); } MOD_EXPORT void _DELETE_INSTANCE_(ModuleManager::Instance* instance) { delete (LimeSDRSourceModule*)instance; } MOD_EXPORT void _END_() { config.disableAutoSave(); config.save(); }