#include std::thread worker; std::mutex fft_mtx; ImGui::WaterFall wtf; FrequencySelect fSel; fftwf_complex *fft_in, *fft_out; fftwf_plan p; float* tempData; float* uiGains; char buf[1024]; int fftSize = 8192 * 8; io::SoapyWrapper soapy; SignalPath sigPath; std::vector _data; std::vector fftTaps; void fftHandler(dsp::complex_t* samples) { fftwf_execute(p); int half = fftSize / 2; for (int i = 0; i < half; i++) { _data.push_back(log10(std::abs(std::complex(fft_out[half + i][0], fft_out[half + i][1])) / (float)fftSize) * 10.0f); } for (int i = 0; i < half; i++) { _data.push_back(log10(std::abs(std::complex(fft_out[i][0], fft_out[i][1])) / (float)fftSize) * 10.0f); } for (int i = 5; i < fftSize; i++) { _data[i] = (_data[i - 4] + _data[i - 3] + _data[i - 2] + _data[i - 1] + _data[i]) / 5.0f; } wtf.pushFFT(_data, fftSize); _data.clear(); } dsp::NullSink sink; void windowInit() { int sampleRate = 8000000; wtf.setBandwidth(sampleRate); wtf.setCenterFrequency(90500000); fSel.init(); fSel.setFrequency(90500000); fft_in = (fftwf_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftwf_complex) * fftSize); fft_out = (fftwf_complex*) fftwf_malloc(sizeof(fftwf_complex) * fftSize); p = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(fftSize, fft_in, fft_out, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE); sigPath.init(sampleRate, 20, fftSize, &soapy.output, (dsp::complex_t*)fft_in, fftHandler); sigPath.start(); vfoman::init(&wtf, &sigPath); uiGains = new float[1]; spdlog::info("Loading modules"); mod::initAPI(&wtf); mod::loadFromList("module_list.json"); } watcher devId(0, true); watcher srId(0, true); watcher bandplanId(0, true); watcher freq(90500000L); int demod = 1; watcher vfoFreq(92000000.0f); float dummyVolume = 1.0f; float* volume = &dummyVolume; float fftMin = -70.0f; float fftMax = 0.0f; watcher offset(0.0f, true); watcher bw(8000000.0f, true); int sampleRate = 1000000; bool playing = false; watcher dcbias(false, false); watcher bandPlanEnabled(true, false); void setVFO(float freq) { ImGui::WaterfallVFO* vfo = wtf.vfos[wtf.selectedVFO]; float currentOff = vfo->centerOffset; float currentTune = wtf.getCenterFrequency() + vfo->generalOffset; float delta = freq - currentTune; float newVFO = currentOff + delta; float vfoBW = vfo->bandwidth; float vfoBottom = newVFO - (vfoBW / 2.0f); float vfoTop = newVFO + (vfoBW / 2.0f); float view = wtf.getViewOffset(); float viewBW = wtf.getViewBandwidth(); float viewBottom = view - (viewBW / 2.0f); float viewTop = view + (viewBW / 2.0f); float wholeFreq = wtf.getCenterFrequency(); float BW = wtf.getBandwidth(); float bottom = -(BW / 2.0f); float top = (BW / 2.0f); // VFO still fints in the view if (vfoBottom > viewBottom && vfoTop < viewTop) { vfoman::setCenterOffset(wtf.selectedVFO, newVFO); return; } // VFO too low for current SDR tuning if (vfoBottom < bottom) { wtf.setViewOffset((BW / 2.0f) - (viewBW / 2.0f)); float newVFOOffset = (BW / 2.0f) - (vfoBW / 2.0f) - (viewBW / 10.0f); vfoman::setCenterOffset(wtf.selectedVFO, newVFOOffset); wtf.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); soapy.setFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); return; } // VFO too high for current SDR tuning if (vfoTop > top) { wtf.setViewOffset((viewBW / 2.0f) - (BW / 2.0f)); float newVFOOffset = (vfoBW / 2.0f) - (BW / 2.0f) + (viewBW / 10.0f); vfoman::setCenterOffset(wtf.selectedVFO, newVFOOffset); wtf.