#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str()) #define BLOCK_SIZE_DIVIDER 60 #define AUDIO_LATENCY 1.0 / 60.0 SDRPP_MOD_INFO{ /* Name: */ "new_portaudio_sink", /* Description: */ "Audio sink module for SDR++", /* Author: */ "Ryzerth;Maxime Biette", /* Version: */ 0, 1, 0, /* Max instances */ 1 }; ConfigManager config; class AudioSink : SinkManager::Sink { public: struct AudioDevice_t { const PaDeviceInfo* deviceInfo; const PaHostApiInfo* hostApiInfo; PaDeviceIndex id; int defaultSrId; PaStreamParameters outputParams; std::vector sampleRates; std::string sampleRatesTxt; }; AudioSink(SinkManager::Stream* stream, std::string streamName) { _stream = stream; _streamName = streamName; // Create config if it doesn't exist config.acquire(); if (!config.conf.contains(_streamName)) { config.conf[_streamName]["device"] = ""; config.conf[_streamName]["devices"] = json::object(); } std::string selected = config.conf[_streamName]["device"]; config.release(true); // Register the play state handler playStateHandler.handler = playStateChangeHandler; playStateHandler.ctx = this; gui::mainWindow.onPlayStateChange.bindHandler(&playStateHandler); // Initialize DSP blocks packer.init(_stream->sinkOut, 1024); s2m.init(&packer.out); // Refresh devices and select the one from the config refreshDevices(); selectDevByName(selected); } ~AudioSink() { stop(); gui::mainWindow.onPlayStateChange.unbindHandler(&playStateHandler); } void start() { if (running || selectedDevName.empty()) { return; } // Get device and samplerate AudioDevice_t& dev = devices[deviceNames[devId]]; double sampleRate = dev.sampleRates[srId]; int blockSize = sampleRate / BLOCK_SIZE_DIVIDER; // Set the SDR++ stream sample rate _stream->setSampleRate(sampleRate); // Update the block size on the packer packer.setSampleCount(blockSize); // Clear read stop signals packer.out.clearReadStop(); s2m.out.clearReadStop(); // Open the stream PaError err; if (dev.deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels == 1) { packer.start(); s2m.start(); stereo = false; err = Pa_OpenStream(&devStream, NULL, &dev.outputParams, sampleRate, blockSize, paNoFlag, _mono_cb, this); } else { packer.start(); stereo = true; err = Pa_OpenStream(&devStream, NULL, &dev.outputParams, sampleRate, blockSize, paNoFlag, _stereo_cb, this); } // In case of error, abort if (err) { spdlog::error("PortAudio error {0}: {1}", err, Pa_GetErrorText(err)); return; } spdlog::info("Starting PortAudio stream at {0} S/s", sampleRate); // Start stream Pa_StartStream(devStream); running = true; } void stop() { if (!running || selectedDevName.empty()) { return; } // Send stop signal to the streams packer.out.stopReader(); s2m.out.stopReader(); // Stop DSP packer.stop(); s2m.stop(); // Stop stream Pa_AbortStream(devStream); // Close the stream Pa_CloseStream(devStream); running = false; } void menuHandler() { float menuWidth = ImGui::GetContentRegionAvail().x; // Select device ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(menuWidth); if (ImGui::Combo("##audio_sink_dev_sel", &devId, deviceNamesTxt.c_str())) { selectDevByName(deviceNames[devId]); stop(); start(); if (selectedDevName != "") { config.acquire(); config.conf[_streamName]["device"] = selectedDevName; config.release(true); } } // Select sample rate ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(menuWidth); if (ImGui::Combo("##audio_sink_sr_sel", &srId, selectedDev.sampleRatesTxt.c_str())) { stop(); start(); if (selectedDevName != "") { config.acquire(); config.conf[_streamName]["devices"][selectedDevName] = selectedDev.sampleRates[srId]; config.release(true); } } } int devId = 0; int srId = 0; bool stereo = false; private: static void playStateChangeHandler(bool newState, void* ctx) { AudioSink* _this = (AudioSink*)ctx; // Wake up reader to send nulls instead of data in preparation for shutoff if (newState) { if (_this->stereo) { _this->packer.out.stopReader(); } else { _this->s2m.out.stopReader(); } } else { if (_this->stereo) { _this->packer.out.clearReadStop(); } else { _this->s2m.out.clearReadStop(); } } } void refreshDevices() { // Clear current list devices.clear(); deviceNames.clear(); deviceNamesTxt.clear(); // Get number of devices int devCount = Pa_GetDeviceCount(); PaStreamParameters outputParams; char buffer[128]; for (int i = 0; i < devCount; i++) { AudioDevice_t dev; // Get device info dev.deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i); dev.hostApiInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(dev.deviceInfo->hostApi); dev.id = i; // Check if device is usable if (dev.deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels == 0) { continue; } #ifdef _WIN32 // On Windows, use only WASAPI if (dev.hostApiInfo->type == paMME || dev.hostApiInfo->type == paWDMKS) { continue; } #endif // Zero out output params dev.outputParams.device = i; dev.outputParams.sampleFormat = paFloat32; dev.outputParams.suggestedLatency = std::min(AUDIO_LATENCY, dev.deviceInfo->defaultLowOutputLatency); dev.outputParams.channelCount = std::min(dev.deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels, 2); dev.outputParams.