#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "linesync.h" #include #include #include #include #include "chrominance_filter.h" #include "chroma_pll.h" #define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str()) SDRPP_MOD_INFO{/* Name: */ "atv_decoder", /* Description: */ "ATV decoder for SDR++", /* Author: */ "Ryzerth", /* Version: */ 0, 1, 0, /* Max instances */ -1 }; #define SAMPLE_RATE (625.0f * 720.0f * 25.0f) class ATVDecoderModule : public ModuleManager::Instance { public: ATVDecoderModule(std::string name) : img(720, 625) { this->name = name; vfo = sigpath::vfoManager.createVFO(name, ImGui::WaterfallVFO::REF_CENTER, 0, 8000000.0f, SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_RATE, true); demod.init(vfo->output, SAMPLE_RATE, SAMPLE_RATE / 2.0f); sync.init(&demod.out, 1.0f, 1e-6, 1.0, 0.05); sink.init(&sync.out, handler, this); r2c.init(NULL); chromaTaps = dsp::taps::fromArray(CHROMA_FIR_SIZE, CHROMA_FIR); fir.init(NULL, chromaTaps); pll.init(NULL, 0.01, 0.0, dsp::math::hzToRads(4433618.75, SAMPLE_RATE), dsp::math::hzToRads(4433618.75*0.90, SAMPLE_RATE), dsp::math::hzToRads(4433618.75*1.1, SAMPLE_RATE)); demod.start(); sync.start(); sink.start(); gui::menu.registerEntry(name, menuHandler, this, this); } ~ATVDecoderModule() { if (vfo) { sigpath::vfoManager.deleteVFO(vfo); } demod.stop(); gui::menu.removeEntry(name); } void postInit() {} void enable() { enabled = true; } void disable() { enabled = false; } bool isEnabled() { return enabled; } private: static void menuHandler(void *ctx) { ATVDecoderModule *_this = (ATVDecoderModule *)ctx; if (!_this->enabled) { style::beginDisabled(); } // Ideal width for testing: 750pixels ImGui::FillWidth(); _this->img.draw(); ImGui::LeftLabel("Sync"); ImGui::FillWidth(); ImGui::SliderFloat("##syncLvl", &_this->sync_level, -2, 2); ImGui::LeftLabel("Min"); ImGui::FillWidth(); ImGui::SliderFloat("##minLvl", &_this->minLvl, -1.0, 1.0); ImGui::LeftLabel("Span"); ImGui::FillWidth(); ImGui::SliderFloat("##spanLvl", &_this->spanLvl, 0, 1.0); ImGui::LeftLabel("Sync Bias"); ImGui::FillWidth(); ImGui::SliderFloat("##syncBias", &_this->sync.syncBias,-0.1, 0.1); if (ImGui::Button("Test2")) { _this->sync.test2 = true; } if (ImGui::Button("Switch frame")) { std::lock_guard lck(_this->evenFrameMtx); _this->evenFrame = !_this->evenFrame; } if (_this->sync.locked) { ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(0, 1, 0, 1), "Locked"); } else { ImGui::TextUnformatted("Not locked"); } ImGui::Checkbox("Force Lock", &_this->sync.forceLock); if (!_this->enabled) { style::endDisabled(); } } static void handler(float *data, int count, void *ctx) { ATVDecoderModule *_this = (ATVDecoderModule *)ctx; // Convert line to complex _this->r2c.process(720, data, _this->r2c.out.writeBuf); // Isolate the chroma subcarrier _this->fir.process(720, _this->r2c.out.writeBuf, _this->fir.out.writeBuf); // Run chroma carrier through the PLL _this->pll.process(720, _this->fir.out.writeBuf, _this->pll.out.writeBuf, ((_this->ypos%2)==1) ^ _this->evenFrame); // Render line to the image without color //int lypos = _this->ypos - 1; //if (lypos < 0) { lypos = 624; } //uint32_t* lastLine = &((uint32_t *)_this->img.buffer)[(lypos < 313) ? (lypos*720*2) : ((((lypos - 313)*2)+1)*720) ]; //uint32_t* currentLine = &((uint32_t *)_this->img.buffer)[(_this->ypos < 313) ? (_this->ypos*720*2) : ((((_this->ypos - 313)*2)+1)*720) ]; uint32_t* currentLine = &((uint32_t *)_this->img.buffer)[_this->ypos*720]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { //float imval = std::clamp((data[i] - _this->minLvl) * 255.0 / _this->spanLvl, 0, 255); uint32_t re = std::clamp((_this->pll.out.writeBuf[i].re - _this->minLvl) * 255.0 / _this->spanLvl, 0, 255); uint32_t im = std::clamp((_this->pll.out.writeBuf[i].im - _this->minLvl) * 255.0 / _this->spanLvl, 0, 255); currentLine[i] = 0xFF000000 | (im << 8) | re; } // Vertical scan logic _this->ypos++; bool rollover = _this->ypos >= 625; if (rollover) { { std::lock_guard lck(_this->evenFrameMtx); _this->evenFrame = !_this->evenFrame; } _this->ypos = 0; _this->img.swap(); } // Measure vsync levels float sync0 = 0.0f, sync1 = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < 306; i++) { sync0 += data[i]; } for (int i = (720/2); i < ((720/2)+306); i++) { sync1 += data[i]; } sync0 *= (1.0f/305.0f); sync1 *= (1.0f/305.0f); // Save sync detection to history _this->syncHistory >>= 2; _this->syncHistory |= (((uint16_t)(sync1 < _this->sync_level)) << 9) | (((uint16_t)(sync0 < _this->sync_level)) << 8); // Trigger vsync in case one is detected // TODO: Also sync with odd field if (!rollover && _this->syncHistory == 0b0000011111) { { std::lock_guard lck(_this->evenFrameMtx); _this->evenFrame = !_this->evenFrame; } _this->ypos = 0; _this->img.swap(); } } std::string name; bool enabled = true; VFOManager::VFO *vfo = NULL; dsp::demod::Quadrature demod; LineSync sync; dsp::sink::Handler sink; dsp::convert::RealToComplex r2c; dsp::tap chromaTaps; dsp::filter::FIR fir; dsp::loop::ChromaPLL pll; int ypos = 0; bool evenFrame = false; std::mutex evenFrameMtx; float sync_level = -0.06f; int sync_count = 0; int short_sync = 0; float minLvl = 0.0f; float spanLvl = 1.0f; bool lockedLines = 0; uint16_t syncHistory = 0; ImGui::ImageDisplay img; }; MOD_EXPORT void _INIT_() {} MOD_EXPORT ModuleManager::Instance *_CREATE_INSTANCE_(std::string name) { return new ATVDecoderModule(name); } MOD_EXPORT void _DELETE_INSTANCE_(void *instance) { delete (ATVDecoderModule *)instance; } MOD_EXPORT void _END_() {}