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); soapy.setFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); return; } // VFO is still without the SDR's bandwidth if (delta < 0) { float newViewOff = vfoTop - (viewBW / 2.0f) + (viewBW / 10.0f); float newViewBottom = newViewOff - (viewBW / 2.0f); float newViewTop = newViewOff + (viewBW / 2.0f); if (newViewBottom > bottom) { wtf.setViewOffset(newViewOff); vfoman::setCenterOffset(wtf.selectedVFO, newVFO); return; } wtf.setViewOffset((BW / 2.0f) - (viewBW / 2.0f)); float newVFOOffset = (BW / 2.0f) - (vfoBW / 2.0f) - (viewBW / 10.0f); vfoman::setCenterOffset(wtf.selectedVFO, newVFOOffset); wtf.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); soapy.setFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); } else { float newViewOff = vfoBottom + (viewBW / 2.0f) - (viewBW / 10.0f); float newViewBottom = newViewOff - (viewBW / 2.0f); float newViewTop = newViewOff + (viewBW / 2.0f); if (newViewTop < top) { wtf.setViewOffset(newViewOff); vfoman::setCenterOffset(wtf.selectedVFO, newVFO); return; } wtf.setViewOffset((viewBW / 2.0f) - (BW / 2.0f)); float newVFOOffset = (vfoBW / 2.0f) - (BW / 2.0f) + (viewBW / 10.0f); vfoman::setCenterOffset(wtf.selectedVFO, newVFOOffset); wtf.setCenterFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); soapy.setFrequency(freq - newVFOOffset); } } void drawWindow() { if (wtf.selectedVFO == "" && wtf.vfos.size() > 0) { wtf.selectFirstVFO(); } ImGui::WaterfallVFO* vfo = wtf.vfos[wtf.selectedVFO]; if (vfo->centerOffsetChanged) { fSel.setFrequency(wtf.getCenterFrequency() + vfo->generalOffset); } vfoman::updateFromWaterfall(); if (wtf.selectedVFOChanged) { wtf.selectedVFOChanged = false; fSel.setFrequency(vfo->generalOffset + wtf.getCenterFrequency()); mod::broadcastEvent(mod::EVENT_SELECTED_VFO_CHANGED); } if (fSel.frequencyChanged) { fSel.frequencyChanged = false; setVFO(fSel.frequency); vfo->centerOffsetChanged = false; vfo->lowerOffsetChanged = false; vfo->upperOffsetChanged = false; } if (wtf.centerFreqMoved) { wtf.centerFreqMoved = false; soapy.setFrequency(wtf.getCenterFrequency()); fSel.setFrequency(wtf.getCenterFrequency() + vfo->generalOffset); } if (devId.changed() && soapy.devList.size() > 0) { spdlog::info("Changed input device: {0}", devId.val); soapy.setDevice(soapy.devList[devId.val]); srId.markAsChanged(); if (soapy.gainList.size() == 0) { return; } delete[] uiGains; uiGains = new float[soapy.gainList.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < soapy.gainList.size(); i++) { uiGains[i] = soapy.currentGains[i]; } } if (srId.changed() && soapy.devList.size() > 0) { spdlog::info("Changed sample rate: {0}", srId.val); sampleRate = soapy.sampleRates[srId.val]; soapy.setSampleRate(sampleRate); wtf.setBandwidth(sampleRate); wtf.setViewBandwidth(sampleRate); sigPath.setSampleRate(sampleRate); bw.val = sampleRate; } if (dcbias.changed()) { sigPath.setDCBiasCorrection(dcbias.val); } if (bandplanId.changed() && bandPlanEnabled.val) { wtf.bandplan = &bandplan::bandplans[bandplan::bandplanNames[bandplanId.val]]; } if (bandPlanEnabled.changed()) { wtf.bandplan = bandPlanEnabled.val ? &bandplan::bandplans[bandplan::bandplanNames[bandplanId.val]] : NULL; } ImVec2 vMin = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMin(); ImVec2 vMax = ImGui::GetWindowContentRegionMax(); int width = vMax.x - vMin.x; int height = vMax.y - vMin.y; int modCount = mod::moduleNames.size(); mod::Module_t mod; for (int i = 0; i < modCount; i++) { mod = mod::modules[mod::moduleNames[i]]; mod._NEW_FRAME_(mod.ctx); } // To Bar