#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define CONCAT(a, b) ((std::string(a) + b).c_str()) SDRPP_MOD_INFO{ /* Name: */ "network_source", /* Description: */ "UDP/TCP Source Module", /* Author: */ "Ryzerth", /* Version: */ 0, 1, 0, /* Max instances */ 1 }; ConfigManager config; enum Protocol { PROTOCOL_TCP_SERVER, PROTOCOL_TCP_CLIENT, PROTOCOL_UDP }; enum SampleType { SAMPLE_TYPE_INT8, SAMPLE_TYPE_INT16, SAMPLE_TYPE_INT32, SAMPLE_TYPE_FLOAT32 }; const size_t SAMPLE_TYPE_SIZE[] { 2*sizeof(int8_t), 2*sizeof(int16_t), 2*sizeof(int32_t), 2*sizeof(float), }; class NetworkSourceModule : public ModuleManager::Instance { public: NetworkSourceModule(std::string name) { this->name = name; samplerate = 1000000.0; handler.ctx = this; handler.selectHandler = menuSelected; handler.deselectHandler = menuDeselected; handler.menuHandler = menuHandler; handler.startHandler = start; handler.stopHandler = stop; handler.tuneHandler = tune; handler.stream = &stream; // Define protocols // protocols.define("TCP (Server)", PROTOCOL_TCP_SERVER); protocols.define("TCP (Client)", PROTOCOL_TCP_CLIENT); protocols.define("UDP", PROTOCOL_UDP); // Define sample types sampleTypes.define("Int8", SAMPLE_TYPE_INT8); sampleTypes.define("Int16", SAMPLE_TYPE_INT16); sampleTypes.define("Int32", SAMPLE_TYPE_INT32); sampleTypes.define("Float32", SAMPLE_TYPE_FLOAT32); // Load config config.acquire(); if (config.conf[name].contains("samplerate")) { samplerate = config.conf[name]["samplerate"]; tempSamplerate = samplerate; } if (config.conf[name].contains("protocol")) { std::string protoStr = config.conf[name]["protocol"]; if (protocols.keyExists(protoStr)) { proto = protocols.value(protocols.keyId(protoStr)); } } if (config.conf[name].contains("sampleType")) { std::string sampTypeStr = config.conf[name]["sampleType"]; if (sampleTypes.keyExists(sampTypeStr)) { sampType = sampleTypes.value(sampleTypes.keyId(sampTypeStr)); } } if (config.conf[name].contains("host")) { std::string hostStr = config.conf[name]["host"]; strcpy(hostname, hostStr.c_str()); } if (config.conf[name].contains("port")) { port = config.conf[name]["port"]; port = std::clamp(port, 1, 65535); } config.release(); // Set menu IDs protoId = protocols.valueId(proto); sampTypeId = sampleTypes.valueId(sampType); sigpath::sourceManager.registerSource("Network", &handler); } ~NetworkSourceModule() { stop(this); sigpath::sourceManager.unregisterSource("Network"); } void postInit() {} void enable() { enabled = true; } void disable() { enabled = false; } bool isEnabled() { return enabled; } private: std::string getSrScaled(double sr) { char buf[1024]; if (sr >= 1000000.0) { sprintf(buf, "%.1lf MS/s", sr / 1000000.0); } else if (sr >= 1000.0) { sprintf(buf, "%.1lf KS/s", sr / 1000.0); } else { sprintf(buf, "%.1lf S/s", sr); } return std::string(buf); } static void menuSelected(void* ctx) { NetworkSourceModule* _this = (NetworkSourceModule*)ctx; core::setInputSampleRate(_this->samplerate); flog::info("NetworkSourceModule '{0}': Menu Select!", _this->name); } static void menuDeselected(void* ctx) { NetworkSourceModule* _this = (NetworkSourceModule*)ctx; flog::info("NetworkSourceModule '{0}': Menu Deselect!", _this->name); } static void start(void* ctx) { NetworkSourceModule* _this = (NetworkSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { return; } // Depends on protocol try { if (_this->proto == PROTOCOL_TCP_SERVER) { // Create TCP listener // TODO // Start listen worker // TODO } else if (_this->proto == PROTOCOL_TCP_CLIENT) { // Connect to TCP server _this->sock = net::connect(_this->hostname, _this->port); } else if (_this->proto == PROTOCOL_UDP) { // Open UDP socket _this->sock = net::openudp("", _this->port, _this->hostname, _this->port, true); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { flog::error("Could not start Network Source: {}", e.what()); return; } // Start receive worker _this->workerThread = std::thread(&NetworkSourceModule::worker, _this); _this->running = true; flog::info("NetworkSourceModule '{0}': Start!", _this->name); } static void stop(void* ctx) { NetworkSourceModule* _this = (NetworkSourceModule*)ctx; if (!