mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 07:13:58 +01:00
280 lines
10 KiB
280 lines
10 KiB
#pragma once
#include <dsp/processor.h>
#include <utils/flog.h>
#include <fftw3.h>
#include "dab_phase_sym.h"
namespace dab {
class CyclicSync : public dsp::Processor<dsp::complex_t, dsp::complex_t> {
using base_type = dsp::Processor<dsp::complex_t, dsp::complex_t>;
CyclicSync() {}
// TODO: The default AGC rate is probably way too fast, plot out the avgCorr to see how much it moves
CyclicSync(dsp::stream<dsp::complex_t>* in, double symbolLength, double cyclicPrefixLength, double samplerate, float agcRate = 1e-3) { init(in, symbolLength, cyclicPrefixLength, samplerate, agcRate); }
void init(dsp::stream<dsp::complex_t>* in, double symbolLength, double cyclicPrefixLength, double samplerate, float agcRate = 1e-3) {
// Computer the number of samples for the symbol and its cyclic prefix
symbolSamps = round(samplerate * symbolLength);
prefixSamps = round(samplerate * cyclicPrefixLength);
// Allocate and clear the delay buffer
delayBuf = dsp::buffer::alloc<dsp::complex_t>(STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE + 64000);
dsp::buffer::clear(delayBuf, symbolSamps);
// Allocate and clear the history buffer
histBuf = dsp::buffer::alloc<dsp::complex_t>(prefixSamps);
dsp::buffer::clear(histBuf, prefixSamps);
// Compute the delay input addresses
delayBufInput = &delayBuf[symbolSamps];
// Compute the correlation AGC configuration
this->agcRate = agcRate;
agcRateInv = 1.0f - agcRate;
void reset() {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lck(base_type::ctrlMtx);
int run() {
int count = base_type::_in->read();
if (count < 0) { return -1; }
// Copy the data into the normal delay buffer
memcpy(delayBufInput, base_type::_in->readBuf, count * sizeof(dsp::complex_t));
// Flush the input stream
// Do cross-correlation
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// Get the current history slot
dsp::complex_t* slot = &histBuf[histId++];
// Wrap around the history slot index (TODO: Check that the history buffer's length is correct)
histId %= prefixSamps;
// Kick out last value from the correlation
corr -= *slot;
// Save input value and compute the new prodct
dsp::complex_t val = delayBuf[i];
dsp::complex_t prod = val.conj()*delayBuf[i+symbolSamps];
// Add the new value to the correlation
*slot = prod;
// Add the new value to the history buffer
corr += prod;
// Compute sample amplitude
float rcorr = corr.amplitude();
// If a high enough peak is reached, reset the symbol counter
if (rcorr > avgCorr && rcorr > peakCorr) { // Note keeping an average level might not be needed
peakCorr = rcorr;
peakLCorr = lastCorr;
samplesSincePeak = 0;
// If this is the sample right after the peak, save it
if (samplesSincePeak == 1) {
peakRCorr = rcorr;
// Write the sample to the output
out.writeBuf[samplesSincePeak++] = val;
// If the end of the symbol is reached, send it off
if (samplesSincePeak >= symbolSamps) {
if (!out.swap(symbolSamps)) {
return -1;
samplesSincePeak = 0;
peakCorr = 0;
// Update the average correlation
lastCorr = rcorr;
// Update the average correlation value
avgCorr = agcRate*rcorr + agcRateInv*avgCorr;
// Move unused data
memmove(delayBuf, &delayBuf[count], symbolSamps * sizeof(dsp::complex_t));
return count;
int symbolSamps;
int prefixSamps;
int histId = 0;
dsp::complex_t* histBuf;
dsp::complex_t* delayBuf;
dsp::complex_t* delayBufInput;
dsp::complex_t corr = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
int samplesSincePeak = 0;
float lastCorr = 0.0f;
float peakCorr = 0.0f;
float peakLCorr = 0.0f;
float peakRCorr = 0.0f;
// Note only required for DAB
float avgCorr = 0.0f;
float agcRate;
float agcRateInv;
class FrameFreqSync : public dsp::Processor<dsp::complex_t, dsp::complex_t> {