if (playing) { if (ImGui::ImageButton(icons::STOP_RAW, ImVec2(30, 30))) { soapy.stop(); playing = false; } } else { if (ImGui::ImageButton(icons::PLAY_RAW, ImVec2(30, 30)) && soapy.devList.size() > 0) { soapy.start(); soapy.setFrequency(wtf.getCenterFrequency()); playing = true; } } ImGui::SameLine(); ImGui::SetCursorPosY(ImGui::GetCursorPosY() + 8); ImGui::SetNextItemWidth(200); ImGui::SliderFloat("##_2_", volume, 0.0f, 1.0f, ""); ImGui::SameLine(); fSel.draw(); ImGui::Columns(3, "WindowColumns", false); ImVec2 winSize = ImGui::GetWindowSize(); ImGui::SetColumnWidth(0, 300); ImGui::SetColumnWidth(1, winSize.x - 300 - 60); ImGui::SetColumnWidth(2, 60); // Left Column ImGui::BeginChild("Left Column"); if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Source")) { ImGui::PushItemWidth(ImGui::GetWindowSize().x); ImGui::Combo("##_0_", &devId.val, soapy.txtDevList.c_str()); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); if (!playing) { ImGui::Combo("##_1_", &srId.val, soapy.txtSampleRateList.c_str()); } else { ImGui::Text("%.0f Samples/s", soapy.sampleRates[srId.val]); } ImGui::SameLine(); if (ImGui::Button("Refresh")) { soapy.refresh(); } for (int i = 0; i < soapy.gainList.size(); i++) { ImGui::Text("%s gain", soapy.gainList[i].c_str()); ImGui::SameLine(); sprintf(buf, "##_gain_slide_%d_", i); ImGui::SliderFloat(buf, &uiGains[i], soapy.gainRanges[i].minimum(), soapy.gainRanges[i].maximum()); if (uiGains[i] != soapy.currentGains[i]) { soapy.setGain(i, uiGains[i]); } } } for (int i = 0; i < modCount; i++) { if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader(mod::moduleNames[i].c_str())) { mod = mod::modules[mod::moduleNames[i]]; mod._DRAW_MENU_(mod.ctx); } } ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Audio"); if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Band Plan")) { ImGui::PushItemWidth(ImGui::GetWindowSize().x); ImGui::Combo("##_4_", &bandplanId.val, bandplan::bandplanNameTxt.c_str()); ImGui::PopItemWidth(); ImGui::Checkbox("Enabled", &bandPlanEnabled.val); bandplan::BandPlan_t plan = bandplan::bandplans[bandplan::bandplanNames[bandplanId.val]]; ImGui::Text("Country: %s (%s)", plan.countryName, plan.countryCode); ImGui::Text("Author: %s", plan.authorName); } ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Display"); ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Recording"); if(ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Debug")) { ImGui::Text("Frame time: %.3f ms/frame", 1000.0f / ImGui::GetIO().Framerate); ImGui::Text("Framerate: %.1f FPS", ImGui::GetIO().Framerate); ImGui::Text("Center Frequency: %.1f FPS", wtf.getCenterFrequency()); } ImGui::EndChild(); // Right Column ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::BeginChild("Waterfall"); wtf.draw(); ImGui::EndChild(); ImGui::NextColumn(); ImGui::Text("Zoom"); ImGui::VSliderFloat("##_7_", ImVec2(20.0f, 150.0f), &bw.val, sampleRate, 1000.0f, ""); ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::Text("Max"); ImGui::VSliderFloat("##_8_", ImVec2(20.0f, 150.0f), &fftMax, 0.0f, -100.0f, ""); ImGui::NewLine(); ImGui::Text("Min"); ImGui::VSliderFloat("##_9_", ImVec2(20.0f, 150.0f), &fftMin, 0.0f, -100.0f, ""); if (bw.changed()) { wtf.setViewBandwidth(bw.val); wtf.setViewOffset(vfo->centerOffset); } wtf.setFFTMin(fftMin); wtf.setFFTMax(fftMax); wtf.setWaterfallMin(fftMin); wtf.setWaterfallMax(fftMax); } void bindVolumeVariable(float* vol) { volume = vol; } void unbindVolumeVariable() { volume = &dummyVolume; }