_this->running) { return; } // Stop listen worker // TODO // Close connection if (_this->sock) { _this->sock->close(); } // Stop worker thread _this->stream.stopWriter(); if (_this->workerThread.joinable()) { _this->workerThread.join(); } _this->stream.clearWriteStop(); _this->running = false; flog::info("NetworkSourceModule '{0}': Stop!", _this->name); } static void tune(double freq, void* ctx) { NetworkSourceModule* _this = (NetworkSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { // Nothing for now } _this->freq = freq; flog::info("NetworkSourceModule '{0}': Tune: {1}!", _this->name, freq); } static void menuHandler(void* ctx) { NetworkSourceModule* _this = (NetworkSourceModule*)ctx; if (_this->running) { SmGui::BeginDisabled(); } // Hostname and port field if (SmGui::InputText(("##network_source_host_" + _this->name).c_str(), _this->hostname, sizeof(_this->hostname))) { config.acquire(); config.conf[_this->name]["host"] = _this->hostname; config.release(true); } SmGui::SameLine(); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::InputInt(("##network_source_port_" + _this->name).c_str(), &_this->port, 0, 0)) { _this->port = std::clamp(_this->port, 1, 65535); config.acquire(); config.conf[_this->name]["port"] = _this->port; config.release(true); } // Mode protocol selector SmGui::LeftLabel("Protocol"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::Combo(("##network_source_proto_" + _this->name).c_str(), &_this->protoId, _this->protocols.txt)) { _this->proto = _this->protocols.value(_this->protoId); config.acquire(); config.conf[_this->name]["protocol"] = _this->protocols.key(_this->protoId); config.release(true); } // Sample type selector SmGui::LeftLabel("Sample type"); SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::Combo(("##network_source_samp_" + _this->name).c_str(), &_this->sampTypeId, _this->sampleTypes.txt)) { _this->sampType = _this->sampleTypes.value(_this->sampTypeId); config.acquire(); config.conf[_this->name]["sampleType"] = _this->sampleTypes.key(_this->sampTypeId); config.release(true); } // Samplerate selector SmGui::LeftLabel("Samplerate"); SmGui::FillWidth(); SmGui::InputInt(("##network_source_sr_" + _this->name).c_str(), &_this->tempSamplerate); bool applyEn = (!_this->running && _this->tempSamplerate != _this->samplerate); if (!applyEn) { SmGui::BeginDisabled(); } SmGui::FillWidth(); if (SmGui::Button(("Apply##network_source_apply_" + _this->name).c_str())) { _this->samplerate = _this->tempSamplerate; core::setInputSampleRate(_this->samplerate); config.acquire(); config.conf[_this->name]["samplerate"] = _this->samplerate; config.release(true); } if (!applyEn) { SmGui::EndDisabled(); } if (_this->tempSamplerate != _this->samplerate) { SmGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), "Warning: Samplerate not applied yet"); } if (_this->running) { SmGui::EndDisabled(); } } void worker() { // Compute sizes int blockSize = samplerate / 200; int sampleSize = SAMPLE_TYPE_SIZE[sampType]; // Chose amount of bytes to attempt to read bool forceSize = (proto != PROTOCOL_UDP); int frameSize = sampleSize * (forceSize ? blockSize : STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE); // Allocate receive buffer uint8_t* buffer = dsp::buffer::alloc(frameSize); while (true) { // Read samples from socket int bytes = sock->recv(buffer, frameSize, forceSize); if (bytes <= 0) { break; } // Convert to CF32 (note: problem if partial sample) int count = bytes / sampleSize; switch (sampType) { case SAMPLE_TYPE_INT8: volk_8i_s32f_convert_32f((float*)stream.writeBuf, (int8_t*)buffer, 128.0f, count*2); break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_INT16: volk_16i_s32f_convert_32f((float*)stream.writeBuf, (int16_t*)buffer, 32768.0f, count*2); break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_INT32: volk_32i_s32f_convert_32f((float*)stream.writeBuf, (int32_t*)buffer, 2147483647.0f, count*2); break; case SAMPLE_TYPE_FLOAT32: memcpy(stream.writeBuf, buffer, bytes); break; default: break; } // Send out converted samples if (!stream.swap(count)) { break; } } // Free receive buffer dsp::buffer::free(buffer); } std::string name; bool enabled = true; dsp::stream stream; SourceManager::SourceHandler handler; bool running = false; double freq; int samplerate = 1000000; int tempSamplerate = 1000000; Protocol proto = PROTOCOL_UDP; int protoId; SampleType sampType = SAMPLE_TYPE_INT16; int sampTypeId; char hostname[1024] = "localhost"; int port = 1234; OptionList protocols; OptionList sampleTypes; std::thread workerThread; std::thread listenWorkerThread; std::mutex sockMtx; std::shared_ptr sock; std::shared_ptr listener; }; MOD_EXPORT void _INIT_() { json def = json({}); config.setPath(core::args["root"].s() + "/network_source_config.json"); config.load(def); config.enableAutoSave(); } MOD_EXPORT ModuleManager::Instance* _CREATE_INSTANCE_(std::string name) { return new NetworkSourceModule(name); } MOD_EXPORT void _DELETE_INSTANCE_(ModuleManager::Instance* instance) { delete (NetworkSourceModule*)instance; } MOD_EXPORT void _END_() { config.disableAutoSave(); config.save(); }