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; // List available sample rates for (int sr = 12000; sr < 200000; sr += 12000) { if (Pa_IsFormatSupported(NULL, &dev.outputParams, sr) != paFormatIsSupported) { continue; } dev.sampleRates.push_back(sr); } for (int sr = 11025; sr < 192000; sr += 11025) { if (Pa_IsFormatSupported(NULL, &dev.outputParams, sr) != paFormatIsSupported) { continue; } dev.sampleRates.push_back(sr); } // If no sample rates are supported, cancel adding device if (dev.sampleRates.empty()) { continue; } // Sort sample rate list std::sort(dev.sampleRates.begin(), dev.sampleRates.end(), [](double a, double b) { return (a < b); }); // Generate text list for UI int srId = 0; int _48kId = -1; for (auto sr : dev.sampleRates) { sprintf(buffer, "%d", (int)sr); dev.sampleRatesTxt += buffer; dev.sampleRatesTxt += '\0'; // Save ID of the default sample rate and 48KHz if (sr == dev.deviceInfo->defaultSampleRate) { dev.defaultSrId = srId; } if (sr == 48000.0) { _48kId = srId; } srId++; } // If a 48KHz option was found, use it instead of the default if (_48kId >= 0) { dev.defaultSrId = _48kId; } std::string apiName = dev.hostApiInfo->name; #ifdef _WIN32 // Shorten the names on windows if (apiName.rfind("Windows ", 0) == 0) { apiName = apiName.substr(8); } #endif // Create device name and save to list sprintf(buffer, "[%s] %s", apiName.c_str(), dev.deviceInfo->name); devices[buffer] = dev; deviceNames.push_back(buffer); deviceNamesTxt += buffer; deviceNamesTxt += '\0'; } } void selectDefault() { if (devices.empty()) { selectedDevName = ""; return; } // Search for the default device PaDeviceIndex defId = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice(); for (auto const& [name, dev] : devices) { if (dev.id != defId) { continue; } selectDevByName(name); return; } // If default not found, select first selectDevByName(deviceNames[0]); } void selectDevByName(std::string name) { auto devIt = std::find(deviceNames.begin(), deviceNames.end(), name); if (devIt == deviceNames.end()) { selectDefault(); return; } // Load the device name, device descriptor and device ID selectedDevName = name; selectedDev = devices[name]; devId = std::distance(deviceNames.begin(), devIt); // Load config config.acquire(); if (!config.conf[_streamName]["devices"].contains(name)) { config.conf[_streamName]["devices"][name] = selectedDev.sampleRates[selectedDev.defaultSrId]; } config.release(true); // Find the sample rate ID, if not use default bool found = false; double selectedSr = config.conf[_streamName]["devices"][name]; for (int i = 0; i < selectedDev.sampleRates.size(); i++) { if (selectedDev.sampleRates[i] != selectedSr) { continue; } srId = i; found = true; break; } if (!found) { srId = selectedDev.defaultSrId; } } static int _mono_cb(const void* input, void* output, unsigned long frameCount, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void* userData) { AudioSink* _this = (AudioSink*)userData; // For OSX, mute audio when not playing if (!gui::mainWindow.isPlaying()) { memset(output, 0, frameCount * sizeof(float)); _this->s2m.out.flush(); return 0; } // Write to buffer _this->s2m.out.read(); memcpy(output, _this->s2m.out.readBuf, frameCount * sizeof(float)); _this->s2m.out.flush(); return 0; } static int _stereo_cb(const void* input, void* output, unsigned long frameCount, const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo* timeInfo, PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags, void* userData) { AudioSink* _this = (AudioSink*)userData; // For OSX, mute audio when not playing if (!gui::mainWindow.isPlaying()) { memset(output, 0, frameCount * sizeof(dsp::stereo_t)); _this->packer.out.flush(); return 0; } // Write to buffer _this->packer.out.read(); memcpy(output, _this->packer.out.readBuf, frameCount * sizeof(dsp::stereo_t)); _this->packer.out.flush(); return 0; } std::string _streamName; bool running = false; std::map devices; std::vector deviceNames; std::string deviceNamesTxt; AudioDevice_t selectedDev; std::string selectedDevName; SinkManager::Stream* _stream; dsp::buffer::Packer packer; dsp::convert::StereoToMono s2m; PaStream* devStream; EventHandler playStateHandler; }; class AudioSinkModule : public ModuleManager::Instance { public: AudioSinkModule(std::string name) { this->name = name; provider.create = create_sink; provider.ctx = this; Pa_Initialize(); sigpath::sinkManager.registerSinkProvider("New Audio", provider); } ~AudioSinkModule() { sigpath::sinkManager.unregisterSinkProvider("New Audio"); Pa_Terminate(); } void postInit() {} void enable() { enabled = true; } void disable() { enabled = false; } bool isEnabled() { return enabled; } private: static SinkManager::Sink* create_sink(SinkManager::Stream* stream, std::string streamName, void* ctx) { return (SinkManager::Sink*)(new AudioSink(stream, streamName)); } std::string name; bool enabled = true; SinkManager::SinkProvider provider; }; MOD_EXPORT void _INIT_() { config.setPath(core::args["root"].s() + "/new_audio_sink_config.json"); config.load(json::object()); config.enableAutoSave(); } MOD_EXPORT void* _CREATE_INSTANCE_(std::string name) { AudioSinkModule* instance = new AudioSinkModule(name); return instance; } MOD_EXPORT void _DELETE_INSTANCE_(void* instance) { delete (AudioSinkModule*)instance; } MOD_EXPORT void _END_() { config.disableAutoSave(); config.save(); }