#include #include #include #include #include #include float COLOR_MAP[][3] = { {0x00, 0x00, 0x20}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x30}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x50}, {0x00, 0x00, 0x91}, {0x1E, 0x90, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}, {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x00}, {0xFE, 0x6D, 0x16}, {0xFF, 0x00, 0x00}, {0xC6, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x9F, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x75, 0x00, 0x00}, {0x4A, 0x00, 0x00} }; void doZoom(int offset, int width, int outWidth, std::vector data, float* out) { // NOTE: REMOVE THAT SHIT, IT'S JUST A HACKY FIX if (offset < 0) { offset = 0; } if (width > 65535) { width = 65535; } float factor = (float)width / (float)outWidth; for (int i = 0; i < outWidth; i++) { out[i] = data[offset + ((float)i * factor)]; } } float freq_ranges[] = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 2.5f, 5.0f, 10.0f, 20.0f, 25.0f, 50.0f, 100.0f, 200.0f, 250.0f, 500.0f, 1000.0f, 2000.0f, 2500.0f, 5000.0f, 10000.0f, 20000.0f, 25000.0f, 50000.0f, 100000.0f, 200000.0f, 250000.0f, 500000.0f, 1000000.0f, 2000000.0f, 2500000.0f, 5000000.0f, 10000000.0f, 20000000.0f, 25000000.0f, 50000000.0f }; float findBestRange(float bandwidth, int maxSteps) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (bandwidth / freq_ranges[i] < (float)maxSteps) { return freq_ranges[i]; } } return 50000000.0f; } void printAndScale(float freq, char* buf) { if (freq < 1000) { sprintf(buf, "%.3f", freq); } else if (freq < 1000000) { sprintf(buf, "%.3fK", freq / 1000.0f); } else if (freq < 1000000000) { sprintf(buf, "%.3fM", freq / 1000000.0f); } else if (freq < 1000000000000) { sprintf(buf, "%.3fG", freq / 1000000000.0f); } for (int i = strlen(buf) - 2; i >= 0; i--) { if (buf[i] != '0') { if (buf[i] == '.') { i--; } char scale = buf[strlen(buf) - 1]; buf[i + 1] = scale; buf[i + 2] = 0; return; } } } namespace ImGui { WaterFall::WaterFall() { fftMin = -70.0f; fftMax = 0.0f; waterfallMin = -70.0f; waterfallMax = 0.0f; FFTAreaHeight = 300; newFFTAreaHeight = FFTAreaHeight; fftHeight = FFTAreaHeight - 50; dataWidth = 600; lastWidgetPos.x = 0; lastWidgetPos.y = 0; lastWidgetSize.x = 0; lastWidgetSize.y = 0; latestFFT = new float[1]; waterfallFb = new uint32_t[1]; viewBandwidth = 1.0f; wholeBandwidth = 1.0f; glGenTextures(1, &textureId); updatePallette(COLOR_MAP, 13); } void WaterFall::drawFFT() { // Calculate scaling factor float startLine = floorf(fftMax / vRange) * vRange; float vertRange = fftMax - fftMin; float scaleFactor = fftHeight / vertRange; char buf[100]; ImU32 trace = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_PlotLines); ImU32 shadow = ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_PlotLines, 0.2); // Vertical scale for (float line = startLine; line > fftMin; line -= vRange) { float yPos = widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10 - ((line - fftMin) * scaleFactor); window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(roundf(widgetPos.x + 50), roundf(yPos)), ImVec2(roundf(widgetPos.x + dataWidth + 50), roundf(yPos)), IM_COL32(50, 50, 50, 255), 1.0f); sprintf(buf, "%d", (int)line); ImVec2 txtSz = ImGui::CalcTextSize(buf); window->DrawList->AddText(ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 40 - txtSz.x, roundf(yPos - (txtSz.y / 2))), IM_COL32( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), buf); } // Horizontal scale float startFreq = ceilf(lowerFreq / range) * range; float horizScale = (float)dataWidth / viewBandwidth; for (float freq = startFreq; freq < upperFreq; freq += range) { float xPos = widgetPos.x + 50 + ((freq - lowerFreq) * horizScale); window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(roundf(xPos), widgetPos.y + 10), ImVec2(roundf(xPos), widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10), IM_COL32(50, 50, 50, 255), 1.0f); window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(roundf(xPos), widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10), ImVec2(roundf(xPos), widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 17), IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.0f); printAndScale(freq, buf); ImVec2 txtSz = ImGui::CalcTextSize(buf); window->DrawList->AddText(ImVec2(roundf(xPos - (txtSz.x / 2.0f)), widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10 + txtSz.y), IM_COL32( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), buf); } // Data for (int i = 1; i < dataWidth; i++) { float aPos = widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10 - ((latestFFT[i - 1] - fftMin) * scaleFactor); float bPos = widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10 - ((latestFFT[i] - fftMin) * scaleFactor); if (aPos < fftMin && bPos < fftMin) { continue; } aPos = std::clamp(aPos, widgetPos.y + 10, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10); bPos = std::clamp(bPos, widgetPos.y + 10, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10); window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 49 + i, roundf(aPos)), ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + i, roundf(bPos)), trace, 1.0f); window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + i, roundf(bPos)), ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + i, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10), shadow, 1.0f); } // X Axis window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10), ImVec2(widgetPos.x + dataWidth + 50, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10), IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.0f); // Y Axis window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50, widgetPos.y + 9), ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 9), IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255), 1.0f); } void WaterFall::drawWaterfall() { if (waterfallUpdate) { waterfallUpdate = false; updateWaterfallTexture(); } window->DrawList->AddImage((void*)(intptr_t)textureId, ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 51), ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + dataWidth, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 51 + waterfallHeight)); } void WaterFall::drawVFOs() { for (auto const& [name, vfo] : vfos) { if (vfo->redrawRequired) { vfo->redrawRequired = false; vfo->updateDrawingVars(viewBandwidth, dataWidth, viewOffset, widgetPos, fftHeight); } vfo->draw(window, name == selectedVFO); } } void WaterFall::selectFirstVFO() { for (auto const& [name, vfo] : vfos) { selectedVFO = name; return; } } void WaterFall::processInputs() { WaterfallVFO* vfo = vfos[selectedVFO]; ImVec2 mousePos = ImGui::GetMousePos(); ImVec2 drag = ImGui::GetMouseDragDelta(ImGuiMouseButton_Left); ImVec2 dragOrigin(mousePos.x - drag.x, mousePos.y - drag.y); bool mouseHovered, mouseHeld; bool mouseClicked = ImGui::ButtonBehavior(ImRect(fftAreaMin, fftAreaMax), GetID("WaterfallID"), &mouseHovered, &mouseHeld, ImGuiButtonFlags_MouseButtonLeft | ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnClick); bool draging = ImGui::IsMouseDragging(ImGuiMouseButton_Left) && ImGui::IsWindowFocused(); bool mouseInFreq = IS_IN_AREA(dragOrigin, freqAreaMin, freqAreaMax); bool mouseInFFT = IS_IN_AREA(dragOrigin, fftAreaMin, fftAreaMax); // If