using base_type = dsp::Processor<dsp::complex_t, dsp::complex_t>;
FrameFreqSync() {}
FrameFreqSync(dsp::stream<dsp::complex_t>* in, float agcRate = 0.01f) { init(in, agcRate); }
void init(dsp::stream<dsp::complex_t>* in, float agcRate = 0.01f) {
// Allocate buffers
amps = dsp::buffer::alloc<float>(2048);
conjRef = dsp::buffer::alloc<dsp::complex_t>(2048);
corrIn = (dsp::complex_t*)fftwf_alloc_complex(2048);
corrOut = (dsp::complex_t*)fftwf_alloc_complex(2048);
// Copy the phase reference
memcpy(conjRef, DAB_PHASE_SYM_CONJ, 2048 * sizeof(dsp::complex_t));
// Plan the FFT computation
plan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d(2048, (fftwf_complex*)corrIn, (fftwf_complex*)corrOut, FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
// Compute the correlation AGC configuration
this->agcRate = agcRate;
agcRateInv = 1.0f - agcRate;
void reset() {
std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> lck(base_type::ctrlMtx);
int run() {
int count = base_type::_in->read();
if (count < 0) { return -1; }
// Apply frequency shift
lv_32fc_t phase = lv_cmake(1.0f, 0.0f);
lv_32fc_t phaseDelta = lv_cmake(cos(offset), sin(offset));
#if VOLK_VERSION >= 030100
volk_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator2_32fc((lv_32fc_t*)_in->readBuf, (lv_32fc_t*)_in->readBuf, phaseDelta, &phase, count);
volk_32fc_s32fc_x2_rotator_32fc((lv_32fc_t*)_in->readBuf, (lv_32fc_t*)_in->readBuf, phaseDelta, &phase, count);
// Compute the amplitude amplitude of all samples
volk_32fc_magnitude_32f(amps, (lv_32fc_t*)_in->readBuf, 2048);
// Compute the average signal level by adding up all values
float level = 0.0f;
volk_32f_accumulator_s32f(&level, amps, 2048);
// Detect a frame sync condition
if (level < avgLvl * 0.5f) {
// Reset symbol counter
sym = 1;
// Update the average level
avgLvl = agcRate*level + agcRateInv*avgLvl;
// Flush the input stream and return
return count;
// Update the average level
avgLvl = agcRate*level + agcRateInv*avgLvl;
// Handle phase reference
if (sym == 1) {
// Output the symbols (DEBUG ONLY)
memcpy(corrIn, _in->readBuf, 2048 * sizeof(dsp::complex_t));
volk_32fc_magnitude_32f(amps, (lv_32fc_t*)corrOut, 2048);
int outCount = 0;
dsp::complex_t pi4 = { cos(3.1415926535*0.25), sin(3.1415926535*0.25) };
for (int i = -767; i < 768; i++) {
if (!i) { continue; }
int cid0 = ((i-1) >= 0) ? (i-1) : 2048+(i-1);
int cid1 = (i >= 0) ? i : 2048+i;;
out.writeBuf[outCount++] = pi4 * (corrOut[cid1] * corrOut[cid0].conj()) * (1.0f/(amps[cid0]*amps[cid0]));
// Multiply the samples with the conjugated phase reference signal
volk_32fc_x2_multiply_32fc((lv_32fc_t*)corrIn, (lv_32fc_t*)_in->readBuf, (lv_32fc_t*)conjRef, 2048);
// Compute the FFT of the product
// Compute the amplitude of the bins
volk_32fc_magnitude_32f(amps, (lv_32fc_t*)corrOut, 2048);
// Locate highest power bin
uint32_t peakId;
volk_32f_index_max_32u(&peakId, amps, 2048);
// Obtain the value of the bins next to the peak
float peakL = amps[(peakId + 2047) % 2048];
float peakR = amps[(peakId + 1) % 2048];
// Compute the integer frequency offset
float offInt = (peakId < 1024) ? (float)peakId : ((float)peakId - 2048.0f);
// Compute the frequency offset in rad/samp
float off = 3.1415926535f * (offInt + ((peakR - peakL) / (peakR + peakL))) * (1.0f / 1024.0f);
// Run control loop
offset -= 0.1f*off;
flog::debug("Offset: {} Hz, Error: {} Hz, Avg Level: {}", offset * (0.5f/3.1415926535f)*2.048e6, off * (0.5f/3.1415926535f)*2.048e6, avgLvl);
// Increment the symbol counter
// Flush the input stream and return
return count;
fftwf_plan plan;
float* amps;
dsp::complex_t* conjRef;
dsp::complex_t* corrIn;
dsp::complex_t* corrOut;
int sym;
float offset = 0.0f;
float avgLvl = 0.0f;
float agcRate;
float agcRateInv;