mouse was clicked on a VFO, select VFO and return // If mouse was clicked but not on a VFO, move selected VFO to position if (mouseClicked) { for (auto const& [name, _vfo] : vfos) { if (name == selectedVFO) { continue; } if (IS_IN_AREA(mousePos, _vfo->rectMin, _vfo->rectMax)) { selectedVFO = name; selectedVFOChanged = true; return; } } int refCenter = mousePos.x - (widgetPos.x + 50); if (refCenter >= 0 && refCenter < dataWidth && mousePos.y > widgetPos.y && mousePos.y < (widgetPos.y + widgetSize.y)) { vfo->setOffset(((((float)refCenter / ((float)dataWidth / 2.0f)) - 1.0f) * (viewBandwidth / 2.0f)) + viewOffset); } } // Draging VFO if (draging && mouseInFFT) { int refCenter = mousePos.x - (widgetPos.x + 50); if (refCenter >= 0 && refCenter < dataWidth && mousePos.y > widgetPos.y && mousePos.y < (widgetPos.y + widgetSize.y)) { vfo->setOffset(((((float)refCenter / ((float)dataWidth / 2.0f)) - 1.0f) * (viewBandwidth / 2.0f)) + viewOffset); } } // Dragon frequency scale if (draging && mouseInFreq) { float deltax = drag.x - lastDrag; lastDrag = drag.x; float viewDelta = deltax * (viewBandwidth / (float)dataWidth); viewOffset -= viewDelta; if (viewOffset + (viewBandwidth / 2.0f) > wholeBandwidth / 2.0f) { float freqOffset = (viewOffset + (viewBandwidth / 2.0f)) - (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f); viewOffset = (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f) - (viewBandwidth / 2.0f); centerFreq += freqOffset; centerFreqMoved = true; } if (viewOffset - (viewBandwidth / 2.0f) < -(wholeBandwidth / 2.0f)) { float freqOffset = (viewOffset - (viewBandwidth / 2.0f)) + (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f); viewOffset = (viewBandwidth / 2.0f) - (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f); centerFreq += freqOffset; centerFreqMoved = true; } lowerFreq = (centerFreq + viewOffset) - (viewBandwidth / 2.0f); upperFreq = (centerFreq + viewOffset) + (viewBandwidth / 2.0f); updateWaterfallFb(); } else { lastDrag = 0; } } void WaterFall::updateWaterfallFb() { if (!waterfallVisible) { return; } float offsetRatio = viewOffset / (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f); int drawDataSize; int drawDataStart; int count = std::min(waterfallHeight, rawFFTs.size()); float* tempData = new float[dataWidth]; float pixel; float dataRange = waterfallMax - waterfallMin; int size; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { size = rawFFTs[i].size(); drawDataSize = (viewBandwidth / wholeBandwidth) * size; drawDataStart = (((float)size / 2.0f) * (offsetRatio + 1)) - (drawDataSize / 2); doZoom(drawDataStart, drawDataSize, dataWidth, rawFFTs[i], tempData); for (int j = 0; j < dataWidth; j++) { pixel = (std::clamp(tempData[j], waterfallMin, waterfallMax) - waterfallMin) / dataRange; waterfallFb[(i * dataWidth) + j] = waterfallPallet[(int)(pixel * (WATERFALL_RESOLUTION - 1))]; } } delete[] tempData; waterfallUpdate = true; } void WaterFall::drawBandPlan() { int count = bandplan->bands.size(); float horizScale = (float)dataWidth / viewBandwidth; float start, end, center, aPos, bPos, cPos, width; ImVec2 txtSz; bool startVis, endVis; uint32_t color, colorTrans; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { start = bandplan->bands[i].start; end = bandplan->bands[i].end; if (start < lowerFreq && end < lowerFreq) { continue; } if (start > upperFreq && end > upperFreq) { continue; } startVis = (start > lowerFreq); endVis = (end < upperFreq); start = std::clamp(start, lowerFreq, upperFreq); end = std::clamp(end, lowerFreq, upperFreq); center = (start + end) / 2.0f; aPos = widgetPos.x + 50 + ((start - lowerFreq) * horizScale); bPos = widgetPos.x + 50 + ((end - lowerFreq) * horizScale); cPos = widgetPos.x + 50 + ((center - lowerFreq) * horizScale); width = bPos - aPos; txtSz = ImGui::CalcTextSize(bandplan->bands[i].name.c_str()); if (bandplan::colorTable.find(bandplan->bands[i].type.c_str()) != bandplan::colorTable.end()) { color = bandplan::colorTable[bandplan->bands[i].type].colorValue; colorTrans = bandplan::colorTable[bandplan->bands[i].type].transColorValue; } else { color = IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255); colorTrans = IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 100); } if (aPos <= widgetPos.x + 50) { aPos = widgetPos.x + 51; } if (bPos <= widgetPos.x + 50) { bPos = widgetPos.x + 51; } if (width >= 1.0f) { window->DrawList->AddRectFilled(ImVec2(roundf(aPos), widgetPos.y + fftHeight - 25), ImVec2(roundf(bPos), widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10), colorTrans); if (startVis) { window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(roundf(aPos), widgetPos.y + fftHeight - 26), ImVec2(roundf(aPos), widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 9), color); } if (endVis) { window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(roundf(bPos), widgetPos.y + fftHeight - 26), ImVec2(roundf(bPos), widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 9), color); } } if (txtSz.x <= width) { window->DrawList->AddText(ImVec2(cPos - (txtSz.x / 2.0f), widgetPos.y + fftHeight - 17), IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255), bandplan->bands[i].name.c_str()); } } } void WaterFall::updateWaterfallTexture() { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, dataWidth, waterfallHeight, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (uint8_t*)waterfallFb); } void WaterFall::onPositionChange() { // Nothing to see here... } void WaterFall::onResize() { // return if widget is too small if (widgetSize.x < 100 || widgetSize.y < 100) { return; } if (waterfallVisible) { FFTAreaHeight = std::min(FFTAreaHeight, widgetSize.y - 50); fftHeight = FFTAreaHeight - 50; waterfallHeight = widgetSize.y - fftHeight - 52; } else { fftHeight = widgetSize.y - 50; } dataWidth = widgetSize.x - 60.0f; delete[] latestFFT; if (waterfallVisible) { delete[] waterfallFb; } latestFFT = new float[dataWidth]; if (waterfallVisible) { waterfallFb = new uint32_t[dataWidth * waterfallHeight]; memset(waterfallFb, 0, dataWidth * waterfallHeight * sizeof(uint32_t)); } for (int i = 0; i < dataWidth; i++) { latestFFT[i] = -1000.0f; // Hide everything } fftAreaMin = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50, widgetPos.y + 9); fftAreaMax = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + dataWidth + 50, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10); freqAreaMin = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 11); freqAreaMax = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + dataWidth + 50, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 50); maxHSteps = dataWidth / (ImGui::CalcTextSize("000.000").x + 10); maxVSteps = fftHeight / (ImGui::CalcTextSize("000.000").y); range = findBestRange(viewBandwidth, maxHSteps); vRange = findBestRange(fftMax - fftMin, maxVSteps); vRange = 10.0f; updateWaterfallFb(); updateAllVFOs(); } void WaterFall::draw() { buf_mtx.lock(); window = GetCurrentWindow(); widgetPos = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMin(); widgetEndPos = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax(); widgetPos.x += window->Pos.x; widgetPos.y += window->Pos.y; widgetEndPos.x += window->Pos.x - 4; // Padding widgetEndPos.y += window->Pos.y; widgetSize = ImVec2(widgetEndPos.x - widgetPos.x, widgetEndPos.y - widgetPos.y); if (widgetPos.x != lastWidgetPos.x || widgetPos.y != lastWidgetPos.y) { lastWidgetPos = widgetPos; onPositionChange(); } if (widgetSize.x != lastWidgetSize.x || widgetSize.y != lastWidgetSize.y) { lastWidgetSize = widgetSize; onResize(); } window->DrawList->AddRectFilled(widgetPos, widgetEndPos, IM_COL32( 0, 0, 0, 255 )); window->DrawList->AddRect(widgetPos, widgetEndPos, IM_COL32( 50, 50, 50, 255 )); window->DrawList->AddLine(ImVec2(widgetPos.x, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 50), ImVec2(widgetPos.x + widgetSize.x, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 50), IM_COL32(50, 50, 50, 255), 1.0f); processInputs(); drawFFT(); if (waterfallVisible) { drawWaterfall(); } drawVFOs(); if (bandplan != NULL && bandplanVisible) { drawBandPlan(); } if (!waterfallVisible) { buf_mtx.unlock(); return; } // Handle fft resize ImVec2 winSize = ImGui::GetWindowSize(); ImVec2 mousePos = ImGui::GetMousePos(); mousePos.x -= widgetPos.x; mousePos.y -= widgetPos.y; bool click = ImGui::IsMouseClicked(ImGuiMouseButton_Left); bool down = ImGui::IsMouseDown(ImGuiMouseButton_Left); if (draggingFW) { newFFTAreaHeight = mousePos.y; newFFTAreaHeight = std::clamp(newFFTAreaHeight, 150, widgetSize.y - 50); ImGui::GetForegroundDrawList()->AddLine(ImVec2(widgetPos.x, newFFTAreaHeight + widgetPos.y), ImVec2(widgetEndPos.x, newFFTAreaHeight + widgetPos.y), ImGui::GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive)); } if (mousePos.y >= newFFTAreaHeight - 2 && mousePos.y <= newFFTAreaHeight + 2 && mousePos.x > 0 && mousePos.x < widgetSize.x) { ImGui::SetMouseCursor(ImGuiMouseCursor_ResizeNS); if (click) { draggingFW = true; } } if(!down && draggingFW) { draggingFW = false; FFTAreaHeight = newFFTAreaHeight; onResize(); } buf_mtx.unlock(); } void WaterFall::pushFFT(std::vector data, int n) { buf_mtx.lock(); float offsetRatio = viewOffset / (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f); int drawDataSize = (viewBandwidth / wholeBandwidth) * data.size(); int drawDataStart = (((float)data.size() / 2.0f) * (offsetRatio + 1)) - (drawDataSize / 2); doZoom(drawDataStart, drawDataSize, dataWidth, data, latestFFT); rawFFTs.insert(rawFFTs.begin(), data); if (rawFFTs.size() > waterfallHeight + 300) { rawFFTs.resize(waterfallHeight); } if (waterfallVisible) { memmove(&waterfallFb[dataWidth], waterfallFb, dataWidth * (waterfallHeight - 1) * sizeof(uint32_t)); float pixel; float dataRange = waterfallMax - waterfallMin; for (int j = 0; j < dataWidth; j++) { pixel = (std::clamp(latestFFT[j], waterfallMin, waterfallMax) - waterfallMin) / dataRange; int id = (int)(pixel * (WATERFALL_RESOLUTION - 1)); waterfallFb[j] = waterfallPallet[id]; } waterfallUpdate = true; } buf_mtx.unlock(); } void WaterFall::updatePallette(float colors[][3], int colorCount) { for (int i = 0; i < WATERFALL_RESOLUTION; i++) { int lowerId = floorf(((float)i / (float)WATERFALL_RESOLUTION) * colorCount); int upperId = ceilf(((float)i / (float)WATERFALL_RESOLUTION) * colorCount); lowerId = std::clamp(lowerId, 0, colorCount - 1); upperId = std::clamp(upperId, 0, colorCount - 1); float ratio = (((float)i / (float)WATERFALL_RESOLUTION) * colorCount) - lowerId; float r = (colors[lowerId][0] * (1.0f - ratio)) + (colors[upperId][0] * (ratio)); float g = (colors[lowerId][1] * (1.0f - ratio)) + (colors[upperId][1] * (ratio)); float b = (colors[lowerId][2] * (1.0f - ratio)) + (colors[upperId][2] * (ratio)); waterfallPallet[i] = ((uint32_t)255 << 24) | ((uint32_t)b << 16) | ((uint32_t)g << 8) | (uint32_t)r; } } void WaterFall::autoRange() { float min = INFINITY; float max = -INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < dataWidth; i++) { if (latestFFT[i] < min) { min = latestFFT[i]; } if (latestFFT[i] > max) { max = latestFFT[i]; } } fftMin = min - 5; fftMax = max + 5; } void WaterFall::setCenterFrequency(float freq) { centerFreq = freq; lowerFreq = (centerFreq + viewOffset) - (viewBandwidth / 2.0f); upperFreq = (centerFreq + viewOffset) + (viewBandwidth / 2.0f); updateAllVFOs(); } float WaterFall::getCenterFrequency() { return centerFreq; } void WaterFall::setBandwidth(float bandWidth) { float currentRatio = viewBandwidth / wholeBandwidth; wholeBandwidth = bandWidth; setViewBandwidth(bandWidth * currentRatio); updateAllVFOs(); } float WaterFall::getBandwidth() { return wholeBandwidth; } void WaterFall::setViewBandwidth(float bandWidth) { if (bandWidth == viewBandwidth) { return; } if (abs(viewOffset) + (bandWidth / 2.0f) > wholeBandwidth / 2.0f) { if (viewOffset < 0) { viewOffset = (bandWidth / 2.0f) - (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f); } else { viewOffset = (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f) - (bandWidth / 2.0f); } } viewBandwidth = bandWidth; lowerFreq = (centerFreq + viewOffset) - (viewBandwidth / 2.0f); upperFreq = (centerFreq + viewOffset) + (viewBandwidth / 2.0f); range = findBestRange(bandWidth, maxHSteps); updateWaterfallFb(); updateAllVFOs(); } float WaterFall::getViewBandwidth() { return viewBandwidth; } void WaterFall::setViewOffset(float offset) { if (offset == viewOffset) { return; } if (offset - (viewBandwidth / 2.0f) < -(wholeBandwidth / 2.0f)) { offset = (viewBandwidth / 2.0f) - (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f); } if (offset + (viewBandwidth / 2.0f) > (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f)) { offset = (wholeBandwidth / 2.0f) - (viewBandwidth / 2.0f); } viewOffset = offset; lowerFreq = (centerFreq + viewOffset) - (viewBandwidth / 2.0f); upperFreq = (centerFreq + viewOffset) + (viewBandwidth / 2.0f); updateWaterfallFb(); updateAllVFOs(); } float WaterFall::getViewOffset() { return viewOffset; } void WaterFall::setFFTMin(float min) { fftMin = min; vRange = findBestRange(fftMax - fftMin, maxVSteps); } float WaterFall::getFFTMin() { return fftMin; } void WaterFall::setFFTMax(float max) { fftMax = max; vRange = findBestRange(fftMax - fftMin, maxVSteps); } float WaterFall::getFFTMax() { return fftMax; } void WaterFall::setWaterfallMin(float min) { if (min == waterfallMin) { return; } waterfallMin = min; updateWaterfallFb(); } float WaterFall::getWaterfallMin() { return waterfallMin; } void WaterFall::setWaterfallMax(float max) { if (max == waterfallMax) { return; } waterfallMax = max; updateWaterfallFb(); } float WaterFall::getWaterfallMax() { return waterfallMax; } void WaterFall::updateAllVFOs() { for (auto const& [name, vfo] : vfos) { vfo->updateDrawingVars(viewBandwidth, dataWidth, viewOffset, widgetPos, fftHeight); } } void WaterfallVFO::setOffset(float offset) { generalOffset = offset; if (reference == REF_CENTER) { centerOffset = offset; lowerOffset = offset - (bandwidth / 2.0f); upperOffset = offset + (bandwidth / 2.0f); } else if (reference == REF_LOWER) { lowerOffset = offset; centerOffset = offset + (bandwidth / 2.0f); upperOffset = offset + bandwidth; } else if (reference == REF_UPPER) { upperOffset = offset; centerOffset = offset - (bandwidth / 2.0f); lowerOffset = offset - bandwidth; } centerOffsetChanged = true; upperOffsetChanged = true; lowerOffsetChanged = true; redrawRequired = true; } void WaterfallVFO::setCenterOffset(float offset) { if (reference == REF_CENTER) { generalOffset = offset; } else if (reference == REF_LOWER) { generalOffset = offset - (bandwidth / 2.0f); } else if (reference == REF_UPPER) { generalOffset = offset + (bandwidth / 2.0f); } centerOffset = offset; lowerOffset = offset - (bandwidth / 2.0f); upperOffset = offset + (bandwidth / 2.0f); centerOffsetChanged = true; upperOffsetChanged = true; lowerOffsetChanged = true; redrawRequired = true; } void WaterfallVFO::setBandwidth(float bw) { if (bandwidth == bw || bw < 0) { return; } bandwidth = bw; if (reference == REF_CENTER) { lowerOffset = centerOffset - (bandwidth / 2.0f); upperOffset = centerOffset + (bandwidth / 2.0f); } else if (reference == REF_LOWER) { centerOffset = lowerOffset + (bandwidth / 2.0f); upperOffset = lowerOffset + bandwidth; centerOffsetChanged = true; } else if (reference == REF_UPPER) { centerOffset = upperOffset - (bandwidth / 2.0f); lowerOffset = upperOffset - bandwidth; centerOffsetChanged = true; } redrawRequired = true; } void WaterfallVFO::setReference(int ref) { if (reference == ref || ref < 0 || ref >= _REF_COUNT) { return; } reference = ref; setOffset(generalOffset); } void WaterfallVFO::updateDrawingVars(float viewBandwidth, float dataWidth, float viewOffset, ImVec2 widgetPos, int fftHeight) { float width = (bandwidth / viewBandwidth) * (float)dataWidth; int center = roundf((((centerOffset - viewOffset) / (viewBandwidth / 2.0f)) + 1.0f) * ((float)dataWidth / 2.0f)); int left = roundf((((lowerOffset - viewOffset) / (viewBandwidth / 2.0f)) + 1.0f) * ((float)dataWidth / 2.0f)); int right = roundf((((upperOffset - viewOffset) / (viewBandwidth / 2.0f)) + 1.0f) * ((float)dataWidth / 2.0f)); if (left >= 0 && left < dataWidth && reference == REF_LOWER) { lineMin = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + left, widgetPos.y + 9); lineMax = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + left, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 9); lineVisible = true; } else if (center >= 0 && center < dataWidth && reference == REF_CENTER) { lineMin = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + center, widgetPos.y + 9); lineMax = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + center, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 9); lineVisible = true; } else if (right >= 0 && right < dataWidth && reference == REF_UPPER) { lineMin = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + right, widgetPos.y + 9); lineMax = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + right, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 9); lineVisible = true; } else { lineVisible = false; } left = std::clamp(left, 0, dataWidth - 1); right = std::clamp(right, 0, dataWidth - 1); rectMin = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 50 + left, widgetPos.y + 10); rectMax = ImVec2(widgetPos.x + 51 + right, widgetPos.y + fftHeight + 10); } void WaterfallVFO::draw(ImGuiWindow* window, bool selected) { window->DrawList->AddRectFilled(rectMin, rectMax, IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 50)); if (lineVisible) { window->DrawList->AddLine(lineMin, lineMax, selected ? IM_COL32(255, 0, 0, 255) : IM_COL32(255, 255, 0, 255)); } }; void WaterFall::showWaterfall() { waterfallVisible = true; onResize(); } void WaterFall::hideWaterfall() { waterfallVisible = false; onResize(); } void WaterFall::setFFTHeight(int height) { FFTAreaHeight = height; newFFTAreaHeight = height; onResize(); } int WaterFall::getFFTHeight() { return FFTAreaHeight; } void WaterFall::showBandplan() { bandplanVisible = true; } void WaterFall::hideBandplan() { bandplanVisible = false; } };